The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 296 Two paper man arsonists!



The two paper figures scratched their heads, communicated with their eyes, then stepped forward and stepped hard, opened Lee's eyelids to see how his pupils were constricted, and confirmed that the guy lying next to the long piece of meat was dead.

"Waijila, wow." The little paper man pointed at the Dansheng.

The other one nodded and said affirmatively: "That's it."

So the two paper figures climbed all the way to Lee's head, and one paper figure typed out the character "broken" and hit Dan Shengren's forehead.

This character directly punched a small hole in Lee's head, leaving it in a "broken" state.

Another paper man tilted his head, simulating a clown's makeup on his face. Paper muscles suddenly grew on the paper body. It tore open the skin near the hole with force, revealing the white skull and light pink flesh tissue. .

Through the small hole, the two paper figures can see the brain inside the head, which is what Yu Liang ordered them to destroy.

The clown paper man was about to throw the "burn" character into the hole, but was immediately stopped by another little paper man, who was explaining something to the other party in silent paper mandarin.

[Just use the bone spurs on the side to crush the brain. The "burning" character can be saved. 】

[Why save characters for the boss? Is he lacking characters? Do you look down on him? 】

[No, I mean, we can set fire! 】

【set fire? 】

【set fire! 】

【set fire! 】

It took almost no effort for the two paper figures to reach an agreement. They raised their hands high and cheered silently.

Then the clown paper man immediately unplugged the bone spur tube connected to Lee's head, took out the bone spur, inserted it into the hole and stirred it, eventually turning Lee's brain into a bowl of mud.

In this way, everything is foolproof, and the paper people feel that they have definitely overfulfilled the task.

If the brain is messed up like this and can still be used by those monsters, then they have nothing to say.

And now...

How to set a fire?

The two little paper figures looked around and suddenly felt very stressed.

Factory assembly lines, biocomputers, bioprinters, fusiform manned spacecraft and other creations are neatly displayed, but some of them don't know where to start.

Now they only have two paper figures and one "burning" character, but there are so many important things here, which makes them feel a little overwhelmed.

Time is tight and the task is heavy!

Six big characters were printed in the minds of the two paper figures. They immediately transformed into clown forms and began to wander around, looking for flammable objects on the second floor.

The [Simultaneous Imperial Edict] ability can help them simulate the characteristics of impressive strange creatures, thereby obtaining a castrated version of the relevant abilities.

In clown form, they can get additional physical bonuses, which is suitable for their current state.

However, because their own strength is too weak, their strength is still not as good as that of a normal adult, probably only equivalent to a child of about eleven or twelve years old. It is basically impossible to drag something here smoothly. things.

If only everyone were here.

The two paper figures said sincerely.

However, at this time, a guy who surprised them both appeared on the second floor.

That's an egg-born person.

Danshengren are players.

The two paper figures made a judgment, then looked at each other, and quickly expanded into a two-dimensional state.

This is a method they learned from native people. The native people expanded into "fragmented people", and if the paper man expanded...

It becomes a pure white paper.

Two pieces of white paper lay beside the biological computer, dormant.

I don’t know what I’m thinking.


This Dansheng was none other than the climber who had just entered the Brain Network—the Sith.

After entering the brain network, the treatment he received was completely different from what he imagined.

He originally thought that he would be killed by the natives after connecting to the brain network and obtaining some information, but he did not.

Native people are not as good as he imagined...


They are a very friendly people.

They are a very reasonable people.

They advocate peace and reject war. Everyone is united in order to achieve the same goal.

Sith sincerely felt that this was the magnanimity and demeanor that a higher civilization should display. They were immoral, but the moral bottom line they inadvertently displayed was far higher than that of human civilizations that were keen on killing.

He was born in a backward country, and later immigrated to a developed country in pursuit of freedom and civilization. Only to find that freedom and civilization require money as support, otherwise he would see things less free and less civilized than his own country.

Later, he entered the English server of Kaitan World, and now he sees the flesh-and-blood civilization of native people.

He longs for such a civilization.

A truly inclusive and advanced civilization.

A civilization that can grow unique flowers of flesh and blood on a desolate planet.

