The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 346 Mission: Discover a new origin of ghost people

Two hours ago.

The adventurer stuck his head out and looked at the street. The street was still empty and looked safe, so he stepped up his pace.

He had walked this road before. When he moved from area C to area F, he wandered nearby for a long time, so he knew the location of the blind spot for surveillance.

As long as you walk right below each store, you will basically not be caught by the camera.

Of course, he knew that there was no need to hide in the blind spot of the surveillance, because under normal circumstances, being photographed would be nothing, unless there was a serious event, such as a ghost haunting, in which case law enforcement would carefully screen the street surveillance.

Twenty minutes later, the adventurer found the 911 chain convenience store along the street.

As he guessed, this convenience store was closed at night, so everything in the store was immersed in darkness.

There is a calm and tired atmosphere in the air. Through the glass, the adventurer can see some products on the shelves. The products are a bit messy and some areas are vacant, as if they are waiting for employees to sort and stock the goods when they go to work tomorrow.

He licked the corners of his mouth and suddenly felt a little hungry. He had been trapped in the cabin without eating anything, so he looked left and right, took out a cloak and put it on himself.

[Invisibility Cloak]: After wearing, it will provide 30 minutes of invisibility effect, only visual invisibility.

He first put on gloves to activate the ability, then reached into the "treasure box" of the convenience store, deftly opened the safety door, opened the door of the convenience store, and walked in slowly.

Next, he used characters to quietly destroy the camera in the store, and then relaxed and ate in the convenience store. While eating, he took pictures of Yu Liang and informed him of the situation here.

While eating and drinking, I rummaged through the records inside this convenience store.

Jiang Yiwen.

This is the name of the ghost man, who should have worked in this convenience store when he was still a human.

He tried to turn on the monitor on the checkout counter, but it seemed to be connected to the prosthetic eye, and only through the prosthetic eye could he see these internal records.

Helpless, the adventurer could only look through some paper records of this convenience store, so he walked to the warehouse, opened the door of the warehouse through his alienation ability, and slipped in through the door.

There was almost no light in the warehouse, and he could only see some tall shelves, on which were stacked some boxes of merchandise, neatly arranged in categories.

But the adventurer didn't pay attention to these things. He went straight to the table in the corner, opened the cabinet on the table, and dug out some records inside.

[Night Vision]: Improve night vision ability after turning on, lasting 10 minutes.

The adventurer uses a stamp and looks at the duty record in his hand. From the duty record above, he can see who has come into the warehouse every day.

You Guoxuan...

Chu Zibin...

Lu Weiwu...

His eyes scanned the names in sequence from top to bottom. After the names were the specific time when these people entered the warehouse, the type of goods they picked up, and their respective signatures at the end.


The sudden sound made the adventurer look up in alarm. The seal gave him excellent vision, allowing him to see what was happening in the place where the sound came from.

In his peripheral vision, there seemed to be a shadow flashing by, but when he looked intently, the shadow had disappeared into the darkness and merged with the shadow of the merchandise box.

What fell to the ground?

He looked at the ground and noticed a dead rat on the ground. Due to the recent fall, plasma splattered from the rat's body, soaking the cement floor.

A mouse fell to death?

The adventurer was a little stunned, but the black cat jumped down from the shelf and immediately answered his doubts.

The black cat jumped to the ground, opened its mouth and bit the back of the mouse's neck, and tried to pick up the mouse again.

With this black cat for comparison, the adventurer noticed how big this mouse was. It was already half the size of a cat. No wonder the black cat just blurted out and let this giant mouse fall to the ground. There was a sound on the ground.

Fortunately, it's nothing weird.

The adventurer was slightly relieved, but he was still very alert because he always felt that rats should not exist in such a warehouse.

But there are cats here, so it’s not surprising that there are mice.

He continued to flip through the pick-up record in his hand, and kept flipping forward until he noticed a familiar name.

Jiang Yiwen.

By the way, that's right, it's him.

