Although Jiang Xiangdong was very worried about Yu Liang's condition, Yu Liang's attitude was very determined. He must follow Jiang Xiangdong to the warehouse. Jiang Xiangdong had no choice but to choose to go to the warehouse together.

Fortunately, the warehouse was not far away, but there was no warehouseman on duty at this time, so the two went to the temporary duty office to get the key to the warehouse.

The director has cut off almost all night shifts, and the funds saved are used to recruit security guards. It is easy to understand if you think about it. If you leave the warehouseman alone near the warehouse in the middle of the night and let him guard it, what is the difference between this and letting him die?

The street lights near the warehouse are denser than in other places, so even if it is already dark, it is as bright as day. The entire warehouse is wrapped in sufficient light, which makes Yu Liang feel more comfortable than ever before.

The feeling of being peeked at finally disappeared.

Yu Liang looked at his feet. Since there were strong lights coming from all directions, his shadow was very light and surrounded his feet.

Although I don't know what its ability is, it must be related to shadow.

"Fortunately, you need it now. The previous warehouse management was very poor and everything was in a mess. Later, the director discovered this problem and hired someone to spend three or four days to put everything into categories. This souvenir should be placed It's in the merchandise area, but after such a long time, it's probably buried deep inside." Jiang Xiangdong also saw that Yu Liang's complexion had improved, and he felt relieved now.

Yu Liang smiled: "It's okay, we still have some time."

The two walked into the warehouse and turned on the headlights. Jiang Xiangdong walked directly to the depths of the warehouse as if he was familiar with the road. His eyes quickly scanned the shelf labels along the way and quickly locked on the "souvenirs and merchandise" shelf.

Rows of shelves higher than a person's head were piled with various things. Yu Liang could only see the aisle in front of him. The place looked very big, but his field of vision was very small, and he could not see the row next to him at all. What's there is what's there.

Toys, water bottles, medals, scratch paper with zoo prints...

This place basically includes all the peripherals that a zoo can have, neatly stacked there.

Yu Liang thought, he wanted to leave the player game with something useful, maybe he could synthesize rare characters, but maybe the dazzling array of items made it difficult for him to choose, or maybe the shadow left by "it" has not gone away. , his mind went blank and he had no idea what he needed.

"There is nothing in the outer circle. Let's go in and take a look." Jiang Xiangdong quickly confirmed that there was no moon that Yu Liang needed outside, so he led Yu Liang deeper into the warehouse.

Daily necessities, food ingredients, clothing, come to me.

"Huh?" A short sentence was mixed into a series of labels. Yu Liang suddenly stopped and looked carefully. It was still a round and small font, which was the handwriting left behind.

"It" seems to have followed suit.

So what does "come to me" mean?

Isn't "it" by my side now?

Or does it mean to find it after you finish the game and return to the zoo?

The location where Yu Liang is now is the clothing area. Pieces of doll clothes are packed in bags. The air is extracted to roughly form a vacuum package, which compresses the volume of the clothes to the maximum extent. However, the doll headgear is supported by an internal bracket, so it can only Place on garment bag.

At this time, a teddy bear's hood was placed on the shelf in front of Yu Liang. Its eyes were hollowed out. The design was to allow the staff to observe the outside world, but now it is natural to allow the observation of something inside the teddy bear's hood. outside world.

The stuffed bear's eyes were empty, but it stared at Yu Liang intently. Yu Liang controlled his hands and did not move the bear hood. He always felt that it had prepared a surprise for him inside.

It's a common cliché in horror movies. How could he, a story writer, fall into the cliche?

"Found it!" Jiang Xiangdong's surprised voice came from inside.

"I'm here." Yu Liang responded quickly. He walked quickly into the depths of the warehouse and soon came to Jiang Xiangdong, who was moving an old box from the shelf to the ground.

The box had not been opened for a long time, and the clasps were almost sewn together. It took a lot of effort for Lao Jiang to open it. There were full of moon models inside, but everything that caught his eye was broken.

