The American Scripture

Chapter 913: If there are more than 100 million dollars

Fei Bingbing is of course qualified to say that. Since Chenghu invited her to make a Kung Fu movie, she seems to have been doing guns and knives many times. 》] So although she can occasionally pick up one or two emotional drama movies, she has not much room to play, so she has always wanted to seek transformation.

"Well, then my movie is not suitable for you!" Zhen Fan said with a smile, "Don't be so frustrated, there will always be movies you play. By the way, why did you invite me over today? If I can If I help you!" He looked at Fei Bingbing and smiled. He admired Fei Bingbing, a Chinese woman who wandered around in Hollywood alone. But with the club that Zhen Fan joined, and the exchange of terms between Zhen Fan and those old guys, there may be more Chinese in Hollywood in the future. Of course...If you want to be accepted by mainstream Western movies, you have to wait for a long time. It doesn't mean that if people enter, Eastern movies and thinking will enter the mainstream Western world.

Two people chatting is nothing more than talking about movies. Speaking of Zhen Fan's action movies, Fei Bingbing looked at Zhen Fan seriously and said, "I know you are great, but this movie should be your first action movie? I remember you only have two in total. The movie, of course, this one is still in preparation, of course it can’t be forgotten, and... the commercial, the one of us, can’t be counted either!"

"Isn't my first movie an action movie? I remember I was running in a movie!" Zhen Fan smiled, "So... I always thought my first movie was an action movie. And... I also show muscles or something! This is not an action movie? It has all the elements of an action movie. Beautiful women, muscles and running, and a bunch of bad guys eliminated by muscle men, isn't it?"

"A group of bad guys wiped out by muscle men?" Fei Bingbing couldn't help but smiled. "There are no bad guys in your movie, okay? So... I said it, it's not an action movie!"

"Well, those bad guys are crocodiles. Is there anyone worse than crocodiles?" Zhen Fan grinned. "Even if it's crocodiles, that's an action movie, okay. Now you are shooting an action movie with a professional People chat together, what can I regret? I will introduce you to you another day, if there is a suitable movie for you!"

Fei Bingbing didn't take it seriously either. Because she knows that even if Zhen Fan mixes well in Hollywood, it's just that the popularity is better, and the movie is determined by the market. She can only be kind to Zhen Fan casually.

"But... I didn't want you to take care of me today. I'm here to thank you, of course... More importantly, I plan to see Yi Fei, you know... I haven't seen her for a long time, including Your children, to be honest, I really want to see such a baby, I like children!" Fei Bingbing had a gentle smile on his face. hard to imagine. A person who looks so strong on the outside, yet so gentle.

"No problem. You are welcome at any time. When your movie is finished, we will make an appointment again and I will pick you up." Zhen Fan smiled at Fei Bingbing, "Will you return to China? When the movie is over here?"

"Of course, here... I have few friends, only you and Yi Fei!" Fei Bingbing smiled, "Feng Daran is going to talk to me about one of his movies. I know it is also very important to me. Importantly, while developing here, I cannot give up the domestic market!"

"I know, I know, well, let's meet Yi Fei first, and then we can meet in China." Zhen Fan nodded to Fei Bingbing, "The ones I am with in Hollywood... are those who are very powerful. The old man reached an agreement that I can let more Chinese people enter Hollywood. After all, here... there are many things ahead of us, including ideas, etc. I hope that more of us will come here to learn, maybe... …It's considered to be a contribution to our movie!" He smiled at Fei Bingbing, "This agreement is valid forever, until the old guys are dead!"

"Wow-it's great, thank you Zhen, I didn't expect you to do these things for Chinese movies... Just like when Chinese medicine was included in American medical insurance. You are really great!" Fei Bingbing sincerely Said, "But... how many years can those old guys live?"

"Uh, with me, they will continue to grow old, of course... this is to ensure that the transaction between me and them is reached!" Zhen Fan smiled happily, "I am a member of the club that they refuse to tie., just before this, all this is like...unbelievable, I don't even know that Hollywood has such a powerful organization, of course, this organization controls everything, it's incredible!"