Bill of lading date: March 23, 2046

Pickup person: Jiang Yiwen

Product (scan the QR code): DF23213 bagged instant noodles

Signature: Wen

The adventurer checked today's time from his eyes. Today is March 31st, which means that eight days ago this convenience store clerk was still operating here, and during these eight days, something strange happened to him. things.

The last time I picked up the goods, I picked up instant noodles. The number was DF23213. I can try to find this instant noodles later.

He said in his heart, and then continued to turn forward, and the content of the next page surprised him a little.

Bill of lading date: March 31, 2046

Pick-up person: Ren'an

Product (scan code): SS444444 a mouse

Signature: Ren'an

Today's date is written on the bill of lading, and his name is also written on it, and the goods picked up...

Is it a mouse?

He instantly raised his head and looked at where the mouse's body was, but the black cat had already taken the mouse away...

Black cat?

The adventurer seemed to have discovered something. He quickly touched his face, but what he touched was a kind of thorny hair.

when? !

He was shocked and wanted to move forward, but when he took a step forward, the world around him was spinning, accompanied by a lag like data decoding, and the scene collapsed. In the process of the particle picture gradually disappearing, the adventurer saw Another space behind.

It's just like……

Do you know about image processing software?

The convenience store warehouse is the upper layer, the layer visible to all normal people, and the only layer visible.

But now, it's like the software suddenly got stuck and there was some kind of bug, so the layer was slowly deleted, pixel by pixel, revealing the layer underneath.

This is the layer that is now presented to the adventurer.

The monotonous yellow color makes up the entire space, and the fluorescent lights make a constant "sizzling" noise.

There was a rotten smell in the air, like a special smell buried under an old carpet.

The adventurer looked around him. Next to him was the dead rat.

Touching his face again, his face was no longer fur, and the texture just now was just for a moment.

Just as he thought, he got stuck in a bug, so the system confused him with the black cat. At a certain moment, he turned into a black cat and wanted to carry away the "mouse".

As a result, this confusion only lasted for a moment. The system quickly discovered the wrong program through self-test, so the confusion was stopped, and he was sent into the chaotic area in this chaos.

The adventurer thought of the strange rumors that had been circulating on the real Internet - the back room.

The situation he encountered now was similar to what was circulating on the Internet.

Reality was like a computer that had a bug, sending him to the opposite side of the real world, to the back room.

"The most undesirable situation has happened." The adventurer muttered. This situation is the most undesirable thing to encounter in the Ghost Story dungeon.

Inexplicably involved in a special strange incident.

It has nothing to do with strength or level, it's just bad luck. You have to suffer it when you encounter it. There is no other way to stop it.

He just entered the warehouse and had no idea what conditions were triggered. First, the black cat caught the mouse, then his own name appeared on the delivery note, and finally he appeared in the back room.

When encountering this situation, personal strength is of little use. Novices and veterans alike are unable to resist. They can only wait for the "cause" like the cutscene to end before looking for ways to solve the problem.

In his mind, he recalled the videos of ghost stories in the back room that he had seen at that time, trying to think of some way to escape from the back room.



The adventurer blinked. He had only seen stuff about the content of the "back room" on some short video software, but those videos were basically about transportation, and without exception they all rendered what a weird space the back room was. It's a bug from a real-life event, etc. It doesn't mention much about how to escape from the back room.

Damn it, why don’t all these marketing accounts move?

The adventurer complained in his heart, cheered up and walked towards the distance.

If I remember correctly, this yellow room should be the original back room. The entire space covers hundreds of millions of square meters, with almost identical rooms randomly distributed in it, and mixed with some special monster "entities".


The adventurer opened a door and looked at the structure of the room. It was like the simplest single room in a hotel, with only one bed, one table, the overhead light on, and carpets with a damp smell. The entire floor of the room.

On the bedside table, the adventurer saw a bottle of water. The bottle was similar to Nongfu Spring, but it had no label on it.

"Water." He stepped forward and picked up the bottle of water, looking at the liquid inside through the transparent bottle. The liquid was pure and transparent, with no messy impurities in it.

The adventurer opened the water bottle and smelled it. The water had a light vanilla smell, and it smelled like a coolness that penetrated from the nose to the head, refreshing.

It feels like something drinkable.

