The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 378 The entrance to the village and Yu Liang!

Chapter 378 The entrance to the village and...Yu Liang!

Urgent, urgent, urgent!

After Yu Liang saw Li Huachao's ability to activate the stamp book, his expression changed rapidly. He immediately turned around and asked several players around him in a low voice: "Is there an oxygen mask? A gas mask or something will do, hurry!"

He did not expect that Li Huachao would suddenly activate the ability of the stamp book at this time. He had never seen this guy use it before.

However, if you think about it carefully, Li Huachao, a hunter, has three ax skills. Either he relies on the speed of his shots to bully others, and if he can't bully others, he will use "Blade Storm"; when he encounters the flesh-and-blood type in T1, he will use the 50-50 open ring to evenly distribute the physical fitness, and then Continue to bully people with the speed of your shots.

Now the hunter has met the great elder. No matter how fast the knife is, it can't break through the flexible whisk. And the great elder's physical fitness on paper is not as good as him, so the 55-year-old ring has no meaning, so what is left to Li Huachao There are indeed not many choices, so using this stamp album is naturally the last chance.

The other players looked at the trainer and looked at each other.

Oxygen mask?

Gas mask?

Who would carry something like this with them?

Yu Liang knew it was going to be bad when he looked at their expressions. He had never experienced Li Huachao's skunk seal, but he definitely didn't want to experience it.

The effect of the stamps used after opening the stamp book is doubled. Now how smelly the skunk's glandular fluid is, I am afraid it is directly poisonous gas level.

And Yu Liang has never missed Lee's existence so much. The guy has a seal that can create oxygen bubbles, which is considered to be temporarily immune to the skunk's poisonous gas.

"What do you want this thing for?" Xiao Hei also asked in a low voice. The animal trainer's face suddenly changed drastically, which made him feel inexplicable panic, and a fear of the unknown appeared in his heart.

"If we don't have gas masks, we have to go down now to interrupt their fight, or run away quickly." Yu Liang looked serious.

Indeed, either go down and stop Li Huachao, or leave quickly, otherwise Li Huachao's poisonous gas will spread...

Something is going to happen to the entire dojo and even the entire sewer system.

This is an underground space after all. No matter how good the ventilation facilities are, it is of no use. Skunk gas can basically stink for a whole day.

The more Yu Liang thought about it, the worse he felt. After all, it was Li Huachao. Once he lost, he would definitely choose to die with the entire Jiuyin Sect dojo.

How to die together?

Of course, running around spreading skunk gas all the way!

It doesn’t matter what camp you are in, they all come here to take the drug and gas. If the amount is large enough and the control is sufficient, none of them can escape!

However, to Yu Liang's surprise, Li Huachao in the open space did not have this intention. He did not intend to use the skunk gas, at least not for the time being.

After turning on the "Super Transformation Form", the main effects are the physical fitness bonus and the other two abilities that come with this state.

[Huwei] and [Spider Man].

As for the [Tauren], this great elder did not have many opposite-sex partners by his side. As for the [Skunk Man], Li Huachao also spent a lot of effort to restrain the desire to spread poisonous gas in his heart.

What's the most important thing right now?

Of course, he was trying to use fragrant silver and the character "咒" to turn the great elder in front of him into a ghost!

Just imagine, if the entire clearing is contaminated with skunk gas, how can we turn into a Sese ghost?

The charming atmosphere that was finally aroused will be completely destroyed by this stench. How can it stimulate astringent emotions and transform into a stringent ghost?

Under this line of thinking, Li Huachao was not planning to use skunk gas for the time being, but would rely on his once again enhanced physical fitness to deal with the great elder.

"Haha, take advantage of my move!" He laughed wildly, raised his hand and shot out a thick white liquid ball. The liquid ball exploded rapidly in the air, forming a huge sticky web and covering the great elder. .

The great elder swung the whisk, his figure erratic, and at the same time a black hole appeared in his hand, and all the spider webs were collected into the black hole.

As everyone knows, this move happened to be Li Huachao's trick. He had noticed before that when the great elder turned on the black hole, he would lose his vision in the direction of the black hole. The black hole probably absorbed the light together, so taking advantage of this moment, Li Huachao Rush forward again and use close combat.

