The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 355 Candidate Creation List: Architect

No matter what the other created characters are doing, what Yu Liang does here is very crucial.

He killed the architect.


Two hours ago, Yu Liang woke up and felt that his energy had recovered a little, and Zhong Chen had already prepared an outfit for him that suited the Cyberman's mental state.

It's said to be dress-up, but it's actually two sets of big doll clothes. Because Yu Liang doesn't want to dye his hair or style his hair, and he doesn't want to wear those exaggerated vaginal leakage clothes, so he is not so resistant to this kind of doll clothes. .

What Zhong Chen found was a frog suit, a stuffed bear costume with sunglasses and a bee lamb costume.

Due to Zhong Chen's strong request, this stuffed bear costume that looks like a Kumamoto Bear became her outfit. Yu Liang put on the frog costume that looked a little depressing, and the last bee and lamb doll costume was was put on by architects.

He pasted paper figures on the front, back, left, and right of the frog suit, such as the eye holes of the frog suit, the frog's back, armpits, and other parts. These paper figures held hands with each other, so they could transmit images to each other.

These images were finally transmitted to Yu Liang’s eyes inside the frog doll suit. The paper figures Xiao Yi and Xiao Er covered his eyes, showing the surrounding scenes in front of Yu Liang’s eyes in an illusory way.

Twenty-five paper figures are connected to each other, eventually forming an all-in-one VR device, allowing Yu Liang to keenly perceive changes in the outside world while in the doll suit.

It is worth mentioning that the current architects are controlled by three or four paper figures. They wear paper Bluetooth headsets. This is something made with the paper figures’ new ability [Unnecessary] and can be used Connect to the controller on the architect's head and use voice control to operate the architect.

These paper figures enjoyed the feeling of controlling others very much, so they completely mastered the architect's operation methods in just a moment, and used the architect's unique ability to construct terrain very smoothly. They were able to create a prototype in a very short time A maze of earth and stone, confusing everyone's vision.

Next, Yu Liang took Zhong Chen and Architect to search aimlessly on the street. They needed to find a cyber mechanic with enough skills to remove the controller from Architect's head and remove the controller from Architect's head. Resurrected.

Yu Liang is still very interested in what happened to the architect. He wants to know what the natives of this world have done to the players.

The streets of Cyber ​​City are filled with fluorescent lights of various colors and neon signs. Various mechanical equipment, cyborgs, and some street kids on skateboards can be seen everywhere. All kinds of extensive high-tech products are stacked on the streets. The door of the store is open for passers-by to inspect at will.

Area C can be roughly divided into two rings, the inner and outer rings, and a clear dividing line has gradually been formed based on the geographical advantages.

The outer ring belongs to ordinary people, and the inner ring belongs to the upper class. To explain it in a more realistic way, it is——

The outer ring is a dump.

And now Yu Liang is walking in such a "garbage dump". The surrounding area can be regarded as a mechanic's street. All of them are places for selling and repairing machinery and equipment, so there are a large number of useful or useless metal products accumulated. Cybermen were walking around in this sea of ​​metal, selecting new parts and planning the future for their prosthetics.

Since the official standard prosthetics are expensive and the repair services are even more deceptive, only the middle class and even the small rich can afford them. Therefore, most people in District C will come to this Mechanical Street in the outer ring when they need prosthetics. Find your favorite second-hand prosthetics online.

Therefore, people who appear on this street basically have their own prosthetics, most of which have modified arms. Those prosthetic arms that have been modified into various shapes are showing off on the street, like crabs waving huge Crab claws, running rampant on the streets.

Yu Liang was satisfied with his foresight. This layer of doll clothes perfectly covered his body without exposing his natural limbs.

Wandering around this kind of street without any prosthetic body, he is really an outlier.

And Yu Liang also discovered a very strange pattern. There is often a large amount of metal garbage piled up at the door of the shops on this street, and even the door is blocked. The more tightly the entrance is blocked, the more people enter the shop. more.

Machinery shops that are kept clean and tidy are empty, which makes people wonder if they are kicking their customers out altogether.

It seems that the less clean they are, the more they are loved by these Cybermen?

So Yu Liang made some inquiries and learned the location of the shop of the most skilled old mechanic on this street, and immediately set off there.

Although his skills are very good, his temper is very weird, but Yu Liang believes that he has a way to get the other party to help.

