The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 352 The marketable ghost at the fair

His hair turned completely white after being frightened by some kind of monster, and within a few seconds.

Not many people would believe this kind of thing, but this is what happened to Yu Liang. He also knew that it was because he was scared by the monster, not because the monster had the ability to dye hair.

My heart is trembling, and the lingering fear has not gone away.

Fortunately, those huge eyes didn't seem to have much interest in him. They just glanced at him crossing the river from above.

Even so, he still lost consciousness for a long time before gradually recovering.

When Yu Liang was unable to control his body independently, Zhong Chen was not idle.

She was also stared at by giant eyes on the river, and her heart trembled, but she quickly relied on the bodyguard's strong desire to protect her to move her body, and brought Yu Liang to the river bank, and then gritted her teeth and carried Yu Liang on her back, trembling. I walked tremblingly to the river embankment and entered the small park by the river, trying to stay as far away from the giant eye in the river as possible.

After placing Yu Liang on the park bench, she collapsed with relief and just lay on the edge of the bench, breathing heavily.

Her condition was not much better than Yu Liang's. She knew very well that if her special power hadn't driven her body, she and Yu Liang would have fallen into the river together and come face to face with that eye.

Now that Yu Liang was finally brought to a safe place, Zhong Chen couldn't help but feel exhausted mentally and physically. He just wanted to fall down and have a good rest, and didn't want to move anymore.

Fortunately, the small park by the river is very quiet. There are usually very few people here, and now it is almost deserted. There are only some homeless people scattered throughout the park, but they did not notice Yu Lianger who sneaked across the river. people.

The two of them waited for three or four minutes before gradually regaining consciousness. Yu Liang struggled to sit up and tried to simply move his body to release his paralyzed muscles.

Until now, his mind was still trembling from that look just now. It was a shock coming from the depths of his soul, and he couldn't resist it at all.

Having participated in so many dungeons of ghost stories, he considered himself to be quite courageous, but when faced with such a terrifying creature, he simply could not face it with his own strength.

Yu Liang took a few breaths. He only felt tired all over his body and listless. The sleepiness was like a dark cloud lingering in the depths of his mind, blocking his spiritual sense.

He looked at Zhong Chen, who was still lying on the ground, and then looked at the surrounding park. This place was no longer within the surveillance camera range, so he summoned his son, helped Zhong Chen onto the bench, and sat next to him.

Zai Zi was squatting on the ground, looking around on guard.

"Wolf head...Yu Liang." Zhong Chen opened her tired eyes. She subconsciously called Yu Liang "Wolf head", and then immediately changed her words. Her eyes stayed on Yu Liang's white hair, " your hair……"

"Yes, I know." Yu Liang touched his hair. It felt quite rough and had many split ends, which was completely different from his original smooth hair.

Zhong Chen told him about Yu Liang's hair when he first landed, but he couldn't see it at the time.

Of course, he still can't see it now. He can only know that his hair has changed through Zhong Chen's narration.

But he couldn't see it.

There is no mirror image, and the "eye" chess piece is no longer with him. In his inventory, he only has Cao Ying's mecha machine gun and ammunition.

The white hair is just a superficial appearance. Yu Liang knows something deeper, that is, his vitality has been reduced a lot, and his whole person is lacking in energy.

Just one glance, and I was so frightened that I felt as if I had aged twenty years. This giant eye in the river...

It's really too scary.

Yu had lingering fears in his conscience, but at the same time he also began to wonder about the origin of the giant eye in the river.

A strange creature that is far stronger than the T1 level.

Is that the source of the ghost story?

No, if he faced the source ghost story directly, he should be 100% able to receive the mission related to the source ghost story.

So what level is this monster?

Is there a T0 between T1 and the root?

He couldn't help but shook his head and stood up with Zai Zi's help.

Yu Liang looked at the tall buildings not far away that were swaying with light, shadow and sound waves, and took a step forward.

He was going to get some food and find a safer place to have a good sleep. This depressed state made it impossible for him to think clearly, even if he met a new ghost-man origin, he couldn't solve it.

"Let's go and see the city." Yu Liang said, and then led Zhong Chen into the bustling city.

Just like what was described in those literary and artistic works, after entering this city, Yu Liang's most intuitive feeling was chaos.

The colorful light signs have reached the level of light pollution. Yu Liang cannot appreciate them at all. He doesn't even want to look up at these light signs because his eyes are also tired and cannot accept so much light in a short period of time.

The streets are dotted with huge and exaggerated speakers, which seem to have been deliberately made into various weird shapes. Some look like airplanes, some are parked in front of stores like cars, and some even look like hanging coffins.

