The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 115 Rabbit, it’s for you!

I'm stuck with a rabbit.

Not a human, but a rabbit.

No, not a rabbit, a rabbit.

It is just a rabbit, a rabbit without entity, so the quantifier "only" cannot be used.


Don't use "only", don't let the rabbit hear it, don't let the rabbit find it.

Rabbits are very familiar, and rabbits are very annoying.

If you cannot be discovered by it, you are not familiar with it; if you cannot be discovered by it, you are unfamiliar with it.

Because it will let you know with enthusiasm that you are inseparable from it!



There are rabbit stickers on my express delivery, there are rabbit patterns on my clothes, there is a rabbit man standing at the door of the shopping mall downstairs, and my neighbor is fucking in love with a rabbit!

Haha, a rabbit!

fall in love!

Damn it, when did I have this dress, when did I buy this express delivery?

Play games with rabbit, play games with me, play games with you.

Don’t laugh at the challenge! do not laugh! don't want! laugh!

Read along with me——

(Those who skip this paragraph will be trapped by rabbits)

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit

are you……

Suddenly you don’t recognize the word rabbit?

You are new to rabbits.

Rabbit, it’s for you!



Even though Yu Liang was quite graceful, he couldn't help but curse when he finished reading this letter.

He followed the instructions in the letter and carefully finished reading "Rabbit" twenty-eight times, and then suddenly saw the next sentence——

"Did you suddenly no longer recognize the word rabbit?"

Indeed, he does not recognize the word "rabbit" anymore. Of course he does not recognize the word "rabbit". This is a normal phenomenon in psychology.

Semantic saturation.

When looking at a certain word for a long time, the brain will focus on the appearance of the word, thus ignoring the semantics and creating a sense of strangeness.

When Yu Liang realized that this strange feeling really existed, he instantly appeared in an apartment building.

Here is the new copy of Kaitan!

At the same time, he also felt like he was being watched.

Yu Liang knew very well that he was trapped by a rabbit.

The rabbit was "gifted" to him by the sender.

Because of that damn psychological phenomenon, the sender tricked him in an almost childish way.

Forget it, he was already going to enter the Kaitan dungeon, so this trick was completely impossible to guard against.

[The main line of ghost story: Rabbit Game has been triggered]

[Find a suitable room in the Heping Community and move in, and abide by the rules of the community. 】

【Explore the secrets of rabbits. 】

[Play the game at least once every three days, and you'll find a gaming venue when you leave home after midnight. 】

[Based on the game score, you will receive supplies for the next three days. 】

[Acquire as many game points as possible, and a game master will be selected every week, and the game master will have the opportunity to leave the Kaidan dungeon]

[Team Rabbit, come on! come on! come on! 】

Yu Liang quickly read the prompts on the page and determined the first thing he had to do.

First, you need to find a room to stay in. This dungeon of ghost stories will probably take a lot of time.

Looking around, he was in a corridor. The lights here were dim and everything five meters away could not be seen clearly.


Absolute silence enveloped the place. Yu Liang didn't know what time it was, but it was obviously not normal for an apartment building with people to be so quiet.

He looked at the wall. The gray paint on the wall had peeled off layer by layer. This apartment building also had a certain sense of age.

Find a suitable room and move in.

Find an unoccupied house and live directly there?

Not only must there be no people, but there must also be no strange creatures.

Just like before, items in the real world other than basic clothing cannot be carried into the Kaidan dungeon.

Yu Liang checked his inventory, stamp column, and character column to confirm that all important items were there before walking deeper into the corridor.

Soon, he was standing in front of a door. The door handle was covered in dust and looked like it hadn't been used for a long time.

There seemed to be no one in this house.

"Huh?" Yu Liang was just about to try to twist the door handle, and then he noticed something was wrong with the peephole of the door.

That's a real eye.

The gray dead eyes stared blankly at Yu Liang in front of him.

Forget it, this household seems to be occupied already, so let’s find another one.

Yu Liang retracted his hand politely and turned to the next door.

