The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 135 Akainu’s Heart Li Huachao

Li Huachao bent down at the entrance of the cave. He observed carefully for a moment, and then he determined that there was a rabbit dummy patrolling the rabbit hole.

There are about ten teams of rabbit dummies patrolling here. Each team has ten rabbit dummies. Their patrol routes seem to be completely random and they often encounter each other. Some areas have a large number of rabbit dummies, and some areas have only a very small number. On patrol.

There seems to be no pattern.

Li Huachao made a judgment in his mind, and then his eyes fell on the humans outside the huge sphere.

Those humans were just sitting or lying on the ground casually, with their eyes closed, and the beauty in their dreams made them couldn't help but smile.

Time seemed to freeze on their bodies, and it was obvious that they had been here for a long time, but their hair and beards were still in their normal state and did not continue to grow longer.

Similarly, there is no large amount of excrement accumulated near them, as if all human metabolism has failed in the real bodies of these dream humans.

Li Huachao could see many kinds of strange people.

Some people lost their arms and legs.

Some people had big holes in their bodies, exposing their internal organs stained with mud and dust.

Some people's outer skin was cruelly peeled off, revealing the bright red bodies underneath.

And more people are in a deformed state, or their necks are extended extremely long, or a weird third hand grows in their chest.

It was obvious that the unbridled strange stories in the Forgotten City had deprived these humans of their right to live a normal life. According to this situation, they should have died in the next second.

Indeed, it was the dream of the rabbit-shaped god that saved the lives of these Forgotten City people.

Use the death and fear of those players to save the people of Forgotten City,

Li Huachao did not comment on this. He would not act with complicated concepts of right and wrong, because many things could not be differentiated between right and wrong.

Now he just wants to cause trouble.

Make a decision and then act?

No, no, no, this is just an excuse for procrastinators. Li Huachao said that he is definitely not such a procrastinator.

If action fails, then plan later.

This is his approach.

So when such a concept appeared in his mind, Li Huachao wanted to put it into action without hesitation.

As for other things...

Destroying the rabbit-shaped god's dream may cause the "half-dead people" in the dream to die completely, and completely cut off the possibility of these Forgotten City people even living in the dream.

But what does it matter?

Li Huachao felt that dead people should look like dead people.

Facing aging and death calmly is the grace that human beings should have. For the so-called immortality, one transforms oneself into a human being and a ghost...

It's a bit too embarrassing.

At least Li Huachao would rather face the strange stories in reality head-on, and would rather survive in the cracks than float in the dream of paradise built for him by the rabbit-shaped god.

He thought about it, and suddenly felt that the people in Wangcheng were quite miserable.

From the log just now, it is not difficult to see what happened in the Forgotten City.

Several years ago, in order to protect the territory outside Forgotten City, someone "erased" Forgotten City from the world and separated it from the world.

Everyone has forgotten about this city.

And the ghost story used here is naturally the "it" in the zoo ghost story. That person probably achieved this effect by spreading the zoo ghost story.

Sacrifice the people of Wangcheng and protect more people.

Now the mission of the Kaitan world, which is the root of the Kaitan world, is for players to destroy the dream of the rabbit-shaped god, sacrifice the people of Forgotten City, and protect other players trapped in the rabbit game...

The people who co-authored the Forget City are a great injustice, right?

In every trolley problem, it’s the abandoned one.

Li Huachao couldn't help but mourn for these poor Wangcheng people for a moment in his heart.

However, this does not mean that the rabbit-shaped god is innocent. After it was dug up by humans, it began the process of using rabbit games to collect fear and death. There are also many human players who died because of it.

He wanted to try to see what would happen if he stuffed the princess into a dream.

As for the rest, Yu Liang is not in that dream now anyway, Yu Liang is sleeping normally.

So what else is there to worry about?

Li Huachao drove the mantis cub, and she carried her to the cave, and carefully entered the crowd of Forgotten City people.

He tried to pull the tube out of a relatively intact human.

To his surprise, the process of removing the tube was easy, without any attack, and without the protection of the so-called rabbit-shaped god.

So does the protection of the rabbit-shaped god only target the act of "hurt"?

You don't have to worry about removing the tube?

"Cough cough cough -" A violent coughing sound came suddenly.

After Li Huachao pulled out the tube, the unfortunate guy also woke up from his dream. He opened his confused eyes and looked at the only living person around him, Li Huachao.