A truly powerful civilization.

Now is the time for him to prove himself. The remaining two hundred and sixty-five natives cannot leave the brain network. Only he can leave here, so he needs to help the natives do one thing.

He needs to take the tiny demon out of the brain network and store it in the insect body.

The second acceleration stage of the insect body, that is, the manned spacecraft, requires the use of tiny demons to assist in decomposition and achieve the purpose of jetting gas acceleration.

It is an indispensable key link in the [Fruit Tree Project].

did you see it?

This is the confidence and capacity of an advanced civilization. They can trust an alien they have only known for less than half a day.

Sith walked to the side of the biological computer and saw two pieces of paper placed on top of the long piece of meat.


Why is there paper here?

The two paper figures spread themselves out as much as possible, making themselves look more like an ordinary piece of white paper.

They secretly opened their eyes and looked at the Dansheng in front of them.

His eyes were wide open, his eyes were sunken, and there were dark circles around his eyes. He also held a small transparent box in his hand, and he didn't know what it contained.

It can be seen from the reddish eyes that this guy's mental state is very poor at this time, and it can even be said to be fragile.

The two paper figures touched each other with their raised corners, and they immediately understood what each other was thinking.

Yes, that's right.

This is a good one to take advantage of.

The weak will only complain about the environment, while the strong will be ready to cause trouble.

Since their power is not enough, try asking others to borrow power.

The paper people have the ability of [Chaos] and can already detect the mental state of others. Now this Dansheng person is bewitched by something unknown, so his resistance to illusions is very weak. The two of them go together, It is estimated that he can control this Dansheng by leapfrogging.

They are T3 level paper figures. If they come together as brothers, they can confuse a T2 level player who is in an extremely poor mental state...

It shouldn't be difficult.

The paper people made a decision in their hearts, and they were convinced that the other party thought the same way. Not only the other party, but also all the paper people in the universe would think so, including the once irritable and irritable paper man Xiao Si.

Sith picked up the white paper next to the biocomputer, and he became a little suspicious of what he saw in front of him.

Why is there a blank sheet of paper in flesh-and-blood civilization?

There is obviously no plant fiber on this planet, so how is white paper made?

Still so white and neat.

Suddenly, the two pieces of white paper fell out of his hands and flew towards his face due to the wind.

Under normal circumstances, his strong physical fitness would drive his body to avoid these two pieces of paper, but he failed to do so at this moment.

It was as if cotton was blocking the blood vessels in his brain, and his nerve reflexes were extremely slow.

Finally, two pieces of white paper covered his eyes, and the white paper was quickly folded into paper figures. One paper figure covered his left eye, and the other paper figure covered his right eye.

Then, a new scene appeared in front of him.

Sis saw the transparent box containing the "Tiny Demon" in his hand falling to the ground. He immediately picked it up quickly, blew off the non-existent dust on the transparent box and carefully put it into his arms.

The two paper figures looked at the Sith holding a bioprinter and nodded with satisfaction.

This physical quality makes them very satisfied. This brainless idiot is even stronger than Uncle Hua Chao.

If they borrow this body, they can do a lot more things.


Yu Liang looked at the whistle beast group and native people in front of him, and was shocked by what they just said.

After being reminded by these words, he suddenly realized a lot.

There were no microorganisms on this planet before, so the biotechnology of flesh-and-blood civilization became popular, and those biomass creations would not decay.

The flesh-and-blood civilization has a strong ability to reuse creation, and to some extent it does not need to rely on the decomposition of microorganisms.

In fact, it would be better to say that this civilization is extremely disgusted and afraid of microorganisms.

Yu Liang could learn from their words that there was a group of giants before the era of natives, which was probably the original body of the current giant head. The group of giants died, and the group of natives was born. Now the group of natives died, and the group of whistle beasts took over. superior.

Flesh-and-blood civilization continues, and each generation of ethnic groups blooms on the bones of the previous generation. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. When science and technology advance to a certain level, the dawn will eventually come, and one ethnic group will eventually return to the [Tree] Go up.

