The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 327 Tank Daofu Upgrade: A Giant with Car Power?

"I'm back." An Buchen's voice was still clear and sweet. After saying this, she squatted in the universe as usual, waiting for Yu Liang's summons.

Yu Liang opened the page and asked, "How do you feel?"

In the universe, the character card belonging to An Buchen has the words "simulated" on the back, and there is a faint golden light on the card surface, which is different from other character cards.

"Well, my inventory is basically filled with Taoist scriptures and weapon refining techniques. In the past hundred years, I have basically been studying these secret scriptures." An Buchen continued, "Give me some time and materials, Tank Taoist Mansion It’s ready to take shape.”

She seemed to know what Yu Liang was paying attention to, so she added: "I have completed a hundred years of simulation. I should not be put into the scene card for simulation anymore."

"Can't simulate?" Yu Liang was surprised. He tried to put the Kaitan card "Zhi" and the character card "An Buchen" into the scene card "Zoo", but the prompt he got was "This character card has completed all simulations." ".

"The Kaitan card can be simulated many times, but the character card can only be simulated once?" Yu Liang reacted.

"It's not accurate." An Buchen continued. She explained to Yu Liang based on her actual feelings, "If you are killed by a creature inside the scene in a hundred-year simulation, the character will not have completed the simulation and will have to start all over again. , and only the simulation memory related to death will be retained, and the experience of learning skills will not be saved."

Yu Liang nodded: "Okay."

This situation was very different from what he imagined. He thought he could put character cards into scene cards for trials without limit.

And this simulation doesn't seem that simple. Living with a root monster and surviving for a hundred years...

Just think about it and you know how tortured it is.

Gengen Kaitan has almost absolute control over the scene, and basically does whatever she wants. The previous "Zhi" was obsessed with becoming a "human" and neglected management, or it could be said that she didn't care about the messy things in the zoo. .

Wait, if you put it like that...

Is An Buchen equivalent to fighting against "Zhi" for a hundred years?

In other words, she may have found a way to counter "it"?

Just like the director Lin Youfeng who restricted "it" to the zoo back then.

"How did you survive at the hands of Gengen Kaitan?" Yu Liang asked immediately. He still needed a countermeasure to "it".

It's not because I want to harm "it", I just want peace of mind.

"It didn't find me." The little fairy said calmly, as if she had done an insignificant thing.

"Your existence has not been discovered for a hundred years?" Yu Liang raised his eyebrows.

"Yes." said the little fairy.

Yu Liang: "..."


That's right. How could he think that Little Fairy Girl dared to confront Gengen Kaitan?

It is only right to wait for a hundred years.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to clear the level in one go.

Looking at it this way, Li Huachao may never be able to complete the simulation, and the character card will never be gold-plated.

No root ghost story can tolerate what he did in the zoo for a hundred years.

Are you the root or am I the root?

Next, Yu Liang began to watch the simulation records of the little fairy to see what she had done in the past hundred years.

On the cover of the simulation record, Yu Liang saw two simple words, which seemed to summarize An Buchen's hundred years of simulation——

Half immortal.

The first month was an eventful one. Due to the sudden return of the ghost story "Zhi", the zoo was very chaotic. The little fairy hid in it to fish in troubled waters. She followed the rules of the zoo to avoid shadows and try to avoid being discovered by "Zhi".

Soon, she found a suitable room as her Taoist residence, and stayed there for several months.

Just like what the little fairy said before, her pace of life is just a slow pace.

The Taoist Mansion can shield the secrets of heaven and absorb energy, so An Buchen hid in it and studied Taoism. Only after she accumulated enough energy did she consider leaving the Taoist Mansion.

At this time, she could consume Taoist energy to create dark clouds and block the perception of the relevant areas by the source monsters. An Buchen took the opportunity to collect the materials or special energy she needed to conduct weapon refining experiments.

Time passes quickly in the back and forth retreats. Every time the little fairy reaches enlightenment, it takes a lot of time, so for her, a hundred years is not a long time. Several years have passed by the time she wakes up from the spiritual platform.

During such hard training, her various levels also improved, and she soon reached a bottleneck.

The bottleneck appeared in the 75th year.

This year, An Buchen, who was seventy-six years old, decided to become an immortal.

At this time, the zoo has undergone great changes. "Zhi" has given the bodies and souls of the animals in the zoo, giving them independent thinking, no different from the animals transformed by the zoo employees.

