The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 361 Surprise! Li Huachao’s grand plan!

"Intellectual revolution..." Li Huachao touched his chin, but his slightly slow brain could not connect the two things together. "It sounds good, but do they have anything to do with marketable ghosts?"

"This is an internal cause and part of the transmission channel." Aze explained, and he thought of a more appropriate description, "This is the logic of the existence of ghost stories, and it can be regarded as the commonality between ghost stories and root ghost stories. As for the relationship between the intellectual revolution and marketable ghosts, this needs to be seen in the specific content of ghost stories. Nowadays, due to the existence of knowledge barriers, the jealousy, admiration, envy and other emotions of the lower class towards the upper class can be regarded as marketable ghosts. The basis of human existence.”

"Oh." Li Huachao seemed to understand, but it left an impression in his mind.

The design of ghost stories needs to have an internal cause, as well as a communication channel to connect the content of ghost stories with the ghosts themselves.

In comparison, the ghosts actually corresponding to the ghost stories and the content of the ghost stories do not necessarily match. For example, the ghosts available for sale are actually players.

"So if the logic of existence does not disappear...this kind of ghost talk and ghosts will not disappear?" Li Huachao continued to ask. Until now, Aze still hasn't said what the reward is, but he doesn't care.

It would definitely be a good thing if he could learn more about ghosts and ghosts, and then he could tell Yu Liang the information he learned from Aze.

Well, although I listen to you pretending, join your team, help you do things, and receive your reward, I still belong to the writer universe!

The scheming hunter dies because of his loyalty!

Maybe after telling Yu Liang all this, Yu Liang can make some targeted countermeasures, or "replace" the actors to complete the plan.

It's all stealing. As an author and a scholar, isn't Yu Liang's best thing to do?

Aze continued to answer Li Huachao's question: "No, you said that this kind of situation may only occur in the source ghost talk. The ghost man ghost talk written can't do this, otherwise it will be too super model."

"Okay." Li Huachao breathed a sigh of relief and had some other thoughts in his mind.

"After determining the logic of the existence of ghost stories, you can basically start to spread the content of ghost stories. First, these 'ghosts' need to be archived, and then the most critical part is to connect the 'personal consciousness' to Cyber ​​City In the internal network, partially rewrite the brain logic of the ghost." Aze's face became serious, probably because what he was talking about now was more critical.

"Knowing God?" Li Huachao was surprised. He thought he would never hear this word again.

According to Aze, there are so many origins of ghosts, and most of them are created by certain "people". The female monk's "theory of consciousness" should be just one of them.

Now, it is really surprising to hear this thing from Aze's mouth.

"Similar to a human consciousness, it is equivalent to a combination of personality, memory, character and other things." Aze simply described, "If you want to create a ghost, the consciousness will be transmitted to the internal network of Cyber ​​City. Communicating the origin as a temporary administrator, but this process may be different from what you think. This is a process that you cannot control. It's like one day, you feel your soul flying and entering a special space .Your consciousness is your thoughts, which will be projected into this space, so the ghost will complete some modifications according to your wishes. At the same time, here you will see scenes you have never seen before, there Everything in this world is beyond your imagination before, and your thoughts and spirit will be greatly changed by this stimulation. This is 'enlightenment'."

Li Huachao was thoughtful.


As a writer of ghost stories, one day I suddenly came to a special space as a soul and saw some inexplicable things, and then——

Great, I'm gradually understanding everything!


Why does it sound a bit like Peach Blossom Spring?

"And this special space is called a 'village' in Cyber ​​City."

Li Huachao shrugged, indicating that he heard, but didn't express much.


Oh, it really is the Peach Blossom Spring.

"But if you say so, wouldn't your plan be known to the "Village" if your consciousness is spread to the "Village"? Then wouldn't everything be doomed for you?" Li Huachao glanced at the other party and found that Aze's face was still calm, so he I know this situation is a little different from what I thought.

"No, the village is different from what you think. The rules there are not dictated by the source monster. Even... the source monster in Cyber ​​City is just a villager in the 'village', not even a village committee cadre. ." Aze said softly, casually saying words that shocked Li Huachao.


Isn't this actually the origin of this dungeon?

Even in the root ghost story, this is a villager?

