The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 27 The Journey of the Brave (4k)

"Yu Liang, Yu Liang!" A loud shout woke Yu Liang up. He got up from the bed in a daze, opened his eyes and looked at the source of the sound. It was a somewhat rough-looking man with a big eyebrow. of mole.

He recognized this man as Lao Jiang Jiang Xiangdong who was written about in the security guard's diary.

No, how could he call his own name? The so-called role-playing game was actually him replacing the security guard?

"Yu Liang, let's go have a meal. We have a night shift tonight." Jiang Xiangdong came over and sat beside the bed. He patted Yu Liang on the shoulder, "Why, are you sleeping like crazy?"

"Nothing." Yu Liang shook his head. This situation was not much different from what he imagined. In this game, he regained his vision. He got up and got out of bed, walked to the desk and found his diary. He wanted to know What day is today.

It may be useless to ask Jiang Xiangdong. It is not yet certain whether Jiang Xiangdong's knowledge has been contaminated. The date he mentioned may not necessarily be an outrageous day like April 30.

Opening the diary, Yu Liang turned to the latest page. The date on it was April 31st. This is the diary written yesterday. The content is that Mung Bean-eyed Lao Li revealed the existence of monsters to him and was then beaten up by Jiang Xiangdong.

At this time, the original body's cognition has begun to be polluted, and tonight's night shift Jiang Xiangdong will disappear, and his original body's San value will drop wildly, but on the same day or tomorrow, the original body may see the principal, and he will be Instill concepts such as "protect tourists at all costs."


Mission: Journey of the Brave

Note: To make up for the original regret, protect Jiang Xiangdong until midnight.

Are you sorry?

Yu Liang silently wrote down that the original person had lost a lot because of his timidity. He needed to change his destiny in this game. Judging from the diary alone, Jiang Xiangdong's disappearance tonight should be the biggest regret, so this is also the core of the mission.

Another task of equal priority is to find the "moon" in this zoo and successfully take it away.

The only regret is that he may not stay here for long, and he will not be able to see the director, and it will be difficult to find out the secret behind the director.

"Forget it, just take a moment here and I'll go to the cafeteria to get you a meal." Jiang Xiangdong looked at Yu Liang's expression of not having recovered yet and found it funny. He felt that Yu Liang should still be there. He was not used to the night shift. He had been like this before. The first few times he worked the night shift, he often fell asleep in the dark and felt dizzy when he got up.

He took out a box of candy from the drawer, knocked two of them on the corner of the table, and then put them in his mouth.

"Ah, it's almost gone. It's time to buy again." Jiang Xiangdong muttered quietly.

"Candy? Why do you want to knock it?" Yu Liang was a little surprised when he saw his skillful movements.

"Stop smoking and eat some candy. It can eliminate nicotine." Jiang Xiangdong said with a smile, "This candy is wrapped in a sour shell. When you knock it, the sweetness will flow out, which makes it more delicious."

"That's it." Yu Liang said suddenly. He refused Jiang Xiangdong's offer to bring food, "I'll go to the cafeteria with you."

He also looked at what the zoo looked like in the past and collected some useful information. Since the people outside now were real tourists, not time travellers, he could get along with them safely without any intrigues.

Jiang Xiangdong nodded and said, "That's okay."

So Yu Liang quickly got out of bed. He slept in his clothes and pants, and now he only needed to put on another coat.

"Bring a flashlight and a baton." Jiang Xiangdong reminded.

Yu Liang looked at the corridor outside the door. There was bright golden sunlight on it, and it seemed that it was still far from dark, so he asked doubtfully: "Do you need to take it with you during the day?"

"Bring it with you, just in case. Sometimes you have to rely on it." Jiang Xiangdong said very vaguely, and he didn't want to say more.

The two of them left the performance hall, and the golden sunshine shone on them. Yu Liang felt the warmth that he had not felt for a long time. He looked at the people coming and going on the roadside. Some were calm and composed, while others were laughing. He had not seen any suspicious people yet. Cognitively contaminated tourists.

The air carried the saccharine-sweet aroma of marshmallows, which are common in places like amusement parks and zoos. The sound of human voices mixed with the subtle chirping of birds and insects gave Yu Liang a feeling that felt like he was in another world. the illusion.

There is absolutely no such human atmosphere in the zoo where he lives.

Yu Liang followed Jiang Xiangdong. In a calm tone, he said something that Jiang Xiangdong was taboo about, "Is it because of that thing? I want to know more about it."

Jiang Xiangdong stopped in front, his body trembling uncontrollably, and it took him a long time to stabilize his body. It seemed that just mentioning it had touched the fear deep in his soul.

" you know too?" Jiang Xiangdong's voice sounded as if he had aged a moment.

Yu Liang nodded, "So I want to know more."

"Damn it, Li Youqiang is out of stock! You could have lived a stable life for a while." Jiang Xiangdong cursed angrily, then sighed and patted Yu Liang on the shoulder, "Sorry, I apologize to you on his behalf."

"It's okay. Since you come here to work, you will find out about its existence sooner or later." Yu Liang didn't care. He came here just to face the source of the ghost stories. Besides, the real situation looks much worse than it is now.