"It took too long and a lot of them were broken." Jiang Xiangdong picked up a few white fragments with moon spots and tried to put them back together, but failed. He stretched out his hands to pull the fragments, and finally found a intact one on the lower floor. He breathed a sigh of relief and carefully took it out and handed it to Yu Liang, "Here, this is probably the last one."

"One is enough." Yu Liang also breathed a sigh of relief. He held the moon in his hand and looked at its appearance carefully.

There is a bit of turbid yellow in the white, and tiny moon craters are made in the form of patterns on it. Through the white shell, you can faintly see things like filaments inside.

Yu Liang put the moon into a small cardboard box and carried it in his hand to leave with Jiang Xiangdong. He paid attention to the labels on the shelves along the way. Now he was a little confused about what it was thinking about hiding in the dark. , but the good news is that it doesn't seem to directly kill his thoughts.

The two returned along the original route. Jiang Xiangdong was in a good mood, probably because he didn't encounter anything strange when he went to the warehouse this time.

"There are only two classes left this week, and we can go home soon." Jiang Xiangdong smiled, his eyes full of yearning, and he could only truly relax when he thought of his family.

"Can't you go back every day? Do you have to stay here even if you don't have a shift?" Yu Liang asked.

Jiang Xiangdong shook his head: "I'm worried that this job will affect my wife and Xiaoyao, so I sent them to the next city a long time ago. Fortunately, the wages here are high, and we can still support them."


His daughter?

Yu Liang had some questions in his heart, but he didn't ask them because he didn't want to talk in depth on this topic.

No matter how you look at it, these words are too much like that classic flag. If it wasn't impossible, he would definitely sew Jiang Xiangdong's mouth shut.

"Xiaoyao, Jiang Xinyao, my daughter." Jiang Xiangdong had no awareness of this at all. He couldn't stop the smile on his face when he thought of his daughter. "Every time she takes the exam, she is among the top in the class. She is pretty." Shui Ling is much more promising than her mother and her father."

"If I have the chance, I can visit your home and see this Xiaoyao who is blown away by you." Yu Liang also smiled the same way. When he saw the convenience store not far away, he greeted Jiang Xiangdong and walked over, "I'll buy it. Two bottles to drink, wait for me."


This convenience store is far away from the tourist center. There are no tourists at this time. So when Yu Liang walked into the convenience store, the two clerks in the store were already clearing the cashier and preparing to close the store. They looked at Yu Liang, He smiled, said hello, and continued to do his own business.

Taking two bottles of juice, Yu Liang specially picked the lemon one. They have a natural astringent taste, which makes it difficult to detect the smell of sleeping pills. He put his left hand in his pocket, picked up the two sleeping pills with his fingertips and clamped them in his palm, and then looked at A glance at the clerk showed that they didn't notice this, so he quietly dropped two sleeping pills into the juice.

"Ping——" A crisp sound came from above his head, and Yu Liang's vision went dark. He realized that the light in the convenience store was broken, and he also understood that it was causing trouble again.

[Saving him requires a price]

A line of fluorescent words appears on the label of the product shelf.

"I'm willing to pay the price." Yu Liang was convinced that it was hiding in the darkness at this time, so he gave an affirmative answer, both intellectually and emotionally. He had to say this.

【Come to me】

This sentence was like a switch, and the convenience store instantly returned to brightness, and the uncomfortable feeling receded like a tide.

The two clerks at the front desk woke up from their stagnant state as if from a dream.

"Sorry, there has always been something wrong with the lights in this store." The clerk apologized to Yu Liang, and Yu Liang naturally didn't say much. After paying the money, he went back to find Jiang Xiangdong.

It's strange, it's talking to itself in a negotiating tone, as if it wants something from itself, and the bargaining chip it uses to trade is Jiang Xiangdong. It hasn't caused much trouble to itself since it left the security room.

Everything has a price, but Yu Liang has no choice. He must successfully take the moon out of here before he can talk about the follow-up.

