The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 283 Conquering the Whistle Beast Mother!

In the Whistle Beast's lair, the walls of the underground palace emit constant-temperature light. The Whistle Beast clan moved large areas of flesh and blood walls into the underground palace, along with many tumor-like nodules.

The knob-like protrusions provided a corner of the underground palace with the light and heat needed for fertility and growth. The constant temperature and dry environment here made Yu Liang feel very comfortable.

Except for the corner of the childcare area, other places in the underground palace appear colder and damper, with only simple flesh and blood as "bed mats".

These flesh and blood materials were dug directly from the flesh and blood walls. Due to the lack of infusion of vitality substances, the beds made of flesh and blood had a somewhat pungent fishy smell.

Of course, the existence of this bed mat has no meaning now, because all the adult warriors of this group follow the guidance of some kind of information in the blood and choose to migrate to the giant head in the distance.

Yu Liang stood in front of the whistle beast's mother body. There was a huge size gap between the two.

Light shot out from the wall behind the whistle beast's mother, illuminating the underground palace; the shadow stretched in front of the whistle beast's mother, covering Yu Liang.

"Kill me." The Whistle Beast mother said in an almost pleading tone. Its body began to tremble, as if it was suffering from pain.

It speaks very slowly, and it has to think hard for a long time every time it says three or four words. It seems to be thinking about the pronunciation and grammar of Chinese: "There can only be one 'mother' in the same area. The next 'mother', I They appear only after death. Now, they are coming, and I want to die immediately."

This statement surprised Yu Liang. He originally thought that the mother's death wish was due to the pain, but he did not expect that going around in circles was for the reproduction of the ethnic group.

It seems that there can only be one mother body in this group. After the team of whistle beasts migrated to the giant head, this mother body wanted to use its own death to fulfill another group of whistle beasts and give birth to another mother body of whistle beasts. , Only in this way can the continued reproduction of the ethnic group be ensured.

But in this case, the whistle beast's mother body could have died long ago, and those whistle beasts should obey its instructions, so why wait until now?

"Then you could have died long ago, why did you wait until now, for me to kill you?" Yu Liang asked the doubt in his heart.

"Because, I know, my father is here, and I want to see you. One last time." The whistle beast mother said intermittently, spitting out a large mouthful of blood as she spoke.

The blood was red, the same color as Dan Shengren's blood.

"Yeah." Yu Liang got the answer, which also surprised him.

In a flesh-and-blood civilization, these creatures will always put the group first, but this mother body seems to have some personal consciousness, just like her offspring, the humanoid whistle beast.

Is it caused by receiving part of the alien's memory?

"It's so touching. She just wants to see you for the last time. What's wrong with her?" Li Huachao cried out in the universe.

"I think so too." Lu Baoshen agreed. He could feel the emotion.

Although the body of the whistle beast's mother is fat and bloated, with layers of meat piled up on its body, its feelings are sincere and touching.

Lee carefully kicked a stone slab with his feet, then jumped back to a safe distance.

His alert little eyes were always staring at Yu Liang, fearing that a monster like a whistle beast would break out of Yu Liang's body in the next second.

Although the other players couldn't understand what the Whistle Beast Mother and Yu Liang were talking about, they understood after seeing Lee's alert look. They suddenly became alert, and their formation changed slightly, showing a semi-surrounded formation.

The sumo wrestler in front is dead, and this Chinese man has been alone with a special whistle beast, and now he can still communicate with the whistle beast's mother body affectionately...

It's hard to say they are innocent.

"Did you see the man next to it? That was my first life. It was parasitized by this thing. It got the Chinese pronunciation from my memory and called me daddy." Yu Liang saw this. Regarding the player's response, he explained to Lee with some helplessness, "Tell them that I am innocent."

"Is that so? Your birth point is near here?" Lee got some information from Yu Liang's words, and then he wrote Yu Liang's defense on the slate.

After other players read the information above, their hostility dissipated a bit, but they were still suspicious and secretly wary.

At their level, they naturally know that extreme suspicion and extreme belief in other players in the dungeon are signs of illness.

Yu Liang looked back at the whistle beast's mother body, but did not directly respond to its request to kill it.

The mother died generously for the development of the ethnic group. This is very touching, but what does it have to do with him?

