The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 387 Where did the broken monument come from? Get out of here!

"This is..." Yu Liang felt that the seal's ability seemed a bit confusing, and he couldn't understand it for a while, so he read it again.

This is a locked skill, not a skill that needs to be activated actively, which shows that it has become a characteristic of him.

There are advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that sometimes he accidentally switches dimensions when he doesn't need to. The advantage is that he is not afraid of the ability to block skills unique to some professions.

[Dimensional Man] The previous skill introduction is not difficult to understand. His body dimensions will be consistent with his visual latitude, which means that when he has two-dimensional vision, his body will flatten and become a two-dimensional creature.

The reason is simple, but the effect makes Yu Liang a little confused.

How can he have two-dimensional vision?

How can he have four-dimensional vision?

He only has three-dimensional vision, and his body only maintains three-dimensional parts, so isn't this stamp equivalent to a fart?

Apart from anything else, you must at least have the matching "two-dimensional vision" ability as a supporting tool for the stamp, right?

Yu Liang immediately thought of the diary he had seen a long time ago in the building between 3 and 4 of Heping Community. The hundred-eyed princess in the sky had written relevant words before she turned into a monster.

[What the two eyes see is a flat surface, which is combined to form a three-dimensional surface. 】

Three-dimensional vision can be obtained by combining three-dimensional surfaces with two eyes. So secretly, does it mean that opening one eye is two-dimensional vision?

Yu Liang immediately closed one eye and tried, but his body did not change. What he saw was still a three-dimensional world, not the points and lines that other players in the flat room saw through two-dimensional vision.

That's right. I've never heard of one-eyed Xiahou Dun being unable to see a cube. Princess Baimu's research was inherently problematic. After all, even with a hundred eyes, she couldn't clearly see the appearance of a four-dimensional mathematician, let alone herself. fate.

I don’t know how to obtain two-dimensional vision for the time being. Do I have to go back to the flat house again?

Yu Liang glanced at the broken toilet buried in the ruins. The house logo on the toilet shone as if it knew what he was thinking.

Forget it, it's useless to get two-dimensional vision in a flat room. It's meaningless if you can't switch at will.


Wait a minute.

Yu Liang suddenly realized something.

The setting in this two-dimensional room is that humans still maintain three-dimensional vision after entering, but their bodies have become two-dimensional. Only after closing their eyes and realizing it will they be fixed to two-dimensional vision.

Then he is different!

His body is consistent with the visual dimension. As long as the vision is three-dimensional, the body is three-dimensional. If the vision becomes two-dimensional, he needs to enter a two-dimensional room. How does his fixed three-dimensional body enter the two-dimensional room? !

Yu Liangliang had a bad premonition, so he quickly ran to the toilet, opened the window of the flat house, and tried to get in through the window, but failed as expected.

Due to the effect of the locking skill seal [Dimension Man], he will never be able to enter the flat room again.

For a moment, Yu Liang felt like he was about to cry. The heart-stealing monster also said that the one-story house was one of the few safe areas in the entire village. Now that the monster story has been resolved, it is even more safe. And now This safe zone refused to be opened to him.

What is this not aimed at?

There is a safe area missing for some reason, just kidding!

Yu Liang sighed leisurely, but he thought of another thing, so he was not too depressed.

Four-dimensional vision.

He doesn't have two-dimensional vision, but he has four-dimensional vision.

It is mentioned in the stamp [The Man Who Cheats Time] that after turning on the ability, he can obtain four-dimensional vision, stand on the timeline, view the sequence of events and move around.

In the process, he can transform himself into the fourth-dimensional part of himself.

Yu Liang's eyes fell on the remark of this stamp. If the person does not have a four-dimensional part, a four-dimensional part will be created and switched.

He didn't know if others were like this, but he did lose the fourth-dimensional part. After completing a copy of the Rabbit game, he learned the news from "Zhi".

In this case, when he activates [The Man Who Cheats Time], he will create a fourth-dimensional part of himself, and he will control it for the first time.

It is not difficult to draw the conclusion from "Zhi"'s reaction that the four-dimensional part of a person has a certain degree of self-awareness and will not be controlled by the three-dimensional part. In a narrow sense, the three-dimensional part is a person's "self", and the four-dimensional part is a person's "self". The part is like a shadow to him, but a shadow much higher than himself.

Then the new four-dimensional part will be created by Yu Liang, and he will control it for the first time. Will this help his four-dimensional part shape his personality?

At least let them reach the same goal, that is, work together for the "Yu Liang" community of destiny, whether it is a two-dimensional Yu Liang, a three-dimensional Yu Liang, or a four-dimensional Yu Liang.

"Yu Liang" will gradually become a unified collection of "I have you, and you have me". It must take into account the legitimate rights and interests of other Yu Liang while pursuing its own interests, and promote all parties in the process of pursuing ontological development. The development of Yu Liang.

And now Yu Liang also knows that the four-dimensional part of a person is not simple. Even if a mathematician obtains the four-dimensional part, he cannot fully control it, but he still becomes the source of the strange story in the rabbit game.

If he can get the assistance of the newly born fourth-dimensional "Yu Liang", then he will truly gain a foothold in the world of ghost stories. After all, only then can he be said to be one of his own.

The words "of"...

You can only take one shot at a time, and there is also a requirement to sacrifice your life. It is just like summoning some ancient god. He is also stingy and does whatever you want, without caring about his life or death.

