The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 221 Swapping vests and escaping in a hurry

Just seeking longevity.

A very brief sentence.

Lin Xiangu didn't continue, because if she said any more, she would be suspected of excusing herself, and she didn't like it and didn't need to excuse herself.

In her view, if one cares about right and wrong, it means that the ascetics have not yet escaped from the worldly mind, but have fallen into the lower vehicle.

People walking on this road can no longer be regarded as the same species as mortals, and naturally they do not need to adhere to moral laws.

After saying this, Lin Xiangu issued an eviction order, "Okay, you can leave."

Li Huachao stood up immediately and smiled: "Then I'm leaving. Take care of yourself. Eat and drink when you should. Don't be polite to me."

After saying this, he looked up at the string hanging above his head and asked: "Sister Fairy, can I take one as a souvenir? I have been gone for many years and I don't know when I will see you again, so just leave a message for me. Think about it.”

"Just one piece." Lin Xiangu didn't want to talk nonsense with this guy. She waved her hand and the talisman paper in the air fell down like a ripe fruit. It happened to fall on Li Huachao's hand. Then she waved her hand again. , Li Huachao felt light all over, and a breeze sent him outside the door.


After the door closed, Li Huachao looked back at the closed door, then at the yellow talisman in his hand, shrugged and walked towards the stairwell.

Passing through a house at the end of the balcony corridor, Li Huachao walked into the real corridor. After passing through the corridor, he returned to the stairwell he had just seen.

There was still a lot of green blood in the stairwell, just like he had seen before.

Li Huachao turned around and saw that the door leading to the corridor on the fourteenth floor had been closed again, and the seal that had been torn off by the adventurer was automatically sealed.

The Taoist text on the seal exudes a faint golden light and looks extremely mysterious.


By the way, where are the adventurers?

Li Huachao suddenly realized that he seemed to have missed someone, and immediately went to tear open the seal, but the seal seemed to have been reinforced. When Li Huachao's hand touched, he felt a string of electric sparks hitting him along the way. On his hand, he was so frightened that he quickly retracted his hand.

After that, we are still searching for treasure in the middle of the night, and now we have lost someone.

So do you want to go back to find that guy?

Li Huachao chose to listen to the opinions of the two people in the universe, so he asked: "Hey, the adventurer seems to have really disappeared. Do you want to go back and look for it?"

In the universe, the answers of the three people are different.

Yu Liang: "Didn't you try and the seal couldn't be opened?"

Lu Mingzhe: "I can go or not, but I think since I didn't see him just now, there won't be any results now."

Lu Baoshen: "I still want to see the beautiful aunt~"

"Forget it, let's just leave it to fate." Li Huachao thought for a moment and decided to use a traditional method to decide whether to go back to look for the adventurer, so he took out the ten rings the adventurer gave him and put them on one by one. Every time he wears one, he says, "Save it, don't save it, save it, don't save it..."

Since there were only ten rings in total, when he put on the last ring, he happened to say the word "no save", so Li Huachao felt relieved: "Since it is no save, there is nothing I can do."

He turned around and went downstairs, walking as a matter of course.

Lu Mingzhe: "If you really don't want to go, you can just not go. We are all our own people here."

"That's not possible. There still has to be a sense of ceremony. Those are my beloved relatives and friends, brothers and sisters." Li Huachao said to Lu Mingzhe as he quickly went downstairs.

"Go back to the room first." Yu Liang said, "I have other things to prepare."

"Okay." Li Huachao walked downstairs faster.

On the fourteenth floor, Xiangu looked at the direction where Li Huachao just left and drank another cup of tea.

At this point, the tea is tasteless.

So she stood up and looked back at the full-length mirror by the window.

The "adventurer" just now has no reflection in the mirror.

Probably because the mirror image was taken away by some strange story.

She recalled the face of the adventurer, turned around and left through the window along the way she came.

After passing through the window, the scene around Xiangu changed again. Standing at the same position Li Huachao was looking at, there was an endless night sky outside the window, but it was not the case after she passed through the window.

What’s outside the window is not the night sky, but another room.

The layout of the two rooms is exactly the same, but the orientation is exactly opposite.

