The American Scripture

Chapter 890: Wake up

When Yilan opened her eyes again, the figure in front of her was shaking constantly, gradually becoming clearer from blurry. . It was her husband, stepdaughter, and a stranger. The strange man seemed to be very familiar. The shadow circled in his mind, and suddenly he screamed in horror, then shrank into a ball of hands. Li also tightly grasped his own sheet and wrapped it around his chest. She looked around hastily, it was in her room.

"I... it's him... last night... who is he?" Yilan pointed at Zhen Fan and shouted loudly, watching Su Pan shouting, "He...he wanted..." She couldn't help but think of it. The scene of standing in front of this man with his body unobstructed last night, his whole body trembled again.

"We all know the process, Yilan... We all hope you can come back. Now that you are back, this is our greatest happiness!" Su Pan trembling hands, took Yilan's shoulder, nodded and said, "Zhen Zhen Sir, you can see that you lost your heart, so that... you did a lot of things you shouldn't do, but... all of this is over, you should come back to us!"

"What shouldn't be? It's's wrong... why am I in his room?" Yilan couldn't help covering her head, scratching her hair in pain, "I...I remembered Now, I should be in the master’s room, he wants to treat me, drink me a kind of medicine, and...then...Why can’t I remember anything now? I remember being in his room last night ... God... what's going on?"

Su Pan nodded solemnly and said, "This matter was originally meant to be known to you. You have been poisoned, lost your own nature, and been used by the master. He uses you to seduce some men for him to come. Practice a kind of evil head-down technique. So...for people like you, I don’t always stay at home, and Mana can’t control you even more. became his tool. Fortunately, Mr. Zhen saw through his Trick." As he said, he sighed.

" true? My God, could I..." Yilan was a little incoherent. But obviously, she didn't really believe what Suphan said. Just looking at him in confusion, as well as Mana and Zhen Fan. When her eyes fell on Zhen Fan's body. There was a visibly trembling.

"You can watch TV. The time on the TV won't lie to you. It's been several years. You should know it." Suphan said and turned on the TV in the bedroom. News is just playing on the TV. The time above just shows that it is today. All this made Yilan stunned as if struck by lightning.

Yes, her memory still remains when the master treated her a few years ago, and it was the time when she seduced Zhen Fan last night. Yilan froze for a while and couldn't help but let out a terrifying howl. Suphan wanted to comfort her, but Zhen Fan waved her hand at him, beckoning him not to touch her, and let her vent by herself.

After crying for a long time, even Mana on the side couldn't bear it. Reached out and handed her a handkerchief. She only understands now. The reason why my stepmother has become more and more indifferent to him in recent years. She still remembered that Yilan was good to herself, and everything before this was just another conspiracy, so she felt that she should no longer be indifferent to her, and gently handed the handkerchief to Yilan.

Yilan took it, sobbed and wiped away the tears, her mood stabilized a little. Then he looked at Su Pan pitifully: "I... I must have done a lot of sorry... things, do you... do you... want me? Have I become a shameful person? "

"You've always been my wife, what silly things are you saying, okay, okay, that's it! You take a good rest first, the gu worms in your body have not been driven out yet, so you may fall into it at any time The state before. Mr. Zhen will treat you. He is a well-known Chinese medicine doctor, and he is very famous in Los Angeles!"

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Zhen!" She said this sentence very sincerely, because she knew that she took off her clothes in front of Zhen Fan this time. Even though she knew that this was not what she wanted, she still... I am very grateful and ashamed for misunderstanding Zhen Fan and being able to get his treatment.

"No, you can rest at ease. Today I will help you clear the poison. Tomorrow, we will meet the master. I will go out first!" Zhen Fan said, nodded, and left, he I feel that this family should be given a time to spend alone, and it is not easy for an outsider to say or listen to it.

After coming out, Zhen Fan walked to the top of the building. The terrace here is very well repaired. It looks clearer during the day than at night. On the other side of the terrace, there is a swimming pool on the top floor. It seems that Suphan is also a person who is very particular about the enjoyment of life. Zhen Fan smiled and walked aside and looked outside. He began to have a great interest in this so-called master.

Today, I am not in a hurry to see him. Let's take a look at Yilan's Gu Poison first, and also understand his strength. Zhen Fan looked at the distant beach and couldn't help thinking.

