The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 357 An architect who doesn’t want to play with explosions is not a good architect

This is not a city, but a village?

What's the meaning?

This is the first prompt, the most critical prompt, but it is this sentence that Yu Liang cannot understand the most.

Cities refer to areas with a larger population and more prosperous economic development, while villages, on the contrary, have a relatively small population and a backward and dispersed economy.

Judging from the development of this cyber city, it can't be reduced to a village, right?

Or do we mean "city" and "village" here to mean something else?

As for the subsequent words, it is somewhat confusing.

This village is real, and so are the ghosts, but the ghosts are dreams and imaginary creatures.

True or false, Yu Liang currently has too little information to make a judgment.

However, he was still very familiar with dreams. He had already experienced dreams in the third copy and knew how to deal with such dreams.

Yes, the "woke" character.

No matter how fancy or charming the dream is, as long as he escapes from the dream and enters reality with the word "wake", he can intuitively see the reality with his eyes, and the context of all copies will become clear.

Yu Liang thought of this and went straight to it. During the third copy, Scrooge sold most of the "awakening" characters, but he still had some in stock, which he could use now.

Then a "wake" character appeared on his hand. When the architect on the side saw the character in his hand, he immediately realized what he was going to do and immediately reminded him: "It doesn't work. I tried 'wake up'." 'Character, this city is not a dream, and you cannot use characters to force you to wake up."

"Okay." Yu Liang threw the characters into the Scrooge's jar again and shrugged helplessly.

Indeed, this architect has also experienced the copy of the Rabbit game, so the architect must have tried the "awake" character.

The mechanic on the side stared at the jar in the Scrooge's hand with wide eyes, a little dazed for a moment.


Can I install characters?

And is this thing wearing a large overalls and a paper hood the "beast" trained by the trainer in front of me?

This ability is also an ability that looks average but is actually very useful. I just don’t know how many characters can be packed in this jar.

As if sensing the mechanic's curious gaze, the Scrooge frowned alertly, then hugged his piggy jar tightly, hid behind Yu Liang, and stared at the mechanic with a look to guard against thieves.

The mechanic waved his hand to indicate that he had no intention of robbing the child.

Of course, that might not be the case if he knew how many characters were in Scrooge's jar.

"Well, the 'wake' character is useless to us, but as the clue says, ghosts are dreams, so the 'wake' character must be used on ghosts." The architect continued.

The Ghost Man is a dream, and the "awake" character should be used on the Ghost Man?

Yu Liang instinctively felt that there seemed to be a logical loophole in this.

If you put it in someone's shoes, it means that the person is dreaming. The way to eliminate the dream is to use the "wake up" character on the person, so that the dream will naturally disappear after he wakes up.

Now it is necessary to use the "wake" character on the dream itself to destroy it...

Could it be that the ghost man is his dream?

I dreamed about myself, so I exist in the form of a dream?

This kind of mutual cause-and-effect logic is unreasonable, but in the world of ghost stories, it is probably just right, so Yu Liang did not think about it deeply and just wrote it down.

"However, it should be noted that if you use the 'awake' character to eliminate the ghosts, the viewing time will be deducted according to the ghost's level, and it will be at least 3 hours." The architect said seriously, "So use the 'wake' character to eliminate the ghosts If so, you need to carefully calculate the remaining viewing time."

"Is that so? Okay." Yu Liang was also a little helpless. He had just thought of this dungeon in a simpler way. As a strange creature that is widely present in this dungeon, ghosts can be solved by just relying on the "awaken" character. Drop it, that would be too childish.

The setting of deducting the viewing time is very reasonable, which invisibly puts pressure on the players.

It seems that the use of viewing time needs to be planned more rationally in this copy.

But in this case, another situation may occur in this copy, right?

Movie-watching time is also a resource, a resource that is equal to everyone, but weak players cannot hold on to this resource.

For example, powerful players use force to restrain weak players, take them with them, distribute "wake up" characters, and order them to use "wake up" characters at critical moments to eliminate ghosts, deducting movie viewing time to save their lives.


