The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 39 This is love! (Trump)

Penelope Crevat has always been very confident in her charm.

Even looking at Hogwarts, she is among the top three girls that boys want to date - of course, that is, assuming there is such a list.

So Penello has always believed that only the legendary Veela can steadily beat her in terms of charm. But Veela are legendary creatures after all, and their charm is so unreasonable that they have no comparative value.

In fact, Penello also attracted the admiration of many boys because of his charm. In the past year alone, she had received no fewer than fifty confession letters from boys in other colleges.

As for the Ravenclaw students, most of them would confess their love in person and then be gently rejected by Penello, without exception.

The reason why Penello has always rejected other boys' confessions is not because she rejects love. On the contrary, she always hoped to have a sweet relationship before graduation. Just out of her confidence in her own charm, she always believed that she deserved someone better - at least a boy who was also a prefect would have to confess his love to her before she would seriously consider it.

For example, Gryffindor Percy Weasley confessed to her last year, but she declined at that time. And now that Percy Weasley is the prefect of Gryffindor, he will probably confess to him again.

Originally, if there were no accidents, she might actually agree to the other party's confession.

But it's different now. When Penelo saw Ash for the first time, she was deeply attracted to him. There seemed to be a special magic about him that fascinated her and made her unable to extricate herself. Penello even felt that she was no different from the men who were attracted to Veela and were addicted to it.

But there is no way Ash is a Veela, because everyone knows that Veela blood can only be passed down among women.

That's because she drank the love potion, so she fell in love with him without hesitation.

But that was impossible, Penello had never drank any of the liquid Ash handed her - except this time.

So when Penelow eliminates all other wrong answers, what remains is true, no matter how unbelievable:

This is love.

Yes, that's the only answer.

Whatever the reason, she fell in love with Ash at first sight!

"wait wait wait……"

Penello's eyes were blurry, and he pushed Ash away with some difficulty, breathing rapidly and saying:

"You are too young, we can't go on like this..."

Ash, who was pushed away, stood there blankly, looking down at the ground, looking a little at a loss.

But in fact, there was no emotion in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

He was indeed quite young, only in his early 100s, and compared to Nick Flamel, he was a complete child.

So there's really nothing wrong with it.

Ash was not surprised by Penelo's reaction.

If Penello really wanted to refuse, he should have pushed him away as soon as possible and decisively ended the relationship. But she chose to push Ash away in a hurry only when the process was at the end and both parties were out of breath - after everything was done, was there any point in pushing him away or not?

It's just that he didn't dare to go further. After all, this dormitory does not belong to Penello alone. The other prefects will come back at any time.

Ash is not in a hurry for success, he just takes his time, where is this?

"I'm sorry, Penelo-senpai."

Ash had the courage to admit his mistake and said guiltily: "I just...I don't know why..."

The blush on Penello's face had not dissipated, but seeing Ash's ashamed look, he gently comforted:

"It's okay, it's not your fault."

"Then let's..."

A blush flashed across the girl's face and she whispered:

"Ash, let us forget what happened just now, okay? You, you are still too young, this is not good for your health..."

Ash lowered his head in disappointment, but quickly caught the loophole in Penelo's words and asked with some expectation:

"Can I just wait until I grow up?"

"Then we have to wait until you grow up." Penello's eyes were a little dodgeful. Although she didn't resist going further with Ash, she couldn't let a girl take the initiative in this kind of thing, right?

Ash didn't click through as before and asked further:

"So, Penelo-senpai will wait for me to grow up, right?"

"Hmm~" Penello was speechless and hesitated to answer.

"Yes?" Ash continued to ask.

After all, the purity of his Veela bloodline is too low, so the 'accident' just now is likely to lead to two results -

First, Peneiro decided to wait until he grew up before moving on.

Secondly, Penello did not want to make the same mistake again and chose to find other boys to pretend to be in a relationship in order to break off this inappropriate relationship.

Although the possibility of the second outcome was slim, Ash didn't want to gamble.

As for why Ash is so proficient, it is mainly due to his talent - acquired talent is also a talent!

Penelope didn't know what Ash was thinking, but she thought she could understand Ash's current mood. The worry about gains and losses was very uncomfortable, so he desperately wanted an answer.

Penello said softly:

"I don't plan to date anyone else for the time being, at least not until graduation."

"I will stay in school for two more years. If you still like me after two years, maybe by then..."

Senior Penello's voice stopped suddenly, and a blush stained her fair neck.

Ash will be in his third year in two years, and he can go to Hogsmeade in his third year...

After all, there are still many things in Hogwarts that are very inconvenient. For example, they don't even have separate rooms, and it's easy to be caught doing bad things. But if it was in Hogsmeade, there would be no such restriction. She could build a house of her own there, settle there like other wizards, get married and have children...

Senpai Penello's head was almost filled with steam, she couldn't think about it anymore!

"all in all……"

She hurriedly wanted to repair her image, but at this moment the door of the dormitory was suddenly opened.


A girl wearing a robe and with short brown hair entered the room. She looked at the two people in the room with some surprise and said strangely:

"Penello? And Mr. Black, the first grader? What are you doing?"

She wears the same badge as Penello on her chest. She is obviously a prefect of Ravenclaw, and her name is Elsa Rhea.

Penello was the prefect of fifth grade and she was the prefect of sixth grade.

At this time, Senior Sister Aisha's suspicious eyes were flowing on Ash and Penello.

Penello lowered his head to hide his evasive eyes, and said in an erratic tone:

"Nothing to do, we are just chatting normally..."

Ash shook his head, why would Zhen Chang insist on being normal? Didn't you notice that Aisha-senpai's suspicion could no longer be hidden?

"It was my fault."

Ash, who was brave enough to admit his mistakes, could only take the initiative to speak to divert Senior Elsa's attention.

Penelo was startled on the bed.

Ash looked at Senior Aisha standing at the door and said sincerely:

"Actually, I want to entrust Senior Penello to bring me some snacks back from Honeydukes."

At Hogwarts, younger students can only move around the castle on weekends.

But as an upperclassman, Penelope gets to go to Hogsmeade, where Honeydukes is a candy store.

The magical candies sold there are very popular among the students and teachers of Hogwarts, and they are always crowded with customers every weekend.

Senior Aisha's face showed a look of sudden realization. She looked at Penello sitting on the bed and said with a smile:

"So that's it, then why are you closing the door? I thought..."


Penello also recovered at this time, she pretended to be angry and said:

"Senior Elsa, please don't be too outrageous, okay? Ash is only in first grade!"

Aisha was startled by Penelo's attitude, and then realized that Penelo's face was red with anger at her joke, and she hurriedly waved her hand to explain:

"Sorry, I didn't mean that... No, I meant that... It's not right either, it's all my fault anyway!"

That's right, it's your fault!

Penelo and Ash thought at the same time.

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