The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 264 The little train is starting~

In Yu Liang's understanding, most living things will be in a weak state for a period of time before and after giving birth.

If you want to eliminate the root cause, now is the best opportunity.

"Go and kill it?" Li Huachao asked. He had the same judgment as Yu Liang.

"Go kill it." Yu Liang nodded. He looked at the pure black armor behind him, stretched out his hand and flipped the two ribs together, so that the cabinet door could be closed.

By disassembling the bone buckle, the entire storage box can be taken off, revealing a bone needle embedded in the back of the storage box.

The bone spicule is hollow, and the central part is polished until it is translucent, revealing the blue liquid inside the needle tube.

This is probably for injection, but I don’t know what will happen after the injection.

Yu Liang put away the bone needle. Since it was hidden behind the storage box, it was naturally not a conventional drug. Its effect may be similar to adrenaline, which can stimulate the power of eggs to create humans at critical moments, but it should also cause damage to the body. .

For Dansheng people, armor is a low cost-effective creation.

For flesh-and-blood civilization, this is an obvious truth: instead of improving the protection ability against Dansheng, it is better to make another Dansheng.

So Yu Liang guessed that this kind of armor not only provided defense power, but also improved combat capabilities in all aspects, turning Dansheng people into strengthened Dansheng people, so that they could carry out more dangerous tasks.

He looked back at the freak behind him and wanted to hang the locker on the freak behind him.

The hand is hanging down and it seems difficult to hang it. It would be better if it could be kept raised.

With just a subconscious thought, the deformed man's hands were positioned in a suitable position for support.

This time, the driving of the deformed people was very smooth and natural, and I no longer felt the erosion and assimilation of the [group] consciousness.

Since the last time he broke away from the [Group] consciousness, he has no longer paid attention to the deformed human body behind him. Now he found that the deformed human body behind him can be controlled.

When he had the idea to drive, the warm current in his body also flowed into the body of the deformed person along the back, and then returned to the body of Dan Sheng to form a closed loop.

Eyes, ears, nose, hands and feet, every part of the deformed person can be controlled, just like he is controlling his own body, except that he can only control one body at the same time, and he cannot obtain dual vision from the front and back.

It seems that after overcoming an erosion, you can completely "occupy" the new biological parts, and you will no longer be troubled by the [group] consciousness.

Yu Liang closed his eyes and felt it. Now his mind was clearer, and the walls of flesh and blood that were still breathing and trembling just now had returned to their original state.

Judging from the feeling, his San value seems to have recovered a little. If it was 50 just now, it is now 60, reaching the passing line.

In this case, Yu Liang put down the locker again, took out a breastplate and put it on his chest.

He had decided to put on armor, so he was naturally prepared to fight to the death with his mother's body, and he would not hesitate to fight for his life.

If the mothers are really allowed to reproduce in large numbers, the entire base will become dangerous after these whistle beasts pass their infancy, which will greatly hinder exploration.

This matrix must be resolved here.

As for the risk of consciousness assimilation, if it really comes to the point where changing into a human body cannot save him, he will use the [Brave] seal to evolve.

There was just a risk of being noticed by the source ghost talk, but he still understood the principle of choosing the lesser of two evils.

Based on his experience in controlling the bodies of deformed people, he only needs to withstand the erosion of the [Group] consciousness once before he can safely control this kind of biological tool. It is naturally better to wear the armor as soon as possible to adapt.

The cold armor bit his chest, a real bite.

"we are coming."

"We know that you still love us and you will come back. You have come back."

The whisper of [Group] consciousness appeared in my mind, and I was suddenly irritated but still tolerable.

Yu Liang coughed and his mind regained clarity.

After the armor covered his chest, there was a slight itching in that area, and some kind of filamentous tissue spread on the surface of the skin on his chest, and then gently pierced into the body.

He let out a long breath, which was particularly long, and at the same time he found that his heartbeat became slower.

Did the breastplate enhance his cardiorespiratory capacity?

Sure enough, biological armor not only improves protection capabilities, but also improves various other abilities of the body.

Next, he fit the arm armor, leg armor, and skirt armor to his body in sequence. The voice of [Group] consciousness in his mind became louder and louder, but he could still overcome it even though he gritted his teeth.

In the end, the action of putting on the armor stopped at the back part. On the one hand, it was because there was a deformed person behind him and the back armor could not fit his body; on the other hand, Yu Liang could naturally feel that he had almost reached the limit of his endurance.

With a slight movement of thought, he flicked his right hand, and a black bone spur protruded from the arm armor. It was about one meter long. The spur was divided into three sides, each with a blood-letting slot.

The cold light flows from the thorn tip, and the murderous intention is also hidden in it.


