The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 42 Isn’t it common sense to expose one’s belly when apologizing?


A wolf howl sounded from the quiet and dark forest, followed by a second and third howl, and the howls of the wolves broke the silence of the forest.

A giant wolf with silver-gray hair appeared on a boulder not far away, looking down at Ash.

In the dark forest, a pair of eyes as big as copper bells with green light lit up. They were wolves, or in other words, a pack of wolves. Each of them arched their backs menacingly, growling lowly from time to time, revealing their sharp white teeth.

But without the order from the alpha wolf, none of them dared to step forward.

Ash also made no move, calmly watching the giant wolves preparing to attack with his peripheral vision.

There are no wolves in the Forbidden Forest, at least no ordinary wolves, and the wolves in front of you are obviously much larger than ordinary wild wolves. Even if they are hunched over, they are clearly one head taller than an adult!

They are very big and beautiful, with soft fur that makes you want to stroke them.

"Where did these wolves come from?"

Ash murmured softly, his brows furrowing deeper.

There were no werewolves in the Forbidden Forest, at least not a hundred years ago.

Because the werewolf race is too ferocious, even more ferocious than trolls! Especially on full-moon nights, werewolves will completely lose their minds and begin to crazily kill all creatures in sight.

And there happens to be a full moon night every month, which means that werewolves will cause endless killings every month. Such a high frequency is enough to cause all the magical animals in the Forbidden Forest to be slaughtered, and it may even affect the students at Hogwarts!

It is for this reason that, although new magical animals are always being sent here to thrive in the Forbidden Forest, werewolves are the only exception.

Werewolves are born in two ways:

First, the offspring of a werewolf and a werewolf must be werewolves.

Second, people bitten by a werewolf on a full moon night will turn into a werewolf.

In addition, there is a very special situation when werewolves mate.

That is, if two werewolves mate in wolf form during a full moon, the werewolves will give birth to a litter of real wolf pups, who are indistinguishable from real wolves but possess near-human intelligence. The most important thing is that these wolf cubs will neither turn into humans nor will they appear like werewolves on a full moon night.

There is no doubt that these wolves are in this special situation.

Although they are the descendants of werewolves, they cannot become humans or go crazy, but their intelligence is the same as that of humans.

This is why Dumbledore felt free to put these giant wolves in the Forbidden Forest. He was not worried that these giant wolves would harm the students. Because they are wise enough to weigh the pros and cons, they are fully aware of the consequences of harming students.

Therefore, although wolves howling are often heard in the Forbidden Forest, no one has ever seen these giant wolves, and there is no case of giant wolves hurting people. It's because these giant wolves don't dare to hurt students.

Dumbledore probably introduced werewolves with the intention of studying them. Whether you want to cure werewolves or study the weaknesses of werewolves, these sane werewolves are excellent samples.

Of course, the situation Ash is encountering now is undoubtedly a special case.

Ash glanced at the werewolves one by one with vigilance. He didn't think he had offended these werewolves in any way. Unless he just inadvertently broke into the territory of the werewolf, this is possible. After all, the werewolf itself is also a social creature with a strong sense of territory.

They will be instinctively hostile to creatures that invade their territory.

But even if he really strays into the territory of werewolves, these werewolves should not dare to hurt him.

If you really want to kill him, you should launch a sneak attack from the darkness at the beginning instead of exposing yourself with a wolf howl.

Therefore, their purpose is more of deterrence.

Wanting to get Ash out of their territory.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, he can be safe as long as he leaves the werewolf's territory.

But Ash had another idea - he wanted to study werewolves!

In particular, this kind of werewolf that cannot turn into a human, but does not go crazy, may be of great help to his research on "witches transform into magical creatures".

A hundred years ago, he actually wanted to find this kind of werewolf for experiments. Unfortunately, most werewolves were hidden very deep. The speed of information dissemination a hundred years ago was not as fast as it is today. Even if the werewolf Ash really appeared somewhere, It was impossible to get information in time, let alone capture the werewolf.

And now that we have encountered these werewolves, of course we cannot just let them go!

But you can't kill them, otherwise these werewolves may fight against the wizard regardless of the consequences of harming him.

Must be caught alive.

"So, you have to use a sense of proportion."

Ash glanced to the right out of the corner of his eye, and saw a giant wolf sneaking closer under the cover of night, but its snow-white hair as clear as ice and snow was like a bright light in the dark night, making it difficult not to notice it.

You can't be too cruel, and you can't be helpless.



Ash suddenly waved his wand at the giant wolf, and in an instant, raging fire spread rapidly around him with him as the center!


The giant wolf that was approaching quietly was startled by this sudden change and jumped back to avoid the incoming flames.

But at this moment, the silver-gray wolf on the boulder suddenly howled menacingly and suddenly rushed towards Ash!

Ash immediately turned the wand around, but before he could utter the spell, the alpha wolf had already thrown the target to the ground - not Ash, but the giant white wolf that sneaked up on Ash just now!


The giant white wolf that was knocked down did not dare to resist at all, but just screamed in pain and let the alpha wolf bite, leaving a large number of bloody wounds on its originally soft and perfect hair.

Ash's expression was subtle. Even he couldn't understand it now. Why was there still internal strife? It doesn’t look like acting!

It is not uncommon for an alpha wolf to bite other wolves, but that usually happens when the alpha wolf's status is challenged. But the giant white wolf obviously did nothing. Is hunting also a sin?

It's not impossible, these werewolves are far more intelligent than ordinary wild wolves.

Perhaps in their perception, hunting without authorization is considered a provocation against the alpha wolf. Of course, it could also be because of the ban on werewolves not harming wizards, and the alpha wolf was worried that if the wolf hurt Ash, it would implicate the entire pack.

No matter what the situation is, it can be a reason for the alpha wolf to attack the white wolf.

After a while, the giant snow-white wolf limped closer to Ash under the threat of the alpha wolf's growl.

Ash's eyes were alert and he didn't take action rashly, but he wasn't worried about the giant wolf suddenly attacking.

Five meters away from Ash, he suddenly lay on the ground with his soft belly exposed.

"?" Ash slowly typed a question mark.

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