The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts

Chapter 99 You are right, but I am the Potions Professor

Harley thought a hundred times was exaggerated, but she didn't know that a hundred times was just an imaginary number. Ancient magic pursues extreme violence, and this extreme violence requires the support of huge magic power.

It's a pity that there are only a few wizards with this huge magic power. Even if they are as powerful as Dumbledore, Grindelwald and Voldemort, their magic power still cannot reach the threshold of "ancient magic".

In today's wizarding world, perhaps the only ones who can gain the upper hand are the silent ones.

Most of the Obscurials have magic power that far exceeds that of ordinary wizards. Even if the Obscurials themselves do not have any magic, the Obscurials can still cause great damage to the surrounding environment with their pure magic power. This in itself is one of the characteristics of ancient magic. With The ultimate magic pursues the ultimate violence.

Unfortunately, Obscurals usually don't live past the age of ten.

In their short lives, it is very difficult to meet a wizard who can cast magic, let alone a wizard who can cast ancient magic? You must know that even in the whole world, Ash is the only wizard who can cast ancient magic.

Of course, there is no need to explain these to Harley in detail.

Ash looked at the slightly dull half-giant aside and asked:

"Hagrid, what are you going to do with it?"

Hagrid's dull eyes recovered. His eyes swept across the charred ashes on the ground, and finally landed on the Acromantula the size of a truck. His eyes were extremely complicated:


It was the only surviving Acromantula, as Ash had promised Hagrid to leave Aragog to him.

Although Aragog is the largest of the eight-eyed spiders, he does not pose a significant threat. Because it is too old and blind, without the help of its children, it will even starve to death in its nest. From now on, only with Hagrid's support can we barely guarantee that Aragog will not starve to death.

What's more, the entire Acromantula population now only has Aragog as its polished commander, and has lost the possibility of continuing to reproduce - even if Hagrid is heartless to find Aragog a wife, it is still heartless.

So Ash didn't mind selling Hagrid a favor so that Aragog could enjoy his old age in peace.

"Aragog, I'm sorry."

Hagrid walked towards Aragog step by step, his eyes filled with tears.

Aragog moved in panic and said in a horrified voice:

"Hagrid, Hagrid...we are friends!"

"Of course, we are friends, so..."

Hagrid had already walked up to Aragog, stretched out his hand to grab Aragog's big claw, and said in a very sad tone, "I must give you a ride myself to save you the pain."


Amidst Aragog's painful screams, its big claw was forcefully torn off by Hagrid, and the splattered venom splashed all over Hagrid. The venom of the Acromantula is undoubtedly fatal to ordinary wizards. Although it is not fatal to the half-giant, it can still make him feel painful.

Of course Hagrid understood the consequences, but he still refused to dodge, as if he was punishing himself for killing his friend in this way.

He tore off Aragog's big claws and legs one by one, and finally only the body covered with black hair was left. Aragog could no longer speak, and having lost all ability to move, it could only lie on the ground in pain. Wail.

Because the scene was too brutal, Ash forcefully grabbed Bai Zi and Harley's heads to turn them away, and warned:

"Kids, don't look."

Harley turned around obediently and whispered to Bai Zi:

"I think Aragog's death was more painful than his children's."

Aragog's children died so quickly that they probably didn't feel anything. Although Hagrid kept saying that he wanted to spare Aragog the pain, the clear banging sound of Hagrid tearing his limbs apart and the heart-rending scream of Aragog all gave Harry the illusion of empathy. pain.

This was the first time she discovered that Hagrid had such a scene.

In fact, this was also beyond Ash's expectation. He had thought that Hagrid would keep Aragog in captivity.

But unexpectedly, Hagrid chose to give his friend a happy ending - even though it was not pleasant.

"Rest in peace, my friend."

Hagrid tried to close Aragog's eyes with a sad face, even though the latter was already blind.

Hagrid raised his small pink umbrella and whispered a spell:


Raging flames erupted from the wand, wrapping Aragog's 'remnant body' and burning it to ashes bit by bit.

However, Ash could still hear faint breathing and moans from Aragog's 'corpse'. It was obviously not dead yet. It can only be said that Hagrid's funeral was held a bit too hastily. But after careful consideration, Ash did not remind Hagrid and just handed him a bottle of green potion.

"The invigorating potion will be good for your injury."


Hagrid took the potion with a lonely expression, uncorked the bottle and drank it, laughing at himself, "I think I have to go for a drink later, do you want to join me?"

Ash declined politely:

"I have to take them back to school."

Harry looked at the lonely half-giant and wanted to say a few words of comfort:


"You guys go back first."

Hagrid waved his hand, "Don't worry about me. I'll wait here for a while. I still have to dig a grave for Aragog..."

At the end of the sentence, his voice was choked up, and he was obviously really sad.

Ash was speechless, but didn't say much.

Ash gently rubbed the girl's short gray hair and warned:

"Bai Zi, let's go back through the main entrance."

