The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 138 The Architect’s Super Model Ability

"Everyone is awake, but I noticed before that he was not among all the rabbit-headed players in the prison just now."

At this moment, the bartender in the tunnel said to Lu Xing beside him.

Lu Xing also paused in his steps: "Yes, I know."

After entering the tunnel, he discovered that there were traces of other people walking in this tunnel. Now it seemed that it was the rabbit head where the conflict had occurred before.

That bunny head that can use a mirror.

Lu Xing's eyes narrowed slightly, and a dangerous arc appeared in the corners of his eyes.

This guy is more bold and careful than he thought.

In this situation where all physical strength is lost, the first choice is not to escape back to the safer apartment in the dream, nor to hide in the mirror until the physical strength is restored, but to explore in depth along this tunnel...

It can be said that this guy's courage is far better than ordinary people.

To a certain extent, this approach also saved himself.

If he wakes up along with all the players in the prison, Lu Xing and the bartender will take action without hesitation.

They had already found a familiar helper in the dream. If they worked together, there would definitely be no problem in overcoming the "heavily drunk" Li Huachao.

As for now, since there is no trace of Li Huachao, they can only continue their preparations.

There is nothing wrong with being extra prepared.

Not long after, Lu Xing and the bartender arrived directly under a floor tile.

"I happen to have four unnecessary stamps now, which can be exchanged for a useful item." Lu Xing looked at his stamp column and selected four stamps that were temporarily unused.

As far as the effects of stamps are concerned, most stamps are very useful. Even if there are a few that are not used, it is most likely because they are not suitable for professional abilities or their applicable scope is relatively narrow.

After all, obtaining each stamp requires the player to have a certain amount of luck, strength, or IQ. For some ordinary players, it is difficult to obtain any stamp.

Lu Xing can indeed use his professional abilities to obtain stamps more easily, but from the perspective of the ratio of consumption to harvest, this is a relatively disadvantageous approach.

The correct solution is to use professional abilities to advance the progress of the root ghost story.

The reward for completing a root ghost story is definitely not comparable to a stamp.

"Huh?" Lu Xing tried to push the floor tile above his head, but judging from the feel, the ground was completely different from before.

He clearly remembered pushing past this tile and finding a grocery store last week.

There are countless special props in the grocery store, and each suitable prop can greatly improve the player's strength.

It's just that he hadn't collected four unnecessary stamps at that time, so he planned to use another week to complete a side story to get the stamps for exchange.

However, the current situation was beyond his expectation.

Why can't this floor tile be opened?

what's the situation? !

This makes Lu Xing feel that he finally saved enough money but found that the products have been sold out...

No, it’s not sold out, the entire store is gone!

"What's wrong? Can't we enter the grocery store from here anymore?" The bartender was a little surprised when he saw this. He came over and helped push the floor tile above his head, but the floor tile didn't move at all.

What's going on?

Did the grocery store owner also run away?

What happened in reality?

From the collective awakening of players to the disappearance of the princess in reality, to the fact that the grocery store cannot be opened now, a series of strange events have cast a shadow on Lu Xing's heart.

He felt as if there was a big hand controlling this dungeon of Kaitan, playing with players like them, and causing such a big change in this dungeon in just a few hours.

For a moment, this copy made Lu Xing feel extremely strange.

The two of them also decided to try a few more times. If they really couldn't push the floor tile away, they would have to make another plan.

At this time, inside the store.

The masked man raised his head, looked at the cabinet that was rising slightly, and frowned.

The cabinet was shaking regularly, and the items in the cabinet were making noises as they collided with each other.

Fortunately, there were no valuables in the cabinet that was pressed against the floor tiles, so he wouldn't feel bad at all even if it was broken.

But this also represents a situation.

The tile leading into the grocery store was being pushed.

Is that annoying guy back?

The masked man had doubts in his mind, and then became convinced.

This should be the case, because he knew very well that the sealed floor tile and the cabinet on the floor tile, ordinary players would not have the power to push the floor tile, only the animal could push it.

"Hmph." The masked man sneered, but everything was under his control. He had set up a small mechanism on this floor tile.

If the force exerted on this tile exceeds a certain limit, the tile will release small lightning bolts that attack people near the tile.