I don’t know how long it took. Zhen Fan suddenly heard a voice next to him saying: "Mr. Zhen, thank you this time! Thanks to you, Yilan wakes up from the walking dead. You gave her a second life. It is also equivalent to giving me a complete family. I intend to forgive her. No matter what she has done, it is not her intention. She is very kind by nature!" Su Pan came over and he looked at Zhen Zhen. Fan said with some emotion.

"How is she?" Zhen Fan asked, she was just Yilan.

"Fell asleep, waking up from a nightmare, it has made her very tired. I asked Mana to watch her in the room, I was afraid she could not think about it. After all, a kind woman like her knew she had done so many evil things. It’s impossible to have a calm mood.” Su Pan looked at Zhen Fan with some worry, “Can her poison be eliminated?”

"It should be no problem!" Zhen Fan nodded, "Don't worry, I will force them out even if they are planted for a longer period of time. Don't worry! Just... I hope you don't have any grudges in your heart. . After all... to cure her gu poison, you must be naked. I know that Thais are also more traditional. I was still nervous last night. I would never do this if I hadn’t communicated with you in advance!"

"What are you talking about. I am also a believer in Buddhism. I know that this human body is just a skin. If I care too much, life will appear very tired. I can even accept her past. I can't bear it. How long do you look at her? I'm not such a stingy person." Suphan smiled relaxedly, "You scared me a while ago. I thought it was something very serious. If it were just like this, I would be relieved! "

"Haha, you are really a gentleman, I admire your mind!" Zhen Fan also laughed, and then looked at Su Pan, "You go down and prepare, and when she wakes up, we can help her remove Gu is poisoned."

"Ok, yes, what is needed, I must be ready!"

"It's very simple. Just get a basin of clean water and a set of silver needles for Chinese medicine. There is also a clean room, and... Let your servants have a holiday today, don't let this matter go out. "Zhen Fan gave a few simple instructions.

"Okay, there is no problem with all of this. I will prepare!" Suphan said goodbye to Zhen Fan and hurried out.

Zhen Fan remained alone on the top of the building. He liked to stand high and look down and think about problems. Obviously, this so-called master must have something to do with the lower-head master in New York, and it is very likely that this master's apprentice. And this so-called master might use his status as a monk to conceal the fact that he continued to practice the technique of descending the head.

After a while, Yilan came up, looked at Zhen Fan, and said lightly: "Mr. Zhen, my father is ready, and Yilan has also woke up, but the mood is still a little unstable. What do you think?"

"Come down with me. I'll help her get rid of the poison." Zhen Fan nodded to her, and then walked on, Su Pan was already ready. He handed Zhen Fan a set of silver needles, which he bought newly. Zhen Fan took it out and took a look, then nodded. It was a good silver needle.

"The clean room is here, come with me!" Suphan led Zhen Fan to a bungalow at the back of the villa and turned on the light. The decoration here is really clean and almost spotless. "This is what I usually learn about Buddhism. There is only one bed and some books on Buddhism. I just moved those books out."

"Very You can bring Yilan here. You can watch, but never make a sound. You can't make a sound when you see any situation, okay?" Zhen Fan looked at Su. Pan and Mana.

The two nodded quickly, and then went out. After a while, they helped Yilan over. Zhen Fan asked them to help Yilan to the bed, and then said, "Now is not the time to be shy. The poison in you must be cleared. Otherwise, you will fall into the same state as before. I am a The doctor, the doctor’s parents.” Zhen Fan opened her heart to Yilan. After all, this matter was still a little unwilling to do, and she was still in front of a stranger and her husband and stepdaughter, so she Still hesitated.

"Yilan, believe Mr. Zhen, he is a famous Chinese medicine doctor, he knows how to heal you, don't worry, and... don't care about your body, you and I are both Buddhists, so why bother to your own body? Besides, he is also your savior, relax!" Su Pan also persuaded him.

"You have to trust Mr. Zhen!" Mana also nodded to her in encouragement.

"Well, I believe you!" Yilan finally nodded, and then began to untie her clothes. It was still the very loose pajamas, the straps were untied, the pajamas slipped off, and her beautiful body was exposed in front of everyone. (To be continued...)

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