The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 61 Is this a moral issue or an ethical issue?

The second week of classes started as scheduled.

Ravenclaw students will have a half-hour potions class on Tuesday morning, and in the afternoon there will be Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class - this whole day's class, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff will take it together .

Either of these two courses makes Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students feel anxious.

When Potions class ended, they couldn't wait to leave the classroom to avoid being scolded by Professor Snape again.

When the Transfiguration class ended, they looked a little depressed.

Because compared to other spells, transfiguration is really difficult!

Even though this was their third Transfiguration class, many of them still failed to turn a match into a needle. And Professor McGonagall had been saying that Gryffindor's Hermione Granger had been able to change matches in the first period, successfully winning five points for Gryffindor, which was even more difficult for them to accept.

After the other students left the classroom, Professor McGonagall looked at the only student still in the classroom and asked gently:

"Mr. Black, are you still confused?"

Ash took out the questions he had prepared early in the morning and asked:

"Professor McGonagall, what do you think is the difference between werewolves and animagus?"


Professor McGonagall frowned slightly. She pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose with the hand holding the wand and said:

"Someone once put forward a similar point of view. He also wrote a paper for this purpose, trying to argue that werewolves are just a special kind of Animagus. In his paper, he listed the differences between werewolves and Animagus. There are many, many similarities, such as the fact that both can transform between humans and animals, and both are affected by the nature of some animals when transforming."

"But you have to know that there is a fundamental difference between the two."

Professor McGonagall said with an extremely serious expression:

"Animagus can only transform into ordinary animals, but the animal form of werewolves is a real magical creature! Their special ability is that they can turn normal people into werewolves through bites and through the contact of saliva and blood."

"Furthermore, werewolves have no control over when they transform. They usually cannot complete the transformation, but they will transform uncontrollably during the full moon, and no werewolf can control themselves during transformation, although they can Afterwards, I have complete memories of the transformation period..."

"Werewolves are completely different from normal animagus in every way."

Ash thought for a moment and asked again:

"Could the werewolves be the result of a wizard's failed attempt to transform into a magical creature?"

Professor McGonagall glanced at him and answered calmly:

"The paper I just mentioned is full of loopholes and has not been widely recognized by the wizarding community."

"The author of the paper is named Tissam Presti. After that, he successively proposed that 'werewolves are cursed Animagus' and 'werewolves are magical creatures transformed by wizards. They are special Animagus. Maggs' and other views, but soon after that he completely disappeared."

"Mr. Black, do you know why this is?"

Ash hesitated for two seconds and asked:

"Because he's a werewolf?"


Professor McGonagall nodded lightly and sighed: "Everything he has done is to make werewolves acceptable to wizards, and he has devoted his life to studying how to restore werewolves to normal."

"And he himself strictly abides by the "Werewolf Code of Conduct" and locks himself up before each full moon transformation. This allows him to live with wizards safely and legally."

"But because of the publication of those papers, the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic became suspicious of him. Finally, on a full moon night, two Aurors of the Ministry of Magic broke into his home, and one of them was beaten out of control. Tissam was bitten to death, another person was also bitten, and Tissam himself was later killed by other wizards who came nearby after hearing the noise."

Ash didn't know how to complain, insisting on breaking into someone's house on a full moon night, and knowing in advance that the other person was suspected of being a werewolf. However, the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic probably wanted to catch the thief and get the stolen goods, and they wanted to capture Tissam, but they didn't expect that the car would overturn in the gutter, and he was not caught and died.

Although Professor McGonagall did not answer Ash's question directly, the example she gave already illustrates her attitude:

She didn't think of werewolves as a special kind of animagus.

Ash considered it for two seconds before asking:

"Professor McGonagall, do you know about the werewolves in the Forbidden Forest?"


Professor McGonagall nodded and continued:

"When Dumbledore proposed releasing these werewolves into the Forbidden Forest, I was firmly opposed. Although these werewolves do not lose control during the full moon, they still have the ability to infect normal people and become werewolves. This is very important to Hogwart. He is undoubtedly a huge threat."

She paused, looked at Ash, and said slowly:

"Of course, I also know that you are trying to tame these werewolves. Mr. Black, I think your question should be related to them."

"Yes, Professor McGonagall."

Ash nodded candidly and explained.

"In fact, I am researching a method that can turn these werewolves into humans again. If this research can be successful, then I may be able to get a way from these werewolves to return other werewolves to normal."

"Turn them into humans again?" Professor McGonagall looked a little surprised.


Ash solemnly said: "I think this may be the key to saving the werewolves!"

This is a lie. He doesn't care about the life or death of other werewolves. He just wants to restart his experiment in a legitimate manner.

But he couldn't say from the beginning that he wanted to conduct human experiments on wizards. This was too shocking, and it was difficult for Dumbledore or other wizards to accept it. But if you start with magical creatures, then this kind of experiment is too tame and cannot meet Ash's needs at all.

Therefore, starting with the werewolf is undoubtedly Ash's best choice.

On the one hand, this will not cause rejection in the wizarding world. After all, most wizards do not consider werewolves to be their own kind. Moreover, werewolves are the magical creatures closest to humans. There is almost no difference between using them for experiments and using wizards for experiments.

"Turn a werewolf into a human again?"

Professor McGonagall frowned, and for a moment she even thought that Ash was having some weird ideas.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to make some sense.

The biggest problem with werewolves is that they have no control over themselves when they transform, so they cannot be accepted by the wizarding world.

Although the werewolves in the Forbidden Forest can control themselves, they cannot transform into human form and cannot be accepted.

But if the two can be combined, there may really be a chance to solve this problem that has plagued the wizarding world for thousands of years!

Professor McGonagall thought for a long time and did not directly reject Ash's proposal. He suggested calmly:

"If you just turn those werewolves into a 'human' form, I think it is not difficult, as long as you are proficient in transfiguration. But if you want to truly turn them into humans, this is not something that can only be solved by transfiguration. "

"Of course, I won't deny your idea. You can try it first. This is not a bad thing."

"Okay, Professor McGonagall."

Ash nodded with a heavy expression, seeming to feel the heavy responsibility——

But no.

Because he has the endorsement of Professor McGonagall, he is very relaxed now.

This means that even if something happens in the future, as long as it is not too serious, Professor McGonagall will help him take care of it...

Professor McGonagall didn't know his dark thoughts, but just suggested:

"I remember that there is a book in the restricted area that records similar research. You can check it out."

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