Not even a village committee cadre?

Then isn’t this village full of strange stories about the origin?

No wonder Aze said that this village is full of things that ordinary people have never heard of or seen. Who can see such a grand scene about the origins of such a village?

However, this was not what Li Huachao was thinking about. He felt excited that such a village still existed in the world.

Can you enter the village in a state of consciousness by creating a ghost story?

It sounds much more interesting than Bo City. This will be my new journey point for Mr. Hua Chao!

"Of course, this is not the way to enter the village under normal circumstances. The thing corresponding to the consciousness is the soul, which is similar to the human subconscious or inspiration. It requires meditation to realize its existence, or it may be due to some other reasons. Special circumstances, in short, when a person's inspiration is particularly strong, the consciousness will be abandoned. At this time, the consciousness will enter the village and see something." Aze said.

He thought about it and felt that it was still necessary to explain clearly, otherwise it would not be conducive to the development of subsequent plans: "People who have entered the village will suffer from mental pollution if they have insufficient psychological endurance and become something similar to ghosts. If you have enough ability, you will understand the nature of this city, start to create ghost stories, and use the spread of ghosts to gain the power of Cyber ​​City. That is the true supreme power."

"Okay, I probably understand." Li Huachao nodded, feeling that he had basically figured out the entire source of the strange story.

Very good, Aze shared the information about the root ghost story with him, and now he is definitely the man standing at the top of this copy.

"And this is the reward for you." Aze smiled secretly, "I will give you the fragrant silver needed to create the ghost, and you will also create the ghost."

"Me?" Li Huachang's eyes lit up. He had been thinking about the whole job for a long time, but it seemed to be contrary to Aze's plan, so he never dared to mention it.

Of course, I just didn’t dare to bring it up superficially.

Since Li Huachao knew about this kind of thing, he must have secretly created ghost stories for fun. Now that Aze encouraged him to do this, he was catering to Li Huachao's preferences.

No, could this guy see through my little thoughts?

Li Huachao suddenly looked at Aze suspiciously, and Aze waved his hands repeatedly.

"Of course, the ghosts you design must be of the same type as me, which means that they are actually salable ghosts. This can ensure that the infected residents will be assimilated into players." Aze smiled, "As for You can make up any logic and specific ghost story settings you want, and I will give you enough fragrant silver. As a reward, the ghosts you infect will be under your control," Aze said.

He added almost without thinking: "Every time you assassinate the leader of a ghost organization, the ghosts under them can use fragrant silver to transform them into 'saleable ghosts', and these shares will also belong to you." , I will provide the required fragrant silver."

"Hmm... let me think about it." Li Huachao suddenly felt happy in his heart. Where was this actor born?

Isn't this a great person?

This is a big deal.

There are dozens, hundreds or even thousands of ghosts under those ghost organizations. When they are gathered together, they are a powerful force.

After transforming into a salable ghost, these ghosts will all be controlled by Li Huacholai. What is the concept of this?

Yu Liang is so good at controlling four or five created characters by himself. If Li Huachao controls tens of thousands of players...

Just walk sideways and let all the enemies get lost in the vast sea of ​​people.

Not to mention that this was just a reward for the assassination. Azze had already said that he would also provide fragrant silver to allow him to create ghost stories independently.

Li Huachao's eyes became brighter and brighter. The operability of this ghost story was too great. He really couldn't come up with a lofty plan like knowledge revolution based on knowledge barriers, nor could he extract value from the emotions of the people at the bottom, but He can have more fun!

First of all, this ghost story needs to have enough novelty and be a brand-new origin of ghosts, so that it can be born in this cyber city.


He touched his chin, and a vague inspiration came to his mind.

The Internet technology in this city is still very developed, right?

Is it possible to create an electronic ghost?


Not cool enough.

And at first glance, it looks like a very bad street setting.

Then let’s take a virus that uses the Internet and mental communication as its main transmission channels. It’s called electronic syphilis!

Infected people will tend to become ghosts, and their spiritual world will be affected by a kind of astringent emotion, and they will actively send some emails or messages hiding electronic syphilis.

People who randomly click on emails or messages and associate them with the content will be mentally polluted and assimilated into similar ghosts.

