The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 257 Scarlet Land and Biological Tools

After determining the next time he would enter the dungeon, Yu Liang felt more at ease during this period.

There is no need to worry about when you will receive a courier or letter from the world of Kaidan, and then be sent to the copy unexpectedly.

Probably affected by the disappearance of Lu Mingzhe, Lu Baoshen also had a sense of crisis, so he has basically been training his [Thousand Techniques] level in the past two months, and has steadily entered the one-talisman realm, with the intention of breaking through the two-talisman realm. .

An Buchen refined the mithril found in the last dungeon. Under her control, the lumpy mithril could be released instantly and turned into a whole piece of outer armor.

This refining process was extremely energy-consuming, and even releasing it into simple outer armor took her two months.

If you want to evolve Mithril into a complex beetle like Metal Ant-Man like in the dungeon, I am afraid only the Moon can do it.

The outer armor is not a simple piece of iron plate. After An Buchen's dedicated research, she referred to the armor structure of modern main battle tanks and designed a suitable armor angle to provide the interior of the tank. protection.

On the front, she even reserved a place for the collision angle and the paper machine gun tower, because the main enemy of the tank house is not other tanks, but flesh-based monsters or hostile players. These things are very difficult to deal with at close range. Very useful against opponents.

Within two months, An Buchen successfully obtained the approval of Room 225 and turned it into a Taoist palace. These mithrils were installed on the outer surface of the room and could be released with one click to form an indestructible tortoise shell.

Based on past experience, she also set up an insulating layer between the Mithril outer armor and Room 225 to prevent Room 225 from being harmed by lightning.

Room 225 is a strange creature. The advantage is that it has self-awareness and can control other parts of the body. The disadvantage is that it is a living creature and can be injured and die.

The armor part has been basically solved, but An Buchen is far from ready in other aspects.

The talisman machine gun tower requires the use of advanced talismans, which she has not learned yet.

The maneuvering system requires weapon refining and mechanism skills, and uses formations as button drives.

The power is to use the Taoist government to accumulate free energy. An Buchen also said that this kind of special energy will be more in the ghost story copy. If it is realistic...

Basically no.

This is good, at least it shows that reality is safe, and it has not yet reached the point where terror has revived and weirdness has invaded reality.

As for the previously mentioned jamming bug into the universe, Yu Liang did not succeed. Not only did he not succeed, he and Room 225 were also ejected together.

It seems that the system restricts this approach. Writers entering the universe may only be able to do it by being promoted to a high gradient. Bugs cannot achieve this effect.

And Li Huachao...

He is more powerful.

Li Huachao found that he could use the monster column to bring the monsters out of the universe, but the premise was that the gradient level of the monsters was not higher than him, and he and the monsters must have a very high degree of favorability.

This kind of good impression must come from the heart. Convincing people with fists will not work.

Therefore, under the strong vision of the Tauren Wedding Company, Li Huachao patiently captured ten ghost brides and five ghost grooms in the Moon Community, and brought all these employees to reality and temporarily put them into Yu Liang's universe.

He even simplified the ceremony of "concluding a contract", which only requires the ghost bride or ghost groom to stand next to the player of the opposite sex, and then place the coffin boards of the two coffins around them. The spiritual power attached to the coffin boards will facilitate the contract.

This is called "flash marriage".

For a short period of time, the player can communicate with the ghost bride (ghost bridegroom) and make them do some things, but they cannot drive them 100%.

Because their real owner is Li Huachao.

Everything is Li Huachao's mission~

Of course, the owner of Erha is Yu Liang, so Yu Liang can naturally drive these employees of the Tauren Wedding Company.

There is no such rule in his universe as "My vassal's vassal is not my vassal". He himself is the rule.

In addition to flash marriages, Li Huachao also gave birth to special abilities of these employees.

The ghost bride obtained [Snatch], while the ghost bridegroom obtained [Plunder].

[Sleight of Hand]: When you conclude a contract, if your partner is a player, you can randomly get a character from your partner's character slot and a random item from your inventory; if your partner is a monster, you can randomly get a character from your partner's character slot and an item from your inventory. Acquire two of each other's collectibles. When the contract is terminated, if your partner is a player, you must return one of the characters or items obtained by "snatching"; if your partner is a monster creature, you must return one of the two collectibles.

[Robbery]: Same as above.

These two abilities are only different in name, but the essence of the abilities is the same, which is to obtain benefits from opposite-sex partners.

Therefore, Li Huachao called them "asking for betrothal gifts" and "asking for dowry".