Harsh and violent music came from these speakers. They roared hysterically, as if they were about to burst Yu Liang's eardrums.

In short, Yu Liang felt even more tired after entering this kind of place.

Urban disease...

If urban disease refers to the urban disease in his understanding, then the urban disease ghosts embodied by urban light pollution and urban sound pollution are probably invincible. Their innate conditions are really good.

Yu Liang couldn't help but complain in his heart.

As he walked, he discovered that he and Zhong Chen seemed to be the absolute opposites in this neighborhood. When they walked through the street, eyes would fall on them in twos and threes.

The color in his eyes is also very simple and easy to understand, that is contempt.

Yu Liang's eyes also fell on those people, and he immediately knew the reason.

For the aborigines in this urban area, their bodies are the best drawing board to show off their artistic accomplishments, so Yu Liang can see the one-meter-high colorful cockscomb hairstyle, the sea of ​​flower tattoos all over his body, and all kinds of strange costumes.

Some people wrapped themselves up in bandages, leaving only two glass bead-like prosthetic eyes exposed; some people wore Qing Dynasty official uniforms, made themselves up to look like zombies, and then traveled in a four-wheeled coffin; there were also people's clothes He was fully clothed, but except for his sexual organs, everything was covered.

Well, covering them all, both men and women, made Yu Liang suspect that vaginal leakage may also be an urban disease in the entire cyber city.

This reminded Yu Liang of an ancient word - "submit demon", which can basically describe these people.

And the more he looked at it, the more outrageous it became. It was so outrageous that Yu Liang wanted to apologize to these Cybermen for being unfashionable.

Oh, okay, at least his hair is white and he looks more fashionable than Zhong Chen next to him. After all, Zhong Chen only wears a simple suit and leather shoes, following Yu Liang like a bodyguard.

"This retro style, with its explosive muscles hidden under the thin suit, its graceful lines and tight clothing, has a vibrant beauty. Is this the latest retro trend? It's is!"

As he passed the street corner, a man in an indistinguishable androgynous outfit looked at Zhong Chen with wide eyes. Three words popped out of his mouth uncontrollably: "That's so cool!"

As he screamed, other men, women and children in different clothes on the street gathered around and pointed at Zhong Chen's clothes.



Isn't it just an ill-fitting tight suit?

Where do all these dramas come from?

So it’s considered trendy if it doesn’t conform to public aesthetics?

Yu Liang was still able to keep his mind sharp when he was complaining. He looked at the crowd gathered around him. Some people even wanted to poke Zhong Chen's pectoralis major, but they were immediately restrained by Zhong Chen with his grappling hand, "Hey yo yo yo "The ground cried out in pain.

Seeing more and more people watching, he could only type two characters for "speed", then picked up Zhong Chen and trotted away from the crowd.

The two of them crossed the street and walked into the crowd. Coerced by the crowd, they walked towards another square.

There seemed to be a concert there, with heavily made-up men and women waving their hands wildly off the stage and shouting with all their strength, as if they were dedicating their souls to the rock band on stage.

"Look over there and find a place to eat." Yu Liang pointed to a place at random. There were relatively dense shops there, and the signboards were shining with colorful lights, but he couldn't understand these shops just by looking at the names on the signboards. What does it do?

For example, "I really want to be Teacher Mu's dog", "Chairman Cherry Tomato", and "Goodbye Mom and Dad"...

Yu Liang was dazzled by these inexplicable shops. He wondered if the names of these shops were casually typed by the boss after he drank too much. That was outrageous.

Zhong Chen in the crowd used her strength. She grabbed Yu Liang's hand with one hand, opened a gap in the crowd with the other, and forcefully led Yu Liang out of the crowd.

At this moment, Yu Liang's eyes were attracted by the huge advertising screen on the commercial building next to him.

The picture in the advertisement seemed to be a clip of a battle, not an animation, but a real battle.

The two sides in the battle are small mechas and primitive humans. With the 1.25 times acceleration and the rhythm of the music, it looks very exciting.

There were people on the road who, like Yu Liang, chose to stop and watch the battle.

This is a laser gun battle against primitive people, and it seems to be a back-and-forth fight. Who doesn't like to watch it?

One person was wearing an animal skin skirt, only half-covered, revealing large muscles, which looked particularly well-proportioned and strong.

The primitive man holds an alloy spear and flexibly avoids the laser cannon and laser sword coming from the mecha, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

The two-meter-long alloy spear was insignificant under the mecha's laser cannon and laser. There was a generational difference between the two weapons, but the primitive man was not discouraged.

