The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 363 It’s over, now it’s time to become a precept, brother

In a dark office, a corpse sat on an office chair, leaning forward on the table, exposing its back. There was an obvious sharp wound on the back of the heart, and the oozing blood dyed the clothes red and flowed downwards. And Xidi left a small pool of blood on the ground.

A white circle outlines the body, indicating the location and state of death.

There was one wound, but only one wound. This was the only fatal wound on the body.

It can be seen that the murderer seemed to have approached the deceased from behind, and then killed him with a knife. There was no accident, because the difference in strength between them was really too big.

Apart from the corpse, the most eye-catching thing about the entire murder scene was the string of words written in blood:

A (loving) person (loving) lonely (loving) in (loving) home~

Steal (love) steal (love) and look~

Yu Liang and Architect looked at this line of bloody words over and over again, unable to imagine what the meaning of this type of writing was.

Assassinating a person and then leaving iconic bloody words on the scene often appears in some mystery novels. It is a way to show the murderer's strong personal style, but the bloody words left behind are "lonely person". Watching secretly at home"...

This situation was unheard of for Yu Liang.

Simply unbelievable.

"When you look at these words, what do you think of first?" the architect asked in a deep voice.

Yu Liang was silent for a moment, and then said: "KFC Crazy Thursday."


"Actually, it's almost the same. I was thinking of Brother Oatmeal." The architect sighed, a little helpless, but this was indeed the fact.

There are too many words in this format in reality. It’s either Oatmeal Guy or a twist on Crazy Thursday, but when it appears in a place like this, it’s very...

It's unreasonable.

Yu Liang noticed that the Snake that was partially wrapped around him was a little restless, so he looked back and saw that Snake's lower body was wrapped around his hand, while its head was raised high, sniffing for something in the room. He was searching, but couldn't find it at all, so there was some confusion and eagerness in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Yu Liang asked as he tugged on the snake's tail.

Snake Eater's head swam back, its black eyes widened, trying to make Yu Liang understand what it was looking for through eye contact.

However, this kind of communication was completely in vain. The snake-eating snake had no hands or feet and could only rely on its eyes to communicate with Yu Liang. It was so anxious that it almost spoke.

"I don't understand." Yu Liang shook his head, a little helpless. At this time, he suddenly noticed that the cabinet door towards which Snake-Eater's head was facing was open.

Only a small gap was opened, but it was opened from the inside.

"Be careful, there is something in the cabinet!" Yu Liang jumped back and reminded the other two people.

At the same time, the Mantis cub was called out by him to block the disaster, and the Scrooge followed closely behind, putting his skinny hands into the jar and waiting for the constantly shaking cabinet.

The human shield that will break apart when hit stands at the front, Yu Liang stands in the middle, and the money-sucking ghost with the ability to control stands at the end.

Finally, the cabinet opened in front of Yu Liang and the others, revealing everything that happened inside.

Hiding in the closet were three men, three men wearing law enforcement jackets. The reason why I only mentioned jackets was because none of them were wearing pants.

The lower body is uncovered.

The people hiding in the cabinet were obviously not mentally stable, and their bodies were also unstable. Sometimes their heads were big and sometimes they were small, and they even had mosaics growing on their bodies.

Yes, large blurry mosaics appear on their lower bodies, making them look like exhibitionists coding on a television screen.

At this moment, they really looked like exhibitionists, standing in the cabinet, sprinting towards the cabinet and starting to drill holes.

I don’t know what kind of alienation their lower bodies have undergone. Even if they are mosaic, it can be clearly seen that the thing is huge and spinning constantly, like an electric drill, and it is in contact with the wall in the cabinet. A peak duel between spear and shield.

After they opened the door unconsciously, the rich smell of heather spread out. In the recesses in the cabinet, Yu Liang also saw dots of white turbidity.

After opening the door, they immediately sensed the breath of strangers, so they turned around one after another, staring at the three humans in front of them with their big dark eyes. They walked over slowly and tremblingly, and stretched out their sinful hands. He drilled into his poisonous dragon while muttering something in his mouth.

"I'm alone at home... playing secretly..."

"Seven Stars...Entertainment..."

"I marked a spot!"

"Go A, go A."

