The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 152 Do you know the correct way to use skin care lotion?

There must be a brave man behind a lot of money.

He is also included.

The partner is Lu Xing, a player who is not well-known among ordinary players but is respected among those advanced players.

But it’s easy to make money, that’s obvious.

Because Lu Xing's target is the beast tamer, the guy who can conquer hundreds of strange creatures by himself.

Once he fails, there will only be one word to greet his fate.


But he didn't care.

Living in this kind of ghost story world, where you have to complete the thrilling rabbit game every day, it would be difficult to survive.

He knew that he did not have the ability to become a game master, and he did not even have the potential.


Must be greedy.

The more greedy the better, otherwise you won't win.

If he couldn't make a fortune, he would never leave this place.

Do we have to place our hopes on someone who can solve the illusory root mystery and take out all the players here?

What a joke.

Of course, the most critical thing now is to clear the rabbit game first, and then go back to meet Lu Xing and the others to kill the animal trainer together.

He believed that the animal tamer would have a lot of good things in his body, and maybe he could drink some soup while Lu Xing was eating meat.

He went back to his room and took out some mirrors from the room.

By adjusting the angle of the mirror, he could see what was happening in the corridor outside in his room, and then just quickly escape from the window and out of the apartment building.

Although it is not foolproof, the game of hide-and-seek mainly relies on adaptability. He is also ready to observe the surrounding situation at any time and make the most correct choice.

The fifteen-minute search time is actually very short. This community is only so big, and those rabbits will only come to search this building once.

So just evade the rabbit man's search once.

He opened his page and looked at the stamp column.

This is the first dungeon he has participated in. Although he is a newcomer, he has managed to gain a foothold in this dungeon by chance.

What he relies on is not the alienated professional ability. After all, there are only a few players who can obtain the alienated profession. What he relies on has always been the seal.

To be precise, it is the seal of a system.

[Destroyer]: Increases the lethality of your next destructive character by 50%, with a cooldown time of 10 minutes.

"Destroyer" is the core of the entire seal system. Its ability is simple and powerful, and its cooldown time is not too long.

It is true that stamps cannot be traded, but the way to obtain the stamps can be traded.

To put it more simply, what is traded is actually information.

Many stamps are not unique. You can get the same stamp as long as you meet the conditions.

For example, if you kill a supernatural T3 level monster, you can get the stamp on it. Then as long as you find the same monster again, you can get a stamp with the same name and the same effect again.

With this transaction method, he obtained two more stamps - "Ghost Infant" and "Underworld Bag".

[Ghost Infant]: When you use a destructive character, the ghost infant will simulate the character effect to perform additional attacks, but the attack effect is only 50% of the original (when additionally attacking, the negative effects attached to the destructive character can also be triggered). Cooling time 15 minutes.

[Underworld Bag]: When the opponent drops characters due to injury, each character dropped has a 75% probability of being included in the underworld bag.

Ghost Infant plus Destroyer can increase the power of a destructive character to a terrifying level. One character can hit two combos. The first hit has 150% of the character's power, and the second hit has 75% of the power. .

An increase of more than twice is already extremely terrifying, and these two combos take effect almost at the same time, and the effect is far stronger than hitting two characters in a row.

The characters can be used by casting back and forth, so the time between typing two characters in a row is not short. A character that can exert more than twice the power is far more powerful than typing two characters in a row, and it is easier to activate the character in an instant. Break defense.

As long as the enemy's defense can be broken and injured, the enemy's character bar will be reduced and one of the characters in the character bar will be randomly dropped.

A character is not a character.

If you can knock down the enemy's commonly used characters, you may gain dozens of characters with the same name, and the underworld bag has the ability to store such characters.

With a set of combo punches, he can not only attack head-on, but also take the opportunity to snatch the enemy's characters, which can be said to be a win.

This also led to a great increase in his demand for destructive characters, and he accumulated a lot of common "broken", "burning" and "rotten" characters.

The "Broken" character focuses on damage, while the "Burning" character can trigger burns. Ghost Baby's additional attacks can also trigger burns, so when he plays a "Burning" character, there is a chance of causing double burn effects.

Burning and burning the same attack area, just think about it and you will know how much damage it will cause.

According to Lu Xing, this is not the limit. The wine master's professional ability can also strengthen characters. This time, his destructive characters can have stronger lethality.

As long as it can hit the Tamer, even an ordinary "broken" character has a very high fatality rate.

This is Lu Xing's first hunting plan, also known as Plan A.