However, this time he did not trade tricks with the great elder, but instead exchanged injuries for injuries even more recklessly. Even if he tried to get injured himself, he still had to leave scars on the great elder's body, and successfully penetrated the "咂" character with a table knife. The body of the great elder made him feel like he was being licked.

Each move became more dangerous, but this time it was Li Huachao who had the upper hand.

The improvement of his physical fitness allowed him to faintly suppress the great elder's head. Coupled with the effect of the "咂" character, the great elder's movements often went out of shape, so he was repeatedly succeeded by Li Huachao.

"Wait...wait!" The great elder sensed something and exclaimed. Her Taoist robe was cut by a knife, and there were tears in the plain white gown. Blood seeped out and turned red in an instant. the whole dress.

However, the physical injuries were nothing at all. For some reason, each of the opponent's stabs was very light. Judging from her body with reduced pain, not only did it not hurt, but it even felt a little itchy.

The great elder didn't care about such superficial flesh wounds. With her current vitality, it would be fine even if she stood still and let Li Huachao cut her like this for an hour.

Something else startled her.

Knife wounds were all over her body, as if her whole body had been gently licked by something inexplicable, and a strange itching was all over her body.

This would not be the case under normal circumstances. After all, this was a battle, and the tense atmosphere would not allow her to have any desire to go beyond the path of abstinence, but the situation at this moment was beyond her expectations.

She felt her body getting hotter and hotter, and an emotion she had never seen before enveloped her body, making her think of some bad things.

Ghost man...

The ghosts under her command are being transformed!

And it is transforming in the direction of a certain desire!

There is almost absolute abstinence in the Jiuyin Sect. This kind of teaching suppresses the instincts of the followers and tortures their hearts, but this kind of torture is part of the cultivation of the mind.

Cultivation is a gradual process. Only by giving up and having no desires and demands can you further explore and do whatever you want without being controlled by personal desires.

However, she could vaguely feel that the ghosts she created, the ghosts she transformed using Daozu and Xiangyin, were gradually being corrupted, corrupted by a single and strong desire.

It's lust!

As the creator of these ghosts, the great elder has connected their energy with himself, and both prosper and lose. The stronger the ghost's belief, the stronger her power.

Normally, there is no need to worry about a small amount of wear and tear, but now the ghosts under her command must have experienced serious alienation, and this kind of mental pollution has even in turn affected herself.

The ghost believers under extreme abstinence experienced an effect similar to "bottoming out" after experiencing this temptation. Abstinence is conducive to improving the cohesion of the believers and allowing them to dedicate everything to the Jiuyin Sect. , devote themselves wholeheartedly to construction.

However, this kind of doctrine must not open a small hole, otherwise the repressed human nature will explode and devour all reason with the force of wildfire.

Just like some ascetic religious clergy who have repeatedly been exposed to abuse scandals, the more suppressed human nature is, the easier it is to explode. When it comes to rebound, it will intensify its demands for what it has lost before.

This is exactly the case for the ghosts under her now. A virus called "Astringent Desire" is spreading crazily among the ghost believers, affecting some believers to a greater or lesser extent.

T4 level believers have the greatest impact. They have been in the Tao for a short time and are already in the primary stage of abstinence. Therefore, when those Sese ghosts who have completed their transformation approach them, they have no chance to resist.

The T3 level has the ability to resist, while the T2 level ghost believers lead the ghost believers in abstinent resistance when the great elder is away.

However, at this time, the believers still had to fight against those civilian armed organizations, and for a while there were actually some

"You... what did you do to my followers!" The Great Elder gasped, a blushing pink color appearing on her face, but her eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Daozu and the Ghost Cults are the core of the Jiuyin Sect. As a result, Dao Zu was lost by this guy, and strange things happened with the Ghost Cults. How could this not make the Great Elder angry?

"Cultists?" Li Huachao blinked. Combined with the appearance of the great elder, his mind instantly thought of the astringent ghosts he had transformed with fragrant silver. "Could it be that they were also infected by astringent desire?"

"Seeking death!" Upon hearing this, the great elder knew that all this was done by the man in front of him. The aura on his body suddenly became ghostly, and he activated the second stage of the ghost-human form on the spot, the strong ghost-human transformation.

"Hey!" Li Huachao also had no idea that the Sese ghosts he created at will would become the natural nemesis of the ascetic ghosts of the Jiuyin Sect, and directly ignited the fire.