"Hey -" Yu Liang glanced at the status of the three of them, and immediately felt that they had an aura that could not be seen casually in public, and the words in their mouths made Yu Liang feel even more uncomfortable.

Did I mark a place?

Go A?

Is this the terminology used in this game?

You law enforcers are quite good at playing.

[Trigger Mission-Origin of Ghost Man]

[Investigate the origin of a new kind of ghost and clean it up, you can finish watching the movie in advance and return to reality. 】

At the same time, Yu Liang and the architect both received basic tasks about ghosts and ghosts.

"They are already ghosts, and they are a new type of ghost." The architect received the task and immediately looked back at Yu Liang, "I received a basic task."

"Me too." Yu Liang immediately realized the difference between this basic task and the adventurer's task.

The adventurer's mission is probably to discover the origin of a ghost and escape, while the new ghost he saw with the architect needs to be investigated and cleaned up.

From the literal point of view of the ghost man's mission, the latter seems to be more difficult, but this kind of ghost man who walks like a zombie is obviously not as strong as the ghost man who appeared in the back room, and they were discovered by two people at the same time, so The difficulty of the mission has been increased.

"Clean up? How to clean up? Wouldn't that deduct the viewing time?" At this time, the architect who observed further discovered something unreasonable in the task page.

Indeed, if you clean up the ghosts, your viewing time will be deducted. How can you clean up under this premise?

I'm afraid that if I don't clean up, I will be cleared out of Cyber ​​City!

"Write down all these things at the scene. When we came in just now, we were seen by the law enforcers. Their large forces are probably coming soon. We don't have time to study slowly here." Yu Liang said, at the same time He controlled the three little paper figures in his frog suit to come out, and replaced the characters they carried with the "awake" characters in the Scrooge's jar.

"Snake Eater, go." He controlled Snake Eater, who had been a little distracted from the beginning, to swim forward.

The biting snake floated in the air, like a piece of hemp rope carrying three small paper figures, and soon came to the side of the three white ghost figures.

The White Turbid Ghosts saw the Devouring Snake floating in the air, so they stretched out their hands to catch it. However, the reaction speed and movement speed of the two were not at the same level, so they frequently missed it.

"The speed... is too fast, we have to trap them!"

"Sleepy, sleepy, you need wood and a mouth."

"It's too late, it's too late, it's too late."

The three ghost men were still mumbling something, but their communication was too slow, causing the movements of their hands to slow down. At this time, Snake Eater broke through the defense line, and the paper man's character attack fell on them.




Under the attack of three consecutive "awakening" characters, the bodies of the three ghost men quickly dissipated, and the three paper men also fainted on the body of Snake Eater, and almost fell into the marked location on the ground. Fortunately, Snake Eater The snake reacted quickly and picked up the three of them again in time, otherwise Yu Liang must have had a shadow of the filth on the three of them.

Three "awake" characters fell on the three ghosts, just like a balloon meeting a flame. The skin of the three ghosts exploded immediately, and red blood mixed with some yellow and white things poured out, making it mushy. on the ground.

Yu Liang and the other three quickly left here and rushed out of the Colosseum along the original path.

Naturally, the law enforcers did not dare to stop them. They only dared to report the whereabouts of the three dolls and input them into the camera system, allowing the artificial intelligence to mobilize cameras throughout the city to search.

However, the architect had already anticipated this. He entered the [God's Eye] state again and erupted all at once, shrouding the surrounding streets in a labyrinth of earth and stone. The three people hiding inside took off their doll clothes and put on their clothes to hide their eyes. mask and walked out of an alley not covered by cameras.

It takes a lot of time for these law enforcers to just clean up the earth and stone maze. In addition, the camera is blocked and damaged by the earth and stone maze. It is still not easy to find the three of them.

"They are very weak. They must have just become ghosts, so six hours will be deducted after killing three ghosts." Yu Liang took a look at his remaining viewing time. There were 174 hours left, so he rushed to his side. said the architect.

At the same time, he looked at the character cards of the three unconscious paper figures.

Paperman (briefly fainted)

Note: Due to the direct impact of Sese's mental wave, the paper man fell into a coma.

It seems that his little cleverness did not have any effect. Instead, he lost more than he did.

