The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 370 Daozu’s magical power of petrification

Fifteen minutes ago.

Lu Baoshen on the altar was keenly aware of one thing: something was probably going on in this underground dojo.

According to the specific itinerary in this underground dojo, well, he has forgotten the specific itinerary. Anyway, no one can usually enter or leave the central altar.

Every once in a while, maybe a few hours, or maybe a dozen hours, the great elder who kidnapped him would lead several or dozens of crazy believers to come to him.

These crazy believers will mutilate themselves in front of him, pick out their own blood vessels for him to see, and then bleed them, pouring their own blood on his body.

Lu Baoshen no longer wanted to recall those disgusting scenes. Every time he remembered them, he would feel the lingering stench of blood lingering on his body.

Well, he couldn't take a shower, the blood on his body completely covered his face, and the stench couldn't be removed.

The great elder said that the greatest good is like water, which benefits all things without dispute, while Taozu robs others of opportunities to support himself and eliminates the sins of his followers. This is a completely different concept, so water is not a good thing for Taozu.

Taking a shower, no.

Drinking water, no.

Then it became what it is now.

During this period of being trapped, it was not that Lu Baoshen had not thought about escaping. After all, he was a gambler with [Thousands of Skills] and [Reliance] by his side, so he had a unique advantage in escaping...

That's weird.

The great elder lingered like a ghost. Lu Baoshen tried to attack her with characters, but was sucked into the black hole that the other party released casually.

The futile attack only received a contemptuous smile from the other party. Lu Baoshen was so angry that he activated [Reliance] on the spot and ran away quickly with the help of silver coins to change positions despite his high luck.

This move indeed caught the great elder by surprise. It only took Lu Baoshen a few seconds to cover a long distance.

Then he tripped over the super robe he was wearing.

At the moment of wrestling, Lu Baoshen was completely confused.

Why do you still fall down when you have high luck?

This is not scientific at all! @#%^_^

Lu Baoshen was so familiar with his own abilities that he had regarded [Reliance] from the category of "metaphysics" as a scientific ability. Its current failure is a symbol of unscientific ability.

Science no longer exists!

The great elder behind her let out a wild laugh. As if she had the power to shrink to an inch, she came to Lu Baoshen's side in one step and hugged him tightly.

Unlike Lu Baoshen, this elder loves to be clean. She takes a shower and sprays perfume every day, and walks with a scent of fragrance. She is still charming in her thirties, but now she hugged him excitedly. Lu Baoshen, hugging Lu Baoshen until his face turned red.

Of course, you couldn't tell from his face. After all, Lu Baoshen's face was covered with a thick mask of blood scab at that time.

"You are indeed the Dao Ancestor, and your luck is our best tonic." The white robe on the Great Elder's body was dyed red by Lu Baoshen's bloody robe. She stuck out her tongue and licked Lu Baoshen's face nonchalantly, " I’ll enjoy it.”

So next, all of Lu Baoshen's silver coins were confiscated. Under simple coercion and inducement, Lu Baoshen did not dare to keep a single silver coin, even though he knew that the other party could not open his inventory to check.

Moreover, the luck value he accumulated every day was also robbed by the great elder.

However, since then, Lu Baoshen has never activated [Reliance] with all his strength like today. If he activates [Reliance] with all his strength, the fortune accumulated every day will be used up in ten seconds, but if it is maintained at a slightly higher level, With any luck, he'll be able to use it for about five minutes.

This is not to hide his clumsiness, but simply because Lu Baoshen wants to hold him for a longer time...

Time returns to the present.

Lu Baoshen noticed that the Great Elder received the report from the emissary and hurriedly left the square.

Under normal circumstances, only he and the Great Elder existed in this huge square and altar. There would be heavy troops guarding the exits, but they were far away from him.

The so-called heavy soldiers are a special kind of monster. They often wear black robes. Under the robes is a dark and amorphous netherworld, with faintly hard insect legs growing out of it.

Similar to the black hole released by the great elder, the ghosts on these heavy soldiers can also absorb characters. It can be said that they can completely defeat Lu Baoshen who relies on characters to fight.

However, Lu Baoshen did not do nothing during this period. He picked up a small stone and sharpened it, then silently cut off his robe in preparation for his escape.

While doing this, Lu Baoshen's mind was filled with the prison escape scene in "The Shawshank Redemption". However, when he found that he couldn't cut it halfway, Lu Baoshen suddenly thought, why not use "breaking" on the long skirt? "Where are the characters?"

In short, Lu Baoshen was already prepared for the escape plan at this time. He planned a route in his mind. When he first entered the air raid shelter, he noticed that there was a hidden grotto in one direction of the dojo. The space inside the grotto It's not big, and the opening of the hole is extremely small, only as big as the mouth of a bowl.

