The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 285 The fire of Cao Ying civilization and the flesh and blood brain network

Use Cao Ying to steal the flesh and blood civilization on this planet.

It sounded good, but after Yu Liang thought for a moment, he felt that his enthusiastic heart was extinguished by invisible cold water.

Based on Cao Ying's IQ, it is estimated that it will take a long time to evolve to reach the level of civilization. By then, let alone helping him, whether he exists is another matter.

Unless he is now in the "past period" and the real world is thousands or even tens of thousands of years from now.

This is quite interesting. He dropped a batch of Cao Ying's seeds here, just like the engineers in the movie "Prometheus" used black water to create humans, but when he returned to reality, he found Cao Ying driving a spaceship. The earth is looking for the Creator of that time.

Yu Liang thought about that possibility and felt that his real life should not be so bad.

Coupled with the fact that this planet also has native natives and whistle beasts, the development journey of Cao Ying may be full of wars and turmoil, or it may be extremely smooth and accomplished overnight.

The natives of the flesh-and-blood civilization are on the verge of extinction. The whistle beasts can be regarded as the legal heirs, but the development progress of civilization is still very behind. Those advanced whistle beasts are probably similar to homo sapiens.

However, they have a fatal shortcoming, that is, their lifespan is extremely short, and their offspring need to be parasitized before they can metamorphose into adulthood.

Compared with the prolific and fertile grass babies, the competitive advantage of whistle beasts is not that obvious.

Yu Liang is not worried about the scorpion-shaped parasitic beast choosing Cao Ying to parasitize. From previous observations, it is not difficult to conclude that the shape of the parasitic beast after its body is broken is related to the strength of the parasitic target.

No matter how rubbish a deformed person is, the energy in their body cannot be matched by a T5 grass baby. If there really is a scorpion-shaped parasitic beast that chooses grass baby to be parasitic...

It is estimated that the whistle beast that came out of the body was not only weak but also had low intelligence.

If we rely on parasitic grass babies to breed the next generation of whistle beasts, this group may soon become extinct.

Moreover, whistle beasts cannot yet enter the surface. They can only hibernate in the buildings of flesh-and-blood civilization or underground, and will not be able to conflict with Cao Ying for a long time.

Underground belongs to the whistle beast, above ground belongs to the grass baby.

Until this planet is covered with green trees, until the wind and sand stop on this planet.

Or maybe the Whistle Beast has evolved to the level of civilization and rewritten its own weaknesses through biological editing technology.

Of course, this only assumes that there will be a war between them. In fact, the whistle beast just wants to escape from the sea of ​​suffering and escape to the other side of the sky, and may not pay too much attention to the grass babies on the surface.

Grass babies are also a very special creature. When they form a huge group, their unique racial ability [Lingren] can make the whistle beasts completely give up their attack intentions.

It belongs to the species of peace dove.

Therefore, the future of this planet is still somewhat confusing. Yu Liang is not sure what will happen. He is not God and does not have the eyes of God.


His eyes narrowed slightly as he thought of another possible solution.

That is to solve this root mystery here and turn it into your own scene card.

Yu Liang has the mother body of the Whistle Beast in his hands and the Cao Ying to control the environment and control a vibrant planet. It is only a matter of time before he can control the flesh and blood civilization.

Maybe the subsequent alienation ability of the writer's career upgrade is related to this.

Now he had his own universe, his own protagonists and strange creatures, and a place for them to take place.

In this case, "story" is enough to be born quietly.

But it's not enough. If he had the ability to control the time flow of the scene card, what would be displayed in front of him would be a truly epic picture.

Give time to civilization and use time as a pen to write stories.

[Writers] have the ability to create grand narratives.

In short, you can now put a few sand-resistant grass babies on the surface to test the water. For Yu Liang, the cost of doing this is not high. There are still 396 grass babies in his universe.

What if, what if these grass babies really made great achievements?

You really become the "Creator".

"Okay, you can try it." Yu Liang was influenced by Li Huachao and became a little interested. "But there is no magic blood yet, so we can't give birth to grass babies that can withstand wind and sand."

He thought about it, and after completing the second stage, he would unblock the character slot, and then the item slot or stamp slot.

The stamp column is to connect with "it", and there is a source ghost story as its own protection, while the item column is simply to make money.

If he could determine the location of the masked man's shop, he would have a chance to meet that guy, and then put more than three hundred grass babies in the universe there together with the demon blood for consignment.

