The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 279 Us. civilization. That's it.

Parasitic beast.

Broken body.

Advanced whistle beast.

The information in Yu Liang's mind was quickly displayed and connected with each other. His eyes moved on the corpse outside the room and the hole, gradually weaving a possibility.

The scorpion-shaped parasitic beast can evolve by parasitizing ordinary whistle beasts. The advanced whistle beasts born from this evolution have more powerful combat capabilities and IQ.

However, this was not enough. The IQ of the advanced whistle beasts was not enough to operate the biological calculator, so they changed the parasitic target to the advanced whistle beasts. From the advanced whistle beasts, a truly suitable high-IQ whistle was born. beast.

Although this was a possibility, Yu Liang still felt a little shocked, and at the same time he felt something was wrong.

It is not because of the self-parasitism of the whistle beast group, nor because of the super intelligence of the double advanced whistle beasts, but because of the purpose of these whistle beasts.

Yes, purposeful.

The "purpose" he refers to is not an "instinct" directly controlled by desire in the short term, but more like a "will" with a long-term vision.

Beasts do not have a purpose, and even most humans do not have such a clear and strong purpose.

But the Whistle Beast does.

An advanced elite whistle beast dug a tunnel to remove the giant's head for an unknown purpose; while other whistle beasts used the corpse to create smaller, highly intelligent whistle beasts, which broke into the biological computer room for an equally unknown purpose. .

"Unknown purpose", this sentence seems a bit scary when applied to such a beast-like creature, which made Yu Liang instinctively feel a sense of urgency.


A sharp whistle came from outside the corridor, and the next second, a huge whistle beast appeared at the door. It stretched its huge head into the room, opened its mouth and bit the nearest sumo wrestler.

Sumo wrestler Tatsuta swooped towards the inside of the room to avoid the biting jaws, then quickly turned around and focused all his attention on the whistle beast.

The whistle beast opened its mouth as wide as possible, revealing not only two long fangs and the surrounding fine teeth, but also a section of white bone buried in the dense teeth on the upper jaw.

The white bones were roughly in the shape of a triangular pyramid, with a cross-section exposed and seemingly hollow.


Triangular cone head?

Yu Liang realized something instantly and wanted to remind Long Tian, ​​but his mouth could not make any sound, so he could not remind him.

Without waiting for Ryuuda to react to the mouth, the triangular cone head in the advanced whistle beast's mouth shot out the secondary palate. The secondary palate bit Ryuuda's left forearm, and its long barb-like teeth penetrated deeply. Submerged into the flesh of the forearm.

A slender and tough bone line is connected to the tail of the secondary palate, and the other end is connected to the oral cavity of the advanced whistle beast.

The advanced whistle beast closed its mouth and turned its head sharply backward, as if it wanted to use its secondary jaw to pull Tatsuda out.

Caught off guard, Ryutian was pulled forward and staggered forward, almost falling into the whistle beast's mouth.

And Ryutian roared, stood firm, his feet and hands burst into light, seemingly endless power came from them.

He stepped forward in two or two steps, put one palm against the chin of the whistle beast, and used upward force to raise the whistle beast's head upward. The other palm kept pushing the whistle beast's body hard, and actually pushed the whistle beast's head upwards. Push out of the room.

The corridor on the third floor is an outdoor corridor, similar to a teaching building, so Tatsuta pushed the whistle beast out of the room and pushed it down the corridor in one breath.

The whistle beast's body broke the bone guardrail of the corridor and fell down. However, its mouth was still connected by bone lines, so the whole body hung in the air outside the corridor and kept shaking.

It felt that there was an "empty space" around it. This feeling of being unable to use its strength made it panic, so it kicked its feet desperately, trying to find its point of strength.

The tail spines swayed and finally dug into the bones outside the corridor, helping it stabilize its body.

"Ha!" A simple tone came from Ryutian's mouth. He grabbed the bone string with his backhand, lifted the advanced whistle beast hanging in the corridor with one hand, turned around and threw it heavily to the ground.

This time, the whistle beast was thrown to pieces, but then Ryuuda's heavy punches came down like a violent storm, and finally the whole body was slammed into it.

With punches, kicks, shoulders and elbows, Tatsuta is not entirely limited to sumo wrestling. Some fighting moves that are not sumo wrestling also appear in turn. He treats every part of his body as a weapon and relies on his fighting instincts. Come and attack the Whistle Beast continuously.

In fact, it was indeed a weapon. Yu Liang noticed that the parts used for attack by Long Tian would light up with a slight golden light. This light made his body indestructible.

After nearly thirty seconds of beating, the advanced whistle beast finally stopped moving completely.