Normal people would definitely not be able to get in, but he was different. He could throw a pebble inside, then switch positions and teleport to hide in.

Now, he planned to escape while the great elder was away.

This is not difficult, yes, it must not be difficult for Lu Baoshen!

He stood up from the altar with a few pebbles in his hand.

Under the previous intentional guidance, it may be that the great elder thought too complicatedly. Anyway, the great elder thought that he had to rely on silver coins to achieve the position transfer, but in fact it was not the case.

The silver coins are just to take care of Lu Mingzhe's need to show off. Pebbles like those collected by Lu Baoshen can also be used as [Qian Shu] props.

After reaching the edge of the square, the ghostly ghosts immediately approached and said in an extremely hoarse and stiff tone: "Stop here."

"I am Dao Ancestor! Get out of my way!" Lu Baoshen put his hands on his hips and was domineering. He pointed at these ghosts with his fingers and said loudly, "Don't forget, it's me who helps you eliminate the evil!"

Probably because he spoke too loudly, Lu Baoshen felt his throat was uncomfortable, so he coughed twice, as if he wanted to cough out his lungs.

After all, he had not drank water for two and a half days. Lu Baoshen was a little overwhelmed and his voice became extremely hoarse.

"The elder has an order not to let him go." The Netherworld ghost man just answered in an almost mechanical voice.

"Okay." Lu Baoshen's eyes narrowed slightly. Now he was in the two-character realm, and his opponents had three, and they had the ability to absorb characters, so they were not afraid of his character attacks.

In this case, he needs to rely on the wisdom growing in his little head to face the enemy.

Lu Baoshen fired two characters at the Netherworld ghost man, and at the same time ran towards the two ghost men.

The two ghosts seemed to have expected it. They stretched out their hands and pointed the black holes spinning in their palms towards the two characters.

A black hole is something that can absorb even light, so when you stand behind a black hole you cannot see anything. All light is absorbed by the black hole in front of you.

At this time, the Netherworld Ghost Man could only see darkness.

And this is the opportunity!

Lu Baoshen couldn't tell what the specific opportunity was. He simply felt awesome about his discovery, and then he used the characters to swap the position of one of the ghosts and let it be with the other ghost that released the black hole. People face each other.

Due to the light-absorbing nature of the black holes in their hands, the two ghost men did not realize that the person standing opposite them was actually a colleague, but the third ghost man noticed this instantly and immediately grabbed Lu Baoshen.

At the same time, Lu Baoshen exchanged his position with the third ghost that rushed over, and at the same time threw two stones at different angles to the left.

At this moment, two ghosts had their backs to him, and one ghost was facing him. However, due to the obstruction of the black hole, the ghost facing him could not find any trace of him.

Two "trapped" characters hit the ghosts with their backs to him, successfully trapping them in place. The third ghost was one of the trapped ghosts, and it quickly grabbed the only one who was not "trapped". "The ghost man hit by the character threw it towards Lu Baoshen.

"Stop it, be careful of his characters, we can't move anymore!" the third ghost ghost reminded.

So the ghost man flying in the air stored the black hole and took a look at Lu Baoshen's position. When he saw that the opponent typed characters again, he reopened the black hole to defend.

However, Lu Baoshen's "trapped" character was not aimed at it, but at the two stones he had just thrown. The character first approached one of the stones, and then changed its target and approached the other stone. By this time, the characters had appeared on the side and rear of the Ghost Man's body, bypassing the black hole in front of the Ghost Man.

The character changed his target for the second time and immediately landed behind the ghost man, trapping him in place.

"Yes!" Lu Baoshen waved his hand and immediately picked up his bloody robe and escaped from the cave entrance. At this moment, the guards at several other entrances also noticed what happened here and chased after them. But it was already too late. Lu Baoshen turned left and right. He turned around and threw a stone into the grotto in his mind, then used [Qian Shu] to switch positions and successfully appeared inside the grotto.

This is a blind spot in the field of vision. Under the effect of teleportation, it is often difficult for ordinary people to realize that Lu Baoshen, who disappeared, hid in the grotto.

There was an extra pebble where Lu Baoshen had been. It was picked up by the clueless ghost guards who chased after him. The smooth side shone in the light.

"Where is Daozu?"

"Daozu, he's gone."

"Why are you missing?"

"I don't know where I went."

"Did he turn into stone?"

For a moment, the ghost guards in the corridor were stunned. After turning into ghosts, they gained stronger power, but their brains seemed to have been kicked by a donkey and became very slow. Now it is like Wandering around the corridor like headless flies.