It's best to let the players in this dungeon become the first customers. These gringos are very rich and may spend a lot of money.

"It's okay, let's try it with... three of them, and we will serve as a control group." Li Huachao continued, eager to try in his words, "They are grass after all. When there is water and soil, they are not so easy to die. If they can't hold on, Just burrow into the soil, and as long as there is some oxygen, it will be difficult for them to suffocate to death.”

"That's right." Yu Liang took out three grass babies, then switched to Li Huachao, who took the three grass babies to the surface to place them.

Li Huachao took back the hunting mark and prepared to put one on the three grass babies so that he could determine the time of their death if something unexpected happened.

"Good babies, good babies, grow up quickly and contribute to protecting the environment." Li Huachao put the grass baby into the soil beside him in a greasy tone.

Cao Ying, on the other hand, was familiar with the road. He quickly dug the hole with a straight face, then nestled himself in, and stretched out his hand to cover himself with some soil, like a quilt.

There was nothing unusual about that ferocious face. Li Huachao had spent so much time with these grass babies, so he could naturally tell their condition.

Grass babies are good at patience and have tenacious vitality. They are like a real grass in every aspect.

It's a domestic grass, but it's not delicate either.

Li Huachao knew that somewhere where he couldn't see, roots were growing under Cao Ying's feet, exploring deeper and wider.

Occasionally, windy sand falls on the grass above Cao Ying's head, and it only shakes gently, quickly shaking the sand to the side, not paying much attention to the corrosive wind and sand.

Seeing them like this, Li Huachao felt relieved, and then stood up straight again, and said solemnly to the three grass babies, "You are the vanguard of grass babies civilization, you are the founders of grass babies civilization, and you guys are even more important The ancestor of the grass baby tribe on the planet.”

He made an impassioned statement: "So I, the second-in-command in the universe, will name the three of you!"

Li Hua looked left and right, her eyes darting around, as if she was looking for three good names that fit her.

"What are the genders of these three grass babies?" he asked Yu Liangdao.

"From left to right, male and female." Yu Liang glanced at the detailed data of the character cards of these grass babies.

"Okay, come up with a name that has the meaning of human civilization." Li Huachao clapped his hands, then pointed to the first male grass baby, and then pointed to the female grass baby next to him, "Then your name is Adam. Called Eve.”

Yu Liang nodded, expressing satisfaction that Li Huachao could come up with a normal name.

Although it has a bit of religious connotation, as the first two grass babies on the planet to be buried on the surface, there is nothing wrong with choosing such a name.

"Well, two Western names, let's choose an Eastern one." Li Huachao said to himself, then pointed at the last grass baby and said excitedly, "Then your name is Cao Cao."

Yu Liang: "..."

What the hell.

At this time, Lee seemed to have noticed what Li Huachao was doing on the side. He stepped forward to take a look at the two grass babies buried here, and then touched the grass babies crawling on his body, expressing his gratitude to Yu Liang. doubted.

"Let's do a test to see if these strange creatures can survive on the surface." Li Huachao replied casually, and then asked, "Aren't you ready to leave?"

Lee pointed to the tunnel again and went down again. Other players also returned to the tunnel one after another, preparing to move forward.

The open space for this transit was about one-third of the entire tunnel, so they still had some distance to go.

And Yu Liang looked at the open space, and another idea came to his mind.

It seems like this place...

It's quite suitable for decorating the masked man's grocery store.

The main scene of this dungeon is the base just now and the giant head that is about to go, so this tunnel is the only way for players to pass through the two scenes, and the open space is a very good store location.

Apart from anything else, the customer flow can be maintained, and the fashion value of this store is sufficient.

The first copy of the grocery store is in the zoo's play area, the second is in the mirror world, the third is in the reality after leaving the dreamland, and the fourth is on the first floor of the main building.

The masked man likes to set up the grocery store in a special location. This location is difficult for novice players and often takes a lot of effort to find, but for stronger players, this is a must. road.

It coincides with the current location of the open space.

The area of ​​the open space is not large, but it can be expanded. Anyway, there is an exit leading to the surface. Digging some more soil can expand the area.

Yu Liang clicked on the task page and found the task [Transaction].

The way to submit a task is also very simple. The player's main task page records all the processes, selects a suitable location for confirmation, and then writes a description of the location in as short a word as possible and submits it, so that it will be reviewed and selected.

Finally, a plan will be selected, and task rewards will be issued to the selected players.

