The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 360 Knowledge Revolution!

"Even if it's a ghost story about the origin, it's the same. Either we die together or you become my dog."

This sentence was spoken in Li Huachao's ears. The voice was very soft, like a feather gently tickling his eardrums, but it made Li Huachao excited.


I like this sentence, it's so wild and coquettish.

I like this guy too. He has such a gambling streak that even Lu Mingzhe shook his head when he saw him.

Lu Mingzhe was betting on his own life, and the bet would bring about a sudden change, but the actor in front of him, Aze, was even more ruthless. He directly bet on all the players in the entire dungeon and all the citizens of Cyber ​​City for a chance to obtain the source of the ghost story!

That's a weird story!

According to Li Huachao's understanding, there are some special players who temporarily have ghost stories about their origins.

For example, Yu Liang has "zhi" on his body, and Lin Xiangu has "smile" on his body.

However, their situations are different from those mentioned by the actors in front of them. Yu Liangde offered "it" in a good manner. Even if they get along well, there is still an unbridgeable gap; and Lin Xiangu's The situation is roughly similar, even worse than Yu Liang.

Now the actor A Ze wants to let Gen Kaitan be his dog?

This means overriding the original ghost story, which is something worthy of surprise for any player.

All players are the same in front of the source monster, as fragile as a piece of paper. Facing the gaze of the source monster, they can only pray that the other party is not interested, otherwise their fate will usher in an absolute end.

Only a small number of people have rule-level alienated professional abilities, seals or items. These special things can affect the source monster, but it is also a double-edged sword, because it will make the source monster more interested in you.

Now, if you put it in the world of ghost stories, what the actor just said is really outrageous.

And Li Huachao likes it!

His eyes lit up as he realized what a brilliant plan it was.

This is almost impossible to achieve, but once it is achieved, the actor in front of him will truly skyrocket.

The definition of a marketable ghost is controllable. Li Huachao paid a little attention when he came up from the bottom of the building. This means that the final control will be in the hands of the actor.

Not only the source of the ghost story, but also the hundreds of thousands of people in the entire city will be under the control of the actor!

That is the truly terrifying thing. Hundreds of thousands of ghosts represent hundreds of thousands of players. Even if only a small part of these people can obtain the alienated profession, it is an extremely terrifying force, let alone their cognition. There is also a strange story about an unknown source.

Aze looked at Li Huachao with a surprised expression, smiled to himself, and returned to the sofa.

It was normal to hear such expressions about his plans, as he described a horrific situation.

No matter how daring people are, they all have a threshold of psychological tolerance. In this world of ghost stories, this threshold is often the root of the ghost stories.

No matter how fanatical a person is, once he thinks of the strange story about the origin, the fire in his heart may suddenly go out.

But he is different.

Fighting against the root cause is endless fun.

Even if it means death...

To die is to die.

"How much time do you have left to watch the movie? Is your plan really in time?" Li Huachao came back to his senses, and his first sentence was to ask for more detailed content of the plan.

He's not stupid either. Although his mind is always wild and impulsive, this plan involving the source of the ghost stories is enough to calm him down for a while.

"It will take about three days." Aze chuckled and whispered, "At the same time as your arrival, the plan has officially started. This shows that we are very destined."

"Three days? Such a short it enough?" Li Huachao was surprised.

"The spread of the virus is in the form of an exponential explosion. It is very slow at first and requires someone to protect it, but gradually it is no longer needed." Aze waved his hand, and the map of Cyber ​​City on the glass screen immediately flipped and changed to It became an exponential curve chart, "On the first day, only about 1% of people will start to change, on the second day, about 10%, and on the third day, 99%."

Judging from the picture, the first day was relatively gentle, the second day started to gain momentum, and the third day saw explosive growth.

"Okay." Li Huachao couldn't understand this kind of data, so he nodded and continued to ask, "But as far as I know, there are other weird ghosts in this city, and some are weak. , some are strong, and some are extremely numerous, they will also take over the population of normal residents, right?"

"There is no need to worry about a very small number of powerful ghosts. Their existence is a bug in this city. They will not leave their own territory. You only need to find out where they exist. If you don't take the initiative to enter their territory, They don't have much interest in humans, and they won't infect humans themselves." In this regard, Aze waved his hand, seemingly prepared, "And the roots of this city are deeply rooted in the 'majority' of people. From the knowledge, it should not be able to escape into the consciousness of these very few powerful ghosts, which violates the logic of its existence, so there is no need to worry too much."