The muscles contracted and the bone spurs retracted the arm armor. Yu Liang was ready for the battle. He quickly returned along the original path with the rifle in hand. After opening the bone door, he went down the bone ladder and arrived at the first floor in a blink of an eye.

He had fired a total of eight rounds just now, and now he still had twenty rounds left.

Yu Liang found the tunnel where his mother had entered before, and ducked into the tunnel with a slight bow.

The nearly four-meter-long matrix did not match this tunnel, so it forced a path along the way, which also provided traces for Yu Liang's tracking.

The biological battle armor has greatly improved Danshengren's physical functions. Now Normal has half the physical fitness of Li Huachao, and Yu Liang's self-confidence has also improved a lot.

Unfortunately, switching roles is also considered as using the alienated professional ability, so the next battle can only be done by Yu Liang himself.

He ducked through the tunnel and moved forward.

There was a lot of mucus left in the tunnel, probably from the mother's body, and it looked like amniotic fluid.

Yu Liang threw out the bone spurs, held the gun in his left hand, and ran forward quickly.

He just wasted some time upstairs, and now the mother body has penetrated deep into the monster's lair. Fortunately, a large number of the previous whistle beasts died, and he does not need to be too wary of monster sneak attacks.

The tunnel extends downwards.

Yu Liang made a judgment and his steps became more hurried.

After passing through a long and winding tunnel, a majestic underground palace suddenly appeared in front of us.

The underground palace is not a biomass structure, but an earth and stone structure, nearly two stories high, with cave-like depressions densely covered above, and some of the corpses of deformed people are piled in some depressions.

In an open space in the center of the underground palace, the mother had already given birth to dozens of eggs, some of which had even broken open.

Yu Liang looked intently, and saw three or two small scorpion-shaped monsters crawling towards the hollow above. To be precise, they were heading towards the corpses of those deformed people.

He stopped and raised the muzzle of his gun, shooting at the three scorpion monsters one after another.

The scorpion-shaped monster was very flexible, so Yu Liang held his breath and fired eight or nine times before crushing it one by one. The bullets rotated at high speed and penetrated into the monster's carapace, exploding it into a ball of green gravy.

After dealing with the three premature scorpions, he threw the rifle into the hands of the deformed man behind him, then pulled out the bone spurs and stepped forward.


At this time, the mother body also noticed Yu Liang's arrival. It drove its bloated body and poked the eggs one by one with the tip of its hand, releasing the scorpion-shaped monster inside.

The scorpion-shaped monster screamed and fled away like little cockroaches in the sun.

Damn it.

Yu Liangliang felt anxious, stepped forward, and swung the bone spurs at the short limbs of the mother's body.

The strength of the bone spurs is very high, comparable to special steel, and can break the severed limbs of the parent monster in just one blow.

But the mother monster turned a deaf ear. It ignored Yu Liang's attacks and just sat on the ground to ovulate. Then it quickly broke the eggs and released the little scorpion-shaped monster inside.

This kind of scorpion-shaped monster has already been fully developed in the egg. When the eggshell is broken, it crawls out quickly. They seem to feel the threat of death, and hurriedly climb towards the entrance of the high hole, and then get in. In the pile of corpses.

Yu Liang's second attack directly pierced the monster's head. There was no reason why he could not hit a monster that was sitting still waiting to be beaten.

With one thrust and two blows to the head, Li Huachao had seen more battles, and his movements were a little more clean and neat.


The mother's head fell, but her body became even crazier. It kept spinning and waving its broken limbs.

The tail spines keep swinging with its body, forming a protective shield around it, protecting the body airtight.

Yu Liang took two steps back. Faced with the madness of his mother's body before her death, he could only avoid the edge for the time being.

But when he looked at his mother's lower crotch, he couldn't help but feel anxious again.

Even in a near-death state, the mother's body is still giving birth. Nearly four or five eggs are laid out every second. They break out of the shell in a very short time and crawl toward the pile of corpses above. God knows what is in its belly. How many eggs...

No, it was not carried in the belly, but produced on site.

This monster's development efficiency and reproductive efficiency are terrifyingly high, and it can reproduce quickly as long as it has enough energy.

He had some kind of guess in his mind. The various characteristics of this monster did not seem to be produced by nature, but more like the product of some kind of genetic editing.

As long as enough nutrients are provided for growth, this monster can reproduce at a high speed and produce an army in a short time.

However, they could not be used by flesh-and-blood civilization, and in turn destroyed the base.

Yu Liang took a long breath. The energy consumed during the battle was far more than he imagined. Or perhaps the armor consumed a lot, and he was now a little sluggish in controlling his body.

This Dansheng was not made for fighting, and his body functions could not keep up with the consumption.

If this continues, this trip will be in vain.

Even if you risk your life, you have to live it up once and for all!