Bai Zi pulled the scarf and nodded gently.

She quickly transformed into a giant wolf and carried Ash and Harley back to Hogwarts.


On Bai Zi's back, Harley asked in a low voice, "Why does Hagrid always like to raise some dangerous magical creatures?"

Ash did not answer Harley directly, but asked:

"Harry, do you think Hedwig is in danger?"

"Eh?" Harley was slightly startled and shook her head slightly.

"Then do you think Shiroko and Setsuna are in danger?"

Harley looked at the giant wolf carrying them running wildly below her, and shook her head.

"Is Shidejia dangerous?"

When Harley thought of the big golden bird, her first reaction was that it was luxurious and beautiful, but she did not feel dangerous.

"Are Ravshini and Abrana dangerous?"

Harley still shook her head as she thought of the dragon sisters who carried her and Cassandra into the sky.

"That's why."

Ash ruffled the girl's hair and explained with a smile, "Because you and Bai Zishu live together day and night, and you will also go to Abrana and Ravshini after class to let them take you to experience the joy of dragon knights, so You always thought they were your friends and never thought they were dangerous."

"But to other wizards, both werewolves and dragons are extremely dangerous magical creatures. They have the ability to kill them easily. They are far more dangerous than the Acromantula!"

Harley whispered:

"But they never hurt others."

"But they do have the ability."

Ash laughed dumbly and said in a soft voice, "For Hagrid, the truth is actually the same."

"Luwei and Aragog are both very dangerous magical creatures, but in Hagrid's eyes, they are all his friends. This makes Hagrid unable to correctly assess their danger, and even mistakenly believes that they will treat him the same way. , and there is no danger to others.”

"The reason for this misjudgment is also related to Hagrid's evaluation criteria. He is a half-giant, and his assessment of danger is completely different from that of wizards. For example, the venom of the Acromantula is fatal to wizards A threat, but in Hagrid’s eyes it can only be regarded as a superficial wound.”

"So he would take it for granted that the Acromantulas are a group of creatures that, although they look ferocious and dangerous, are actually very 'friendly' and do not pose enough of a threat."

Ash's 'teaching' made Harley think. The girl frowned and seemed to have some understanding, but she also seemed a little confused.

But no matter what, tonight's night outing is destined to leave a deep memory for her.


The old oak door creaked, and the three men wearing invisibility cloaks carefully entered the foyer and closed the door.

The corridors and classrooms of Hogwarts are filled with a large number of decorative armors that salute when people pass by. And at night, these armors will turn into patrolling sentries, patrolling and guarding Hogwarts, and stopping students who wander at night.

If she were alone, Harry would have to hold her breath and carefully walk through the corridors wearing an invisibility cloak, avoiding the patrols of sentries and Filch. But with Ash's help, they encountered no obstacles along the way and returned to the dungeon easily.

Harry walked through the common room and quietly opened the dormitory door.

But due to disrepair, every door in Hogwarts will inevitably creak when pushed open.

The sound was not loud, but it was enough to make Harley feel frightened. Especially when she walked into the dormitory and found that Cassandra was not in the bed, an uneasy thought immediately arose in her heart.

Harley's heart tightened and she subconsciously wanted to withdraw.

But before that, a small white hand grabbed the invisibility cloak on her body and pulled it off hard.

Cassandra had been standing behind the door waiting for her!


Cassandra held the torn off invisibility cloak in one hand, and held Harley's arm tightly with the other. She asked with some annoyance, "You have to explain to me, where did you just go?"

Harley looked down at the floor and said guiltily: "I, I just went to the bathroom..."

"Do I need to use an invisibility cloak to go to the bathroom?"

Cassandra laughed angrily, and her eyes suddenly caught a few strands of hair on Harley's clothes, some gray and some white.

Harley followed Cassandra's gaze and noticed the few hairs on her clothes. Suddenly her heart skipped a beat and she said weakly:

"I can explain..."

Cassandra said expressionlessly:

"You better really explain!"


The next day at eight o'clock in the evening, Hogwarts Great Hall.

The academy's long table, originally filled with plates and food, had been moved away at some point, and the ceiling became as dark as velvet. Hundreds of floating candles illuminated the empty auditorium, as well as the gilded stage placed in the center of the auditorium.

Almost all the students from the school are here, filling the stage with water. Everyone is holding a wand and their faces are full of excitement.

Even senior students still have natural expectations for duels.

Cassandra didn't want to squeeze forward with the others, so she stood on the periphery of the crowd and glared angrily at the black-haired girl next to her:

"Harley, I want to duel with you! Don't run away!"

Harley said weakly:

"I really didn't mean to do it, I just saw you sleeping so soundly and couldn't bear to wake you up."

Cassandra didn't buy it at all and said angrily:

"Then couldn't you tell me before I fell asleep? You obviously did it on purpose!"

"No wonder you keep urging me to go to bed early. I actually naively thought you were doing it for my own good!"