In this room, the adventurer stared blankly at the tea cup with only tea leaves in his hand.

Until he saw a woman in white floating in from the window and landing lightly on the ground.

Fairy Girl still looked like she had just come out of the dust. She walked to the table and said: "So who are you? Why did you break into my mansion."

The adventurer also secretly prepared his words during the time when the fairy left. He coughed slightly and said slowly: "My name is... Lu Mingzhe, and I am a cultivator of strange creatures. My strange creatures have sniffing treasures. Ability, they led me to search and found it all the way here."

He looked at Fairy Girl's face, a pair of eyes shining brightly in the unlit room: "When they found this place, I realized that they really have the ability to find treasures, because they found the most precious copy of this ghost story. treasure. That’s right, it’s you, fairy sister.”

Fairy aunt: "???"

Did she just hear this?

Why do these two passages sound so similar even though they are obviously different?

"As for why I broke into your mansion..." The adventurer put down the tea cup in his hand and looked at Fairy Girl sincerely. "Before this, I didn't know why, but after that, I understood That’s why I’m here.”

Fairy aunt: "..."

She waved her hand, showing no interest in the man in front of her.

The fairy felt like she was talking to robots. It was like she had triggered some kind of switch on these people. They would speak or do things according to the preset program, so she was not interested and just wanted to let the adventurers Get out of here as soon as possible.

She had already tested this guy's strength before. He also had some special abilities, which would be very troublesome to deal with.

In other words, the "point" of this person is also more difficult to obtain than the point of ordinary players.

Instead of wasting time on him, it would be better to just send the matter away like the person just now.

So a gust of breeze blew from the window behind her, lifting the adventurer up and sending him out of the room.

The adventurer was also stunned. When he came to his senses, he was already in the corridor. He scratched his head, not knowing what he said wrong.

Forget it, just leave.

He took the risk to take a look at the closed door in front of him, feeling a little unhappy in his heart. However, he could feel the power of the woman just now, so he would not bring trouble to himself, so he had to return along the original path.

When he returned to the stairwell on the fourteenth floor, the feeling of depression that lingered in his heart disappeared.

He recalled the scene just now, and the chaos in his head gradually disappeared.

The woman just now didn't hurt him, and she looked like she could communicate...

So it’s not the monsters, but the players?

The adventurer immediately took out the treasure map, compared the locations on the treasure map carefully, and then stared blankly at the wall stained with green blood in front of him.

The treasure map seemed to have led him to another player, and he determined that this player had the largest number of treasures nearby...

Don't tell me that the woman just now is an old thing!

His little heart couldn't stand this stimulation at all.

The more the adventurer thought about it, the more it seemed possible. A little fear arose in his heart. He didn't expect that he could get high with just one blow, the guy he least wanted to meet in the entire dungeon.

Fortunately, the old man didn't mean to blame him and just asked him to leave quickly.

Although he knew that there was an "old guy" mixed into this copy, he didn't know who he was or what he looked like. He didn't even know his gender. He only knew the general scope of his occupation.

According to the prompts in his props, this "old guy" from last season has the ability to write talismans, curse water, and step into the aggressor.

Adventurers can probably guess that this guy's professional ability is related to Taoist methods such as "drawing symbols" and "formation", but he doesn't understand the specific deep meaning at all.

Normal people cannot understand these mysteries of Taoism.

And there is...

He took out a compass again and placed it flat in the palm of his hand. This time the compass could point completely south.

When he was in that room just now, he took it out and looked at it while the old thing was leaving. At that time, the compass was spinning crazily and could not stop to accurately indicate the south.

In other words, after entering this corridor, he entered another space. The magnetic field in that space was chaotic, and his compass could not indicate the direction.

A special space?

Is this the true meaning of "Tao Mansion" mentioned by the old guy just now?

The adventurer realized something and silently touched his chin.

Taoist government...

It should be considered a closed space, right?

In the concept of his professional abilities, does this count as a super big treasure chest?

It can be opened if it is a treasure chest.

He stretched out his hand and slowly moved towards the sealed door.

The adventurer watched his hand slowly pass through the physical door and reach inside.


He felt that his hand seemed to touch something strange.