"Oh." Li Huachao said that he knew, but a new question arose, "So why do you want to tell me so much? Just to share?"

"Of course, I am a man who is very eager to share." Aze smiled again.

"I don't believe it." Li Huachao shook his head. He could see that the actor in front of him was a fun-loving person and a madman, but he was also a thoughtful person.

He casually leaked plans, perhaps because he had a desire to share, but if it was just to satisfy his desire to share, then that would be enough for now.

Knowing the basic plan, he was a hidden danger after all, so Li Huachao was mentally prepared. Once he felt the other party's hostility, even just a little bit, he would not hesitate to strike first.

The actor's next answer is crucial.

"As I said, there are still many technology companies in our B area that are studying ghosts, or some special church organizations and underground organizations. They also have their own ghost stories, which are slowly infecting normal residents. ." Aze took out two table knives from his pocket and placed them on the glass coffee table, "I need you to help me kill them."

"Huh?" Compared to what Aze mentioned, Li Huachao was more concerned about the two knives that the other party placed on the coffee table. And he was worthy of his careless nature. Just now, he was saying in his heart that he should be wary of actors. In the blink of an eye, Suddenly he picked up the knife on the coffee table and looked at it.

The feel was exactly the same as the two table knives he carried, but they were sharper.

There is no high technology added, so there is no mystery hidden. There is only a unique cold texture of a cold weapon, which happens to be in line with Li Huachao's preferences.

He groped the blade carefully and his eyes fell on the "Changhong Zoo Special" written on the blade.

Even this one is exactly the same?

Li Huachao was surprised and threw the knife back on the coffee table. He didn't know what Aze meant, so he raised his head and asked, "This knife?"

"I just saw the knife in your hand, and I made two temporary replicas. I think you might like it." Aze continued, and he picked up the two table knives from the coffee table. "Besides, I also I enchanted it once, just like this—"

He was holding a table knife in his left hand, and a "Zhuo" character appeared in his right hand. This "Zhuo" character was submerged into the table knife, causing the blade of the table knife to glow with red light and emitting hot "qi" at the same time. .

The hot air distorted the air near the knife, creating a blurry effect.

"You can put characters into the knife, so that the knife's attack will be accompanied by some unique effects of the characters. Each character can provide enchantment for the knife for about five seconds." Aze said, casually A few words to mention, "For example, the character 'burn' has a burning effect; such as the character 'break' has a penetration effect, etc."

"It's indeed a good thing. Is this the reward for assassination?" Li Huachao looked at the two table knives with a little jealousy.

Two good knives, he didn't care.

Two good table knives, that really fit my personal aesthetic.

Not to mention the unique enchantment effects.

Of course, the first thing that came to Li Huachao's mind was not to use bad characters such as "burning" and "breaking" to enchant, but to use the characters "six".

The character effect is to make the target feel like being sucked by the lips.

Stabbing a knife brings a unique sense of pleasure or shame. Isn't this more useful than "breaking" character enchantments?

A single character attack will definitely be noticed by the opponent and try to dodge it, but the enchantment that hides the characters on the blade is hard to guard against.

Most players would rather use defensive skills to get hit by a knife than be hit by a character. After all, the effects of some characters are more terrifying than being hit by a knife.

"This is not a reward, just a meeting gift." Aze smiled kindly, looking generous.

This was part of his plan. These two knives were made very quickly. They were forged just in the time spent chatting with Li Huachao, but they consumed a lot of resources.

Even judging from the personality of the "Blacksmith", these two knives can be regarded as proud works.

"Oh, then why are you still holding my knife?" Li Huachao stretched out his hand and said angrily, with much resentment in his words.

Aze: "..."


Suddenly I no longer wanted to give it to this guy.

Seeing the guy's hesitation, Li Huachao walked up to him unceremoniously, grabbed the two knives with his hands, and put them away in the inventory.

Since it's not a reward, it's fine. You don't need to complete the task to receive it. Then isn't this my thing?

He kept holding my treasure and didn't know how to avoid suspicion. He really didn't understand the rules.

