The American Scripture

Chapter 1232: perfect

Hot recommendation: ,,,,,,,

Many people's eyes were focused on Fei Bingbing's body. The camera was chasing her, and the camera with a sliding track next to her kept chasing her. The camera on the helicopter also locked her early in the morning. This is the most critical photography, of course, besides her, there is also a camera chasing Yi Fei who is running down.

So a dozen cameras were chasing two people running down. Bit also spared no expense and must take this thrilling shot well. And this time there are reporters from different news media here. They pay more attention to Yi Fei who has no security measures. You can actually take thrilling shots that many men dare not shoot like this. Maybe they have already thought about the title of tomorrow.

Yi Fei rushed to the first floor. The slope-like glass wall had come to an end, but Yi Fei's castration remained unabated. A backflip jumped from a backflip about seven or eight meters high on the first floor. Suddenly, there was an exclamation of "Oh--", but before the exclamation was over, I saw Yi Fei fall from the air and tumble forward on the ground. She drew her pistol and played the villain in front The guy with the gun shot.

"Puff puff puff" bullets hit them, and they were splashed with blood, and they were hit to the end one by one. The scene of Yi Fei ends here. Although she has not entered the country, she still cooperates with the scene, holding a gun and guarding the surroundings. But she was still more worried about Fei Bingbing, who was still running down.

※The filming of Yi Fei's scene was over, and everyone turned their eyes to Fei Bingbing. At this time, Fei Bingbing had already ran to the middle distance, because some of the glass in front had been exploded. So she must go around some black holes. Because of the steel wire, she is more relaxed. Just be careful.

But just past the middle section, when sprinting towards the last few floors. Suddenly, Fei Bingbing's castration was not well grasped, and the whole person was suspended in the air, as if he was a spacewalk. Everyone’s hearts were hanging up at this time. Even Christine couldn’t help covering his mouth and shouting "Oh my God!", but because the wire was still hanging, it was not Too worried.

Fei Bingbing also felt that his steps were a bit big this time, and as a result, his body couldn't control his posture and he flew straight away. The main thing about rushing to the **** is to prevent one's body from escaping into the air. There is no way now. Because of this, it will affect the subsequent shooting progress. If you have to do it again, you have to remake the props and take another adventure. She didn't want to, so when she gritted her teeth and was swinging in the air, a forward somersault came.

Too risky, this is too risky for Fei Bingbing, who has no protection from any abilities. Although she has a wire on her body, it can't be her omnipotent safety guarantee. At this time, Yi Fei didn't care about acting anymore, covering her mouth with her hands, she screamed. She was indeed worried about Fei Bingbing.

Fei Bingbing is betting. I was also working hard for this drama, even with the safety wire, this kind of action is very dangerous. Even a madman like Bit would not allow such actions to occur. Besides, Fei Bingbing is still a woman now. So he shouted loudly: "Stop, stop."

The words just fell. I heard someone exclaim loudly: "The wire is broken!" This sentence immediately made everyone's hearts tremble. The wire was broken and there was no time to think carefully. Most people just felt that their minds were empty. The bag includes Bit and Yi Fei beside them.

Yes, the wire is broken. Just when Bit yelled "Stop." Because the staff did not operate properly, or did not know how to operate, Fei Bingbing completed the tumbling action in the air, but the staff did not follow up and adjust in time. , Causing the wire to be unbearable and broke in the middle.

Not only the staff who were watching but also the reporters were blank in their minds. Even Christine and Yi Fei were blank in their minds. They couldn't even think of using their abilities to protect Fei Bingbing, just stunned. At a loss, they are at a loss, after all, they have not yet used such a voluntary response to save people. Maybe it happened to them to save themselves, but for others, the reaction time is too late.

"Ah--" someone finally screamed. But Fei Bingbing's body still showed a graceful posture when she fell, but once she landed, she might fall directly into the hole of the blown glass. If she was lucky enough, she might not fall, but it would let her She couldn't control her body, and then rolled down ahead of her head. The final result would not be too good, and it might even kill her.