Piping hot.

What is this?

The adventurer's heart was filled with a feeling of wonder, a feeling he had never experienced before.

He had thought about what would happen if he put his hand inside the door.

You may only touch some air, the air in the corridor behind the door; you may be caught by some monster, probably some kind of monster raised in the corridor.

But I never thought of this situation.

What's behind the door?

What could be so hot and soft?

And a little bit of inexplicable nausea?

It was like sticking your hand into a ball of hot, smelly mud.

Smelly mud?

Glittery stinky mud like a breeder?

Could it be that he put his hand into the fleshy monster on the first floor?

! ! !

Suddenly, he felt that his hand seemed to be grabbed by something. Judging from the touch, it was the same hand, a delicate and smooth hand that grabbed him.

The adventurer was suddenly startled and hurriedly turned off his ability, causing his hand to be forcibly detached.

He looked at his hands, which were bloody, but the blood did not come from his hands, but was stained on his hands, as if the hand had just been taken out of a bucket of blood.

What the hell?

Where did the blood come from?

The adventurer reacted quickly. The absorbent paper he had just taken out of his inventory appeared on his other hand. He quickly wiped the blood from his hand and ran downstairs quickly.

For some reason, he had an exciting feeling that he had caused trouble. Now all he could think about was escaping from this place and not letting anyone find out that he had done this bad thing.

Although he didn't know what bad things he had done, he just ran away.

His rich adventures reminded him that he must run away now.

Not long after, the adventurer ran out of the building and came to the underground parking lot. He also breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at the apartment building without any hesitation in his footsteps.


Where is Lu Mingzhe?

He still remembered the weird creature breeder, but he got separated from Lu Mingzhe just after entering the Taoist mansion. There was no trace of Lu Mingzhe at that time, and it is impossible to go back and look for him now.

I can only trust that guy.

A guy who is as adventurous as him shouldn't die so easily.

No, it’s more than that!

That guy is a breeder, and he won't be rewarded with "risk points" for taking risks, so that guy is different from him. He only commits suicide for the sake of happiness.

This is much more free and easy than him. Before acquiring this alienated profession, he was also a submissive and careful player in the Kaidan dungeon. Until one day he "awakened" by chance, and under the guidance of his professional ability, he discovered the world of Kaitan. The true meaning of.

The more afraid you are, the more uncomfortable your life will be.

We must constantly challenge the limits between life and death, and seek happiness and excitement in the weirdness, so that we can live longer.

Unexpectedly, this cultivator could learn the true meaning of spiritual things without any teacher. He was a gifted person.

The adventurer couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and then he left without looking back, preparing to return to his home to take a rest.

Since he was a talented suicide genius, he obviously didn't need to be rescued by a mediocre person like him. Thinking of this, he felt much better and could sleep comfortably.

at the same time.

With a grim look on her face, the fairy girl tore open the clothes on her abdomen, revealing her white and flat belly, which allowed her to see it more clearly.

There was a penetrating wound on her lower abdomen at this time, which was the wound she had just opened herself.

Before that, she felt as if a hand appeared out of thin air on her abdomen, but it was not outside her body, but inside her body.

The hand seemed to be groping for something, so when she realized it, she put her hand into her stomach without hesitation, trying to grab the hand.

In fact, she really caught it.

But that hand was very cunning and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The fairy girl stood in the moonlight, and her eyes gradually became dignified.

The injured area, more accurately, should be called "Dan Tian", which is the actual location of the Taoist mansion. It is a top priority for her, but at this time, a hand broke in easily, approaching the vital point. .

She couldn't even feel the presence of any strange stories.

However, she doesn't think this is the level that a player's power can reach. Which profession has the ability to directly make its hand appear in someone else's dantian?

So what kind of weird story is this?

When did she get entangled in this strange story?

Could it be...

The mysterious origin of that guy?

No, if it was the Root Kaidan who took action, the moons of the same level would immediately discover and obliterate him.

The fairy's face was as calm as water, but her heart was full of doubts. She stood under the moonlight, letting the bright red blood flow out of the wound on her abdomen, slowly flowing down the straight line of her thigh, intertwining with the snow-white moonlight on the ground.

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