The ghosts destroyed by the paper man using the "wake" character will also be recorded on Yu Liang's head, and his viewing time will be deducted. And little things like them will even enter a brief fainting state because of attacking the ghosts. It cannot be reactivated within the time limit.

"Two hours? At least three hours will be deducted for killing normal ghosts. It seems that they may have just appeared." The architect said, and he was even more confused. "Did they just transform into ghosts? They were just investigating It’s just a corpse, and both of us saw the corpse at the same time.”

"Maybe it's not the problem with the corpse, but the problem with the string of words." Yu Liang carefully recalled the whole process. He remembered that the ghost man repeated the sentence "I'm alone at home, watching secretly", and his intuition told him that the ghost man The changes are inseparably linked to this sentence.

In addition, when the words of the ghosts were replayed in his mind, Yu Liang also noticed something.

While Snake Eater used its speed advantage to disrupt the movements of the ghosts, the ghosts seemed to have done some thinking. It's just that Yu Liang was a little far away at the time, and those words didn't reach his ears accurately.

Now that I think about it, they seem to be talking about characters?


Sleepiness equals mouth + wood?

When Yu Liang thought of this, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

It's a character, and what they just said is probably a character!

Because the Snake Eater is too fast for them to catch, they want to combine characters to "trap" the Snake Eater!

Did these ghosts think about characters?

Were these ghosts players before this?

Are players entering the Colosseum as law enforcers for the sake of exploration?

Or is it that these players completed the basic tasks and chose to settle in Cyber ​​City for three years, which happened to be a relatively special job like "enforcer"?

These options popped up in his mind immediately, but when he opened the page to look through his creation list, there were no additional prompts.

The above only shows that he has killed an alienated professional like "Architect" and has not killed other players.


These three players have not obtained alienated occupations, so they cannot be displayed on the list?

But now Cyber ​​City is a relatively advanced dungeon. Players who can enter this dungeon are basically good players, and alienation professions are definitely available.

Even if some special players did not choose the alienation profession, but chose to play the stamp stream, the proportion would not be such a high one.

There were three sign-playing players killed in one kill. How could there be such a coincidence? If this were the case, all the sign-playing players in the entire dungeon might have been taken advantage of by Yu Liang.

Besides, these three white ghosts didn’t reveal characters or items when they died. It’s understandable that you, a player who doesn’t have an alienated profession, would instead play with stamps, but you should have characters and supernatural items, right?

It’s not like there’s nothing, right?

After a period of brainstorming, Yu Liang came to a result that he was unwilling to believe at the beginning.

The power of strange stories is gradually turning the natives of Cyber ​​City into players!

Ghost man?


Aren’t the salable ghosts just players?

Now there is no difference, these white ghosts can probably use characters!

Yu Liang frowned deeply, this was not a good sign.

It can be said that the combat capabilities of the players and the Cyber ​​City natives have their own advantages and disadvantages. The players have alienated professions and can control four columns, while the Cyber ​​City natives have prosthetic limbs and can drive mechas, etc. But at this moment, he suddenly discovered, Cybernatives may also be able to use characters like players.

The consequences of this may be worse than imagined!

Yu Liang told the architect what he had just vaguely heard and some analysis. The architect was also shocked. He had experienced nearly ten copies and had never encountered such a thing.

The character power that players control in the Kaitan world is almost the most advanced Kaitan rules. Even the root Kaidan will be affected by some characters. And now this power has been learned by a derived monster in a certain instance? !

"So... what are the triggering conditions for this ghost-man transformation?" The architect looked at the table, and when he asked the question, he had a vague answer in his heart.

"Maybe it was the sentence left by the murderer." Yu Liang said with a stern face, "What seemed like a joke aroused some fantasy in the minds of the law enforcers, so it caused some mental pollution. And you still remember Did you ask me that at the time? The first thing I thought of was Crazy Thursday, and you were the oatmeal guy, so it wasn’t directly associated with pornographic content, so I didn’t change it.”

He sighed, and with a thought in his mind, he blurted out: "The next world... may be a world where Xese needs to be banned."

Yu Liang didn't say another sentence. In this world that needs to be banned, they are the ones who prohibit it.

It’s over, now I’m really rebooting, brother.

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