Suddenly, his ears moved, and he felt as if he heard a very faint footsteps in the corridor.


somebody is coming?

He knew very well that this could not be the resident in this corridor, because there was no other resident in this corridor except him.

His eyes were reflected on the mirror and directed to the corridor outside the room. He began to observe the situation in the corridor outside according to his original idea.

It was calm, and judging from the situation in the mirror, nothing seemed to happen in the corridor.

However, he stood up nervously, went straight to the window, and looked out.

Looking down from here, he didn't see any rabbit people waiting below.

The note in the previous prompt box also mentioned that you should be careful of all rabbits, so not only the six rabbits that catch people, but also those who are frozen and motionless.

He guessed that although the rabbit people were frozen and motionless, they should be able to provide clues to the rabbit people who were catching people.

Seeing that there was no trace of the rabbit man below, he was ready to leave here immediately.

The first thing he learned after coming to the Kaidan dungeon was that there must be monsters when things go wrong.

Let's go first.

He came to the window and immediately turned over and got out of the window.

However, the next second, a strange yet familiar face jumped in from the window.

"What?!" He was frightened and fled backwards in a panic. He rolled in embarrassment to avoid the fatal knife attack, and then activated his last stamp without hesitation.

[Gecko Man]: Cut off an arm to gain a faster escape speed. Nearby enemy units will be attracted by the broken arm and move slowly. The broken arm will complete regeneration after three days.

The seal ability was activated, and his left arm suddenly broke and fell to the ground. As a result, he gained speed and quickly ran away for a few steps, then looked back at the guy who had just invaded.


At this moment, the animal trainer was standing in front of the severed hand, his eyes unconsciously focused on the broken arm, and he did not pursue it for a while.

Sure enough, it was the animal trainer who came over.

Does this guy really not care about bunny games at all?

Just ignore the game and hunt down players?

Resentment arose in his heart, and he chose the animal trainer in front of him with the character "broken" without hesitation, with a ferocious look on his face: "Go to hell!"

When Li Huachao saw the light of characters condensing on the hands of the player on the opposite side, he immediately realized that he should dodge.

At such a close distance, under normal circumstances he could easily sneak into the opponent's blind spot, but at this moment he felt a heavy feeling on his body. In the words of a primary school long-distance running essay, it was as if his legs and feet were filled with lead. .

"Broken!" The player looked at Li Huachao who could not move, and his face suddenly turned red with excitement.

"Gecko Man" is a stamp he recently obtained from a ghost story in Building 4. This stamp combines escape and control. The only drawback is that the price is too high.

Although the arm that broke spontaneously will grow back after three days, losing the arm for three full days is still a bit troublesome.

Unless the benefits gained from a broken arm are extremely tempting.

Such as now.

He was very sure that as long as this character was printed on the body of the animal tamer, at least two of the character slots of the animal tamer would be destroyed.

In order to maximize the use of certain character slots, such advanced players often carry a large number of characters with the same name, which will also cause them to drop a large number of characters when injured.

He was sure that the two dropped characters were enough to make him a lot of money.

And he only wanted to earn this level. If the beast tamer was so strong, he would most likely have life-saving characters or seals on him. It would be impossible to kill him here.

It's already very profitable if you can get the characters.

With this thought, he fired the "broken" character full of malice.

However, at this time, the animal trainer slowly stepped forward, opened his hand, and placed a big slap about one meter in front of him.

I saw a lifelike cartoon husky painted on the palm. The black and white husky was replaced with dazzling bright red and emerald green, and the expression on his face was full of meanness.

Anyone who looks in this direction will have their eyes occupied by this conspicuous husky, so he is no exception and looks there involuntarily.

If the characters were missiles, the gaze was obviously the guidance method of the characters. Therefore, the malicious "broken" character fell into the palm of the trainer without any accident, and nothing happened.

Nothing happened.


Such a scene made him stare wide-eyed and stunned. He didn't expect that the attack he had worked so hard on didn't even cause a single ripple.

Four stamps, four stamps in a set, which took him nearly a month to collect...

It's of no use?

No limbs were broken, no blood splattered.

There is no imagined scene of a large number of characters pouring out and falling into the underworld.

Only the smug smile on the trainer's face seemed to be mocking the futility of everything he did.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that ordinary players and advanced players were completely different creatures.

He could only design an offensive and defensive system within the scope of his own knowledge, but he didn't know that the opponent was already at a higher level and used methods that he could not understand at all.