At this time, the Whistle Beast was beyond recognition. Its head was blasted and turned into a ball of paste. Most of the bones on its body were broken. Blood flowed out from under the Whistle Beast's body and was on the bone floor. A small pool of blood accumulated.

"Tsk, tsk, it's very strong." Li Huachao said in the universe, "This whistle beast is not that easy to deal with."

"Stronger than imagined." Yu Liang nodded in agreement.

Sure enough, professional fighters are different.

It can also be clearly seen from this performance that Li Huachao would most likely not be able to defeat this sumo wrestler in a head-on battle.

In terms of physical fitness that he is proud of, Ryota is stronger and has much more powerful strength and instant explosive power.

The nearly four-meter-long body of the advanced whistle beast was not a decoration, but it was knocked over by Dan Shengren, who was less than two meters tall. At that moment, Yu Liang felt as if he was really being run over by a steamroller.

He thought of the fighting style of sumo wrestlers and had a vague guess in his mind.

The alienated profession should give sumo wrestlers unparalleled head-on confrontation capabilities, which makes Tatsuta unstoppable with enhanced abilities when pushing and hitting from the front.

This is not good news, because Li Huachao is also good at frontal combat.

There are two conditions for the right to take the first shot granted by the rules. One is to carry short weapons, and the other is to meet head-on.

"What if you use your speed advantage to fly a kite? You rely on the landing to protect yourself and the paper character attacks." Yu Liang would subconsciously treat every player he met as an opponent.

"There is no advantage in speed." Li Huachao denied, "This guy is just better at strength, but it does not mean that he runs slowly and reacts slowly. If you insist on it, this guy is like the wild boar king in the deep mountains and old forests."

"Okay." Yu Liang could only give up this idea. He was not sure about matters in this professional field.

This is also the reason why he did not exercise his fighting ability.

Do you want to use the profession of writer to practice unlimited fighting and then go head-to-head with others?

Are you kidding? He doesn't have a system. Why should other people's 20 years of skill be inferior to him?

It's better to create a fighting profession and leave the fighting to the new character.

This saves much trouble.

Yu Liang glanced at Long Tian's back and felt thoughtful.

Twenty years of skill can't handle a shot with twenty times the "thunder" character, right?

At this time, several people in the room heard a lot of whistles coming from downstairs, so they all walked out of the room and came to the railing to look down.

Nearly twenty whistle beasts were seen pouring out of the tunnel around the altar on the first floor. Among them were primitive whistle beasts and advanced whistle beasts. Among the advanced whistle beasts, there were even ones holding bone guns.

The five players who were selected to clear the first floor were surrounded by these whistle beasts, like a small boat teetering in the wind and rain.

The whistle beasts flapped their ears and communicated with the sounds produced by the ear whistles. The current whistle sounds were slightly urgent, which reflected the tense situation at this moment.

Players who entered the second floor to explore quickly gathered around the railings. They looked down and then up at the players on the third floor who were also watching.

Lee calculated the fighting power of both sides in his mind, and immediately patted the people around him, pointed downwards, and motioned to go down and fight together.

At this time, Yu Liang quickly wrote a paragraph and handed it to Lee: "Guide them under the cleaning table. I will go to the second floor to control them."

Lee instantly understood what Yu Liang was thinking, so he led the rest of the people over the railings to the second floor, and then brought the players from the second floor down to support the first floor.

Yu Liang switched to Li Huachao, jumped to the second floor with these people, and then went straight to the control console on the second floor.

As he wrote, he was going to use the bio-acid on the ribs of the cleaning station to destroy the Whistling Beast.

He is not afraid of the Whistle Beast's avoidance. After all, there are not many other Dongkaitan creatures in his universe, but quite a few have the ability to control them.

Yu Liang came to the Rou Tai Sui control table and first released the Scrooge Ghost, the Shadow Waiter and the Mantis Cub to help, and then released the Ghost Bride and the Ghost Bridegroom to assist.

The Money Keeper's ability has a very high priority, and it has obvious control over advanced whistle beasts, but the control time is relatively short.

Shadow Warrior, on the other hand, is a bit weaker, being knocked around like a rubber ball among the monsters.

Zai Zi can also destroy ordinary whistle beasts with his passion, but he is somewhat powerless against advanced whistle beasts.

The ghost bride and ghost groom have the ability to switch between virtual and real, which can protect their own safety, but the real ones are a bit scratchy and basically cannot cause too much damage.

Of course, the visual effects are still very impressive. There is a fortune-teller standing high on the first floor, constantly throwing gold sand, shadows on the ground are attacking, and the battlefield is full of ghosts, and there are two women in red skirts with disheveled hair and slits. .

It can be said that Yu Liang understood the special effects aspect, but it was the players who really dealt a fatal blow to the Whistle Beast.