Should those whistle beasts and advanced whistle beasts attack him or continue to attack?

I never saw them using him as their grandfather.

But then again, this group will use the same kind of corpses as culture vessels for newborns. Their ancestral motto is probably to blast old people with gold coins, so this makes sense.

Yu Liang complained in his mind, then touched his chin and thought for a while, then looked back at Lee and said, "Help me ask who among these people can treat? I seem to have noticed that there is a player whose profession is related to medicine, and it is best to be a quack doctor. "

When Yu Liang asked who could treat, Henry, the leader among the players, took a small step forward, but when Henry heard "It's best to be a quack", he immediately stopped.

However, this small step was still noticed by Yu Liang, and he immediately waved to Henry and motioned for him to come over.

Li Huachao told him about this leading party, so Yu Liang knew that Henry knew Chinese.

Henry stepped forward, walked to Yu Liang's side, and expressed his doubts with gestures.

"You just heard that there will only be one mother in the whistle beast group, so if it doesn't die, no mother will be born among the whistle beasts over there. In other words, if the mother can be revived and then sterilized Surgery..." Yu Liang said thoughtfully, "Even if we can't make this group extinct, we can still reduce their number sharply, at least it won't cause too many obstacles to us."

Li Huachao continued to use the freedom of speech given to him by Yu Liang in the universe, and said: "What a scheming father."

Yu Liang was too lazy to pay attention to this guy. He had expected this situation since the end of the first dungeon and Li Huachao said that he was just reaping the consequences.

Henry nodded when he heard this, and couldn't help but make an "OK" gesture to Yu Liang. He couldn't help but look at the whistle beast's mother with some pity in his eyes.

Tell me, why would you trust a human being?

Not even your dad can do it.

He wrote on the tablet: "I am a pharmacist. I can combine different types of items to form potions. Some potions can have a healing effect."

But at this time, the whistle beast's mother was belatedly aware of what Yu Liang was going to do. It struggled desperately and screamed, as if it had suffered a heavy betrayal.

The mother whistler beast slaps the ground with her fat lower limbs, breaking the stone ground and sending pebbles flying around.

"Stop, stop." Yu Liang was very calm. He jumped back to avoid the impact of the whistle beast's mother going crazy.

At this time, the whistle beast's mother body could not listen to Yu Liang's words. It just moved its body wildly, as if it wanted to vent its last energy and let the expected death come.

"Can you let it calm down?" So Yu Liang turned to the pharmacist Henry again, "Just calm down. There is no need to let it sleep. I need it to stay awake."

Henry nodded again, and the next second a row of virtual test tubes appeared in front of him. Some test tubes contained liquids of different colors, while others contained solid powder or large particles.

Henry selected a few of them and performed operations similar to extraction. Yu Liang did not understand. In short, he finally got a tube of colorless and transparent virtual potion.

The pharmacist took out a physical syringe and dragged the virtual medicine onto the syringe, and then an injection appeared in his hand.

He handed it to Yu Liang and made a "please" gesture to Yu Liang, indicating that Yu Liang only needed to inject it.

Yu Liang took the injection. Now the madness in the whistle beast's mother body has faded away, or it may be a little tired, so it seems quieter than before.

He switched to Li Huachao, who held a physical needle and flew towards the whistle beast's mother body, avoiding the mother's short-limbed scythe, approaching the mother from the side, and finally injecting the injection into the mother's overly obese body.

A set of movements flows smoothly and with ease.

It may be a bit troublesome to fight an advanced whistle beast alone, but it is still very easy to tease a mother body.

However, this action also made the physical warriors present alert and secretly surprised.

This physical quality and flexibility have obviously reached the level of physical warriors, and are considered superior even among them...

If you have to compare, his own hard power is stronger than those weird summons.

Isn't this guy a summoner?

Could it be the increase that the black armor has on the body?

It's just a standard single soldier armor, but it has such a big improvement.

The physical warriors paid attention silently, determined to find a piece of armor to prepare.

Although this armor is rare, it is not impossible to find it. In the past, it was just because carrying the armor required overcoming the [group] consciousness many times that I gave up the adventure. Now I have obtained the method of fighting the [group] consciousness from the Chinese. There is no reason. Don't give it a try.

After being injected with a sedative, the mother whistler beast really gave up its struggle. It stayed in place silently, and its eyes that were cloudy just now became clearer.

