The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 382 Sub-question: Who is most likely to wake up the source?

Two-dimensional eyes cannot see two-dimensional things. You have to touch them with your hands and hear them with your ears.

The architect's words were like dawn, awakening everyone present. They immediately squatted down, closed their eyes, and chose to touch the ground with their hands, using touch and hearing as the means to perceive the structure of this "facial house."

However, the players among them did not include Yu Liang. He first looked back at the architect, a little surprised by the change in the other person's tone.

Being trapped in this house is indeed a bit despairing, but it’s not like you’re so surprised when you find some clues, right?

Instinctively cautious, Yu Liang did not immediately choose to close his eyes and squat down to touch the ground, but instead focused on the other players present.

Everyone present closed their eyes, even the human-headed spider on the surgeon's neck closed its eyes, and then squatted down tremblingly, trying to find something on the ground.

However, the gradient level of the human-headed spider was too low, and it was unable to control its body freely, so when it squatted down, its head separated and fell to the ground.

"Ah!" The pretty face of the human-headed spider suddenly fell to the ground, flattened like a ball of unseasoned clay sculpture.

However, it didn't care that its face was flattened. Instead, it ran around looking for the body it had just occupied. It didn't feel at ease until it squatted into the surgeon's body again, and the woman's face began to slowly and slowly return to its original shape. bounce back to its original shape.

Yu Liang silently looked at his human-headed spider. He had always used this silly-looking creature to explore the way, and now he found that this silly look was quite cute.

But this also reminded him of one thing. In his vision, this human-headed spider always had a "three-dimensional" feeling, but if he touched it with his hands, it would only be completely flat.

There is a very strange thing here. If he has a vision problem and is in a state of "hallucination" and has now entered a two-dimensional plane, then he should not be able to touch the plane in all directions.

Very simple reason.

Assume that the thing in this flat world is a piece of paper placed in the air. As a creature in the two-dimensional world, you can only touch it on the side of the paper and touch the paper in the same dimension.

You will touch the edge of the paper, and you can feel the angle of the paper and the curvature of the paper. This has a physical feel, either sharp or gentle, but it should not be a completely flat surface.

Under what circumstances can a completely smooth surface be found from the paper?

Touch from above, not from the side. Only by touching the paper from above can you feel the flat surface.

And for a two-dimensional world, what does the concept of "above" mean?

Three dimensions.

For a piece of paper in a flat world, it can have a horizontal x-axis and a vertical y-axis, but it will not have a z-axis perpendicular to them.

Now, Yu Liang can be sure that his hand perceives the flat world from the z-axis. This is why he cannot perceive the flat world through touch, because the entire flat world feels smooth and cannot be collected. any other information.

To put it more simply, his sense of touch is still three-dimensional, consistent with his vision, but his body has indeed become two-dimensional.

Yu Liang frowned slightly. He could vaguely realize that this was the key to solving this puzzle and breaking through the predicament, but he still couldn't connect all the limited clues for a while.

The dimensions of touch and vision are equal, but the body is actually two-dimensional. What does this mean?

Doubts came one after another, and on the other side, the players who closed their eyes and groped on the ground also made new discoveries.

"Indeed, after closing my eyes, I can gradually feel the shape of the house." Xiao Hei agreed with the architect's discovery, "The sofa is a rectangle with a curvature, and it is soft and can be pressed, while the table It's a sharper rectangle, but just by touching it, I can't tell the difference between the table legs and the table."

"No, it's a little inaccurate. Two-dimensional eyes can also see two-dimensional things, but they can only see line segments of different colors, and nothing else." The psychological counselor added.

Several other people expressed similar views and opinions. Since they had memorized the positions of the furniture people before, they could roughly avoid the ambush range of the furniture people even if they closed their eyes.

"But after closing my eyes, it's useless even if I open them again. I still can't see three-dimensional things, and I can't touch flat surfaces." Xiao Hei opened his eyes, but his face didn't look good.

