Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office.

Behind the desk, Dumbledore held the quill and wrote on a piece of paper. Occasionally, he would put down the quill completely and look deep in thought.

As the Headmaster of Hogwarts, all the portraits and ghosts in the castle are his eyes. Except for the common rooms of each college, almost everything in the castle was under his gaze.

He would often use this advantage to observe the students in the school to identify those students with outstanding talents and carry out key training.

In Dumbledore's eyes, Ash is such a talent.

He was obviously a person from a hundred years ago, but his thinking was no different from that of people today. You must know that a hundred years ago, not to mention the discrimination between Muggle wizards and pure-blood wizards, men's discrimination against women was just as serious at that time. Among Muggles at that time, women did not even have the right to vote.

Dumbledore was also a person of that era, so he knew how deeply the environment affected people. And Ash grew up in such an environment, but he was able to have no prejudice against women, which is undoubtedly very precious.

While in Diagon Alley, Ash clearly didn't know the identities of Cassandra Malfoy and Harry Potter, but he was still able to treat them equally without any prejudice. He was even able to convince Malfoy's daughter to accept his reasoning, which shows that he is kind-hearted and sincere towards others.

He could accurately read Snape's thoughts and take the initiative to connect him with Harry, but he did not take the initiative to delve into their secrets. Even Snape had a good impression of him. It can also be seen that Ash is thoughtful and has excellent emotional intelligence in dealing with people.

When he was at the Weasley family, just because the Weasley family took him in, he gave Ron Weasley the wand he had used, and also gave Percy Weasley the latest model of a broomstick. Round 2000.

After just one month of getting along, the Weasley family had a very high opinion of him, and even the twins were able to get along with him.

And while on the train, he could also single-handedly bring peace to Cassandra Malfoy, Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger, three women with completely different origins, family backgrounds, talents, and personalities. Getting along with each other is definitely not an exaggeration to describe them as long-sleeved and good at dancing.

In the Forbidden Forest, when faced with a completely unreasonable creature like a troll, he would not hesitate to cast a powerful spell to kill it.

But when faced with a werewolf that has not taken the initiative to attack, it will not choose to strike first. Instead, it will wait for the opportunity and observe carefully.

To be honest, even Dumbledore was worried about Ash. Even he did not expect the appearance of these werewolves.

Dumbledore didn't understand why these creatures dared to actively attack a wizard. He even considered for a moment whether to remove these werewolves from the Forbidden Forest.

But judging from the subsequent reactions, it seems that these werewolves did not intend to attack Ash, but instead showed their loyalty to him. This surprised Dumbledore. Werewolves had never had a similar attitude towards other wizards.

Could it be that Ash is also a werewolf? Impossible, there is no record of this.

Of course, it is also possible that his father is indeed a werewolf, so he has part of the werewolf blood in his body. And if this was really the case, then his mother would not have married a Muggle, and the attitude of the Black family might have improved.

When the werewolf was surrounded by trolls, Ash would not hesitate to use precious potions to help the werewolf and treat the werewolf's injuries.

Even when he faced Filch's deliberate trouble, he showed no discrimination in his words or deeds. Instead, he felt pity for Filch's status as a squib, and took the initiative to give him an uplifting potion, a magic potion that was extremely precious even among wizards.

In the old Hogwarts, both teachers and students had surprisingly consistent evaluations of Ash:

Be gentle and humble, be honest and kind, and treat everyone equally. Moreover, it possesses great strength, but will not abuse this strength. It knows how to distinguish right from wrong, and will not decide the lives of others based on its own preferences...

Dumbledore sighed softly:

"It's no wonder that he can be remembered by Professor Figo. If he really dies young, it will really be a great loss to the wizarding world."

"Luckily, he's still alive."

Most people don’t know the truth about the goblin rebellion a hundred years ago.

Even if there are a few people who want to discover the truth, they will be confused by the diary written by Phineas Black, thinking that the whole story of the war was just the result of Phineas's exaggeration in order to satisfy his own selfish interests. , making a member of the Black family a hero at Hogwarts.

But Dumbledore knew the truth better than anyone else. He knew that that incident was really related to the survival of the entire wizarding world.

In order to obtain the power of ancient magic, the elf Lanlock is conducting evil experiments in the ancient ruins under Hogwarts at the cost of the lives of thousands of wizards and thousands of goblins!

If Ash Black hadn't discovered Lanlock's conspiracy in time and forcibly manipulated ancient magic at the cost of his life to kill Lanlock together, I'm afraid the entire wizarding world would have been slaughtered by goblins who had obtained the power of ancient magic!

It can be said that Ash is not only the hero of Hogwarts, but also the hero of the entire wizarding world!

When it comes to merit, even Dumbledore said he couldn't compare with him.

But unfortunately, because this matter involves so much, if it is exposed, it will be enough to panic the wizarding world, and it will also cause a greater war between goblins and humans. For this reason, several people, led by Principal Black and Professor Figo, decided to hide it all and cover it up in an almost 'farce' way.

Because this is really horrifying, that is a thousand wizards!

You must know that even today, a hundred years later, Hogwarts only enrolls more than 140 freshmen every year. Even if the population of the entire British wizarding world is added up, there are only less than 20,000.

A hundred years ago, this number would have been even lower, perhaps not even 10,000.

In other words, the goblin rebellion launched by Lanlock caused the entire wizarding world to lose more than one-tenth of its wizards!

If old and young wizards are excluded, a full third of the young and middle-aged wizards died in this war, and the wizarding world lost an entire generation!

That battle not only severely damaged the wizarding world, but the goblins also completely wiped out several tribes.

Just from this series of numbers, it is not difficult to imagine that Lanlock is ruthless and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals!

But precisely because the impact is so bad, once this matter is exposed, it will inevitably cause an uproar in the wizarding world.

The wizards will angrily call on everyone to go to war with the goblins and completely exterminate this race.

But everyone knows that the wizards cannot afford a war, and the goblins also do not want other tribes to perish as a result, so both sides have a tacit understanding to cover up all this.

In the entire wizarding world, only Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts, and a few other senior officials know the truth of history.

The only thing to be thankful for is probably that Lanlock has been executed, while Ash is lucky enough to survive until now.

It can be said that Dumbledore was quite satisfied with Ash in all aspects, and even considered Ash to be the most qualified candidate to take over his position and become the principal of Hogwarts!

In terms of character, personality, and qualifications, Ash is the best choice.

"It's a pity that he is still too young."

Dumbledore shook his head. The Ministry of Magic would not approve such an appointment, nor would they believe that Ash was a person from a hundred years ago. Even if it is true, Ash's actual experience is only a short dozen years.

Although powerful, it is not enough to stir up trouble.

But fortunately, Ash is now attending Hogwarts again, and Dumbledore has enough time to train him.


Dumbledore's eyes fell on the newspaper on the side of his desk. The title read in large fonts:

[Did the Gringotts illegal break-in incident reveal the security loopholes of Gringotts? 】

"According to well-informed sources, an unknown dark wizard illegally broke into the Gringotts vault on July 31. The goblin of Gringotts admitted that it was true, but repeatedly emphasized that nothing was stolen and that it had been searched by the intruder. The underground vault was actually empty earlier that day.

A Gringotts Goblins spokesperson said this afternoon:

The relevant security loopholes have been closed, but there is no comment on what is stored in the vault. It is best not to interfere in this matter. "

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