His reaction was very mechanical. He just looked at Yu Liang and the woman with long black hair in a red dress sitting next to him without saying a word.

"Congratulations, your operation is completed." Li Huachao said seriously, "We followed your wishes and removed your male genitals. You are now a woman!"

Perhaps because he had just woken up from his dream, the man opened his pants in shock and checked, and he breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that his male dignity was still there.

At the same time, many changes suddenly appeared on his body.

The first was the beard. The beard near the chin and lips grew crazily, and the hair quickly grew long. Soon it became disheveled and unshaven, giving him the look of a savage.

The face was also aging visibly, and many kinds of wrinkles appeared in an instant.

Getting older? !

Li Huachao realized this change instantly. He looked at the man in front of him in surprise, but this man had no self-awareness at all. He stood there dumbly, looking around from time to time, as if he didn't know what was happening now. Condition.

The Forget City people in the dream will not grow old, but will all the aging come back with revenge the moment they leave the dream?

That being said, they have absolutely no way to live forever. Perhaps when their lifespan ends, they will age terribly in a very short period of time, become ill in an instant, and then die in their dreams.

Birth, old age, illness and death are all destiny.

This kind of thing is reasonable.

But if you think about it carefully, it’s unreasonable. Those people who have a big hole in their body will die in the next second, right?

How can I still linger in the dream of heaven?

"Help. Help. Help."

"Who can save me. Who can save me."

"Fuck, there's a monster. Fuck, there's a monster."

The electronic mechanical sound came from far to near, and it was also mixed with many other strange words.

Li Hua glanced in the direction where she thought the sound came from. It was the Rabbit Dummy Patrol.

Probably the act of removing the tube just now attracted them.

He made a quick judgment and knocked out the stupid old man next to him.

"Ouch!" the old man cried out in pain.

"I forgot that I don't have much strength now." Li Huachao also cursed in a low voice, and then asked the mantis cub to do it for him, "Knock him out, quickly!"

The bastard was stunned when he heard this, and then he clenched his fist and hit the old man on the head from top to bottom. With just one blow, he was knocked straight into the ground and passed out.

After doing all this, Li Huachao quickly ran away and hid back in the soil cave.

Damn it, he still wants to try to see what it feels like to have these tubes inserted in his head. It would be great if he could enter that dreamland of heaven.

Anyway, he can ask the Scrooge to help him remove the tube, and he doesn't have to worry about being addicted to dreams and unable to extricate himself.

Li Huachao believed in his own self-control.

Well, absolutely no problem.

Thinking of this, Li Huachao suddenly wanted to try to see what was in this paradise dream.

Anyway, now I have found a way to enter the dreamland of heaven, and I am not in a hurry to teach the princess in heaven a lesson.

Li Huachao hid in the dark and watched the rabbit dummies hurriedly ran over, reconnected the pipe that had fallen on the ground to the old man's head, and then left quickly.

It looks like the bunny dummies don't know he's there, they're just here to plug the tube back in.

Judging from this rapid set of actions, it may be that disconnection and reconnection in dreams are also normal.

So Li Huachao returned to the person whose tube had been removed before, and said to the money-hungry man next to him: "I will connect this tube later. No matter what happens, remove the tube after thirty seconds." It must be pulled out, you know?”

"Yeah." The money-keeper nodded, and the Mantis cub also nodded. She seemed to understand Li Huachao's instructions.

After explaining the funeral affairs, Li Huachao also pulled out the tube from the head of the man just now and put it on his own forehead.

If you can go in and take a look at Paradise Dream, it might also be of great help to the Kaidan copy itself.

The next second, Li Huachao realized that his consciousness was in "empty space".

There is nothing here.

He was as if he were in space, his whole body was light and floating in the air.

Li Huachao wandered in the air for a while and suddenly felt bored.


That's it?

Can this be considered paradise?

Food, wine, beautiful women, luxury cars, and video games, you should have these things, right?

Li Huachao complained in his heart.

However, as his thoughts moved, the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

Feasting and feasting.

He appeared in a bar, and the colored lights above his head swayed with the wine in his glass, giving off a charming sheen.

The men and women on the dance floor were scantily clad and twisting their bodies wildly.

In a dark corner on one side, Li Huachao could still see a group of men and women giving their sweat and body fluids to the most primitive human desires without reservation.

Looking at the table in front of me, it is filled with delicacies and various game consoles, and they carry a light of temptation around them.

