The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 160 Becomes the source of ghost stories.

"Which team is 2?"

In Yu Liang's disbelieving eyes, Lu Baoshen still asked this breathtaking question.

All of a sudden, everyone present fell silent.

The score is two to two. You ask me which side is two?

Aren’t these all two?

"Both sides are two." Yu Liang still answered Lu Baoshen's question.

"Oh." Lu Baoshen just nodded slowly and said nothing more.

"I feel like there's about this person." Li Huachao was also a little confused. He had just been born and had little experience. He was not sure if anyone could stay like this naturally.

"It's probably not a sinister thing, it's just a simple stupidity." Yu Liang observed Lu Baoshen for a while, confirming the conclusion he had come to before.

If you think about it carefully, a character like Li Huachao can be created, so there seems to be no problem in being a natural character now.

His eyes focused on the TV screen again, and he saw the word "recording" clearly written in the corner of the screen.

This football match is a recording, not what is happening.

Judging from the close-ups of the human team, their faces are a bit nervous, as if they haven't fully accepted that they are playing football with the bunny people.

The commentary on the game on the TV also started again.

"Okay, viewers, there was a little episode just now. The game will continue. We can see that the No. 11 player of the human team is holding the ball now... Ah!" The commentator suddenly shouted, and the football commentator also Interrupted momentarily.

The reason for screaming was Li Huachao.

Yu Liang switched to Li Huachao, who then unplugged the TV and took the TV away.

Now they don't have much time to deal with the strange stories on the TV, but they don't want to waste such a strange story. Maybe the TV has a stamp on it, so Yu Liang's idea is to take the TV and leave.

Li Huachao still had a lot of vacancies in his inventory, so he stuffed the TV into his inventory and saw the prompt.

[Unresolved ghost story items cannot be placed in the inventory]

"Okay." Li Huachao shrugged and asked Yu Liangdao, "Do you still want to take it away?"

"Throw it here first, don't worry about it." So Yu Liang also changed his mind, "Don't plug it in, it seems like it won't turn on without electricity."

"Okay." Li Huachao followed suit.

Yu Liang's plan was to go directly back to the dream. It would be more efficient to learn rabbit language in the dream, because the surrounding environment was the dream and was constructed from rabbit language, which would help him directly understand the essence of the dream.

Go to the rabbit game, then enter the mirror world to slow down the flow of time, and try to master the rabbit language during this time.

And there is another thing. In a few hours, the time agreed upon with "it" will come, and Li Huachao has to use special means to send the real-world Princess with Hundred Eyes into the rabbit game to meet "it".

From the looks of it, he is actually quite busy.

Li Huachao trotted all the way to the door. He quickly poked his head out and took a look. He saw that the princess in the sky was still swimming among the clouds. Judging from her body shape, she was still healthy. He nodded with satisfaction.

There is a feeling of looking at the pure female classmate at the same table, the kind of feeling that the years are quiet and you are beautiful alone.

Seeing that you are doing well makes me feel relieved.

Li Huachao returned to Yu Liang's bed on the second floor. Just as he was about to shoot the word "sleep" at him, he noticed Lu Baoshen standing beside him.

"Yes, what should Lu Baoshen do?" Li Huachao couldn't help but ask Yu Liangdao.

"Give him a sleep character and let him wait until it's almost dark before using it on him." Yu Liang replied.

If he enters the dreamland now, Lu Baoshen will have to complete the rabbit game one more time. Yu Liang doesn't want to take care of children yet, so letting Lu Baoshen stay in reality for the time being is the best solution.

And he thought for a while, then released the money-grubbing ghost, and told the money-scary ghost to be optimistic about this created character, and it is best to stay away from his cell, otherwise the little gambler's ability may attract some strange creatures.

The ability to rely on fortune is an active skill, which requires Lu Baoshen to control the changes in his luck value, but "do not believe in evil" is not.

Not believing in evil is a passive skill, which means that no matter where Lu Baoshen goes, he is more likely to encounter strange incidents.

Although Yu Liang in the dream was protected by the rabbit-shaped god, he still didn't want to wake up to find all kinds of monsters standing beside his bed, just like a filial son guarding his sickbed.

However, the money-keeping ghost had its own ideas. It wanted to make money with Yu Liang. Yu Liang repeatedly promised that he was not going to make money now, but to further his studies. The money-making thing would wait until the underground mall opened in the evening.