There seems to be a small amount of supplies in this back room, right?

He thought so and took a sip without hesitation.

The taste is sweet and there is no special reaction after drinking it.

Now the adventurer was completely sure that this should be something drinkable.

At the same time, he opened his prosthetic eyes and tried to contact Yu Liang.

But just as he guessed, there is no network in this back room...


Is there an internet connection?

The adventurer was stunned for a moment, this situation was completely beyond his expectation.

He looked at the only remaining network signal and felt a little excited, which meant that he had not completely disconnected from the outside world.

Clicking on the video call, the adventurer slowly waited for Yu Liang to get connected, but the circular sign that appeared in the middle of the screen turned around and refused to stop.

It seems that the network signal is very poor, so I can't make a video call.

Helpless, the adventurer could only try to send a text message, but while sending it, he noticed that the signal here dropped to zero.

No signal?

He turned back and walked out of the room. The signal changed to one bar again, and then back to zero bar again.


What's the meaning?

Is this signal just kidding me?

The adventurer blinked, but he quickly realized something and took a few steps back.

The signal remains at zero and never moves again.

After taking several more steps forward, the signal began to beat again and gradually stabilized.

That is to say...

In which direction is the signal source?

Someone installed a network feed in this back room?

The adventurer was shocked and realized that this must be related to the successful escape from the back room, so he looked at the signal in Yi's eyes and ran in the relevant direction.

While running, he opened his own map, and then most of the space on the map unfolded in the back room was shrouded in fog. Only the area near his location was lit, but as soon as he walked over, it would light up again. Hidden in the mist.

Just like the fog of war in the game, as a lamp he can only illuminate the situation around him.

Following the direction of the signal source, occasionally stopping to judge the direction, the adventurer quickly received a full three grids of signals and stopped at the corner of a corridor.

This signal strength should be enough for video calls, right?

With this thought in mind, the adventurer turned the corner.

He heard heavy breathing.

In front of him was a rare blind spot in the back room. At the end of the blind spot, a man looked at the monster in front of him with a horrified expression.

It was a group of extremely sloppy-looking monsters, with facial features randomly distributed on the head, some eyes on the back of the head, and some nostrils on the forehead.

Its body is composed of black lines one after another, like the graffiti of a kindergarten child.

" me!" The man standing in the blind corner of the corridor looked past the monster in front of him and landed on the adventurer who had just arrived. As if he had grasped the last life-saving straw, his voice trembled. Ask the adventurer for help.

This is……

Ghost man?

From the other party's chaotic appearance, the adventurer could vaguely guess the other party's identity.

It's a ghost.

The monster in the back room is a ghost.

Could it be that the convenience store clerk accidentally entered the back room and came out a ghost?

In short, the store clerk and the back room may be related, and this may be the cause of the ghost!

The adventurer thought for a moment and suddenly figured it out.

No wonder the network signal weakened even when he stood still. It turned out to be because the signal source was always moving!

It's either this man or the ghost, right?

So the ghost man has been chasing this man for so long, he has been chasing this ghost man for so long?

It's really interesting.

The adventurer's eyes passed through the black lines on the ghost man's body and fell on the man.

Yu Liang told him that the ghost man was not very powerful and could be destroyed with only one "break" character, but three hours of viewing time would be deducted.

Forget it, if you can save people, it will last a long time.

His face turned stern, and a "broken" character hit the ghost man's body and penetrated into the ghost man's body.

Nothing happened.

Yu Liang mistook me!

The ghost man ignored the adventurer and just continued to move forward, merging with the man trapped in the blind corner.

Its face gradually took shape, its facial features changed, and there were subtle changes in both position and shape.

The ghost is eating people, can it become more human after eating them?

The adventurer instantly understood the significance of this change.

After doing all this, the ghost man turned back and looked at the new target.


The call to Yu Liang was also answered, and the adventurer turned around and ran away without hesitation.

"The ghost seems to be coming out from here."

"This is the back room!"

[Trigger Mission-Origin of Ghost Man]

【Discover the origin of a new ghost and escape, you can finish watching the movie in advance and return to reality. 】

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