But wouldn’t this setting be a little too powerful?

According to this setting, it probably won’t take long to infect the entire city, right?

A huge party with the whole city together?

It’s simply too coooooooool spicy!


There should be some restrictions. There is no such thing as a Kaitan virus that has all the attributes such as infection rate and transmission rate. Let’s study these detailed settings carefully when creating Kaitan. Anyway, that’s the main idea.

Keep the basic line of Mr. Hua Chao intact, and give the damn Cybermen a little telecom-scam shock.

"Join me, I'm very optimistic about you." Seeing Li Huachao gradually moving, Aze also showed a gentle smile and reached out to him.

However, Li Huachao looked at his hands, and his brain, which was frantic due to electronic syphilis, suddenly calmed down.

Yes, this guy is not that simple.

With such favorable conditions and such generous remuneration, why did you choose him?

Could it be a scam?

The actor's ability is to "replace" others. He probably relied on this ability to make two table knives just now. He may have played the role of "inventor" or "blacksmith", so it stands to reason that he should have an individual A warrior profession, right?

This ability is similar to Yu Liang's writer, and there are two physical warriors in Yu Liang's universe, so actors should not be without them.

Not only were there, but they were probably multiple martial artists, so why did he personally do this kind of assassination?

A T1 actor has countless tricks, so this kind of thing shouldn't be difficult, right?

You want to find him, the handsome, brave and invincible General Hua Chao?

I always feel that something doesn’t make sense.

"It seems that you still don't trust me." Aze read some rejection in Li Huachao's eyes, so he could only say helplessly, "Compared to the help you can provide me, these rewards are nothing. It’s just a small thing, I’m very much looking forward to your joining.”

"A small thing?" Li Hua rolled his eyes, "Then double it."

Aze: "..."

No, how can this guy be so pushy?

"It can't be turned over. I don't have that many free resources for you." Aze shook his head and quickly rejected Li Huachao.

In addition to assassinations, his own workload was much greater than imagined. Many of these things required "fragrant silver" to complete. Otherwise, how could he capture the entire city in three days?


"Okay." Li Huachao pouted, feeling moved.

If Aze agreed without hesitation, then he definitely couldn't believe it, because the outrageous reward meant that Aze would not give it.

Most likely working for free.

Now, maybe.

Aze is an actor and is very sensitive to subtle changes in facial expressions. He read some "belief" in Li Huachao's expression, so he struck while the iron was hot and walked up to Li Huachao, raised his head and exposed his neck to the other person, lovingly Sincerely: "This matter must be completed with your help. If it cannot be completed, not only will I not be able to become a hero who saves the world, I may die, so I trust you unconditionally and am willing to put my life in your hands." superior."

At the same time, Aze's actor ability is activated.

[Go deep into people's hearts]: After turning on the ability, your words and deeds will have strong emotional contagion ability, and the other party's ability to empathize will be greatly increased.

"Thank you for your trust." Li Huachao felt moved for no reason as he looked at Aze who showed his most vulnerable neck openly in front of him.

There has never been anyone who believed in him so much——

Li Huachao had a feeling that "a scholar will die for his confidant", and his heart suddenly surged. He was so moved that he slashed Aze's neck with his knife.


The indestructible table knife failed to cut into Aze's neck. Instead, it got stuck in the flesh of his neck, and tiny drops of blood quickly oozed out.

Aze looked at the table knife stuck in his neck, and then at Li Huachao.

The all-conquering love card has actually failed, but even if this guy doesn't believe it, he won't really wipe his neck, right?

It is equivalent to Liu Bei throwing Adou on Changban Slope and saying that the youngest son cannot be compared to a tiger general, and then Zhao Yun stepped on him and said that he was indeed inferior...

What kind of crazy guy? !

"Uh-" Li Huachao was also a little embarrassed, how could he not cut through?

Is this born actor's neck harder than steel?

He touched his nose in embarrassment, "You just said that if you assassinate the leader of the ghost organization, you will get all the opponent's ghost resources if you succeed. I think you are also the leader of the ghost organization, so..."

"I couldn't hold it back for a moment."

I went to a job fair... It was compulsory to study, and I came back a little late. QAQ, why did you have to attend the job fair so early?

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