"Harley! I won't hold back later!"

"What's going on with you guys?"

Hermione looked at the two of them suspiciously. They were obviously good friends yesterday and were fine during the day. Why did they suddenly become like enemies?

She was about to ask for details when she saw someone walking onto the stage. It was Gilderoy Lockhart!

Harry couldn't help but look bitter and wailed:

"He won't be the one to teach us, right? We don't want that kind of thing!"

What could Lockhart teach them?

Teach them how to have their wand taken away by a Niffler? Or how to leave the students behind and escape alone when Hu Meizi is chasing her? Or maybe he asked her to play various strange creatures during class?

Lockhart's teaching level cannot be said to be better than nothing, it can only be said to be completely lacking!

Hermione whispered:

"I'd rather have Snape teach us."

Hermione didn't hate Snape that much, it was mainly that she thought the Potions professor was better than Lockhart when he came to class!

"Come around! Everyone come around! Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear me?"

"very good!"

Lockhart, wearing a purple robe, walked from one end of the stage to the other, attracting the attention of all the students and raising the corners of his mouth slightly.

"In view of the series of horrific events that have occurred in the past few weeks, Professor Dumbledore specifically allowed me to open this small dueling club to fully train you. Perhaps one day, you will use today's experience to protect yourself."

"Of course, the specific methods are in my book. You can learn how to deal with those vicious magical creatures and dark wizards from my book. In fact, I have always felt that you only need to read my book carefully. Learned a lot."

Lockhart's self-promotion attracted merciless boos from the twins. Although most students still did not dare to challenge the teacher in person, there were still many students who had not yet witnessed Lockhart's poor teaching and still had expectations for him. , but Gemini is obviously not among them.

And Lockhart could only pretend not to see this. After all, he couldn't just attack the two students on the spot and forget about it, right?

Although he really wanted to make all the teachers and students in the school forget about it in order to eliminate his own black history.

Lockhart handsomely untied his cloak and threw it to the crowd, causing several girls in that direction to scramble for it excitedly, and he himself smiled with satisfaction - did you see, these are his real fans? !

After all, there are still a small number of anti-fans like Gemini!

"She's just like a nymphomaniac." Hermione made a sharp comment without mercy.

Harley felt the same way, and she felt really sad for those girls.

Although he was older than them, he was not as mature as them and could not see through Lockhart's true face.

"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape!"

Lockhart turned and stepped aside to allow the introduced Professor Snape to walk onto the stage.

Unlike Lockhart, who was dressed in fancy clothes, Professor Snape was still wearing black clothes.

The appearance of Professor Snape made many students stay silent. If we were to choose the most unpopular professor in Hogwarts, Professor Snape would definitely be the one who would rather be chosen than me!

Lockhart grinned: "He told me that he himself knew a little bit about dueling, and he graciously agreed to help me give a small demonstration before class. Of course, I don't want you to do it for me. I am worried that this small demonstration will not threaten his life, and I will return your Potions Master to you intact!"

Lockhart's smile was so bright that it was immediately apparent that he was genuinely happy.

Because this is exactly what he planned!

Even Lockhart could realize how disastrous his previous teaching had been. In order to preserve his reputation and to continue teaching at Hogwarts, he needed a chance to restore his reputation.

And a real duel is undoubtedly the most intuitive.

If he can defeat the enemy in a duel, no matter how embarrassing his previous teachings are, he has a chance to redeem himself by relying on the image of a winner!

Of course, the prerequisite for a duel is victory.

To do this, Lockhart must find a weak enough professor to serve as his opponent.

Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were first eliminated by him, and Professor Flitwick, who had won the duel competition, was also quickly abandoned. Although Professor Flitwick was short in stature, magic was not a close combat after all.

In addition, those female professors were also excluded by Lockhart. After all, in a duel with women, winning would be in vain.

As a result, Lockhart's only option was Professor Snape.

In Lockhart's opinion, there is no more suitable target than Snape!

On the one hand, Snape, as the Potions professor, must not be very proficient in charms.

Lockhart, on the other hand, also knew how unpopular Snape was.

Even now, when his teaching accidents continue, Snape still firmly occupies the top spot as the 'least popular teacher' and cannot be shaken. And as long as Lockhart can defeat this most unpopular professor, he can sweep away the dark history of the past and at the same time, severely brush up the favorability of the students!

"He did it on purpose!"

Hermione saw Lockhart's plan at a glance and whispered, "He is deliberately trying to make Professor Snape look embarrassed!"

A Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and a Potions professor face off, and anyone can tell which side has a greater chance of winning!

Lockhart has sinister intentions!

Harley's expression was a little strange, and she whispered:

"I think the opposite is probably true."


Hermione was slightly startled and looked slightly hesitant, "But Professor Snape is only the Potions professor..."

Harley blinked:

"No one says that Potions professors can't be proficient in charms, right?"

PS: The good news is that the apocalypse should pick up tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and try to restore 10,000 words.

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