"Why...why...?" It made a voice intermittently, and its chaotic brain became clear.

"There is no reason. What you have in front of you now are two choices." Yu Liang stretched out two fingers, and then came his real purpose, "One, I will let him heal your injury, and then make you unable to If you continue to reproduce, your tribe will slowly die out because of your existence, because they can no longer give birth to new mothers."

He tried to speak as slowly as possible, because the mother whistle beast in front of him had an IQ that was only equivalent to that of a seven or eight-year-old child, and its mind would be disturbed by animalistic nature from time to time.

Thanks to Henry's sedative, it became calmer.

Hearing Yu Liang's first choice, the whistle beast's mother body reacted like a stress reaction, expressing its resistance with a weak hiss.

Yu Liang continued: "As for the second option, I will put you into another dimension, and you will no longer have contact with your ethnic group. From now on, you need to completely obey me and obey me. If you do this, New mothers can be born in them.”

The whistle beast's mother body listened to these words, and its slow brain thought about these words slowly, and it took a long time to understand what Yu Liang meant.

In the face of the interests of the ethnic group, its personal will is nothing, so this decision is almost without thinking: "Okay."

Yu Liang felt relieved after hearing this, and then took the whistle beast's mother body into the universe.

"Don't mention it, this plot is quite exciting. Can it be written into a light novel?" Li Huachao smiled and muttered like a name for a dish, "'Obey! For the continuation of the race, the orc girl fell into a bad way and laid eggs. Even her father... Okay!》Huh? Uh-huh!"

Yu Liang was too embarrassed to listen anymore and turned off Li Huachao's microphone.

The name of this light novel is outrageous.



Character Card: Whistle Beast Mother (Weak State)

Gradient: T1

Attributes: Uncollected Kaitan derivatives

Personality: obedience, loyalty

Ability: Pregnancy (locked)


·After absorbing enough energy, it can reproduce asexually and produce juvenile whistle beasts.

·The juvenile Whistle Beast will grow rapidly after completing parasitism, complete its body disintegration in a short period of time, and evolve into adulthood.

·The lifespan and shape of the Whistle Beast in adulthood are directly related to the parasite. The more energy the parasite has, the longer the lifespan of the Whistle Beast in adulthood and the higher the degree of shape unlocking.

(Adult whistle beasts parasitized by deformed humans have a lifespan of 30 days; adult whistle beasts parasitized by egg-born humans have a lifespan of 90 days. If they choose to grow into advanced whistle beasts, their lifespan is 30 days.)

·The mother can only control a certain number of adult whistle beasts. The number controlled is related to the current state of the mother, with an upper limit of 18.

·Current health of the mother: 51 hours (the mother can replenish energy to extend life)

(Note: Adult whistle beasts that are not under the control of the mother completely obey genetic instincts, and may be promoted to uncontrolled whistle beast mothers after leaving a certain range.)

"T1 level is just a weak state." Yu Liang was convinced after reading the character card of the whistle beast's mother body.

If you want to make the whistle beast's mother give birth, you need to help it get rid of its weak state. Then go to the masked man's shop to see what tonics are available.

However, these introductions surprised Yu Liang.

Ordinary whistle beasts are parasitized by deformed humans and have a lifespan of only 30 days, while advanced whistle beasts can be parasitized by egg-born humans and have a lifespan of 30 days.

The life cycle of this group of whistle beasts is somewhat short, but if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, their time from birth to adulthood is also very short, and the humanoid whistle beast can only live for a few hours.

This is a deformed race created by the natives of flesh-and-blood civilization. It can be regarded as a tool race.

And this mother body can live for 51 hours. During this time, he must find something to replenish energy for it, otherwise if he dies, his work will be in vain.

The number of adult whistle beasts also needs to be controlled. If the number of adult whistle beasts exceeds the control range of the mother, and the escape range of the whistle beasts becomes a second whistle beast mother in reality, it will be fun.

The normal lifespan of a whistle beast is only 30 days, and he saw some of the remaining whistle beasts during his first life, which meant that the batch of whistle beasts were bred within a month.

Time is much shorter than imagined.

Yu Liang said silently in his heart.

In other words, at most a month ago, there were still natives of flesh-and-blood civilization here.

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