"Dumb tape, you don't need to know any instrument to join the light music club, you just need to be interested in music."

As if seeing Hirasawa Yui's embarrassment, Tianzhong Ritsu patted Hirasawa Yui's shoulder and said carelessly.

Although she really wanted a guitarist to join the light music club, so that she could naturally pull the president into the band.

But even if there is no guitarist, Tianzhong Ritsu will not be disappointed with Hirasawa Yui's joining.

Although she said that everyone's dream is to go to the Budokan, in fact, she hopes that everyone will be happier together because of the band.

"Really? I don't know anything!"

When Hirasawa Yui heard what Tian Zhongli said, she immediately stood on her hips and said that she didn't know anything.

I don't understand why you are so proud~ laugh.jpg

"What instrument is Weiwei interested in? I recommend guitar, which is the best instrument for beginners. And our band is in need of a guitarist."


Hirasawa Yui tilted her head, imagining herself performing on stage with a guitar.

Oh oh oh! This is good! This is good! It looks so cool.

In this way, the instrument that Hirasawa Yui will choose in the future was decided. However, the next time is not enough for the girls to teach Hirasawa Yui to practice, because they will have classes soon.

"You guys can practice here in the afternoon, and remember to keep the key to the activity room."

Throw the key to Tianzhong Ritsu, and he will not come to the light music club in the afternoon.

"Hey~ But didn’t the president say that once we have a guitarist, he would join our band?……"

"We have to practice Hirasawa Yui's basic guitar skills first."

He plucked the broad forehead of the guitarist with his fingers.

"President! Damn it! Girls will become stupid if they hit their foreheads too much."

He covered his head in pain, damn president! He doesn't keep his word! He clearly agreed to join!

But no matter how much Tian Zhongli complained, it was useless, after all, Xia Qiu did have something to do in the afternoon.

Because Dengeki Bunko had already informed him that an animation production company had taken a fancy to the anime adaptation rights of Four Lies.

Unlike the copyright of online novels in China, which is like a contract of sale, the anime adaptation rights of light novels in Japan are in the hands of the writers themselves, and the publishing houses only have the publishing rights.

Generally, animation companies that want to obtain the copyrights from light novel writers will ask the authors through the library whether they have authorized it.

Some people may ask, doesn't Four Lies have no ending? Why is it animated in advance?

That's because the animation companies in Japan will not make no choice just because your light novel is not finished. They can even shoot while waiting.

And the volume of the first volume is enough to make six episodes, and the animation company over there also knows that the second volume is about to be released. I heard about the release of the book, so I asked about it.

But the premise for the animation of a general light novel is that the editor-in-chief who is responsible for the book strongly recommends it, and then the editor-in-chief will review it and decide whether it has the premise for animation.

If so, he will look for a suitable animation company for the light novel.

There are very few works like Four Lies that were discovered by animation companies in advance and requested to be adapted into anime.

This shows that the excellence of this work has been recognized by the industry, and its animation value is extremely high.

That's it~

So, I will be able to stab readers more than once in the future!!!


I can stab readers again in the anime!

You know, Four Lies is a music show. With the soundtrack, the urging for more updates is even greater, and it makes people feel more involved.

Before that, Xia Qiu had to go to the office of Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka and hand her Hirasawa Yui's application for admission.

When she arrived at the door of the office, the woman was wearing a white coat as usual, with a lady's cigarette in her mouth.

"Ahem, if you smoke, you won't be able to find a boyfriend in the future, Jing." Shizuka

Hiratsuka was startled by the sudden voice and quickly took the cigarette out of her mouth.

The dean of studies is here? Or the principal?

I just held the cigarette in my mouth, I didn't smoke! It doesn't count as smoking in the office.

Turning around, I found it was Xia Qiu!

Damn, I was so scared, I thought it was some dean who came.

"What are you doing here again? Forget about asking for leave. You've been absent from school for several days in the past few weeks."

"I'm overthinking, Jing. It's really heartbreaking! Did I come to you because I want to take a leave? Is there a possibility that I have something else to do?"

Xia Qiu blinked.

In fact, I don't quite understand why everyone always thinks of Shizuka Hiratsuka as a very violent person. In fact, I don't think so.

If you say that she uses violence against people~ um... In fact, Shizuka Hiratsuka has never used violence against ordinary students. For familiar people like Xia Qiu, she will just kick them in the butt, just like the action done by elders when they laugh and scold the younger ones.

As for the big teacher. Maybe it's really extraordinary. He can make Shizuka Hiratsuka blush. Do you think it's ordinary? Self-exploding trucks and so on, this is really psychologically twisted.

To sum up, Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka is really a very competent and good teacher. I vaguely remember that my previous self was stubborn and refused to accept Shizuka Hiratsuka's help, so Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka was so concerned.

And he will also take his own actions for the physical and mental health of students.

Therefore, Jing Keai is indeed a good teacher.

You can even get along with her as brothers, and how bad is the character that can make the big teacher say that he can't help but want to get married?

Just like now, Xia Qiu occasionally makes fun of Jing, and this woman won't say anything

"I'm just submitting my application for admission."

He waved the form in his hand to indicate that he was here to

"Oh? You've collected all your Dragon Balls so quickly?"

Dragon Balls, what the hell? Should I go fight the Emperor of the Universe, King Frieza, next?"

"You should find a club advisor, don't ask me for this little thing, it's too much trouble."

Shizuka Hiratsuka took the application form from Xia Qiu with disdain and started to grumble.

"Why don't you let Ajing be my club advisor?"

"Come on, I'm already a club advisor, I don't have the energy to be another one, and the school won't agree to that either."

Tsk tsk~ Look at you now, with your legs crossed and a cigarette in your mouth, how can you look like you don't have energy? Don't think I don't know, the Snow Girl Club doesn't have anything for you to do.

"It's the service department."

"You know? Oh, that's right. After all, you should have seen Yukino next to your club, right? I wanted to squeeze you in at first, but then I thought about it and felt that you didn't need any transformation. Later, when you became the president of the light music club, I didn't say anything."

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