After figuring out the relevant task process, Yu Liang inevitably had some thoughts.

Regardless of other things, the masked man looks familiar. Doesn’t this mean he has a backstage?

It just so happened that it was time to travel. He could leave the task of rushing to Li Huachao, and it would be good for him to submit the [Transaction] task.

Yu Liang quickly confirmed the location, and then wrote the relevant location description.


The main scene of the dungeon consists of the base and the giant's head. The surface is windy and sandy, making it difficult for players to move and can only travel through tunnels.

This location is in the middle of the tunnel and is the only way for players to travel through the two scenes. It has a stable passenger flow and is very suitable for transactions, such as [Grass Baby] trade and character replacement.

The tunnel has a stable structure and a large number of exhaust holes. The air is fresh and pleasant. Next to it is the exit to the surface. It is the best sightseeing area in the dungeon.

After Yu Liang wrote the description of the location, he looked at it carefully and made sure that there was nothing wrong with it.

The message "I am Yu Liang" is nicely placed in the middle of the description, but "I'll take a backdoor" is just stuck on the skull.

If the masked man himself checks it, he should be able to be selected.

I hope to see the masked man as soon as possible, so that the straw babies in his universe can be entrusted to him.

Li Huachao followed the player team all the way. After passing through the long tunnel, they finally came to a new scene.

Coming out of the tunnel, a dark secret room appeared in front of them.

No, it used to be a secret room, but now there is a big hole dug in the corner of the secret room. It can be seen that some creature must have left the secret room.

A player approached the big hole cautiously and looked out of the secret room from all angles.

There was only darkness outside, so he needed to use the knobs on his wrists to provide light.

However, at this time, there is not much energy left in the player's body, and even less energy is spent in the knob-like protrusions, so the range of this light is also very small.

Li Huachao looked at it and couldn't help but shook his head.

He walked forward and patted the player on the shoulder, making a "step back a little" gesture. Then he stretched his hand out of the hole and instilled energy with all his strength.

At this moment, these players seemed to see the sun. The noon sun rose from outside the secret room, bringing light to everyone.

Of course, Li Huachao closed his eyes before that.

He was not stupid, how could he blink his eyes? They were in darkness, and suddenly stimulated by such a strong light, it would be strange not to go blind for a while.

At this time, Li Huachao suddenly heard a sound coming from above the cave entrance, and then a heavy object fell straight down and hit him in front of him.

Some panicked whistles sounded not far in front of him, and Li Huachao reacted very quickly. He turned off the flash bomb in an instant, stepped back, and passed by the randomly waving tail spines.

He opened his eyes and looked at the advanced whistle beast that fell to the ground, and was shocked.

Is there an ambush?

But now the advanced whistle beast was dazzled by the flash of light and was in a frantic state. Li Huachao raised the bone gun in his hand and fired two shots.

He is a hunter, so he naturally has the ability to master shooting, but it is not enough to form the alienation ability that appears on the panel.

At this distance, and with the advanced whistle beast neglecting to take precautions, two bullets went directly into the whistle beast's eyes.

This is the only weakness of the whistle beast.

The whistle beast, whose eyes were penetrated, became weak after struggling for a moment, and was beaten to death by the body warriors who surrounded it from behind.

After getting rid of the whistle beast, several people carefully went out to take a look and confirmed that there was no monster outside. It seemed that it was the only whistle beast left guarding the door.

However, when the players got out of the secret room and came into the hall, they couldn't help but be amazed by the scene in front of them.

This place is like a church, with an extremely wide interior space, five or six stories high, and nearly as big as a football field.

Looking around, the place is very empty, surrounded by fleshy walls, and the fleshy walls more than ten meters are covered with grooves that can accommodate one person.

There is a translucent crystal-like object attached to the outside of the groove. It looks like glass, but it is different.

Several tubes extend from each groove, leading directly to the brain at the top.

No, it's a giant brain.

Even though they were extremely far apart, Yu Liang could intuitively feel the enormity of this giant brain.

There are thousands of tubes in those grooves, connecting the same brain like hundreds of rivers to the sea.

It was a perfectly shaped giant brain, made of grooved flesh.

Brain Network.

A word sounded in Yu Liang's heart.

He found it.

If you guessed it correctly, the consciousness of those native people is inside, in this brain network.

The consciousness is uploaded to the brain network, achieving immortality in a certain sense.

Humanity's idea of ​​digital immortality was realized at this moment by flesh-and-blood civilization in an extremely simple and direct way.

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