Because the inheritance of flesh-and-blood civilization will not be interrupted, all information is stored in the biological computer, and knowledge will not be interrupted due to the change of ethnic groups.

However, it is foreseeable that the gap between ethnic group replacements may be a long time. During this stage, it is necessary to ensure that the biological computer does not "die".

Without microorganisms, biological computers would naturally not have too many surprises. However, when microorganisms appear, after a long period of evolution, biological computers may rot as a result——

There is a possibility of faults in civilization.

Therefore, flesh-and-blood civilization defines "microorganisms" as "demons". These invisible things are things that can ruin the entire flesh-and-blood civilization.


Yu Liang felt that flesh-and-blood civilizations may not necessarily know the term "microorganisms". They just stubbornly call them demons. I am afraid that the term "microorganisms" is still known from the memories of aliens. There are also bacteria, viruses, fungi, and more. I'm afraid the same is true for detailed classification.

It seems that the "microbial demon" is indeed a terrifying thing.

If the next generation cannot receive the knowledge inheritance of the previous generation, then the civilization that appears on this planet may no longer be called a "flesh and blood civilization".

Nowadays, the native people have resorted to any means to climb the [Tree] before the tribe is completely wiped out, and even violated the ancestral precepts inherited from the giant tribe. No wonder the humanoid whistle beast is so angry, and no wonder the native people look guilty.

Forefathers planted trees for others to enjoy the shade, but this native people just cut down all the trees. Naturally, the group of whistling beasts was most affected by this.

"We can succeed this time. Believe us, believe number 1. We are familiar with the 'devil'... No, not the devil. You have the memory of the alien. You should know that it is a very common creature. They have The instinct of living things is no different from ours. We are natural biological editors. We can transform them and use their power to return to the [tree]." Number 266 who was deprived of his golden eyes He explained that he still didn't give up.

This is the decision made by Number 1, and it is also the decision made by all their natives, so they will not resist, shrink, or doubt.

Number 266 said slowly: "They are called 'microorganisms', that's it, they are not demons. We can find a way to completely control them. Don't demonize new technologies. In this case, you will never be as powerful as us."

"Heh." The humanoid whistle beast made a sound from its nasal cavity, and its ear whistle began to shake rapidly, emitting a whistle that gradually increased in frequency.

This kind of whistle shows the anger in the humanoid whistle beast's heart at this moment.

Its golden eyes bloomed with light, and in the light, the humanoid whistle beast also began to change its body. It gained the ability to expand two-dimensionally and split its body into a "fragmented state."

In this state, it has extremely strong fighting power. As for how strong it is...

The humanoid whistle beast himself doesn't know.

It only knows that the "fragmented state" requires the brain's control ability to be highly developed, and this state can be divided into three, six or nine levels.

Some people in the native tribe can only control organs precisely, some can control every inch of skin, some can control blood vessels and even smaller nerves, etc.

Of course, the natives who have just emerged from the brain network at this moment must have almost perfect control over the "fragmented state".

As for it...

The abnormal degree of brain development makes its lifespan extremely short, and in exchange it has the ability to control the horror of "fragmentation".

Its brain can control every part of its body more precisely. Even if it has just mastered the "fragmentation state", it can fight one against two...

Maybe it won't be a problem.

The three natives witnessed the humanoid whistle beast disintegrating into a "fragmented state", which meant that the opponent entered a fighting state. However, they did not disintegrate, but remained intact, staring straight at the humanoid on the verge of explosion. Whistle beast.

However, in the end, the humanoid whistle beast did not launch an attack. It retracted its body parts and said coldly: "The next insect aviation experiment is your last chance. If it fails, please hang yourself. Also, will' Give me a copy of all the research materials on the devil'...'microorganism'."

"Okay." Number 266 responded.

After all, flesh-and-blood civilization is still not good at war, and a compromise occurred between the two ethnic groups.

At this time, Yu Liang suddenly found that there was a little heat coming from the pothole under his feet.

This high temperature grills the folds of meat that cover it, which is the skin of the large intestine, giving off a charming flavor.

high temperature?

"Damn it, the second floor seems to be on fire!" At the same time, Li Huachao shouted in the universe.

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