Li Huachao sighed and sat down on the spot.

He has no interest in any of this.

He sets his sights on multiplayer action in the corner.

But this kind of scene is still quite rare. Can humans and rabbits do it?

Bunny girls refer to girls wearing bunny costumes, not rabbits with girl heads, right?

So weird, take another look.

In the next few seconds, he walked through several scenes.

The secret base hut that the stay-at-home party loves, the great rivers and mountains that the travel party loves, and the power and wealth that more people love.

In this short period of time, Li Huachao had a rough experience of it, but none of these things made him interested.


gourmet food?



Li Huachao's personal taste no longer satisfies this simple enjoyment.

To him, these things are unimportant.

Only cause trouble.

The sense of accomplishment of solving difficult problems with his distinctive "Li Huachao method" is what he finds interesting.

It's a pity that everything here is false, and things will always develop according to his ideas...

What's the point?

Just like someone who likes e-sports and strives to reach the top, then he can't be satisfied with playing easy-level human-computer games every day, right?

If the trouble is not in reality, does it still have any meaning?

Li Huachao curled his lips, and the next second he returned to reality.

It was the Scrooge who followed his instructions and pulled him out of his dream.

"What did you see?" The money-keeper looked at Li Huachao curiously, and was a little surprised by Li Huachao's lost look.

"I saw emptiness." Li Huachao sighed again, inserted the tube into the old man's head again, and then walked towards the pit over there, "The dream is a dream after all, and I can't sink into it at all."

And he always had a strange feeling. None of the other people in this dream seemed to be alive. He felt like he was playing a stand-alone game.

Could it be that the rabbit-shaped god didn't pull him into the multiplayer dream?

Li Huachao thought about it and suddenly felt that it was very possible.

But even then he would not indulge in dreams, because what Li Huachao wanted to do most was to live in reality.

Living, just living can bring endless joy.

The pleasures that ordinary people are prone to indulge in are not applicable to Li Huachao. He is a man with extremely high ideological level.

To a certain extent, this can be regarded as the heart of Akainu...

A pure heart.

Li Huachao looked at the tunnel map in his hand, found a nearby exit, and came to the ground.

This is an alley. The buildings on both sides are very tall, and the shadows have always shrouded the alley. Therefore, the alley is extremely humid, dark, and covered with green moss.

He raised his head and looked up. Due to the obstruction of tall buildings, he could not see the princess in the sky standing in this alley.

Li Huachao turned around and walked out of the alley, then took out the rabbit leg that had been treasured for many years in the inventory and threw it onto the road illuminated by the sunset sun.

He counted silently for two seconds and then suddenly retracted the rabbit leg.


A thick tentacle fell from the sky and hit the spot where the rabbit's leg used to be.

"Fortunately, fortunately." Li Huachao patted his chest, feeling a little scared.

Fortunately, he got Rabbit's leg back in time. If he lost Rabbit You's leg because of something like this, he would definitely regret it.

Yu Liang had used Check on this tentacle before and confirmed that this tentacle was also the princess's body.

So Li Huachao directly selected the princess as his target, took out the 50-50 ring and transformed directly.

After the dazzling light, Li Huachao's figure suddenly grew to nearly a hundred meters, and the size of the princess floating in the air also shrank, reaching the same average size as Li Huachao.

The physical strength of the two was equally divided, so Li Huachao felt that his body was filled with strength again.

His bell-like eyes scanned the surrounding high-rise buildings that had long been abandoned. These buildings were built a long time ago, so they were not as tall as Li Huachao at the moment.

With every move of his hand, the wind and clouds surged.

The princess in the sky also saw Li Huachao's figure. Hundreds of eyes stared at Li Huachao instantly, and those eyes were full of the same shock and confusion.

"Bastard, come here!" Li Huachao picked up the tentacles from the ground, pulled the princess over with force, and pressed her to the ground.


The princess fell to the ground and made a hoarse cry.

"Bang!" The ground was shaking, and the turbulent waves formed spread far away.

A grocery store hundreds of meters away also felt the earthquake.

The masked man looked at the teacup that fell from the counter to the ground. The teacup was completely broken, and the tea leaves and tea water splashed all over the floor.

His brows furrowed slightly.

That ring...

Is it really that interesting? !

A little snack book. The princess I wrote before was too big. She should be as big as several football fields, not dozens. Chapters that were too long ago are locked and cannot be changed. I'm sorry.

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