The zoo has truly become a crazy animal city.

Under the secret promise of "Zhi", the carnivorous department and the vegetarian department split again. Undercurrents surged in the animal city, and there were exciting overt and covert struggles.

An Buchen's goal was to "get" the source of strange talk, and her Taoist palace had accumulated enough energy, which gave her some ideas of starting up.

Of course, her own safety is the most important thing in the world, so whenever she leaves the Taoist mansion, she will use energy to shield herself so that "it" cannot sense her existence.

Just like Lin Xiangu once chose to steal the fate of immortality, Xiao Xiangu also embarked on this path, but she had to be careful and sneaky throughout the process, leaving no trace.

What's above T1?

The little fairy girl standing in the T1 level often asks herself this question.


Or is it a weird story about the origin?

She could vaguely see the road clearly, but she was not sure, so a new strange legend gradually appeared in Animal City.

There is an invisible ghost that exists in Zootopia.

Intangible, formless, invisible and intangible, His existence cannot be clarified by the senses, and no creature can perceive Him until the day of death.

When the clouds cover the moon, He will come in front of the animals, fulfill an animal's wish, and at the same time take away the animal's life.

He will not leave any traces and is always outside the cognitive range of all strange creatures. No one even knows the origin of the legend.

The power of strange stories arises in the hearts of animals, like some kind of malicious emotion, growing silently and lingering in the blood vessels leading to the heart for a long time.

During the past seventy-five long years, An Buchen thought about the origin of the strange story.

According to common sense, such powerful "things" will not be rootless. They each have their own logic of existence. For example, "Zhi" comes from the pronoun "Zhi" in Chinese characters, and the ability also extends from the pronoun. .

What about energy?

Where does the energy that stirs the rules and affects the world come from?

An Buchen tried to explain the existence of the root ghost story in his own way and started experiments on it.

First of all, the first guess is that Kaitan's ability comes from the emotions of other creatures, especially fear.

This conjecture is also Lin Xiangu's conjecture, and this is the basis of her plan to steal the immortal fate.

So the little fairy created this strange story in Animal City, and took frequent activities to expand her influence.

Similarly, when doing this series of things, the little fairy is deliberately guiding these residents of Zootopia to rely on the source of the ghost stories.

During this period of time, "Zhi" will almost never appear in public. She is no longer interested in everything, and this gives An Buchen an opportunity.

She wants to steal "Zhi"'s name and make those strange creatures think that this ghost in Zootopia is "Zhi".

The monster's fear of "it" is its fear of her, and the power of "it" is her power.

An Buchen spent nearly twenty years doing such a thing.

Of course, a lot of time in the past twenty years was wasted on An Buchen being "cautious", which was her attempt to protect herself to the greatest extent.

She became fear itself, a strange story told in Zootopia, but she could not become "the".

Channeling emotions and manipulating fear itself seemed to only make her a half-immortal.

She has achieved half the title of "Zhi", but her abilities are less than half of "Zhi", and even the expression of her abilities is completely different from "Zhi".

Fear entered the Taoist government and evolved into a gas with a green entity, an infectious disease that can make people lose their minds.

This is not a root-level ability, this is her own ability, an ability derived from emotions and fear.

However, her own abilities cannot lead her to the other side of the root ghost story.

An Buchen seemed to understand, but still couldn't understand. In the next five years, she tried other methods to imitate "Zhi"'s abilities, but all failed without exception.

In the end, the answer she got was——

The power of the root ghost story seems to come from "unprovoked" and is an existence that humans cannot understand.

Whether it is the source of ghost stories about innate achievements or the ghost stories about acquired cultivation, they are all existences that cannot be accurately recognized. If the door is opened to observe the "reality" of the root ghost stories, humans will go crazy.

This is true even for T1 level humans.

The simulation ended here, and An Buchen exited the scene card.

In terms of character, she did not make many breakthroughs. On the contrary, she deepened her belief in Gou Dao.

If it weren't for Gou Dao's guiding ideology, she would have been discovered by the source ghost talk long ago if she was doing things like this, and the simulation would definitely have to be interrupted.

An Buchen thought so.

Secondly, she spent seventy-five years exploring "Tao and Dharma", integrating "Tao" and "Dharma", and getting involved in talismans, refining weapons, and setting up formations; she spent another twenty-five years analyzing the root causes. Unbelievable.

