The weather today was a bit chilly, and people couldn't help but tighten their necks.

Qiong was wearing thin clothes, and she couldn't help but hug herself to keep warm.

She looked at the boy next to her, and saw that he was carrying a bag of snacks and drinks, and was happily holding his phone, looking at something interesting, and he didn't look like he was going to leave.

At this time, Qiong's evaluation of Xia Qiu changed from a strange big brother at the beginning, to a strange but kind-hearted big brother, and now... This person is so stubborn...

Why do you care about her? Can't you leave? Or just ignore her like the parents who adopted her.

Qiong's life has never been happy and comfortable. When she was young, her parents died in a car accident. A group of relatives disliked her as a burden and didn't want to take her away. Naturally, Qiong was driven to the welfare home.

But because of her good looks, she was taken away by a childless couple in the welfare home. She thought she would be very hungry in the future, but in fact, when the couple knew that Qiong had albinism, their attitude towards her was visibly cold.

Later, the couple had their own children.

From then on, the precocious Qiong knew that she should leave. There was no need to stay any longer. She became the superfluous one in this family.

Qiong didn't want to complain about their cold attitude. It was enough for them to adopt her, but children always couldn't help fantasizing about many beautiful and unrealistic things.

But fantasy can only be fantasy, and it can never defeat the cruelty of reality. So Qiong took her only rabbit doll and left the house with a little money.

The life of wandering was not easy...

Because she was still young and didn't have an ID card, she couldn't get a room. Qiong could only stay in the Internet cafe for a while. The management of Internet cafes in Neon was not like that in China, and there were regulations that minors were not allowed to enter.

However, it was reasonable that minors under the age of sixteen needed to be accompanied by a guardian and could not stay overnight. Qiong directly hired a girl who lived in the Internet cafe for a long time with money, and asked her to help cover for her so that she could live in the Internet cafe.

The food there was not very delicious, but at least she could eat enough and had a place to live.

Later, Qiong ran out of money and didn't know where to go. She found a place to squat on the side of the road and planned to spend her life like this.

Or find a deserted place and die quietly.

Anyway, I am a homeless burden...

Later, Xia Qiu appeared. This strange and kind big brother asked me why I appeared here, whether I wanted to go home, and whether I should call the police.

Qiong was resistant to going back to that home, and there was no need to call the police... She didn't want to see the contemptuous and disgusted eyes of the parents.

Qiong pretended to be indifferent and didn't want to answer any of Xia Qiu's questions, but the big brother in front of her was very stubborn. If Qiong didn't answer, he would just sit beside him without any intention of leaving.

He ordered two takeouts and ate them with relish.

Damn... What a damn big brother!

Touching his hungry stomach, Qiong knew the sinister intentions of the adults, and there was such a trick!

He must want to use food to force Qiong to submit!

But what Qiong didn't expect was that this big brother not only didn't make any demands on Qiong, but directly handed the food over.

Seeing the delicious food handed to him, Qiong was a little silent.

Don't you want to ask something? Why is Qiong here? Why are you wandering? Why don't you want to go back?

But the only response she got was the boy's warm smile, which made her nose sore.

This sudden warmth made Qiong's heart, which had been cold for a long time, ripple a little.

But now the more silent it was, the more restless Qiong became, as if it would be strange if she didn't say something

"Why don't you ask me something?"

Qiong finally spoke for the first time. She compromised with this boy.

"What do you want to ask?"

Smiling, Xia Qiu retracted his gaze from the phone and turned to look at Xiao Qiong's profile.

Um... what a bad adult!

Qiong puffed up his cheeks, snorted and turned his head away. If you don't want to ask, then don't ask!

The night gradually darkened, and the streets were not as lively as during the day. The deserted and quiet made people a little scared.

After all, they are still children. There will always be a fearful side. They always imagine strange monsters to scare themselves, but...

Looking at Xia Qiu beside him, Qiong felt a little relieved for no reason.

It seems that as long as he is by his side, Qiong will no longer feel afraid.

Finally, Xia Qiu's eyes stopped looking at the phone.

Um... it's out of battery.

Pick up the garbage around you and throw it into the trash can.

Patting his neck that was a little sore from bowing his head for a long time, he said to the little girl beside him

"Let's go home"


Qiong followed Xia Qiu silently. The figures of one big and one small gradually lengthened and overlapped under the illumination of the street lamp.

"The bathroom is over here. If you want to take a shower, just go in. If you want to change clothes, I'll go to the supermarket to buy them later. Are you hungry now? If you are hungry, there are bread and milk in the refrigerator."

Holding her rabbit doll, Qiong listened to Xia Qiu's chattering in silence.

In the end, she didn't know why she followed this big brother. Maybe... maybe because he was trustworthy, or maybe because Qiong felt warmth from him, the feeling of being cared for and cherished.

This was the first time she felt warmth from a stranger since her parents left...

Sitting on the sofa, Xia Qiu put a set of pajamas bought from the convenience store at the door of the bathroom.

He also learned the name of the little girl he brought back.

Kasugano Qiong!

Grass! Qiong sister?

No wonder Xia Qiu had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu when he looked at this girl. There is a saying that those who have sisters hate that their sisters are not Qiong, and those who have no sisters hate that Qiong is not a sister.

Unexpectedly, his kind act actually brought Qiong sister back.

He didn't care where Kasugano Yuu went. When Qiong ran away from home, Xia Qiu roughly understood some of Qiong's conditions.

"Send her back to the Metropolitan Police Department tomorrow."

Xia Qiu thought about it and decided that taking Qiong in for one night was the best help he could offer.

Whether it was an orphanage or foster parents, it was not something Xia Qiu could intervene in. Qiong, who had just finished taking a bath in the bathroom, wrapped herself in a bath towel and timidly opened the door a little. Then, through the crack in the door, she saw Xia Qiu sitting on the sofa, thinking with her head down. Then, she quickly took away the folded clothes at the door.

Finally, Qiong, who had changed her clothes, took a deep breath, opened the door and walked out.

At night, everything was silent, and the moonlight covered the earth like a veil. , the hazy moonlight shines through the clouds.

Qiong lies quietly on the soft and comfortable big bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. Compared with the small and cramped place of the Internet cafe. The bed is not big but it makes her feel at ease, as if it can accommodate all her fatigue and anxiety.

However, there is an inexplicable emotion stirring deep in her heart, making Qiong unable to really fall asleep, and her heart seems to be looking for some kind of peace and comfort.

She can't help but look at Xia Qiu who is sleeping soundly on the floor.

In this small house, the only bed in the room is given to her.

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