He calmly observed the mecha's movements and quickly dodged every attack. The mecha seemed to find that the primitive man was not that easy to defeat, and began to use more violent attacks to deal with him.

The primitive man jumped up and hit the mecha on the head with all his strength.

"Tsk—" The alloy spear actually penetrated into the mecha, which was beyond the expectations of the audience present.

However, the mecha was not greatly affected. It used the laser sword to hit the primitive man's back, trying to cut him in two.

The primitive man, with quick eyes and quick hands, took out a knife from his arms and rushed towards the mecha's laser knife in the opposite direction.

His figure flashed slightly, and he rushed into the arms of the mecha before the laser sword hit him, and kept making scratches with the knife.

The mecha was immediately angered. Electricity flashed across its surface, and the electrical grid spread. It immediately enveloped the primitive man in the animal skin skirt, paralyzing his limbs and making him unable to move.

With a swing of the sword, the primitive man raised the knife again, moved his body horizontally and hit the mecha's chest, and then started to spin.

A scream like a crane was heard in the venue. This sound caused the mecha to stop. It seemed that there was a small problem with the pilot inside.

Taking advantage of this moment, the primitive people attacked one after another, the alloy spears flashed with golden light, and each stab could poke a hole visible to the naked eye in the mecha.

In the end, after a hard fight, the primitive man finally penetrated the mecha and successfully picked out the pilot.

The primitive man raised his spear and jumped on top of the mecha that had stopped running. He slapped his mouth repeatedly with his hands and made a "woo la la la la la" sound, as if paying tribute to the primitive ancestors.

"Yesterday's exciting game briefing ends here. There was a shocking upset at the Golden Colosseum. The primitive Chief Li defeated the Mammoth first with a terrifying payout of 128:1, and then fought against the mecha, winning a perfect two-game winning streak. Become the most terrifying dark horse player this season! The next game will be held three days later at 1 a.m. in prime time, with the primitive man Chief Li fighting against the heavy mecha beast Tiger King!"

The scene of victory was fixed on the primitive man's face. The primitive man's smile was rippling, and Yu Liang's face was dark and colorful.

Primitive Chief Lee.

I'm sorry to meet you this way.

I could guess that you weren't doing anything serious, but I really didn't expect that you would be able to fight monsters in this capacity, and you were fighting mecha monsters.

The zoo is not enough for you, right?

Now I like to hunt cybermecha beasts.

The next game will be Tiger King, and this name is also full of flaws. Is it The Adventures of the Chief?

But this is good, at least Yu Liang knows where this guy is.

Golden Colosseum.

He can go find Li Huachao right now. In this case, that guy won't be able to do any big work, right?

By the way, I can also ask about Lu Baoshen's whereabouts. If he can find Lu Baoshen quickly, Li Huachao will be considered a meritorious service.

Thinking this, Yu Liang walked towards the shops on the street. He wanted to find someone to ask about the location of the Golden Colosseum.

Several young people with different makeup passed by him, and they seemed to be discussing the battle just now.

"This primitive chief is so terrifying. He actually defeated a mecha."

"What does this mean? Someone was selling some salable ghost figures a few days ago at the open-air exhibition in front."

"A salable ghost? Can that thing be sold? Why buy it and take it home? Does the whole family want to become a ghost?"

"No, no, no. I heard that the control device invented by Gill Company can block the invasion of evil spirits and can also control ghosts freely. It's very awesome."

"Eh? Do you think it's possible that the primitive man is a controllable ghost? His fighting power... is obviously not like a human being!"

"Hiss - don't say it, it's true. Oh, there are still people around the exhibition in front. Maybe the ghost man who didn't sell the goods a few days ago has brought them to the exhibition again to take you to see the world."

Yu Liang followed the two people who were talking and looked along their gazes. Sure enough, he saw an open-air exhibition.

In the center of the open-air exhibition, the back of a man's head was opened and replaced by a transparent shell, inside which the red and white brain structure could be clearly seen.

Inside his transparent shell, claw-shaped mechanisms dug deep into his brain.

At this moment, the robot next to the man was operating the joystick and issuing instructions to the man.

I saw a man typing out the character "fort". As the characters turned into entities, an earthen castle immediately appeared in the open space, causing cheers and exclamations from the people around him.

"What a ghost!"

"Is it possible to control ghosts with today's technology?"

Yu Liang, who was far away, let out a slow breath. The scene in front of him made him instinctively clench his fists.

The bot is controlling the player.

And he had seen that player's face before and knew it.

Be an architect.

The so-called salable ghosts are actually players.

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