Yu Liang looked at the headless mother that continued to lay eggs, gritted his teeth and no longer hesitated. He took the bone needle from his waist, inserted it into a blood vessel, and injected it into his body.

The potion took effect quickly, and he immediately felt a change in his body.

My mind, which had become groggy due to wearing armor, was clear. It was like a clear sky after the rain, and the sun swept away the dark clouds.

He feels great now.

The sanity value is at full capacity, and this tube of enhancer has restored all sanity.

No, not only is it full, the upper limit has also been raised!

His eyesight was greatly improved, and his dynamic vision accurately captured the gaps exposed when the tail spines swayed. Following his heart, he extended the bone spurs, completely shredding the mother's abdomen, and finally stopped the fertility factory.


The headless mother finally fell, and Yu Liang pierced several eggs one after another, killing the scorpion-shaped monster in the eggs that had no time to break out.

After cleaning them, he also looked at the pile of corpses on the second floor. Nearly twenty scorpion-shaped monsters had just ran into the pile of corpses. These little monsters also needed to be eliminated.

Under the influence of biological armor and enhancers, Yu Liang felt the power flowing through his body for the first time. He jumped onto the earth wall, and claw-like spikes grew out of his leg armor to grasp the earth wall and stabilize Yu Liang's body. .

With the help of claw thorns, Yu Liang easily climbed up the pile of corpses on the second floor.

After getting closer, he noticed that these scorpion-shaped monsters were not eating corpses, but directly burrowing into corpses to parasitize them.


A familiar classic thriller image popped into Yu Liang's mind.


The whistle beast is a mature body, and the scorpion monster is a facehugger, so those deformed people in the turtle shell fortress before...

Captive state.

The wounds all appeared on the chest and abdomen.

They were parasitized, and they were not killed by the whistle beasts because of their parasitism.

When the scorpion monster grows to a new stage in their body, it breaks out, so the fatal wounds appear on the chest and abdomen.

At the same time, a scorpion-shaped monster behind him also took advantage of Yu Liang's attention in front of him to make a sneak attack and quickly got into the body of the deformed man.

Yu Liang switched to the perspective of the deformed man and tried to use the deformed man's arms to catch the scorpion-shaped monster that had penetrated the body.

However, the limbs of this body are so weak that even if the monster is grabbed by its tail, it cannot be pulled out.

So Yu Liang switched to Dan Shengren again. Wearing armor, he couldn't touch the deformed man behind him.

However, unexpectedly, the scorpion-shaped monster broke away from the wound after searching inside the body of the deformed man, and then got into the pile of corpses and lurked in another corpse.


Yu Liang was a little surprised. Did this scorpion-shaped monster look down on the deformed human body behind him?

That's not right, there is no energy in this deformed person's body.

He quickly realized that the ability in the deformed man's body had been absorbed by him, and there was nothing the scorpion monster needed in his body, so it left.

If you say so...

Yu Liang came to the pile of corpses. He identified the parasitized corpses with his naked eyes, and then stabbed towards the bulge in the chest and abdomen of the corpse.

He dug through the pile of corpses and cleared them all the way inward.

The scorpion-shaped monster didn't have much fighting power. It was like chopping melons and vegetables in front of him, and almost all of them were wiped out in a short time.

Yu Liang checked again and confirmed that all the parasitic corpses had been killed.

At this time, his mind suddenly shrank, and an irresistible desire spread from the depths of his mind.


Surrounded by mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

When Yu Liang looked at these corpses, there was a slight change in his eyes.

These are the best biological materials and have a lot of energy accumulated in their bodies.

This feeling was like a bear that had been hungry all winter and suddenly appeared in a warehouse full of fresh meat. He could feel the most instinctive desire bursting out in his body.



He can collect all the piles of corpses and they will be resurrected and become a part of him.


He could save everyone, everyone who didn't deserve to die.

Those killed by monsters will be resurrected in [Group].

Yu Liang opened his eyes wide, and the deformed man behind him couldn't help but pull the corpse beside him and put it together.

The warm current flows uncontrollably in the body, passing through the second deformed human body, collecting the energy in it, and integrating it into his own body.

The second deformed body also opened its eyes and reached out to grab the other body next to it.

This cycle continues, and Yu Liang cannot control his body at all.

When he was in such an environment, Dansheng's body actually collected other biological parts on its own.

"Possession" is something deeply rooted in his genes, and his reason cannot even restrain this most primitive desire.

The bodies of the deformed people hugged each other in an endless chain, and for a moment they formed a long human centipede.

The pile of corpses disappeared into the cave, replaced by a whole human centipede.

A strange feeling appeared in Yu Liang's heart. He suddenly felt that his body was light and light, and a new prompt appeared on the page.

[Complete biological body "Group 1\

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