However, when he walked from the other end of the corridor to this end, he didn't see a normal family.

Either there was blood seeping from the crack in the door, or there was half a finger hidden under the carpet at the door. Looking around, all the rooms in the entire corridor were hidden and strange, like ghosts.

This is the seventh floor.

Yu Liang walked to the stairwell. It was also dark inside, but it was different from what he saw in the corridor before. This stairwell was very neat, not dirty or messy.

Logically speaking, this kind of stairwell should be filled with residents' sundries. Of course, this kind of public area should be occupied as much as possible.

It seems that the quality of the residents in this corridor is quite high.

Suddenly I want to be neighbors with them.

Yu Liang thought, but just thinking.

There was no door at the stairwell, so he walked directly into the stairwell, stood on the railing in the middle of the stairs, and looked down through the gap between the stairs on both sides.

A few floors below, Yu Liang saw obvious light, which seemed not as dark as the upper floors.

You can go down and have a look, maybe you can find a room suitable for living.

Although Yu Liang didn't know how to check in, he was convinced that there was a ghost in the room and it was definitely not a suitable room.

He is not Li Huachao, and he has no enthusiasm for these strange creatures.

Judging from the contents of the previous prompt box, this dungeon is a multiplayer dungeon like the zoo.

But it doesn't look like there are other players in this building. Could it be that it's already after midnight, so all those players ran out to play games?


What he received was the main line of ghost stories, which should be triggered by all players.

And the prompt box said that Yu Liang is Team Rabbit...

Obviously there are other teams, but Yu Liang doesn't know if there are other players in this Rabbit team. He may be the only member of the Rabbit team among the players in the entire community.

Be prepared in advance to be surrounded.

There must be some among these players who have alienated professions, and there are probably some good players among them. Yu Liang doesn't know what level his own strength is among these alienated professional players.

The abilities of alienated professions are inherently mixed with strange or coercive attributes, so you still need to be careful.

Yu Liang has begun to think about whether he should continue to pretend to be blind and weak. He has extremely rich experience in pretending to be blind, but if you think about it carefully, in this copy of the ghost story, an ordinary weak author may look more like a blind person. Like a weakling.

His footsteps echoed in the quiet stairwell, traveling up and down at the same time.

"Rabbit." Yu Liang noticed a cartoon Bugs Bunny sticker on the railing of the stairs, but Bugs Bunny's smile was a bit sinister and did not look like a cartoon.

Beginning, the rabbit's passionate entanglement began.

However, the letter did not mention what kind of supernatural attack methods the rabbit had. If it just appeared in his life in various ways, Yu Liang would not feel any pressure.

As he went down the stairs, there would be exactly the same Bugs Bunny stickers on the railings of each flight of stairs until Yu Liang reached the third floor.

The stickers are gone.

Yu Liang looked down from the stairs on the third floor. White lights were on in the stairwells on the lower floors. There were boxes stacked on the platform and old brooms on the steps. This scene seemed warm.

So this rabbit followed him to the third floor and then refused to go down any further?

The light below makes it not want to follow?

Or are there more terrifying monsters on the floor below?

After reading the letter, Yu Liang appeared directly on the seventh floor. According to the normal game flow, the birth point should be safe, so the further down, the more dangerous?


Yu Liang instinctively felt something was wrong, because when he was still a newcomer, he encountered a crocodile just after leaving the spawn point. He didn't even have to run, and directly hung up on the monkey ghost story.

This strange copy cannot be measured by common sense.

So Yu Liang glanced down again. The bright scene made him feel a sense of security deep in his heart.

He turned and walked into the third floor corridor.

I still can’t go down there for the time being, I always feel like the lights below have some evil intentions.

[Idle room 4306 has been detected and the key has been sent to the player's inventory, please check it in time]

After entering the corridor on the third floor, Yu Liang received the prompt, which also made him deep in thought.

So the seventh floor just now was indeed full of "people", right?

The setting of this spawn point is really outrageous.

Yu Liang complained in his mind while walking towards the room assigned to him.