If I remember correctly, the Huangpo Group has captured hundreds of players, so if we take an average, the viewing time of the players in their hands should be at least about 5,000 hours, right?

What exactly is this actor Aze going to do?

Yu Liang felt that he had vaguely grasped some inspiration. According to the coaches and programmers, the actor and Li Huachao were both fun-loving people, but Yu Liang felt that there was still a slight difference between the two.

Li Huachao basically just does whatever comes to his mind, and basically doesn't consider the subsequent development. Often the subsequent plots are backed up by Shou Gui, Yu Liang or Lu Mingzhe. They rush to do big things as soon as their brains get excited.

However, the actors seem different.

As for what is different, Yu Liang knows too little about him and cannot accurately judge yet, but based on his feelings for him, Yu Liang thinks it can be described in four words.

Delayed enjoyment.

Yes, compared to Li Huachao, actors know how to delay enjoyment.

He used the Huangpo Group to gather hundreds of players not just to disgust and harm people, but also had other plans.

What the actor is really eyeing...

It may be that these players have a lot of viewing time to complete a more important thing.

Or maybe it's something more fun.

"'Awake' character? Oh, combine 'wine' and 'star'? This thing is not hard to find." The mechanic looked like he was thinking, probably because he just learned from the architect's words Something about "woke" characters.

Thinking about it carefully, the ghost man is really far away from him. It was already three years ago.

Cyber ​​City three years ago was roughly what it is today. At that time, it was not difficult to complete basic tasks. It could be said that there were new origins of ghosts everywhere.

He knew a lot, but the origins of most of the ghosts at that time were very old-fashioned and sloppy.

For example, ghosts come from aliens, ghosts come from some kind of human experiment, ghosts come from vampires, etc...

Most of the ghosts in the past were relatively "simple". Although it was still difficult to escape, it was not as hard to find clues as it is now. You need to rely on a certain amount of luck and reasoning ability to encounter them.

Thinking of this, the mechanic couldn't help but look at Yu Liang and the architect with a smile, and reached out to pat their shoulders.

You were born in a good era.

At this moment, the mechanic felt somewhat lucky in his heart. After completing the basic tasks, he chose to stay in Cyber ​​City, basically hiding in this shop, away from the strange power of this city.

Occasionally, ghost incidents occur, but his place is not a high-incidence place, and even if there are ghosts, he can easily deal with it.

Yu Liang and the architect were not as comfortable as the mechanics, and they began to analyze some subsequent clues.

Knowledge accumulates here, time stands still, and history is fiction.

“I once wondered whether this Cyber ​​City was all fake, and we players were actually ‘brains in a vat’, just like Yang from The Matrix. This setting is not uncommon. "The architect wrote the few words just now on a piece of white paper, "But the following few things make me feel that it is not that simple. I suspect that this is related to the inner system of the city."

"System? What system?" Yu Liang didn't understand these things.

"In this city, basically you can't change your occupation casually after registering your household registration. Do you know this?" The architect told what he learned. "Occupations are almost non-circular, even if they are similar to So does the job because the city resists too much change."

He continued: "The same is true for knowledge. Physical books here have almost disappeared. Most of the information is saved on the Internet, but it is often necessary to pay an extremely high price to obtain this knowledge. Most people do not have channels to obtain this knowledge. "

"This probably means 'knowledge is accumulated here.'" the architect concluded. "Secondly, I really don't understand the stasis of time, but history is indeed fictitious. I have looked up some of the history of this city, and basically It’s all a very unscientific wild history. It’s like this city appeared out of thin air and developed to this point out of thin air. It is a city without roots.”

"Yeah." Yu Liang accepted the information from the architect, but didn't think too deeply about it.

The third stage mission of the pioneers is to leave some key information for subsequent players, but under normal circumstances the information left will be some relatively clear prompts.

For example, Yu Liang, the problem-solving ideas and information left by Yu Liang on the flesh and blood planet are very clear, and there will be nothing similar to unclear meanings.

Leaving such messy information is most likely because this guy's thinking has been affected by some kind of strange talk, which is a clue left behind in a mentally unstable state.

In this case, there is no need to interpret this information so carefully. The content inside is useful, but it is not necessarily correct.