And the animal trainer didn't give him a second chance to take action.

Li Huachao slid forward, piercing the enemy player's throat with the knife in his hand. At the same time, he smiled and said to Yu Liang: "You see, this trick is very useful, right?"

Apparently, he's using a skin lotion that neutralizes the character's attacks, but in a clever way.

Under normal circumstances, the skin care lotion can only protect the application area. If it is only applied to the hands and the enemy attacks the feet with characters, the skin care lotion will not have any blocking effect.

If you want perfect protection, you may have to apply it all over your body.

This skin care lotion is definitely not enough for such a luxurious use.

So Li Huachao suddenly came up with the idea of ​​drawing a conspicuous husky on his hand, and showed his palm when the enemy player attacked with the character.

Anyone will focus on the husky, and the characters will also attack the palm position under the guidance of the gaze, which is just offset by the skin care lotion.

This is also the reason why the player character just now did no damage at all.

It's just that Yu Liang felt that it was a bit unnecessary. This move required too much distance. If it was far away, it would be self-defeating and unsafe. If it was close, it would be better to rush forward and kill him with one strike.

No matter how bad things were, it was okay to rush forward and gouge his eyes. After all, Li Huachao's melee ability basically overwhelmed players of the same level.

This time it was also because Li Huachao was slowed down and controlled that it showed its effect.

The most important thing is that Yu Liang feels that it is his own hand and does not want to be tattooed with this inexplicable dog pattern.

Just like the totem guardian spirit, who would want their guardian spirit to be Erha?

Li Huachao knelt down and inspected the player's body.

This player does not have an alienated profession, so Yu Liang cannot take this opportunity to create one.

So Li Huachao took away all the useful characters from him.

There were quite a few "breaking" characters, "burning" characters, and a few "awakening" characters. Unfortunately, this player didn't have much creativity and didn't find any characters that made Yu Liang's eyes light up.

As for the inventory, there is nothing and nothing to get. It is basically a normal player’s exploration suit, flashlight, knife and the like.

"If this guy just charged at me with a knife, you could just sprint up with your professional ability. Do you still need to waste skin care lotion?" Yu Liang replied.

"That's still a bit different." Li Huachao responded casually, "Did you see the unbelievable look in his eyes just now? It's great that someone can kill people and be heart-wrenching."

He glanced at the radar map in his mind, opened his mouth slightly and said, "Hey, a rabbit man is coming upstairs."

"Let's go."

Li Huachao nodded. This trip went unexpectedly smoothly, and there were only three people left in Lu Xing's team.

It would be better if he could take advantage of these fifteen minutes to kill the bartender as well. He had just noticed that it seemed that the bartender and Lu Xing were hiding separately.

However, he didn't see where the bartender was hiding. If he wanted to search, it would probably take a lot of effort.

Li Huachao walked into this guy's room. He looked at the large number of mirrors in the room. It seemed that the player had long been ready to use mirrors to monitor the situation in the corridor, and this game just used it.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't enter the mirror world during the rabbit game, this guy would have died long ago, without even using skin lotion.

He took the mirrors with him.

For Yu Liang, the mirror is a prop for playing with flowers and performing acrobatics. It doesn't take up any space, so he can just take it away.

Li Huachao jumped out of the building through the open window, climbed along the water pipe to the other side, and quickly left in the opposite direction of the rabbit man.

A moment later, a bunny man walked slowly up the stairs. The paws of his hind feet landed on the ground, making a crisp sound, which was particularly obvious in this quiet corridor.

It walked to the door of the room and first looked at the window sill, which was the direction Li Huachang left.

But it wasn't in a hurry at all, and didn't seem to have the desire to catch up.

The rabbit dummy looked down at the corpse on the ground and showed a strange smile.

"Hiss-" It took a deep breath at the player's corpse, as if something was being sucked into its body, growing and nourishing its body.

Fine scales grew on its body, like a layer of armor, and its limbs became slender and well-proportioned, closer to the human form than before.

The pair of rabbit eyes became even more scarlet as a result, as if there was endless malice brewing.

I hope to establish a combat system for alienated professions and stamp flow. I will create two imaginative posts in the comment area, one for alienated professions and one for stamps. If you have any ideas, you can leave a message.

The abilities of alienated professions should be close to the characteristics of the profession, and it would be even better if there are exciting linkages.

As for stamps, it can provide some interesting combinations of stamp abilities, and you can learn from the cool routines in other games.

Thanks in advance for everyone's ideas.

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