"By the way, President! Are you interested in forming a club?"

Tian Zhongli, a cheerful girl who is good at socializing, immediately started chatting with Xia Qiu after opening the topic.

After collecting their club application forms, Xia Qiu rested his chin on his hand and thought for a while.

"Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka said that if there are special reasons, basically no one in school will join a club. I am too lazy to join other people's clubs, so I will just become the president of the Light Music Club."

Is that so~

Tian Zhongli's eyes turned, he smiled, as if he was thinking of something.

"Mio and I have wanted to form a band since we were young. Our dream is to perform at the Budokan. If the president could join us~ hehe."

Are you targeting me?

That's right. After listening to Xia Qiu's performance, Tianzhong Ritsu was convinced! Xia Qiu is an important part of their dream!

Performing at the Budokan is not something that can be done as easily as talking about it. Those who can perform at the Budokan are famous on the Internet, with fans and fan clubs.

So the girls' dreams seem so far away. After all, they are only in high school and don't even have a band.

After listening to Tianzhong Ritsu's words, even the shy Akiyama Mio nodded in agreement. If the president joined, it would indeed greatly enhance the band's strength.


Xia Qiu stroked his chin and thought about it.

His attitude made Akiyama Mio and Tianzhong Ritsu hold their breath and concentrate, both paying attention to whether Xia Qiu would agree.

"How about this, if you can find a keyboard player and a guitar player before the club is disbanded, I will agree to join."


Xia Qiu's lips curled up. He didn't mind giving the girls a wish, or rather, according to the original work, this could indeed be achieved, but it would be too boring if they just joined like this.

It would be better to let the two girls work for him. After all, Xia Qiu didn't want his territory to face the crisis of being abolished. With these two girls joining, Xia Qiu couldn't use the excuse of being busy to argue with Shizuka Hiratsuka.

"A keyboard player and a guitar player? I see! We will work hard! In order to get the president to join our band! Let's go to the school to recruit people! Mio!"

Taizhong Ritsu is always so energetic, pulling the confused Akiyama Mio and running out. It seems that they are very concerned about this matter.


Xia Qiu tapped the table with his finger and smiled.

"Maybe it's possible."

Thinking back to when I first came here, what was my mentality?

In order not to starve to death in a foreign country, I embarked on the road of writing light novels, and then unknowingly got involved with so many girls.

Could it be that I am the protagonist?


Hanging the schoolbag on the hook

"Xiaoqiong, I'm back"

"Welcome back, sister."

Well~ my sister Qiong is so adorable, and the word"sister" can break people's hearts.

Speaking of which, should we arrange for sister Qiong to go to school first?

It seems that it is indeed possible. The royalties will be paid next month, and by then I will have to arrange Xiao Qiong's school in advance, and then I will definitely find a house that is closest to Xiao Qiong and my school.

Thinking of this, Xia Qiu felt that it was indeed feasible. After all, he couldn't let his sister stay at home every day. Not to mention that it is bad for her health, Xiao Qiong might be bored at home. If she doesn't have him to play with her, she still needs to make more friends.

Thinking of this, Xia Qiu called Hiratsuka Shizuka and explained his plans for tomorrow. When

Hiratsuka Shizuka heard that it was a request for leave, he looked upset.

But when he heard that it was about arranging Xiao Qiong to go to school, he didn't say anything.

At least this kid is not skipping classes to play.

"Xiao Qiong, come with me tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Qiu said to Xiao Qiong who was lying on the sofa reading a light novel.

"Okay, unni, but what are we going to do when we go out tomorrow?"

"Of course, it's about arranging your schooling."

Xia Qiu rubbed Xiao Qiong's head, and the soft gray hair flowed out from her fingertips.

Going to school...

Xiao Qiong had a sullen face.

Speaking of which, Xiao Qiong also has a hidden homebody attribute. She prefers to stay at home rather than going to school, but this is her brother's intention, how could she refuse it.

And making friends is not as good as having a brother.

It's enough to have a brother accompany her.

When she went out the next day, she looked at the weather outside. It was quite gloomy, and it felt like it was going to rain.

Before leaving, Xia Qiu took an umbrella and went out hand in hand with Xiao Qiong.

The elementary school I found for Xiao Qiong is considered the best one in the vicinity.

At the same time, the tuition fee is really expensive!

After all, it is a private elementary school, with good education and facilities, which makes the tuition fee quite expensive.

But since she is her own sister, Xia Qiu will of course let Xiao Qiong go to this elementary school. I greeted the principal of the school in advance.

The kind gray-haired old man has been waiting for a long time.

"Mr. Xia Qiu? I guess this must be your sister, so cute.

The old lady was very kind and stretched out her hand to greet Xiao Qiong.

However, Xiao Qiong didn't like dealing with strangers, so she just hid behind Xia Qiu and kept silent.

"Sorry, my sister, maybe for some special reasons, doesn't like to interact with others."

"I understand this."

Before Xia Qiu wanted to say anything else, someone else came in.

It seemed that they were also parents who came to apply for admission.

"Sorry, sorry, we are late.

The woman looked at the other person with an apologetic look on her face, and kept apologizing. At the same time, she reached out and gently pulled the little girl standing behind her to her side. The little girl looked a little timid, with a hint of uneasiness in her eyes, but she still walked to the woman obediently.

"Mrs. Nishimiya, huh? It's okay. If something happens on the road occasionally, it's not a big deal."

Hearing this, Xia Qiu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and looked at this kind old woman.

Should I say, she is worthy of being a public official of the expensive Yabi school?

Whether it's talking or doing things, it will make people feel good, so that parents will unconsciously have a good impression of this school, and at the same time, they will feel more at ease to let their children enroll.

Of course, this is just Xia Qiu's boring guess, it is also possible that she really likes to take care of children.

"How about this, I will arrange for a class teacher to come and take the two children to visit our school, and the two parents can wait here for a while, and then the children can decide whether to come to this school."That's a good idea, indeed...

It's really good to let the children choose, after all, the opinions of parents cannot represent the children.

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