The average physical fitness of physical warriors is slightly lower than that of advanced whistle beasts, but with the help of professional abilities, they can still have the upper hand in one-on-one battles.

However, these whistle beasts will not fight alone with players at all. They are a group and are closely connected with each other, so their cooperation in combat is even more complete.

The advanced whistle beasts staying near the lair all placed the secondary jaw capture guns into their mouths. The four advanced whistle beasts shot the secondary jaws into a player, and then pulled the player's entire body with force at the same time. Then another whistle beast completed the killing.

With tacit cooperation, it seems as if there is a high-ranking "lord" directing the battle from a God's perspective.

The players present understood exactly what to do after being guided by Lee's slate, and drove the whistle beasts toward the cleaning table.

Yu Liang placed the biting snake next to him as a warning, and at the same time selected room 225 in the universe so that he could hide in it at any time.

After taking protective measures, he put on the mask on the console and entered the overhead perspective.

It's just that this time there are far fewer angles to choose from in the overhead view, so aiming is not as easy as before.

Obviously, Li Huachao did it. He buckled many big eyes on the dome, which resulted in some insufficient ones now.

At this time, Lee saw the right moment and activated a stamp, releasing an energy net to capture the whistle beasts, and then the physical warriors on the scene pulled them hard, trying to force the whistle beasts to the bottom of the cleaning table.

And these whistle beasts are not puppets. They pierce their lower limbs and tail spines into the ground and start wrestling with the players.

In the middle, there is an advanced whistle beast shooting at players with a bone gun, which also greatly interferes with the player's progress.

At the critical moment, the physical warriors made a decision almost at the same time. Lights appeared on their bodies one after another, probably because they all used their explosive abilities. As a result, the strength of the team increased sharply, and more than ten whistle beasts in the net were Drag gradually.

The bullet from the Bone Qi Gun shot into the chest of the first warrior, but the Qi mask covering his entire body prevented the bullet from penetrating half an inch.

The tingling sensation instead inspired his strength, so he stepped forward violently, bringing these whistle beasts completely into the appropriate range.

Sensing the threat of death, the whistle beasts frantically grabbed the trawling warriors with their secondary jaws. They pulled several players closer and then used the scythes on their upper limbs to cut their corpses into pieces.

Yu Liang laboriously calibrated, and then controlled the white bones to grow blood and flesh. The flesh and blood melted into acid, and was poured onto the bodies of the whistle beasts.

A harsh whistle sounded, this time it was more like a scream. The whistle beast was completely destroyed by the biological acid, and even the advanced whistle beast only lasted half a minute longer.

However, Yu Liang, who took off his mask, frowned slightly as he looked at the players organizing the battlefield below.

The battle just now was a bit difficult. These whistle beasts were not lambs to be slaughtered. Their counterattack in the net before they died still took away several players.

But it doesn’t have to be this hard.

Because the sumo wrestlers with the greatest strength and explosive power are not below.

The guy was mid-fight and sneaked away when no one was looking.

Yu Liang realized something, took back the strange creatures in the battlefield, switched to Li Huachao, turned around and ran towards the third floor.

If I guessed correctly, the sumo wrestler went to find the biological computer.

Li Huachao ran into the room, drilled a shovel into the hole, then simply judged the direction and drilled all the way into the depths.

There were dug up flesh and blood tissues everywhere along the road, including some brains in jars that were smashed on the ground.

Finally, in a large secret room, Yu Liang saw the so-called biological computer.

It was a long corpse connected to various blood vessels, occupying an area of ​​approximately two floors.

Blood bubbles kept appearing on its body, growing to its maximum size and exploding with a "bang".

I can't tell what kind of creature it is, or it may not be a creature at all.

It's just a tool.

In the blood vessels, light spots continued to flow, which reminded Yu Liang that the computer was in computing mode at this moment.

Next to the computer, he also saw a corpse, a Dansheng corpse with the head dug out.

There is no brain in the opening and closing skull.

The sumo wrestler died.

I thought I could take advantage of it, but in the end I was fooled.

It seems powerful, but has no ability to resist in the face of the "unknown".

Standing next to the corpse was a humanoid creature with an abnormally large head, a thin body, slender limbs, and arms reaching to the knees.

It still has the unique umbrella-shaped membrane of the whistle beast on its neck, and there are still tail spines on its back, but it is no longer thick, but the same slender, like a dexterous long whip.

It turned back and sucked the last piece of brain in its hand into its mouth.

Its eyes widened, but not as if it was marveling at the deliciousness of brains.

But marveling at something else.

Yu Liang looked at it, and he saw a kind of peace and wisdom in the other person's big eyes.

Like an old man.

But let’s be honest, this guy is probably still a baby.

It patted the long biocomputer beside it and spoke with difficulty.

"We. Civilization. Are."

It's Chinese.

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