"You can think about it." Jiang Xiangdong smiled, "I am an old employee of this zoo, but I don't know much about it. It existed in the zoo before I joined the company. When did it appear in the zoo? Only the director can answer it."

He squinted his eyes and thought for a while, and then said: "We don't know what it is, but it will appear anywhere and tell you its existence in some ways, such as the sound of footsteps when no one is around, and its independent thoughts. shadows, children’s laughter, crying, singing, etc. in the darkness..."

"Isn't there a time when I can see it?" Yu Liang asked.

"Yes, it will appear in the form of an animal." Jiang Xiangdong continued, "Any animal in the zoo may be it. If you notice some animals with wrong eyes and strange behavior, it must be it. But so far it has not It has appeared in human form, so I guess it cannot transform into humans.”

Can't transform into a human being?

He noted this down secretly, and then continued to listen to Jiang Xiangdong's narration.

"If you haven't noticed its existence, then it doesn't exist for you." Jiang Xiangdong said, showing a wry smile, "Of course, those of us working here will discover its existence sooner or later. This may also be the case with Li Youqiang. The reason why we are eager to drag you into the water is that our security manpower is no longer enough, and we need you to help us share some of the pressure."

“So what is our real job?”

"You should have guessed it." Jiang Xiangdong glanced at Yu Liang. He felt that today's colleagues seemed a little different and looked much smarter. "We need to hide the truth. This is to protect tourists."

"Yeah." Yu Liang nodded, and he sighed in his heart. Even from an insider's perspective, he could completely understand Li Youqiang's approach. The earlier he noticed it, the earlier he joined the work, and he could save lives in this emergency period. Get more tourists.

"In this case, why is this zoo still open? If the director really wants to end all this, wouldn't it be better to close the zoo?"

"It's not that simple. Our zoo's annual revenue is very high. The city will not let the zoo be closed down casually. Even if the director takes a tough stance, he will end up with a different person as the director. Then things will become even more out of control." Jiang Xiangdong said, it was clear that he was helpless, "The news about it cannot be spread. People who know it will be affected. Even if the zoo can be successfully closed, where will these animals be sent? No one will agree to send them all." If you kill it and send it to other zoos, it will definitely be mixed in. If it wants to hide, we can't find it."

"I understand." Yu Liang nodded. He also realized the difficulty of this problem. Such a monster exists in the zoo. There seems to be no good way to deal with it. The only way is to keep using the lives of security guards to exchange for more tourists. life.

It's cruel, but also helpless.

The zoo is only a part of the city, and Yu Liang suspects that this world of ghost stories is also only a part. He may explore other parts of the city in the future.

He asked: "Will I die? Or become a monster? Don't hide it from me, I'm mentally prepared."

"It's worse than that, you will be forgotten by everyone." Jiang Xiangdong sighed, "Either you die, or you are assimilated into a part of the zoo, but no matter which outcome, no one in this world will remember you. Do you still remember the scratches the director asked us to leave on the big stone when we entered the zoo? Each scratch is a former employee."

"Some people will remember their contributions, at least we still remember them, and there will always be people who remember them in the future." Yu Liang patted Jiang Xiangdong's shoulder. He thought of the "scarred" concentric stone he saw in the exhibition hall. I couldn't help but feel emotional.

In any case, at least I still know the meaning behind that stone in different time and space.

"I know." Jiang Xiangdong was not disappointed. He had been here for three months and was currently the longest-lasting employee in the zoo. Its erosion was pervasive and he would not show even a little bit of negative emotions, so when he spoke again, his The tone has become much more cheerful, "We are night shift security guards, and our main task is not to pay attention to tourists who have abnormality. We have to find lost tourists at night and send them out of the zoo before dawn. Getting lost is the beginning of losing the sense of existence. If we can't bring tourists If they are sent back to the people who know them in time to refresh their sense of existence, they will lose their sense of existence forever, and no one will remember them, and no one will know where they have gone.”

"Security... help me!" Suddenly, a tourist hurriedly rushed to the side of the road. He approached Jiang Xiangdong, who looked more mature, "My wife is missing. She disappeared in the elephant park!"

"Sir, if your partner is lost, you can first go to the visitor center to issue a missing person notice through the radio." Jiang Xiangdong's answer was very official, "We will help you find it. It is the time when the animal area is closed. There is a lot of traffic. If you get lost, It’s a normal thing.”

"No, no, it's not normal." The man's face was very pale, as if he was remembering something extremely scary. "There was an elephant in a cage. I don't know why she jumped in. She opened the cage and walked in. , such a small cage, could not hold anything but an elephant, but she just disappeared, disappeared out of thin air! And that elephant... why is it wearing human skin? "

"What?!" Jiang Xiangdong was shocked now, "How could she open the cage? The cage is seven or eight meters high from the stands. How did you get down?!"

Yu Liang on the side looked like he had expected it.

The Elephant Park sounds like a plot trigger.

Thanks to An Jusheng and Wujue for the reward, thank you for your support!

Please read again, thank you very much!

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