The money-keeper still trusted Yu Liang, so he turned to look at Lu Baoshen, who was about the same height as him, and looked him up and down.

This height...

It looks very suitable for business at first glance.

So the Scrooge Ghost led Lu Baoshen to the corridor outside, and then asked the first question.

"Have you read Das Kapital?"

"Huh?" Lu Baoshen blinked, and then looked at the money-keeper blankly.

The historic meeting was concluded.


Using the "sleep" character, Yu Liang quickly returned to the dreamland of the rabbit game. He didn't waste any time and went straight to his room.

He extracted enough food from the Kaidan World and walked through the mirror to activate his powers.

Slowing down the flow of time would shorten lifespan, but at this moment Yu Liang had no intention of caring about such a thing.

If we can't seize the opportunity of the opening of the underground shopping mall, we don't know when the next rabbit-shaped god will leave the bottom floor of the dreamland. That will be a real waste of life.

And since this ability can shorten lifespan, there should be life-extending props in the world of Kaitan. As long as you don't abuse the ability of the mirror, there is no big problem in using it at critical moments.

Now is clearly the critical moment.

Yu Liang estimated the time and found that there were still about seven hours left before the time agreed with "it".

The dream will turn into day in seven hours, and the reality in seven hours will turn into night.

Yu Liang directly chose to slow down the time of the dream ten times. In this case, seven hours became seventy hours. At the same time, his life span would also be reduced by about three days.

And this is just the cost of activating the ability. Yu Liang did seventy hours of work in these seven hours, and his body still spent seventy hours. From this point of view, the reduced life span is not just three years. sky.

It's six days.

It looks like this, but it's actually not bad.

The unit is only days, which is quite acceptable.

After doing all this, Yu Liang devoted himself wholeheartedly to the study of rabbit language.

The world in the mirror was absolutely quiet, and there were no other strange creatures to disturb him.

As for Li Huachao, he simply chose to sleep and recharge his batteries. After Yu Liang finished studying this rabbit language, he would definitely relax and take a good nap. At that time, it would be his chance, Li Huachao, to make a comeback.

As for now, there is nothing to do anyway, so go to sleep first.

Yu Liang flipped through the rabbit language learning materials and quickly absorbed the nutrients.

He hasn't studied with such concentration since high school, but fortunately he is learning a language that is somewhat similar to Chinese rather than mathematics and physics, so his learning ability has not diminished.

As he continued to learn, Yu Liang realized that this rabbit language was not as simple as he thought.

This "simple" does not refer to the difficulty of learning rabbit language, but also to the function of rabbit language.

It can change the dream of the rabbit game. This is the first step in the practical application of rabbit language, and it is also something Yu Liang needs to master in these seventy hours.

But there's more to Rabbit Talk than that.

The rabbit-shaped god used rabbit language to create the two dreams of heaven and rabbit game. In the same way, Yu Liang can also do the same.

This is the second step in applying rabbit language to reality, creating dreams.

Creating dreams must be based on one's own dreams, which requires Yu Liang to learn "lucid dreaming".

As the name suggests, it means staying awake while dreaming.

Dreaming at this time does not mean staying awake in the dream of the rabbit-shaped god. After all, all players in the rabbit game are in a state of consciousness.

Only by "waking up" in his own dream can he become the master of the dream.

Yu Liang thought of the person who left a letter for him in the underground mall. That person came from several years ago and wrote this sentence.

"The premise of everything is to wake up!"

Indeed, one must wake up.

At this moment, the human rabbit who wrote this note has not learned this step, and he cannot create dreams.

Even those high-level rabbits find it difficult to achieve the state of creating dreams. They live in dreams and are naturally familiar with dreams. Even so, it is still difficult to create dreams, let alone What about the human-turned-rabbits?

However, the writer of the note still gave a possible direction.

Previously, Human Rabbit had collected some psychological research works on the bookshelf in the office. From the psychologist's interpretation of dreams, he gradually came up with some ideas of his own.

Lucid dreams are the reappearance of strong thoughts from the subconscious mind. That is to say, when the brain is obsessed with something, it will switch the unconscious chaotic dream state into a semi-conscious state.

It is impossible to retain full consciousness in a dream. You can only think in a semi-conscious state, and the basis of thinking is "something."