Although it sounds outrageous, this is an ability cultivated by Li Huachao, so Yu Liang feels that it is completely acceptable.

By signing a contract, you can obtain two items from the other party. When the contract is terminated, you only need to return one item. This is a business that is sure to make a profit without losing any money.

According to the description of the ability, the ghost bride or the ghost bridegroom decides which item to return, which is very good. It would be even better if you can randomly grab good things.

And this is taken directly from the partner's character slot and inventory. Players put the best items in the inventory, basically without exception.

It's equivalent to percentage snatching, but it's still real damage. If you want to grab this [Snake] or [Plunder], just grab it.

Under Li Huachao's careful instruction, the employees of these wedding companies started a large number of exercises and operations.

The first method is to turn into a virtual body and quickly approach the target, and then have Lu Baoshen transmit the location of the coffin to the employee and the target, using the spiritual power emitted by the coffin to interact with the target and conclude a contract.

This is called "forced marriage."

The second method is to let the ghost bride or ghost groom hand out small cards, sell themselves to save their father, etc. After signing the contract, they can use tricks to steal more property, and then Li Huachao will appear at the critical moment and descend as the master. , claiming mental damages.

This is called "Xianren Jump".

For these tasks, Li Huachao did one thing after another, and Yu Liang didn't bother to pay attention to it, letting him play by himself.

It's good to be able to focus on the scene card, at least it's much better than causing trouble in reality.

Finally, the Scrooge is studying economics as always, but what is different from before is that now it always carries Kazuki's fortune-seeking hands on its shoulders, and while reading a book, it shakes the fortune-seeking hands to make it look better. There is a little more gold and silver in your own jar.

A little more.

Cao Ying's breeding plan is progressing steadily. Due to the space restrictions of Xu Cixi's house and the universe's limit on the number of monster character cards, and the next one is the pioneer book, there should be no masked man and his grocery store in the pioneer book, so Yu Liang Only three hundred grass babies were prepared for sale.

What's more important is that the performance of his novels has also risen rapidly in the past two months. After a set of recommended pages, he quickly reached the threshold of 10,000 subscriptions, just shy of the threshold.

The only thing that makes readers and editors a little helpless is his update volume, which is basically no different from salted fish.

Yu Liang needs to prepare to save manuscripts for the next dungeon, and he is not sure how long it will take to enter the dungeon each time, so naturally the more manuscripts he saves, the better, and the fewer daily updates the better, stepping on the passing mark of 4,000 per day. Just update.

Even so, his quality of life has improved due to the payment of royalties.

"Zhi's" three major game consoles are gathered together, and there are all kinds of games for her to play.

She is now human and in the form of a girl, which means she is still in the growth stage. After getting along with her for this period of time, he also realized that her three views were relatively stable, at least not affected by some practices in the game world.

For example, games like Grand Theft Auto, he now felt completely comfortable letting her play them.

However, there was also a type of game that Yu Liang did not dare to let her play.

Competitive Games.

He was really afraid that one day, after being tainted by someone's words, "he" would choose to let the other person understand what it meant to bring trouble out of his mouth.

Or maybe after being educated by the cheating brother, he chooses to educate the other party on what a real cheat is and who is the real big brother.

It should be said or not, the Internet can easily make people angry, but Yu Liang did not dare to let "him" access the Internet.

The strange story about the roots of minors is very scary.

Two months passed quickly, and Yu Liang also ushered in his first pioneering work.

He looked at Xu Cixi who was getting ready next to him and nodded.


【Worship (Planet of Flesh)】


Yu Liang tried to open his eyes.


He was surrounded by thick liquid.

Through his eyelids, he could vaguely see blood.


When he realized "breathing", he suddenly choked on a mouthful of fishy-smelling liquid. His body instinctively opened and his arms waved, breaking through the surrounding shell.

As the eggshell was broken by him, the liquid inside the shell also drained away quickly, and he breathed air, and his chest suddenly felt light.

Yu Liang could feel the extreme weakness of his body. He struggled to get out of the eggshell and looked at his body.

Naked, huddled in a ball.

This is what a new life looks like.

He noticed that there was something similar to an umbilical cord connected to his body. One end was connected to his belly button, and the other end was spread out in a fluffy shape, sinking and floating in the liquid accumulated in the surrounding eggshells. Some of them were slightly thicker. Some penetrate the bottom of the eggshell and connect to the ground below the eggshell.

As a newborn, he choked on water when he tried to breathe when he woke up. This shows that he has respiratory organs, but the oxygen he needs before birth is provided by this umbilical cord, and of course, the same is true for nutrients.