The shop was located at the corner of the street, in a very hidden location, surrounded by mechanical garbage. If it weren't for the red arrow on the ground indicating the direction, he wouldn't even be able to find the door of the shop.

According to the rules discovered above, the owner of this store is obviously an expert.

Yu Liang stood at the door of the shop and thought with satisfaction. Zhong Chen beside him consciously moved away the half-broken mecha blocking the door to clear a path for Yu Liang.

The interior of the store was brightly lit and filled with a strong smell of engine oil.

Unlike the mountains of garbage outside, the inside is very clean and the area planning is very complete. There are electronic component synthesis areas, mechanical parts processing areas, testing areas, housing stamping areas, etc.

In the mechanical parts processing area, Yu Liang saw a burly guy with his back to the door of the store, leaning over the table and carefully polishing the required parts.

For the convenience of working, his left arm was transformed into a mechanical prosthesis, which is either installed or stored with a large number of tools, such as screwdrivers, jacks, pliers, hammers and wrenches.

"I gave the prosthetic body a slap, and the prosthetic body remained standing, still strong;"

“Life slapped me in the face and I fell.”

"Sure enough, the prosthetic body is more suitable as a human than me."

The machinist was in a good mood at the moment. He was reciting poetry and tapping parts on the workbench, completely immersed in his own world.

"When transforming second-hand prosthetics"

"Just think of it"

"Been in the upper class's body"

"When you hear it humming softly when it can no longer be driven at full strength."

"Just think of it"

"I once screamed and whined all night long at full power in the hands of the upper class."

"I saw the missing paint on it and the deformation of the parts."

"Just think of it"

"I suffered a lot at the hands of the upper class"

“It makes me feel the same way”

"After all, I installed a second-hand prosthetic body."

"Or are you being abused by an upper-class person you've never met?"

Yu Liang: "..."

At first glance, it may sound vulgar, but if you think about it carefully, you can feel the helplessness of a low-level cyberman.

Good poetry, what kind of cyber poet?

He never would have imagined that the mechanic in this shop would be such a talented person.


The mechanic who finished reciting the poem turned to look at Yu Liang: "What's the matter?"

A tall man of 1.9 meters, his muscles are not exaggerated, but they are obviously strong and strong. His face is stained with some oil and black stains, but a strong and angular face can be vaguely seen.

"I need a mechanic with enough skills to help him perform an operation." Yu Liang patted the architect wearing a bee and lamb costume next to him, and then continued, "He is controlled by a controller. No different than a puppet."

"Hey, Yang Mi is here." The mechanic muttered subconsciously.

"Ah?" Yu Liang was stunned. He had not thought about this before, but what is happening now?

Is there also sheep honey in this cyber city?

"Okay, there's no sheep honey here." The mechanic shrugged, and then reached out to take off the architect's hood, "I'll check the situation, and if I can't get it out, I'll ask my master to try. But tell me in advance Well, he doesn’t have a good temper, so he may not necessarily help you or take action.”

At this point, the mechanic reached out and took off the architect's hood, and his eyes fell on the architect's transparent head.

Yu Liang started to think after listening to his words.

No sheep honey in this place?

Does it mean that the mechanic is not from this place?

And he also has a master...

Is this guy not a Cyberman?

"Are you... a player?" Yu Liang asked tentatively.

"Oh? So you are also a player." The mechanic's eyes widened immediately, and then he laughed, "That's easy to talk about. I just want to know what's going on with the players outside."

"Players outside...have you been here for a long time?" Yu Liang asked in surprise.

"It's been three years." The mechanic stretched out and moved his body, his muscles and bones buzzing. "I completed the mission of the origin of the ghost three years ago, and then I chose to settle in Cyber ​​City, so I went The city government has applied for a temporary household registration.”

He continued: "After I have a temporary household registration, I have to settle here for three years. During these three years, I can stay in Cyber ​​City to study and practice, and I will leave automatically after watching the movie. But correspondingly, the people in Cyber ​​City You need to bear the risk yourself.”

"Is that so?" Yu Liang nodded, knowing an internal setting of this copy.

After completing the Ghost Man Origin mission, you can choose to settle in Cyber ​​City for a period of three years, and you are not allowed to leave before the end of the three years.