You can explore more information after closing your eyes, but this is an irreversible process, and he is not sure whether it is a good thing or not.

Yu Liang listened on the side and was glad that he did not close his eyes immediately, otherwise there would be no one in their team who could see the three-dimensional house.

If there is no one, it is obviously not a good thing.

However, in this way, Yu Liang lost the ability to personally judge the overall appearance of the house after closing his eyes, so he could only let Zhong Chen come.

You may not necessarily believe what other players say, but Zhong Chen can definitely trust it. After all, it is a created character that ran away from the universe.

"It's okay. It doesn't matter even if you can't see the three-dimensional house. You can sense more clues after closing your eyes." Yu Liang echoed, sounding as if he had also closed his eyes, but his concentration Always focus on the architect.

I always felt that the architect just now was a little strange, and it felt like he was deliberately guiding them to close their eyes and enter two-dimensional vision.

After closing their eyes, they cannot turn around. At least in this house, it is equivalent to never having the opportunity to open their eyes to see a three-dimensional picture. It is equivalent to depriving them of their vision.

From now on, these people can only observe the world through their senses of touch, hearing, smell, etc., and are deprived of the most important sight.

This means that players' reactions will be significantly slower. After all, not everyone has the experience of being blind.

If a normal person suddenly goes "blind", some activities will be inconvenient, and the feeling of shrinking in the heart will make the whole person's movements become sluggish.

In this case, what will happen if a "monster" mixes into the blind man's team?

Yu Liang swallowed and naturally moved his eyes away from the architect. At the same time, he stretched out his hand to touch the things around him, pretending to be a real blind man.

"So, do any of you remember what the other clues are? The door of the house is now closed. If you want to get out of this state, you need to find more clues." Xiao Hei reached out and groped on the table, as if to find something. Find the words recorded by those paper figures before.

"There is a note saying not to leave the house after dark. There are heart-eating monsters outside. This means that we should be able to open the door, but escaping the house does not mean that we are free. This is a weird story." The psychological counselor said, and what he said was quite crucial.

"I noticed before that it's already dark outside." The architect said helplessly, "According to this, the inner monster has appeared outside. If you go out, you will probably die."

Then, he continued to ask: "But this way we can use the beast tamer's strange creatures to explore the outside world just like before."

This ability is the advantage of the beast tamer. It can reduce the danger to oneself when exploring. Even if the monster under his command dies, it is better than dying himself.

Hearing that the other players had no other opinions, the players present once again focused their attention on Yu Liang.

"Wait a minute, let's figure out the clues in the whole room first." Yu Liang is not in a hurry to explore outside, not because he really pays attention to step-by-step, but mainly because the suggestion was made by the architect, and he is now very Doubt the architect.

Of course, he should reject any suggestions put forward by the suspects. Even if he could not reject them on the spot, he should postpone the suggestions. He always felt that the architect might be digging a hole for them.

Perhaps there is a "ghost" mixed in among the players. At this time, this "ghost" is pretending to be the players to deceive them, just waiting to completely lead them into a trap.

Yu Liang couldn't figure out the real situation in the house, so he didn't dare to take action directly.

As for Zhong Chen, Zhong Chen can indeed guarantee that he will not be harmed, but for the "instant death rule", the bodyguard's ability is invalid.

The bodyguard will only avoid the damage suffered by Yu Liang. If the attack effect is "instant death", there is nothing the bodyguard can do.

As for “living” characters…

As for "living" characters, it stands to reason that Yu Liang can make his own "living" characters and give them to Zhong Chen for safekeeping, so that Zhong Chen can resurrect him, but he is not sure whether Zhong Chen will disappear after his death.

If the created character disappears when the player dies, then Zhong Chen will not be able to resurrect Yu Liang.

It would have been fine to leave it to the architect. Yu Liang still trusted this guy to a certain extent. However, the current architect was too strange and Yu Liang would not trust him for the time being.

But as for "living" characters...