"This is over!" When Fei Bingbing was in the air, when the wire broke, her heart sank suddenly and her eyes closed. She felt that she was really over. I closed my eyes and prepared to withstand the impact of the fall, but when my body was about to fall, I suddenly felt that the surrounding air had become solidified. It wrapped her tightly, and the air continued to flow, following the air. Circulation, adjuster her posture in the air.

"Zhen!" Fei Bingbing's sensitive capture brought this change, and the feeling brought by this wire is even safer. It was Zhen, this was the first reaction in her heart, and then she suddenly opened her eyes, landed on a piece of glass steadily in the air flow, and then rushed down with a very good posture.

"God, how did this happen?" Gary first yelled. He has been insisting on his shooting, even if Fei Bingbing had an accident. I have to say that he is the most devoted guy. . But this guy couldn't help but marvel at this scene.

"It's Zhen, it must be him, this **** guy, I know that as long as he is here, safety is guaranteed!" Bit suddenly cursed, then looked back at Zhen Fan with a smile on his face, and faced him. Thumbs up. Express your gratitude to him and know how important this is to Bit.

"Oh yeah-" Kristen saw this scene, suddenly squeezed his fist, raised his arm, yelled loudly, and then slammed down to Zhen Fan's side, hugged him, and kissed his lips. On Zhen Fan's mouth, he suddenly let go, "Thank you, you are great!"

It seemed that Kristen immediately understood that it was Zhen Fan who protected Fei Bingbing. Let Fei Bingbing's next performance be completed. Not just barely finished, but very wonderfully finished. Fei Bingbing's heart suddenly became solid, even more solid than hanging a wire, so in the middle of the way, another forward somersault came, and then landed steadily, and continued to run towards the front. At the end, from the first floor On the platform, a fancy kick came directly.

If this action is in the actual chase, it will have no effect, and it will even become a target for the enemy's attack, but in the movie, this action is so gorgeous, and then steadily landed. She is like a parkour master, completing a distance that shocked the world.

The reporters got excited. This is a gimmick and a hot spot! After they waited for Fei Bingbing to land, when director Bit announced "ok", they immediately swarmed to interview Fei Bingbing. This plot reversal is really exciting, stimulating their adrenal glands and still making them in a state of excitement.

"How did you do it? The danger of this action is too high, and... your action almost violates the laws of physics, but you did it with human power. It's amazing, you are amazing Women, what is your mood now?" This is a question from a female reporter.

"With your skill, you can use the wire completely. Why do you still choose the wire instead of playing without any protective measures like Yi Fei and Miss Stuart? Is this the film’s publicity strategy? Including the wire just now The scene that was cut off?" This is a male reporter.

Obviously, both men and women are very interested in Fei Bingbing's scene. Because of this change, this drama has a better publicity stunt. Originally, it was the unprotected thrilling action scenes of actresses like Christine and Yi Fei, so Fei Bingbing’s hanging wire made the drama a certain discount. But now... none of this is a problem anymore. Even the media questioned that Fei Bingbing can actually complete these shots with steel wire just to increase the gimmick. So the three women went into battle in person and challenged the thrilling scenes, which became the biggest attraction of the whole play.

When today’s shooting was over, Bit was very sighed, and said to Fei Bingbing: “You made our movie more interesting. God, I almost thought you were going to die. I didn’t dare to fall from the top. Imagine if you can survive. Thank God, you are very successful and make people look forward to the movie even more."

Maybe it's a survivor. After Fei Bingbing finished filming, he didn't speak much, and even the reporters kept silent. So when she was about to leave, she looked at Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan was packing her things and didn't look at her at all. Instead, Christine and Yi Fei walked towards her.

"You are so brave, you are the bravest woman I have ever seen." Christine hugged Fei Bingbing, and then smiled, "But... if there are such thrilling scenes in the future, I will definitely protect you. I am. This is the first time I have faced this situation, and I feel a little confused. This is my problem!"

"Don't blame yourself, I'm fine, really!" Fei Bingbing nodded, and was about to walk towards Zhen Fan. Yi Fei, who rushed to the side, hugged her with a shock of "Ah--" Yelled, and then threatened her ears, "If you have any problems, I will not let you go and scare me to death!" (To be continued...)

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