The mechanic glanced at him and immediately knew what Yu Liang was thinking: "But it may be different from what you think. Players cannot rely on these three years to solve the root cause of the ghost story, because during these three years, the temporary household registration is in Under the strict control of the government, you cannot leave your workplace at will, nor can you change jobs, otherwise you may really starve to death."

He concluded: "If you are not like me and want to learn a trade in Cyber ​​City, it is best not to apply for a household registration casually. There are more pitfalls than you think."

"Okay." Yu Liang could only agree. He thought that the ghost man's origin mission that needed to be completed within nine days was actually an introductory mission. After completing it, he would consider solving the root cause of the ghost story within three years, but in fact it was not how it happened. thing.

The three-year temporary account is only a channel for these skilled players to "learn", and it does not encourage players to use it to solve the root causes.

If you want to solve the root cause of the ghost story, the time limit is still within nine days of viewing time.

There is no room for relaxation.

The mechanic looked at the back of the architect's head and said, "Anyway, since you are all players, I can help. On the other hand, you also need to give me some help, because I can't leave this shop."

"Okay." Yu Liang is not opposed to such a deal.

"Hiss--" The mechanic knocked on the architect's transparent skull and couldn't help but make some noise.

Listening to the sound, Yu Liang knew that the controller was not easy to remove.

"It's not easy to put something into your brain."

Sure enough, the mechanic lowered his face and said, "You have to ask my master to come and take a look."

After saying this, he walked into the inner room and called out a skinny old man from the laboratory inside.

The old man wore thick windproof eyes and a leather hood. He looked like a pilot of some old aircraft. He pushed away the mechanic's hand and walked to the architect's side, muttering: "Tell me You, you can't solve this problem without two meals of garlic chicken wings."

After saying this, he raised his foot again and shined the laser on the sole of his foot at a pair of skateboards in the laboratory inside.

The skateboard was inspired and immediately floated over, and the old man stepped on him.

The old man raised his feet slightly, and the skateboard raised his body until he could get a close look at the back of the architect's head.

"Tsk, it can transform people into robots. This thing looks good and is quite fun." The old man was amazed, then glanced at the mechanic, "Two meals of garlic chicken wings, and a seafood coffee."

"Okay, you go out and buy the vegetables. I can't leave this area." The mechanic readily agreed, "I want to buy the inner ring, the natural culture, the artificial meat is too unpalatable."

"Tch, you're still bargaining with me." The old man said dissatisfied. He didn't want to go to the inner ring and be looked down upon by others, but the apprentice was right. Using artificial meat to cook would be a waste of cooking skills.

Next, the old man pulled the architect into the sterile room inside to perform the surgery. Since this design involved the application of some brain science, the mechanic had not learned these things and could only wait outside with Yu Liang.

"As promised in advance, this person is not so easy to save." The mechanic looked at the situation inside the sterile room through the glass, and then said, "My master can only remove this thing, and other possible brain The damage may not be repairable, and even if he is revived, he may only be in a vegetative state.”

"It's okay." Yu Liang didn't care, he already had further plans in his mind.

Soon, the old man removed the controller from the architect's head. He walked out of the sterile room and glanced at the two people outside: "You can go in to see him for the last time, but it's best not to touch him. He's not awake yet." Come here. If you're lucky, you'll wake up in two or three days. If you're not lucky, you won't be able to wake up."

Yu Liang, on the other hand, went directly into the sterile room, looked at the architect on the bed, took out a knife, and then moved it on the architect's mouth.

This is a result he can accept. In fact, as long as he removes the controller from the architect's back without damaging his brain, the rest can be left to the characters.

The complete tongue is cut off and then mixed with water to create a "living" character.

Such "living" characters perfectly meet the usage requirements.

The next step is to kill the architect and then resurrect him with a "live" character.

The whole process is like "rebooting the system".

In short, after this operation, the architect opened his somewhat confused eyes, and what he saw was a familiar yet unfamiliar face.

"Yu Liang?"

He spoke in a daze, and the sound came from the speaker on his body. He seemed to be unable to understand his current situation.

"Yeah." Yu Liang nodded slightly, opened the page at the same time, and looked at the "selection list" behind the [Create] button.

At this moment, there is an alienated profession of architect on the waiting list.

T2 level construction engineer.

Fortunately, this way I got the first option for this copy, a relatively high-quality option.

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