"Live" characters?

Yu Liang suddenly thought of something, but he didn't show it on his face. He just opened the page silently and counted the time.

There are about thirty minutes left.

"That's right." Xiao Hei nodded. He agreed with Yu Liang's words. After all, the things in this house have not been clarified, and there is still air traffic control outside?

Moreover, the mind-stealing monsters outside are more terrifying than the furniture people in the house. At least they won't suffer any attacks if they don't get close to those furniture people.

So Yu Liang and others gathered around the center of the living room to analyze the note left by the paper man. Since everyone present had no three-dimensional vision, the content on the note was basically derived from memory. Occasionally, If there are any mistakes, the little paper man will remind you with simple words.

People with T2.5 level paper already have a lot of vocabulary, and their intelligence level has long been reached. But I don’t know why they can’t always speak a complete sentence, and they turn to their own paper while talking. Go up to the human language.

Normal people cannot hear the words spoken in the human language. The most they can hear is "Waijira" which is close to an all-purpose curse word.

Re-analyzing the note, the content on the note can be roughly divided into three categories, one is related to the house, one is related to the village, and the other is related to the outside of the house.

"This man said that his companions Johnny and Heisan were killed by the Furniture Man, and then he saw Johnny and Heisan in a new place. This shows that the Furniture Man has a tendency to assimilate, and the eaten heads will It will be combined with other furniture to become a new furniture person." Xiao Hei thought thoughtfully, and his expression changed immediately.

He said with some fear: "In other words, the surgeon is likely to become the new furniture man, but we don't know his position, and we don't know when he will be refreshed."

Hearing this, everyone present looked grim. This meant that there was a hidden mine in this room that could explode at any time.

It would be useless to ask the paper man to search again, because the surgeon's furniture man has not yet been born.

If the time of birth is uncertain, then it cannot be found by the paper man, and it may suddenly appear when a player approaches and kill a player unexpectedly.

According to the usual malicious nature of the Kaidan World, I am afraid that if the players do not get close, this secret furniture person will not be born, and it will kill a person as soon as it is born.

After killing a player, the player's head will be combined into a new furniture man, which means that there will always be a furniture man with an uncertain position in this room.

This is a hidden mine, and anyone who is unlucky will step on it.

"Why don't everyone bring a paper man? It might be useful to have the paper man on alert at all times." Yu Liang continued, and then naturally asked the little paper men to keep up with these players.

The "ghosts" among the players may be laying a trap for him, and he can also lay a trap for these players. Each little paper man carries a character, and this character can only be used within seven steps of them. If you use it and follow the player, you can attack directly if there is any change.

In addition to the secret threats from the furniture people, the note also mentioned that the furniture people in the pool are Qiao Ni and Hei San. They may know some information about this house, but they can’t seem to speak out. They can try it later. Give it a try, maybe you can get new clues.

"You have two hands, be careful with your left hand."

The meaning of this sentence is currently unclear.

"Don't make any noise, He is sleeping, they are all in His dream."

This article confirms Yu Liang's previous illusion. Just like Azathoth in the Cthulhu mythology, his dream contains many strange stories about the origin.

However, the difference is that Azathoth in the Cthulhu Mythology will die when he wakes up from his dream, while the Cyber ​​City Root Monster here may release all those Root Monsters after waking up from his dream.

This may not be what other source monsters want to happen. They stay in the dream voluntarily, but it is obvious that after waking up from the dream, the entire Cyber ​​City will fall into chaos.

It's probably similar to the city of Forget that blocked the whole world back then.

Yu Liang made a judgment in his heart, but for some reason, he had a vague feeling of bad premonition.



Question: Who in the village at this time is most likely to wake up the source of his dream?

Uh, screw it, isn't this a point question?

Suddenly, a figure with a bright smile popped into his mind, and Yu Liang felt that the world had become dark.

No, get rid of this strange story quickly and find Li Huachao.

Too late will be dangerous!

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