Now this situation has exceeded the processing speed of their weak brains, so they thought for a while and followed the advice of a ghost man.

"How about we stay here and wait. Maybe Daozu will turn back from stone in a while."

"Yes, we have to pray in our hearts. Daozu will definitely hear our voices and transform from stone!"


After cheering in unison, seven or eight ghost men squatted beside the stone and formed a circle, quietly looking at the small stone in the center and killing time, regardless of the fact that the Jiuyin Sect was in ruins at this moment.

Lu Baoshen carefully carried the blood-red robe. Now he looked even more embarrassed and could not recognize his original appearance at all, but he was in a good mood because he had indeed escaped from prison successfully.

After some operations, he even felt that there were faint signs of a breakthrough in his realm.


We are almost at the Three Talisman Realm!

His neural response speed was already sufficient, but his operations could not keep up with the hardware. The many operations he had just performed at the critical moment made Lu Baoshen feel like "Wow, it turns out it is so simple."

As he walked deeper into the grotto, Lu Baoshen wanted to explore the end of the grotto, but he passed a corner while walking and ran into a man wearing a mask and black tights.

This is……

Lu Baoshen's eyes widened, and the blood scab on his face showed signs of peeling off. The other party also noticed him, so he said without any politeness: "Who is it?!"

The voice was mechanically synthesized, and the attire was a bit strange, but the long knife seemed to be the style carried by the fanatics outside.

Looking at the familiar long knife in the opponent's hand, Lu Bao made a vague judgment in his mind and body.

So this guy in tights is actually one of our own?

Is there anyone here who doesn’t know this Dao Ancestor?

Maybe he hasn't had time to eliminate the evil spirits, he's just a low-end cultist.

Thinking of this, Lu Baoshen didn't care anymore. He just pulled the tiger's skin, straightened his back and said loudly: "I am the ancestor of the Nine Vaginals! Please don't retreat and make way for me!"

At the same time, Li Huachao, who was dressed in black, felt that the other party's extremely hoarse voice seemed a little familiar, but at the same time, he captured the four words "Nine Vagina Ancestors".

As we all know, Li Huachao's brain can only process one thing at the same time, so after the blood-robed female ghost who escaped from marriage announced her terrifying name of "Nine Vagina Ancestor", his eyes suddenly widened and he waved the long knife in his hand high. Qi: "It's you I'm looking for!"

Lu Baoshen suddenly shrank his neck, why was he so stupid again? !

"I am the Taoist ancestor, the ancestor of the Nine Yins!" Lu Baoshen shouted hurriedly, and then tried to suppress Li Huachao with the tens of thousands of people behind him, "This is my territory, I have tens of thousands of followers, how dare you touch it?" I?"

"You're the one who led it, you damn faggot, right? You don't want to learn anything good from the Eastern sects, but you want to learn from Western priests, right?" Li Huachao began to talk nonsense, but his movements were not slow at all, and he slashed with a knife. .

Since the other party is really the Taoist ancestor, he will not hold back. Even though this little girl looks young, her hands may have been stained with many sins...

Yes, looking at the blood-stained robe on her body, you can tell that she is not a good person!

The pure and evil way!

The smell of blood was so exciting that even Li Huachao couldn't bear it, but the other party wore it calmly, like a devil!

Li Huachao rushed forward without hesitation and stabbed the girl in blood robe.

"Hey!" Lu Baoshen was shocked and quickly exchanged places with a stone in front of him.

Probably because his body blocked Li Huachao's sight, Li Huachao did not see the characters. He only saw the girl in blood robe teleporting five or six steps forward, barely avoiding his blade.

"Good guy!" Li Huachao shouted, "I have a brother whose abilities are somewhat similar to yours, but just like he can't escape my clutches, you can't escape either!"

What kind of bad brother?

Can your ability be the same as mine?

Teleportation is just a function of [Thousand Techniques]. Can you, a broken brother who can only teleport, be as powerful as me?


Lu Bao was disdainful in his mind and body, and ran forward without stopping, too lazy to pay attention to the madman in black behind him.

He had not gone far, so he arrived at the very small entrance of the grotto in a few steps. When he approached the entrance, he immediately saw a group of ghosts surrounded by pebbles outside, so he did not hesitate to fight with them. The surrounding pebbles switch positions.

"came back!"

"The Taoist ancestor has great magical powers and has transformed from stone back into a human being!"

"Taozu heard our prayers!"

The ghosts stared wide-eyed, feeling really excited about Daozu who had transformed from stone back into human form, and even danced around Daozu.

Ahem, here comes the card

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