Yu Liang lay on the ground and looked at the surrounding scene. He was still very weak, so he chose to rest for a while before getting up to explore.

The surrounding appearance is different from any copy I have seen in the past. The first thing you see here is scarlet, the soft walls are like flesh and blood, and the hard ground is white and yellow, like bones.

This room seems to be a nursery, so there are many similar giant eggs on the ground, and inside the eggs there should be people born from eggs similar to him.

Are all the players in these eggs?

Judging from the situation in the room, he should be the first born.

The past dungeons were either zoos or communities. Although there were some weirdness, it could be seen that they were based on reality, and here...

This scarlet land does not look like any other place on earth. It has no style of human creation at all.

Things similar to flesh and bones made up the entire room, and there were some tumor-like nodules at the corners of the wall. These nodules were emitting a faint fluorescence, providing a stable light source for the nursery.

About ten minutes later, Yu Liang felt that his body was full of energy, so he sat up, took out a knife from his inventory and cut the umbilical cord, and then stood up.

The egg liquid on his body was dripping down, and he slapped a "mush" character on his body without thinking, and his body was completely clean.

Taking out a set of regular clothes from the inventory and putting them on, Yu Liang suddenly felt like he had a completely new look.

This time, the copy of Kaidan injected his consciousness into this kind of Danshengren, allowing him to drive the Danshengren's body to explore.

The good news is that he can still use his alienated professional abilities after changing his body, and his four columns are still intact.

But what makes him a little curious is, does this kind of egg-born human have the body shape of an adult human when it is young?

And Dansheng, who is just ten minutes old, can move freely?

He felt some strength of his own, feeling slightly stronger than his original writer's body.

Yu Liang took out the "eye" chess piece and looked around at his current body.

The arrangement of facial organs is similar to that of humans on Earth. The only strange thing is that he has no mouth.

He tried to speak, but he could only make a slight sound from the bottom of his throat, and at this time he also discovered that he had no teeth or tongue.

The surface of the head and body were smooth and not covered with fur. After some inspection, Yu Liang also discovered something that surprised him even more.

This body has no excretion outlet.

Well, literally.

Coupled with the lack of words, Yu Liang suddenly felt something was wrong.

This body doesn't have an eating system or an excretory system?

What the hell?

So how does he get nutrients and eliminate body waste?

By that umbilical cord?

Yu Liang looked down and saw that after his umbilical cord was cut, the small wound in his belly button had retracted and closed up naturally.

It doesn't look like it. It looks like the umbilical cord needs to be removed.

Could it be that the way these egg-born humans eat is similar to injecting nutrients?

He touched his throat, using his fingertips to feel the inside of his body.

It's still wrong. If it feels like this, this body has a series of esophagus called the throat.

Nature does not make extraneous designs for living things. If the way this egg-born man absorbs nutrients is through injection, then there is no need for him to retain a complete esophagus.

Is it possible that these egg-born humans really don’t need to eat and excrete?

Yu Liang tried to throw a punch. He could feel the vitality of this body and the loss of physical strength.

He walked to the fluorescent knobs and stretched out his hand to touch them.

The temperature of these nodules is slightly higher than room temperature, giving it a warm feeling. Judging from the tactile feedback, they seem to be active and not completely dead.

And it can be moved.

Yu Liang tried to move the knob on the wall, and then touched the knob at another location.

The two quickly fused and turned into a larger tumor-like protrusion.

The light is brighter and the temperature is higher.


Yu Liang stroked the larger knob and felt that the design of this thing was a bit interesting.

At this time, a bone spur suddenly appeared in his wrist. The bone spur pierced the knob-like process and led some liquid in it to his wrist.

Bone spurs appeared quickly, and by the time Yu Liang reacted, there was already a similar knob-like protrusion on his wrist.

A very small one.

And Yu Liang can make it glow or extinguish with just his consciousness, and he can also make the bone spur grow again just with his consciousness.

Slender bone spurs were like daggers, protruding from the holes reserved in the wrists.

Yu Liang narrowed his eyes slightly. Now that he had no eyebrows, he couldn't really frown.

Now his wrist has both the functions of "light source" and "melee weapon".

Speaking of this, he also thought of something.

He saw no metal products or wooden products in the entire nursery, and almost all of the biological products that caught his eye were such biological products.

"Function" is not obtained by tools, but by living things.

In other words, biology is just a tool?

It's just like……

Now his body is like a human egg.

A new volume of story begins~

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