Inside the grotto, the water and light were turbulent.

Seeing the second senior brother throwing himself into the underground river, Ji Huan's eyes flickered, and he was really worried that Liu Feng would do something dirty to him.

But his worries were obviously unnecessary. Liu Feng was in a hurry to find someone, so he wouldn't waste time with him.

After collecting the leaf-shaped jade, Liu Feng walked towards the passage in front of him without any delay. As for the suggestion of the second senior brother of the Eclipse Gate, he will not consider it at the moment.

In his opinion, joining the Eclipse Gate was just falling from one pit into another, bigger pit.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a muffled "bang" sound, and Liu Feng was shaken back.

About ten feet away, Ji Huan's eyes were startled.

"Another ban?" He could see clearly that the situation in front of him was exactly the same as in the cave.

Here, Liu Feng stabilized his figure and stared forward.

"Through the eyes."

In his sight, he caught traces of true energy at a glance, and it turned out to be another Taoist formation.

"It's like part of a certain formation, and it's still changing... I don't know when this ban will be lifted."

Liu Feng didn't know the mystery of the gate formation, but he also knew some folk sayings, many of which mentioned that there are gates, eyes, and centers in the Tao gate formation.

The array center and array eye are fixed, but the array gate is not fixed.

There are also theories about the gate of life and the gate of death in the formation gate, but these are all rumors, and Liu Feng is not clear about the specific details.

"Lu Yao, Lu Yao, you can't blame me for this."

"I will wait here for a few days, waiting for the ban to be opened. If she dies during this period, in order to avoid being buried with her, I cannot say that I will really go to the depths of the insect nest to find the spiritual Gu!"

Liu Feng stared at the passage in front of him, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

Once Lu Yao lost his life, unless he brought back a large amount of spiritual fluid and gave it to Lu Huai so that he could ask the old ghost to show mercy, he would be buried with Lu Yao.

Otherwise, he can only hope to find the spiritual Gu. Moreover, the spiritual Gu needs to be hatched in time.

There are too many variables, and there is no guarantee that Liu Feng will not have an accident. Based on this calculation, it is better to hope that Lu Yao can save his life.

"I can't just wait around. After getting these benefits, I can refine as much as I can."

Liu Feng went to the corner and sat down. He took out several wooden boxes and vials from his body, placed them around and sorted them out. He was really surprised.

There were eleven pieces of insect crystals and as many as seventeen various kinds of strange Gu. The vial he just received contained nearly thirty drops of spiritual essence. As for the elixir, he grabbed four of them in the cave.

"Hmph." In another corner of the grotto, Ji Huan clenched his fists.

His eyes fell on the ground in front of Liu Feng, and he was filled with anger. At least half of the benefits there were originally his.

"My skills are inferior to those of others! We can only wait until the ban here is reopened. I will go in and kill a few more Gu Masters."

Ji Huan swallowed his resentment, took out the only wooden box from his waist, spread out his own poison like a willow wind, and began to cultivate the poison quietly.

There was silence in the grotto, in the underground river at this time.

A figure moved away with the water, and soon there was a fork in the road ahead. The light on the left branch was in sight, which was the exit.

This person is Yu Tiansong. As he expected, the underground river is indeed a way to survive.

"Wow..." The light was bright, and the sun was rising outside.

"It seems that it's not far from Qujiacun, but I didn't find this tributary when I came here." The second senior brother of Shimen blinked his eyes, adapting to the light from the outside world.

But at this moment, several loud explosions suddenly approached.

"Boom, boom..."

"The government's magic arrow?" Yu Tiansong reacted instantly just by the sound.

"There are people from the government ambushing here! Could it be that the arrangement in the insect nest has something to do with the government..."

Without thinking too much, a slippery insect body suddenly sprang out from between Yu Tiansong's clothes.

The moment this weapon Gu rushed out, it bent and stretched in mid-air, like two circles of fleshy shields.

"Puff, puff..."

Using his human shield to deflect the magic arrow, Yu Tiansong fell to the river bank and escaped quickly through the mountains and forests.

There were several "boom" sounds, and many magic arrows were shot, but none of them hit.

As his figure gradually fled away, a lean man with a bow and arrow stood up among the bushes near the river.

"This person is almost a second-generation Gu Master, don't waste magic arrows."

When he finished speaking, a dozen men sprang out from the surrounding trees. They were all dressed in rough clothes, but they were holding government-standard magic weapons.

"Captain Zuo, that boy probably has a lot of good things in him." A man with a black scarf on his head said regretfully.

The lean man turned his head sharply and shouted coldly: "How did I tell you to wait when I came out? We are disciples of the Benlei Sect. Please call me Senior Brother Zuo."

"Yes, it was a small slip of the tongue." The man with a black scarf on his head admitted his mistake repeatedly.

The other dozen or so men looked strange and couldn't say much.

They openly used standard magic weapons to gain benefits by blocking people here, but they wanted to frame Benleimen. If they told it, not many people would believe it.

However, the government has always been overbearing in its affairs, and whether others believe it or not has nothing to do with the government.

When these people ambush again, Yu Tiansong came to a deserted field.

In front of him was the wild road heading to Yangyuan County, and behind him could be vaguely seen the tall insect wall of Qujia Village.

Yu Tiansong turned around and looked with his double eyes. People were moving around in the fields, and there were fighting figures in many places.

There were not many Gu masters escaping from Qujiacun, and after this interception, there would be even fewer people who left alive.

"These lackeys came here to rob and kill without changing their weapons. They are really unscrupulous."

The second senior brother of Shimen did not stay here for long. He only glanced at him briefly and then retreated.

What he never paid attention to was that in the fields outside the insect nest, several Gu Masters were hurriedly joining forces to fight a warrior to the death.

It’s time for the snow to melt and the fields to become muddy.

On the muddy ground, the long hair of the black-robed martial artist danced wildly, and his whole body was filled with true energy.

He didn't even bother to use weapons, and his fists and kicks were like a storm, attacking the four Gu masters wildly.

"Everyone, step back."

The martial artist in black shouted loudly, and the seven or eight figures dormant around him retreated to their original positions.

These people are strong and strong, and they move forward and backward in a measured manner. They are obviously from the military camp, but they are also dressed in a careless manner.

Without the help of others, in less than half a moment, three of the four Gu masters were shattered by the true energy and died tragically on the spot.

The only remaining burly Gu Master, Da Hao, dispersed a burst of poisonous mist and pulled away, trying to fight his way out.

However, what will happen if you expose your back in front of a second-level warrior?

The figure arrived in a blink of an eye, and the sword in his hand was filled with true energy.

There was a "pop" and blood splattered everywhere.

The black-haired warrior pinched the neck of the person in front of him like a dead dog, found two vials on his body, and then threw them on the ground.

"Disperse and continue to ambush."

"As ordered." In the uniform low voice, all nearby figures disappeared in an instant.

Among the desolate grass, a burly figure fell in the mud, blood gurgling from the big hole in his back.

His heart was shaken to pieces by the true energy, and there was no chance of this person surviving.

He escaped from Qujia Village and was intercepted and killed in the insect tunnel outside the insect nest. He had a rare escape, but he was ambushed again here, and he faced a second-level martial artist.

The morning light shed some warmth. He lay on his side and looked into the depths of the insect nest.

"Junior Brother Liu, take care..."

With a murmur in his mouth, the man's eyes became blurred, his body gradually became cold, and there was no movement at all.

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