Zhen Fanlian said two incredible things. Fei Bingbing's mouth grew wide and looked at Zhen Fan in surprise. She couldn't close her for a long time. Then she slightly owed herself to her and performed a Western manner to Zhen Fan, "It's incredible. This sentence should be for me. That's right, yes, you surprised me again... I know you are amazing, but... I was surprised to be able to enter this club! Oh, my God, you really surprised me, it's too much Great. Are you talking about deals with the most powerful old guys in Hollywood at these clubs?"

"Of course, otherwise...what do you think?" Zhen Fan shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, my God, it's incredible!" Fei Bingbing was surprised to cover her mouth with her hand, not letting herself make too much exclamation, because her heart was truly shaken.

"Do you know such a club?" Zhen Fan looked at Fei Bingbing's surprised expression.

"Of course, as long as you want to mix in Hollywood, there is no one who doesn't know about this club, but...for the average Hollywood person, it is a legend, high above, controlling everything in Hollywood, no matter what, you... This is incredible. I have only heard of it, and I have not even seen one of them. Of course... I don’t know, who is one of them? No one knows the club. Who are there? Many names are just guessing, no...I know, now...I know one, that's you——Zhen Fan!" Fei Bingbing smiled and said, then smiled at Zhen Fan. "Don't worry, I won't say anything. I promise, I keep it secret!"

"Of course, it must be kept secret. I don't want people to look at myself with different eyes. This feeling is weird, just like an orangutan in a zoo." Zhen Fan smiled.

"Are you a local tyrant or a pretentious posture?" Fei Bingbing gave him an angry look, and then couldn't help but laughed, "I really admire your luck, it's great. Why don't you go? How about buying lottery tickets?"

"I want to buy lottery tickets too!" Zhen Fan smiled. "But my wealth is not accumulated by this. Of course, I don't know if I buy it once in a while. Do you have such an interest? Don't let me buy one. "

"Uh, of course it's good!" Fei Bingbing showed interest. Who doesn't want to win the lottery? "I know that the prize money in the lottery pool this time is about 230 million U.S. dollars. If the tax goes out, we can still get more than 100 million. If there is so much money, I don't know what to do?"

"Will you give up filming?" Zhen Fan suddenly asked.

"Give up filming? No, no, no, I won't, I won't say that art is my life, I will dedicate my life to art. This is just what I want to do. At that time, I just wanted to find a job to support myself. You see that we have so many classmates, but not many really become stars. So many people's first job is to support themselves." Fei Bingbing laughed. , "It was the same for me."

"So... you have better luck than them, because you are much better than most of them now!" Zhen Fan nodded, Fei Bingbing is indeed a very successful female star in China, and from time to time. He also admires one of the female celebrities who are popular by selling her hue.

"Of course, so after the first task to support myself, people's goals will not be satisfied with the present, so I want to be able to play one or two better movies, and then make myself famous. But I have achieved half of this goal. I am considered a famous female star in China." Fei Bingbing smiled again, "So I have another goal!"

"Uh, the next goal is to be famous internationally, to be popular all over the world, not Asia!" Zhen Fan pointed his finger at her, "I know this."

"Yes, my goal now is to become a real international superstar, not like that woman. I just played a supporting role in one or two not-so-famous movies, so I can claim to be an international superstar. I don't want to be so exaggerated, I want to be a true international superstar, and have my own place at the Oscars. I hope to get a golden figure! Just like you!" Fei Bingbing said, casting a wink at Zhen Fan.

"Don't look at me like that, I won't be able to bear it!" Zhen Fan smiled, deliberately salivating, causing Fei Bingbing to cover his mouth and laugh happily.

"So... after talking so much, you haven't said how you arranged the more than 100 million dollars you said!" Zhen Fan reminded her with a smile at this time, "but... let me guess, you will definitely Ask a very famous Hollywood director, and then ask a Hollywood superstar to partner with you, be the heroine yourself, invest in a movie that makes you feel very perfect, and want to use this to get a golden man !" (To be continued...)

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