Aze: "..."

"Tell me, who do you need me to hunt, and how will the reward be calculated?" Li Huachao put away his smile and asked seriously.

"I will give you the target's information." Aze looked at the man in front of him and felt a little reassured.

Indeed, those who can successfully infiltrate in front of him are also capable of infiltrating into other places to carry out assassinations.

Except for the fact that sometimes his brain circuit is really strange, his abilities are quite appropriate.

Assassination requires a strong adaptability, so it cannot be left to the salable ghosts in his hands. Some mercenaries or killers rely more on cyber technology. It is almost impossible to assassinate the president of a technology company. things.

Taken together, the man in front of me is a very good choice.

The second and most critical point is that Aze is very pleasing to the other party.

As what those people call a "born actor", he acts based on his own preferences, so this unique eye connection is the main reason why he decided to accept the other party.

The other person is also a person who behaves based on his likes and dislikes. He is the same type of person, so he is particularly friendly.

"What about the reward?" Li Huachao asked unceremoniously. Why didn't he say the price after going around for a long time?

"This starts with the design of Ghost Man and Ghost Story." Aze opened the glass screen again and showed it to Li Huachao.

He said: "I designed unique triggering rules for Ghost Stories, which require a relatively deep understanding of the entire city. After some exploration, I discovered a fundamental problem in the city."

"This is a dead city, just like a pool of stagnant water. One of the reasons is that knowledge is not open to the lower classes." Aze showed Li Huachao a piece of data, which was related to Cyber ​​City's online library and some other 7788 data. something related.

Of course, Li Huachao couldn't understand, so he turned his attention to Aze, wanting to hear Aze's summary directly.

"Due to this kind of control over knowledge, there is almost no circulation of class in the entire city. People from the lower class will stay in the lower class all their lives, and there is no room for change." Aze continued, "People from the lower class have no room to learn knowledge at all. , so whatever the educational level of his parents is, he is still at the same educational level, and there will not be even a slight change."

Li Huachao seemed to understand.

For an ordinary person with a poor background, no capital and no good looks, it seems that he can only rely on study to achieve a class jump.

Although it is difficult, at least it is a method, right?

By acquiring resources through learning, you can at least get better resources than your parents have accumulated, and then the educational resources provided to your next generation will also be better. Maybe you can become a literary star and enter the middle class.

However, in this city, knowledge is extremely expensive, so it is almost uncirculated.

This is somewhat similar to ancient times. Due to the scarcity of letters and lack of productivity, knowledge was also not circulated and almost only existed in the hands of wealthy scholars.

The lack of class circulation is also the reason for the change of dynasties to a certain extent, but it is a pity that it has been difficult to solve the problem of gentry in all dynasties.

Therefore, Li Huachao put forward the results of his thinking: "In this case... no one will cause trouble?"

"Because the productivity is too high." Aze was Xiaoxiao again, showing his fangs, "The armed forces are concentrated in the hands of those technology companies, so 'they' can do whatever they want."

He glanced at Li Huachao and assumed the identity of those ordinary people at the bottom: "There is no point in making trouble. They can easily divide, absorb, and then suppress it. No matter how strong you are, can you defeat heavy mechas? ?”

Li Huachao thought for a while and nodded affirmatively: "We can beat him."

Aze: "..."

"In short, this kind of knowledge barrier has been around for a long time. If people from the lower class want to improve themselves, they can almost only engage in some gray music, or sports, and cross a single-plank bridge on a crowded track." Aze shrugged, "At this time , their minds probably only have music full of this name and violence, or entertainment activities such as sports."

As if thinking of something, he couldn't help but smile: "But they don't know that the physical fitness of the sports champions who win every year cannot compare with those real big shots. They have undergone genetic modification and have the most powerful natural physiques. , even better than the sports champions who fought out from thousands of troops, but their status will not allow them to participate in such activities, and there is no need to participate in the competition, just let those ordinary people live in the "nipple fun", That’s good too.”

He stood up, walked to the office window and opened the curtains. The dazzling light from the window shone in, lengthening the shadow under his feet.

"So I want to launch a knowledge revolution that will sweep through the bottom of Cyber ​​City in the shortest possible time, and then backfire on the top."

"This is the ghost story I designed."

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