"I brought you a bottle. Thank you for helping me find this moon." Yu Liang smiled, unscrewed the bottle of juice in front of Jiang Xiangdong, and handed it to him.

"What's the point between us?" Jiang Xiangdong frowned. He took the juice and took a swig. "Right now, the most important thing for you is to go back and have a good sleep. I'll work with Lao Li for tonight's shift." For a moment, you can help him make up the shift next time."

"Okay." Yu Liang watched him drink most of the bottle in one gulp, feeling relieved, so he urged, "I'm a little tired too, let's go back quickly."

Generally, sleeping pills take effect in fifteen minutes. Jiang Xiangdong only drank half a bottle, so the effectiveness might decrease, but it wouldn't take too long. He didn't want Jiang Xiangdong to fall too far away from the security room, and he would have to take it by then. Jiang Xiangdong dragged him back.

"Okay, okay." Jiang Xiangdong also moved faster after hearing this.

"Lao Jiang, do you know where there is a lock? A smaller lock." Suddenly, Yu Liang asked.

Jiang Xiangdong paused for a moment, then asked after a moment: "What?"

"It's useful. It's also something it hates." Yu Liang replied. In order to increase credibility, he also added a setting, "But don't think it will be afraid. This kind of disgust is the same as when people see bugs. It can either take a detour or avoid it." , or I can trample you to death."

"Is this so?" Jiang Xiangdong rubbed his chin and thought, "I seem to know why I have good luck."

He took out a thin chain from his trouser pocket. There was a small copper lock hanging on the chain. The corners of the lock had been polished and rounded, and the surface of the lock had a frosted texture. It could be seen that it had been locked for many years.

"Well, I brought it to you when I was little." Jiang Xiangdong threw it to Yu Liang and laughed, "It's funny to say, my unreliable father bought a copper lock from the hardware store when he heard that children should wear longevity locks. The lock was put on for me, and later I learned that long-life locks have no keyholes, so they cannot be opened, and only then can health and longevity be locked. Later, I got used to it and kept wearing it."

"Is that so? Then you just gave it to me like this?" Yu Liang wanted to send it back after hearing this. It was difficult for him to regard Jiang Xiangdong as a simple NPC. At least in his eyes, Jiang Xiangdong was a living person, a person who was kind and gentle to the core. middle-aged man.

After learning that the lock might have the effect of suppressing evil, Jiang Xiangdong gave Yu Liang the longevity lock that had been with him for half his life without hesitation, because he knew that "it" had entangled Yu Liang in the past few days, and this might be able to save his life. Yu Liang’s life.

"It's okay. How much is this thing worth? If you want it, just take it." Jiang Xiangdong chuckled, waved his hand and said no more.

The two walked to the performance hall. To Yu Liang's surprise, Jiang Xiangdong didn't fall asleep until he walked back to the security room. He even drank half of the bottle, just short of the bottle cap that could be used to redeem the prize.

"Now, rest here for a while, wait..." Jiang Xiangdong stood at the door and said, but suddenly he felt that his eyelids became heavy and his whole body fell forward uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Yu Liang stepped forward to support Jiang Xiangdong, then put him on the bed, covered him with a quilt, and finally let out a sigh of relief.

I finally fainted, almost thinking that Jiang Xiangdong's drug resistance was too strong and these medicines were too little.

He opened the drawer again and looked through his diary. Except for the handwriting left by "it" before, there was no new writing. He sat on the chair again and looked at the cardboard box with the moon on the table, lost in thought.

The surrounding environment also became completely quiet at this moment, so quiet that he could clearly hear Jiang Xiangdong's breathing on the bed.

He was waiting, waiting for it to come again, but until the hour hand on the clock pointed to the number 12, it never came again.

Now he can confirm that the "it" in the player's game and the "it" outside the game are one. It knows that it comes from the outside, and it is the master of the outside. He also knows that tonight's peace requires sacrifice. The price was high, but he had no choice because there were more pressing matters.

Lao Du.

Lao Du has been waiting for him for a long time.

[Completed the player game "Journey of the Brave\

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