This is what lucid dreaming is about

Therefore, it is necessary to turn rabbit language into a personal obsession. Only after entering the dream in this state, people will use rabbit language as the basis of thinking, and then they can use rabbit language to strengthen the dream.

When the owner of the dream can dream of the same scene repeatedly, the preliminary work of creating the dream is officially completed.

According to the author's records, as early as thousands of years ago, Tibetan Buddhists were practicing a type of yoga that could help them stay awake in dreams.

Yu Liang even felt that he could go there to find inspiration after leaving this dungeon.

For him, the ability brought by rabbit language is another means to help him live more smoothly in the world of ghost stories.

After creating the dream, the author believes that there is a third level of advanced usage of rabbit language, which is the highest level.

This is what he calls "daydreaming", that is, dreaming in a waking state, which seems to be the opposite of lucid dreaming.

It sounds a bit funny, after all, Yu Liang daydreamed in math class every day when he was a student, but there is still a difference between the two.

In this situation, reality is half a dream, and what you see and hear is both reality and dream. You can directly use rabbit language to change the real world to a certain extent.


Subconsciously, he sees reality as a dream, so he can use rabbit language to transform "reality".

This is a very idealistic state. If you leave the dream state that is completely subjective, rabbit language should no longer work. After all, reality is objective.

The author didn't think this was real until he "saw" the rabbit-shaped god do it.

Only the rabbit-shaped god in this realm is worthy of being called a "god".

His dreams can invade reality.

The rabbit-shaped god can pull real things into his dreams, throw real creatures into his dreams, and even "seize" other people's dreams and control other people's dreams.

The intensity and scope of dreams are the basis of the rabbit-shaped god as the root of the ghost story, and the dream of the rabbit game actually belongs to mathematicians, a dream that belongs to "it", and is now occupied by the rabbit-shaped god as a means to strengthen and stabilize his dream of heaven. means.

The stronger the heavenly dream, the greater the amount of biomass it can accommodate, and the wider the scope, the stronger the rabbit-shaped god will be, and the greater the extent of its invasion and change of reality will be.

This level also confirmed Yu Liang’s guess.

Many things in the Dream Rabbit game are "real" because they were pulled from reality by the rabbit god, and even the entire peaceful community may have been moved into the dreamland by the rabbit god, so they can be used to make characters. Synthesis.

At this point, the dream of Rabbit Game is no different from reality.

Except for the players and some strange creatures, almost everything that catches the eye is real. The real and the unreal are intertwined, making it difficult to distinguish.

As for the underground mall...

Yu Liang guessed that the underground mall should also be real. Someone a few years ago left a letter and a reminder in the mailbox of the underground mall. Many years later, the rabbit-shaped god moved the underground mall to the dreamland. This means that Allowing people trapped in dreams to understand part of the "reality".

What needs to be solved are the strange stories about "it", and what needs to be destroyed is the dream of "it" being occupied by the rabbit-shaped god.

So "it" is also a source of ghost stories?

This copy actually has two origins?

It's just that the gap between the two is really big.

The strange stories about "it" are not bad. Yu Liang has an idea that can destroy the dream of the rabbit game and solve the mathematician's strange stories.

But this can only give a heavy blow to the rabbit-shaped god, and it will never eradicate the origin of the rabbit-shaped god, because its foundation is actually in the dream of heaven.

No matter in terms of style or level of terror, the rabbit-shaped god is far better than "it". It can be said that he is completely superior to "it".

Yu Liang guessed that this rabbit-shaped god may be of a higher level than "Zhi" and far more difficult to deal with than "Zhi", because the rabbit-shaped god can freely control his own abilities, while "Zhi" is not yet fully capable of controlling them. Control your ability to talk nonsense.

In other words, the Rabbit-shaped God is obviously the origin of the old ghost story. He came from the four-dimensional space and has survived for an unknown period of time; while "Zhi" is more like a newborn who does not understand and is not proficient in his own abilities, so It had caused so many troubles before.

The three realms of rabbit language.

The first level is the ability to solve the source of strange stories.

The second level is to create your own dream.

The third level is to use dreams to invade reality.

It's like a special cultivation method. If it can really be done...

Can he also become a Genkaitan-level existence?

Unlike characters, seals, and professional abilities, this rabbit language is something that truly belongs to him. Even if the world of ghost stories disappears, his rabbit language level will not disappear.

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