If the mutual transformation rate of the two ghosts under normal circumstances is 1, then the rate of transformation of this ascetic ghost into the astringent ghost is now 10, and the effect is directly doubled by ten times.

Without the founder to control the situation, these ghosts may collapse directly in a short period of time, and the Jiuyin Sect's decades-long foundation may disappear in an instant.

At this moment, the great elder, the founder of the ascetic type of ghost, was being teased by Li Huachao, the founder of the sesame type of ghost, using a knife with a "smack" character, and their respective ghosts were also fighting together, and the fight was very violent. There is a feeling of divine will in the dark.

There's drama!

Li Huachao didn't think about the karma. He only knew that he seemed to be getting closer and closer to the success of his plan to train the great elder. The next step was to persist and persist!

He kept injecting the character "Fu" into his body to maintain the high physical expenditure.

There was no way around it, the state of the seal book was really consuming too much energy. Even a T2 level physical warrior like him couldn't withstand the attack of an old woman like the Great Elder.

The Great Elder stopped moving. Purple-black evil energy kept coming out of her body. These auras quickly repaired the scars on her body, and then changed the blood-stained robe from red and white to purple-black.

Purple-black scales appeared on the snow-white skin. The scales half-wrapped the elder's body, making his half-covered appearance even more tempting.

In her lower abdomen, a constantly rotating netherworld black hole appeared, which seemed to lead to another world, showing a miniature version of the building.

Li Huachao narrowed his eyes and stared at the great elder's abdomen carefully.

Of course, at this time, Li Huachao was not admiring his figure, but looking carefully at the other end of the netherworld black hole.


These buildings?

No, is this a building?

What Li Huachao saw was black stone and red wood. They were built into counter-intuitive shapes and were constructed with shapes that he could not imagine. It looked like a child's graffiti, but it became a reality.

The sword-like building towers into the sky, and on the tip of the sword is something that looks like a hammer. There are squares on the edge of the sword, which look like saw teeth from a distance.

There are also buildings arranged like the internal organs of the human body, with a blood-red and sticky texture, inlaid with sharp-edged tooth-like objects, and the whole body is surrounded and covered by black curly hair.

What is that place?

The hole in the Great Elder’s body leads to another world!

Li Huachao was horrified. He didn't think the world opposite was a real place because it seemed completely inconsistent with the rules.

Yes, it doesn’t conform to the rules of how the world works. Just looking at it carefully makes me feel like something is being torn apart in my brain.

Common sense, theorem, knowledge...

These subconscious "reactions" are being torn apart, and these human things are shattered and then absorbed by the world in the black hole.

I really want to...

Entering the hole in the belly of the great elder, the deep entrance, the bizarre world, the future full of unknowns...

Li Huachao reacted and shook his head quickly. He began to realize something.

No, what was torn apart was not something like common sense theorem knowledge. What was torn apart had a better name.

Know God!

"I'll give you one last chance to tell you the whereabouts of Dao Ancestor, and then take your ghosts and leave the Jiuyin Sect permanently. Otherwise, you will go to hell." The great elder was full of gloom, and she stretched out her finger to gently tap He pointed at the black hole in his lower abdomen and said, "If hell has a name, it must be called 'Village'."


Hearing this, Li Huachao and several players in the dark were shocked at the same time.

Yu Liang and Architect naturally heard this familiar yet unfamiliar word. They learned about the existence of "village" from players in the pioneer book, but they didn't understand anything. Li Huachao learned about villages from Aze, and he also felt the same in his heart. I have many thoughts.


Is it the place where the roots are everywhere and T1 is not as good as a dog?

If it were a village, everything would make sense.

Through the netherworld black hole, after just a few glances, he felt that his consciousness was contaminated. Such a place in the underworld could only be reached by legendary villages.


Just when the entire clearing was lost in thought, it seemed that the light ball fired by Li Huachao and the Great Elder was too powerful and damaged the foundation of the stone pillar. It did not fall down at the time, but now it suddenly collapsed.

If it just collapsed, it would be nothing. The key is that after the collapse, the sewer hidden behind the stone pillars was exposed.

The seven men in the sewer suddenly appeared in front of the killer in black tights and the great elder of the Nine Yin Sect.

Li Huachao glanced casually, and his eyes suddenly widened.

Yu Liang!

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