If you want to solve the root cause of the strange story, it may be better to find the clues left by the first player in the pioneer copy, because that must be the most objective analysis of the entire copy.

Yu Liang had participated in the pioneer game, but the architect sounded like he had not participated in the pioneer game, so he told the architect an overview of the tasks of the players in the pioneer game, which solved some of the architect's doubts.

"Okay, maybe I'm a little bit over the top, but there shouldn't be any problem with the information I collected." The architect scratched his head.

He sighed: "This city is like a backwater, and the degree of class solidification is too obvious. 20% of people create 120% of the wealth, and the work that the remaining 80% of people do every day is just useless and can be replaced by robots. , can’t create any value at all, so they are owed 20% of their wealth. For these people, the meaning of work is restraint, which is equivalent to the upper management letting them stay in a cage. "

"Just like walking a dog, the dog's energy must be vented. If you go out for an hour, you will lose an hour at home." Yu Liang agreed nonchalantly.

The architect nodded subconsciously and then asked, "Absolutely. So you have a dog at home?"

"That's right." Yu Liang also nodded. He probably had a certain understanding of this cyber city.

Neon lights, billboards and high-rise buildings are not the core of cyberpunk, nor are prosthetic modifications and fancy clothes. Simply put, the core of cyberpunk should be "high technology and low life".

As Yu Liang now understands, the degree of class solidification is far beyond the player's imagination. The lock-down of knowledge makes the lower class people completely unable to see the hope of climbing up. Everyone's work is insignificant. Everyone has nothing to do with the assembly line. There is no difference between the products produced on the Internet, so they can only pursue novelty in some superficial aspects, which creates all kinds of strange Cybermen.

But there is one thing that the upper class and the lower class people share, and that is Taoism.

Worship of Taoism exists in almost every corner of the city, otherwise it would not have become one of the required courses in schools. Even Cybermen who have never studied will still mention their "natural and inaction" Taoist culture. He puffed up his chest proudly, thinking that he was practicing the teachings of Taozu.

In fact, it is just that there is no hope and we are just standing still.

Of course, the people at the top don't care if they mess up, because the real wealth of society is not created by these people.

Against this background, Cyber ​​City is divided into four areas.

Area A, the area where the backbone of Cyber ​​City lives and works, at least the middle class.

Area B, the scientific research area, is an area where a large number of technology companies exist. Many of them have the power to crush the government. However, due to various reasons, they are still restraining each other from the government.

Area C, the most unbridled area, has loose management and the scale of entertainment venues is unimaginably large. It is a "venting" area.

Area F is an ordinary living area. It is the area most like "reality", but it has a stricter management system, such as the "curfew" and "enforcers" that Yu Liang once experienced.

What surprised Yu Liang the most was this. Area F, which is closest to reality, is also the area where ghost incidents occur most frequently.

If you want to find the new origin of the ghost people, Area F is the best area to explore. For this reason, players in the dungeon will gather in Area F during the day to seek clues to complete the mission.

"So next, let's go back to Area F to have a look?" Yu Liang heard the meaning of the architect's words.

"Yes, by the way, I also want to check the situation of other players I know." The architect nodded, and he seemed to have a relatively complete plan in mind.

He extended an invitation to Yu Liang: "Try to solve the basic tasks first, and then if you have extra time to watch the movie, you can try to rescue the players who were captured by the Huangpo Group."

"After discovering the origin of the new ghost people and escaping, we got the tickets to leave Cyber ​​City safely. We can choose to leave this dungeon at any time. Then we will have no worries and we can make a big fuss."

At this point, the architect narrowed his eyes. He snorted and opened his hand, and a goblin bomb appeared around him.

"I'm very vindictive, Huangpo."

"Ah?" Yu Liang looked at his appearance and was immediately stunned.

"After blowing up the mall last time, I felt very comfortable. It happened that one of my companions in this copy was a 'replicator', so I prepared some goblin bombs." The architect showed a bright smile and reached out to pat his side. Stacked bombs.

Yu Liang touched his head. Did this guy turn on some strange switch?

You are a construction engineer, not a blasting engineer!

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