Although it is still dark here, the voice-activated lights in the corridor will gradually light up as he steps, showing the life scenes here in front of him.

In comparison, this floor is much more lively.

Normal carpets, normal peepholes, normal shoe racks, and garbage bags full of garbage placed at the door of several rooms, probably to be thrown out the next day.

Yu Liang took out his blind stick, used the end of the stick to open the mouth of the garbage bag, and glanced inside.

There was no blood, no severed limbs, just some common household garbage in the garbage bag.

4302, 4303, 4304, 4305…

He silently counted the house numbers and slowly walked to his room.


Yu Liang noticed that the door of room 4305 was slightly open, which made him stop at the door of his room and turned to look at his neighbor.

Although the door was closed, the crack was not large, so he could not see what was in the room through the crack.

There was only a hole in the door of room 4305 where the peephole was, as if it had been dug out by something.

There seems to be something wrong with the door handle. The angle between it and the door is not perpendicular, but at a strange inclination.

The door is so broken and no one has come to repair it?

Yu Liang had doubts in his heart, but when he saw the shoe rack by the door, he seemed to understand again.

There were two pairs of large-sized men's sneakers on the shoe rack. They looked quite new, and there was a rolled-up flyer inserted in the shoes.

If a man lives here, that's normal.

He opened his door with the key issued by the system. He first stood at the door and looked inside for a while, making sure that nothing would suddenly jump out before he walked in with confidence.

Start by turning on the lights and looking around the room.

The room is not big, only about 20 square meters. Apart from the toilet, there is only room for a bed, a desk, and a row of wardrobes.

The place was kept very clean, the quilts on the bed were folded neatly, and various items were placed in categories.

But what makes Yu Liang a little strange is that this room does not look like it is idle, but more like its owner encountered an accident when he went out in the morning and failed to come back.

Yu Liang first searched the room thoroughly to make sure there were no random monsters hidden.

Bathrooms and wardrobes are the most important places.

After rummaging through it, he also found a few sticky notes from the drawer. The things written on them seemed to have been left by the previous owner of the room.

"There's something in this building, be careful."

"It likes women who live alone best."


"Don't fall asleep."

The first post-it note had these three sentences written on it. Yu Liang frowned slightly and turned his attention to the second post-it note.

"I'm probably going to die. Whoever stays in my room, remember this warning!"

"If you are a woman living alone, you must be extremely vigilant. You must, must discover its existence in advance!"


1. Don’t let it in!

2. It prefers to hurt women, but disguise is meaningless, it is very cunning, and it can discover your true gender from the details.

3. You can observe the corridor through the peephole, but the peephole has a blind spot, so be careful as it sticks to the edge of the wall. Remember, make sure it's not in the hallway before exiting.

4. Be careful, it can destroy your door lock through the peephole!

5. Be sure to throw the garbage to the trash can at the door of Building 1, which is further away. It will rummage through your garbage, and it can discover your life patterns.

6. It will mark the door of the room where it can start. Be careful of handwriting, leaflets, and stickers. If marks are found, remove them as soon as possible.

7. If you cannot close the door in time when you go home, do not open the door. It will become more dangerous when it enters the room.

8. Windows are more dangerous than doors.

9. The first thing you do when you get home is to check the room, but don’t walk directly into the room, stand at the door and wait and see. If you feel like someone has come in, run!

11. Once it targets you, the more it learns about your habits, the scarier it becomes. Find it before it sees an opportunity, avoid it, sabotage its plans, and don't confront it.

"It?" Yu Liang felt a chill in his heart. Looking at these reminder sentences, even if he was not a woman, he could feel the horror in them.

Judging from the reminder on this post-it note, it does not look like a strange creature, but more like a violent criminal who preys on women who live alone in real life.

Wait, it seems to feel familiar.

Cat eyes.

Broken door lock.

Brand new men's shoes.

Flyer in shoe.

Yu Liang's eyes widened, and he suddenly realized something terrible.

It's right next door!

Right next door now!

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