Xia Qiu obviously didn't expect that he seemed to be too cruel this time!

In fact, it stands to reason that the tear-jerking level of"Four Lies" is okay, but Xia Qiu didn't realize that at this stage, the genre of Japanese light novels is more focused on adventures in different worlds, etc., which are at most just stock speculation and make you feel sick.

And Four Lies is indeed a tear-jerking novel with a bad end, so there are very few such light novels on the market, and even if there are, they are not well written.

So Xia Qiu's wave is really a precedent, starting with depression

【Can't you really revise it? Teacher Xia Qiu? 】

Seeing the message sent by Acorus, Xia Qiu scratched his head.

In fact, he knew that after he sent the second volume, the editorial department there would definitely have opinions. After all, Four Lies is known for its youth healing.

Now it has become depressing. What will readers who are here to see the hero and heroine heal each other think?

It's not that the second volume of Four Lies is not excellent, it's not well written.

And this ending is really too... a little hard to accept.

【The First Assaulter of Flip Garden: I definitely can’t change it. This ending was decided when I was writing Four Lies. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to write the next volume so quickly.】

【Kagurazaka Ayame: But, will readers not buy into this ending? It may have a certain impact on the reputation of Four Lies.

After all, this is the only work under her control that may have sales exceeding one million, and Ayame is very concerned about it.

【The First Assaulter of Flip Garden: Did I say this novel is a healing novel? Scratching head.jpg]


Acorus took a breath of cold air. Wow! It turns out that Xia Qiu originally read this book based on other people's ideas!

Classic ups and downs!

Acorus did not continue to persuade Xia Qiu's ideas. He smiled bitterly and leaned back in his chair. It seems that the ending of Four Lies can only be like this.

"What do you say? Does the lolita control teacher have any idea to change the ending?"

The editors around came to Acorus and asked what the result was.

The answer she got was just Acorus shaking her head helplessly. It seemed that she had no way to convince Teacher Xia Qiu.

"Hey, once this ending is released, I will probably be criticized badly. I have to think carefully about how to do public relations."

"I have to admit that this ending really made my heart tremble. If we look at it from the overall structure of a light novel, this ending deserves full marks, but……"

There is always a lingering resentment in my heart.

In this regard, the entire editorial department could only sigh helplessly.

Change the text? It is impossible to change the text, because it was originally aimed at the knife man.

He smiled and felt satisfied with his dark psychology. Then he turned on the computer and started to buy musical instruments on the Internet. He planned to spend some time to practice his music theory skills. He also had some tracks to release for the next work of Jia Silie.

This novel is originally a music show. Without an excellent soundtrack, the reading pleasure is reduced by half.

Use with BGM to better knife man

"Hey~ Look at how good I am as an author. While writing books, I don’t forget to make music for readers to enjoy. Wow~ There are not many excellent authors like me."After buying a piano, Xia Qiu set the delivery address at the school. After all, there is no room for a piano at home now, and he will have to move to a new place in the future. Moreover, the piano he bought was very cheap, and he will definitely give priority to better types in the future.

At this stage, I will put what I bought in the school. It just so happens that I am the president of the Light Music Club. I can't stay in the empty club classroom every day and do nothing, right?

After buying a piano, Xia Qiu ordered a guitar online and then finished this shopping trip. When he returned to school at the end of the weekend the next day, the piano and guitar had already been sent to the Light Music Club by the workers.

"It's been a long time since I last played the piano."

I thought about the past when I thought learning music would win the favor of girls, but... Goblins are Goblins, only suitable for crawling in dark corners. As his fingertips rubbed the piano keys, Xia Qiu suddenly thought of something and opened his personal dashboard.

【Name: Xia Qiu】

【Age: 16】

【Status: Chinese student, first-year student at Sobu High School】

【Skills mastered: Writing lv2 (75/100), Cooking lv3 (84/100), Exercise lv2 (0/100), Study lv1 (15/100) Music theory lv3 (11/100)]

Xia Qiu said, I obviously know how to play a musical instrument, why is it not shown in the skill column?

But this level... lv3 is really high, and it can be called a genius among the crowd.

Was my level so high in my previous life?

Quite confused, Xia Qiu thought about it and then didn't think about it, well, anyway, let it be.

The piano is back, should I try it?

Xia Qiu suddenly adopted it a little. I haven't tried a musical instrument for a long time, and I don't know how good it is.

Fingers touched the keys, and a familiar feeling arose spontaneously.

After trying a few notes, Xia Qiu began to play, so let's play that one.

Again, an episode in the anime Four Lies.

The light piano sound rang out, and it reached a climax step by step during the performance.


The music ended.

The door to the club's classroom opened with a bang.

"Huh? Really? I thought you applied for a club just to be lazy, but I didn't expect that besides novels, you also have a surprisingly high talent for music."

As usual, Shizuka Hiratsuka walked into the club classroom in a white coat, with two girls following behind her.

She also heard the piano piece just now. To be honest, even someone like her who doesn't have romantic artistic cells thought it was very nice after listening to it, which made Shizuka Hiratsuka unable to see Xia Qiu.

I really don't know how such an outstanding boy could fall to the point where he couldn't even afford to eat?

"Remember to knock on the door, Ajing"

"What door are you knocking on?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka sat down on the chair.

"By the way, I know you are too lazy to find club members. You see, these two girls are interested in joining the Light Music Club, so I brought them to you as the club president. Oh, don’t forget to find a teacher in charge of the club as well."


Xia Qiu said softly.

His purpose of applying for this club was to find an excuse to shut up Shizuka Hiratsuka, so that this old woman wouldn't lure him into the service club.

Although there was a one-month deadline, couldn't he just find a few excuses to get away with it?

Now he never thought that Shizuka Hiratsuka would personally recruit new members for his club.

How could he slack off in the future?

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