Although it is not fatal, it can disgust that guy in turn.

Thinking of this, the masked man's mood suddenly improved a lot. He wanted to lift up the floor tiles to see the guy's miserable appearance, but he felt that it was rude, so he had to endure it and imagine the miserable situation of this guy in his mind.

In the tunnel, Lu Xing quickly retracted his hand, and an electric current surged from the floor tiles and hit his hand instantly.

Directly numb.

Moreover, this numbness lasts for quite a long time, and I don’t know when I will be able to get out of this state of numbness.

Lu Xing looked at his hands quietly and tried to move them.

Simple grasping can still be done, but when it comes to fighting, it is obviously not possible.

At least not for a short time.

"Your hand?" The bartender felt a little worried when he saw Lu Xing's appearance.

However, Lu Xing just shook his head calmly: "It's okay."

He has long been accustomed to this level of misfortune, so he can remain calm about any misfortune that happens to him.

When he is not activating his professional abilities, he will be much unluckier than ordinary people, and all kinds of monsters and misfortunes will find him first.

When he was weak, such abilities were obviously demonic.

But it is an alienated professional ability, and a player who can obtain an alienated profession is obviously not that weak.

This is both a crisis and an opportunity. As long as he solves the strange stories that come to him, he will be able to obtain props and stamps, which will also greatly increase his chances of survival the next time he encounters a crisis.

After a long time, he has been able to face all luck and misfortune calmly like this.

After all, this is just the difference between whether the ability is activated or not.

"Then where are we going now? Back to prison?" the bartender continued to ask.

Now that it has become like this, he is also a little overwhelmed.

"Go back first." Lu Xing thought for a moment and decided to go back to the prison first. Now the development trend of things has exceeded his prediction, so it is better to go back to the prison and stay with most of the players.

He turned around and walked along the tunnel towards the prison. "The rabbit game will never stop. The rabbit-shaped god's will will soon be delivered to the prison."

"Okay." The bartender also nodded and left with Lu Xing.


"So how are you going to protect the dreamland?" Li Huachao asked the most critical question.

"You all should know the existence of the Rabbit God, and He should give instructions soon." The architect continued, his expression serious, "But before that, I hope we can work together."

He said: "There are a lot of living people in this prison, and they are all awake now. Without the protection of the rabbit-shaped god, such a prison is undoubtedly a bright light in the darkness of Forget City. I'm worried There will be evil spirits watching here. This prison is the key to maintaining the dream of Rabbit Game, and it must not be destroyed. If there were no Rabbit Game... you would not have the chance to become a 'game expert'. If you leave this copy, you will It’s even more idiotic.”

"I understand." Li Huachao agreed. At the same time, he felt that what these people said seemed reasonable.

The Rabbit Game is the basis of this dungeon. If the Rabbit Game ceases operations, Yu Liang will seem to be affected as well.

Although Yu Liang would definitely prefer to complete this dungeon by solving the source ghost story, if the source ghost story is too difficult, the game expert will obviously be Yu Liang's fallback option.

Thinking of this, Li Huachao suddenly felt that his position was on the side of these players again.

After all, the dream he wants to destroy should be the dream of the rabbit-shaped god, and the dream protected by these players is the rabbit game. There is no conflict between the two.

At this time, the lights in the prison suddenly flashed and then went out without warning.

"Protect me, they are coming." When the architect saw this, he closed his eyes and activated his professional ability. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes had turned into a breathtaking light blue.

Li Huachao looked at him curiously, and there were two people guarding him beside him, who seemed to be a team.

Are the three members of a team all alienated professional players?

Are they still the winners of the rabbit game?

Even Li Huachao couldn't help but find this combination tricky. After all, there was only one possibility for two alienated professional players to willingly serve as guards.

This architect's professional ability benefits are much higher than the two of them. The only flaw may be that his combat effectiveness is somewhat weak.

Something ran across the open space outside the prison.

Li Huachao's rabbit ears moved, and he heard a sound similar to the running sound of a wild animal.

So he walked to the small window on the edge of the corridor and looked out the window.

It was also dark outside the prison, but Li Huachao's keen sense of hearing and smell allowed him to detect monsters in the darkness.