After analyzing and analyzing, he was promoted to the realm of "half-immortal", and then stopped there. The mystery ahead was a forbidden area for humans.

The core of the source of ghost stories is "unfounded", which is unreasonable and cannot be understood or explained by human thinking.

"Zhi" is a born spirit, with pronouns as its origin; the mirror spirit delusions that it uses rituals to control the world in the mirror to achieve the root; the mathematician had a dream, and then became the root of the imprisoned; the rabbit god came from the four-dimensional world, as if Born without roots; "doubt" and "belief" are evil spirits that reside in the moon; "tumor" is the consciousness of a planet itself...

Yu Liang watched An Buchen's simulation while fast forwarding and had some understanding of An Buchen's current state.

It was only a matter of time before the Tank Road Mansion was completed. An Buchen had already mastered most of the required skills. All she needed to do next was to provide materials for her to transform Room 225.

An Buchen quickly entered the state, and she personally reinforced Room 225. Now she has reached the state of weapon refining and mechanism skills, and is far more proficient than before.

The firepower system is the top priority. The main firepower of the Tank Daofu is the Cao Ying biological cannon, two heavy machine guns and the Fulu machine gun, which correspond to the firepower configuration of the three distance modes.

The grass babies' [Dodge without killing] has a characteristic. When multiple grass babies use skills on the same target at the same time, the distance will be superimposed, but the change in time will be very small.

In other words, the speed of the cannonball is almost doubled and superimposed. If the number of grass babies is large, even a solid iron ball can have the effect of a cannonball.

[Flash without killing] will cause Li Huachao to move six meters in the T2 gradient, while a small inanimate object like a cannonball will move fifteen meters.

If dozens of grass babies form a team, the artillery shells can hit targets thousands of meters away, and they can fire directly.

Skills blessed with the power of Kaitan will not be affected by too much gravity and air resistance, so you only need to shoot flatly to hit the target without raising the barrel to adjust the angle.

What Yu Liang used was a cannonball taken from Cao Ying Civilization. It was a cannonball with shrapnel and marbles inside. After a violent impact, the internal air pressure was chaotic and a large amount of gas would be ejected. The shrapnel and marbles were ejected along with the gas. Hurtful.

Similarly, there is no gunpowder component in the cannonball, so it is absolutely a harmless cold weapon, which can be classified into hidden weapons such as "Xiao Li's Flying Knife" and "Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle".

Needless to say, the heavy machine gun and the Fulu machine gun are of course one responsible for targets within 10 meters to 1150 meters; the other is responsible for protection within 10 meters, and has a short-term control effect.

An Buchen even disassembled the heavy machine gun. The airbags and bullets can be placed inside the tank, and the barrel and other external parts that need to be placed outside the tank, making the position of the heavy machine gun more reasonable.

If the air bag or ammunition belt is destroyed, it will also be a trouble for the person operating the tank.

The second is the armor of the tank. An Buchen, who returned from studying in the zoo, redesigned the armor. It is no longer a simple iron package, but a composite armor structure that is more in line with modern mechanics and provides multi-directional protection.

As for the sight system, An Buchen only used a simple periscope, while Yu Liang proposed that the eye on the top floor in the replica of Flesh Planet could be imitated. With a corresponding mask, you could observe through the eye placed outside the tank.

You can do this with a meat machine, but it can only be used for three hours at a time.

Although it is not permanent, it is enough.

When it comes to tanks, the core idea is naturally the collaboration between tanks and infantry.

The mecha squad composed of ten grass babies and the whistle beast squad composed of eighteen advanced whistle beasts are the strongest infantry system.

The advanced whistle beast is good at assassination and lurking, and has a strong advantage in close combat, while the Caoying mecha can make up for the tank's firepower gap.

As for the final power system, this was also the most troublesome thing for Yu Liang and An Buchen, because the power system adapted to Room 225 was difficult to manufacture.

Room No. 225 will become very heavy after adding two heavy machine guns, dozens of grass babies, air bags, bullets and other items, and it will require a lot of horsepower to drive the room.


An Buchen saw the meat machine and the "Shi Rui" reactor placed beside it.

"You can make the meat machine grow legs and run on its own." An Buchen thought thoughtfully. "When it encounters water, it can also grow fins to dive into the water and sail, or even... large enough wings."

Another picture popped up in Yu Liang's mind.

Car power giant?

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