Carrying the stench of the dead, they were on all fours, running towards them in groups.

Judging from their appearance, they should be bloody monsters.

While Li Huachao was observing, an earthen wall suddenly rose out of thin air in the open space outside the prison. It was about ten meters long and quite thick, blocking directly in front of the monsters.

"Bang bang bang——"

The sound of monsters hitting the wall was endless. Because the impact speed was too fast, they could not stop the car in front of the wall.

Such a large area of ​​earthen wall?

Li Huachao was surprised and turned to look at the architect, only to see characters lighting up in the architect's hand.





Various characters are constantly refreshing and flashing, and earthen structures such as "dam platforms", "city walls", "earth slopes", etc. are also erected in the open space outside in a very short period of time to block the monsters in the darkness. , constantly compressing their range of activities.

For a moment, the open space outside the prison underwent a dramatic change, as if a hand was unscrupulously moving mountains and filling the sea, showing its divine power.

The sky outside the prison was filled with dust, mixed with the howls of various monsters. They seemed to be incomprehensible and angry at these buildings that appeared out of thin air, but they had no choice but to be blocked from these buildings.

Li Huachao also fell silent when he saw this scene. He opened his page and looked at the abilities belonging to the hunter.

He suddenly felt that he should change his job.

Hunter is indeed a profession with no future. No wonder it is about to be eliminated by the times.

In this era, this country really still needs such infrastructure maniacs!

Do you think the expressiveness of this professional ability is really reasonable?

But thinking about it carefully, Li Huachao also noticed something was wrong.

From the prison to the outside of the prison, the range far exceeds the normal character casting range. Each character range improvement coupon can only increase the range by one step. There is at least a few hundred meters away, so this can only be a professional ability, and Strengthening cannot be achieved through character coupons.

Secondly, the release of characters requires "eyesight" as a prerequisite.

In other words, today’s architects can see what’s going on outside.

Li Huachao, who is also a rabbit man, looked outside the prison. He was basically blind, and his vision was not comprehensive.

But the building rises from all sides of the prison, so the architect should have an ability similar to "God's perspective."

This is probably what those blue eyes are capable of at the moment.

Secondly, the architect does not seem to be able to autonomously destroy the buildings outside.

If the earth wall dam were allowed to collapse, it should have caused greater damage to the monster, but the architect did not do this.

It won't be unexpected, it will just be impossible.

Li Huachao's sense of combat was very keen, and he could analyze the general outline of this architect's professional abilities in a blink of an eye.

It's just that he doesn't know yet whether these abilities are all the architect has.

Judging from the current performance, the architect's gradient level is at least T2, at least equivalent to him.

Unfortunately, this ability consumes too many characters. Now Li Huachao has seen the architect use nearly fifty characters.

It seems that every large-scale building outside can't be built with just one character. Architects also type several characters in succession before erecting things like earthen dams.

Wait a minute!

He suddenly noticed that the guards beside the architect seemed to be more than just guards.

Whenever a character appears in the architect's hand and is typed out of the prison, an identical character will appear in front of the rabbit-headed player on his left.

The appearance of the characters follows an animation process, as if a pen is copying the characters in the void, and the characters are formed in a short time.

Then he handed the character to the architect, who typed the character again...

Obviously, the effect of copying characters is the professional ability of the person next to the architect. However, it seems that the copyist can no longer copy the characters he created, so he will only copy every two characters the architect types.

But even so, your combination is too much. You can still find someone to support such a perverted ability. Not only the consumption is greatly reduced, but the production speed is so fast...

Is your architect's name Steve (the protagonist of the game "Minecraft")?

Li Huachao expressed his real name envy.

If this ability combination is given to him, he can definitely renovate Wangcheng.

"I didn't completely surround the prison, I just made a simple maze, and the exit is at the door of the prison." The architect said calmly, "The monster group is of the bloody type, most of them are T4, a small amount of T3, I don't know Does T2 exist? Now lead other players to guard the exit of the maze and kill the monsters that come in."

For the same profession, such as architect, except for the character created by Yu Liang, I will basically only write about an architect player.

It will be more interesting to write about different professions.

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