Yu Liang kept complaining about "zhi" in his heart, but he just complained that the rules of the root ghost talk are different, and it would be best to get more help from the root ghost talk.

Just helping is enough.

There should be a way to merge the three-dimensional ontology and the four-dimensional Yu Liang, just like a mathematician, but also like a mathematician, Yu Liang himself does not want this to happen. Once merged, he can no longer guarantee his purity.

The mathematicians in the Heping Community are sometimes in a three-dimensional human state, and sometimes they become empty four-dimensional monsters. This kind of weird story that is the source of pain and torture is not the state Yu Liang wants.

Yu Liang is basically afraid of taking the lead in the integration. If your shadow wants you to obey him, saying that this will be more conducive to the development of "self", would you agree?

Yu Liang would not agree, so he knew that the fourth-dimensional part would not agree either.

"Did you get the stamp reward for completing the side story?" Xiao Hei cast curious eyes on the other six people present. In fact, he only asked four of them.

Seven people entered the flat room, and when they came out, they were still seven with beards and tails, but one was occupied by a human-headed spider, and the other fell into a deep sleep.

Barely 0 casualties.

"Well, a stamp that switches two-dimensional vision is not very useful." The female athlete did not feel relieved until she left the flat room, because only then did she feel that she was safe and these people would not sacrifice her. To those two pool men.

Although these players have never said this, female athletes know that they cannot trust others on this kind of thing, so they have always maintained absolute vigilance until now.

Of course, the temporary team did not fall out in the flat room just now, so the female athletes chose to respond to Xiao Hei's words immediately, trying to ease the uncomfortable atmosphere in the flat room just now.

"Well, it's almost the same. When you switch to two-dimensional vision, you can enhance your hearing and touch. It's a perceptual skill under special circumstances. The best thing is that there is almost no loss and can be activated at any time." Xiao Hei nodded. Confirmed that everyone's stamps are the same.

However, the stamp obtained by this beast tamer is very likely to be much stronger than them. After all, it was the beast tamer who shined the most in the monster mission in the flat house just now, so it is normal to obtain a stronger stamp.

But Yu Liang on the side became darker and darker as he listened. He finally understood the bad taste of this weird world.

Giving him a locking skill to switch dimensional states but not giving him the conditions to switch, and then throwing the stamps for switching 2D perspectives to several other players was really a bit malicious.

Or is this just because he didn't close his eyes and enter two-dimensional vision at that time?

The more Yu Liang thought about it, the more likely he felt that it was possible. His caution caused him to lose blood!

Not to mention anything else, after gaining two-dimensional vision, it can be transformed into a two-dimensional state. When encountering any random attacks, it becomes a plane and Yu Liang hides against the wall. Isn't it wonderful?

"How many perception stamps do you have?" Yu Liang thought of something and suddenly asked the little gangster.

"Perceptual stamps? Two, one is the [two-dimensional vision] just now, and the other is the spider sense that I obtained before." Xiao Hei answered truthfully.

Things like stamps cannot be transferred directly, so it doesn't matter even if they are given to the beast tamer. Moreover, if you stay in the Kaitan World for a long time, you will have some of these sensory stamps, which are still far from his core abilities.

"Okay, a little less." Yu Liang sighed.

"What's wrong? I have about three perception stamps." The female athlete heard Yu Liang's whispered words and asked, with a hint of courtesy.

"Three... that's not enough." Yu Liang just shook his head, because he remembered the stamp collection book sold in the grocery store of the masked man.

Players cannot trade stamps between players, but they can trade stamp books.

For this kind of seal album to be traded, one of the most basic conditions needs to be met, which is to assign a name to the seal album.

The minimum requirement for assigning a name is to fill in four stamps of the same type. For example, Li Huachao's stamp album contains four animal stamps, so the name is "Fusion Monster with Limited Taste".

Now if you want to get the two-dimensional visual stamps on these players, you can use the stamp book. First spend some stamps to buy the stamp collection book, and then let the female athletes get another perception stamp to complete the minimum naming requirements. And you can give him the stamp collection book.

In this case, he gained two-dimensional vision...

It just feels like a loss. You may lose nearly ten stamps after one operation, and all you get back is a stamp that can be transformed into a two-dimensional state at any time.

Even though Yu Liang's family was well off, he couldn't afford this kind of trouble.

Unless there is a stamp about four-dimensional vision on the female athlete's body, if the second, third, and fourth dimensions can be switched at will, Yu Liang will grit his teeth and buy the stamp in one go, no matter how distressed he is.

The four-dimensional state can see the flow of time clearly, and at the same time the body becomes four-dimensional and enters a higher level; the two-dimensional state is like escaping into a low-dimensional space. In short, this is probably the normalized T1 level.

The normalized T1 here naturally refers to the gradient level achieved without relying on the four columns and professional abilities. Coupled with Yu Liang's own professional abilities and the mess of strange creatures, it is a stable old T1 level.

As for the root ghost story, every root ghost story has world-class rule capabilities. Yu Liang felt that he could not reach the level of the root ghost story just by relying on the combination of these seals.

"If you can get another stamp about four-dimensional vision, you can come to me and I will offer you a price that will make you hesitate." Yu Liang glanced at the female athlete and kept smiling.

He continued: "As long as you ask about the 'Grass Baby', you should be able to find my existence in reality. You can find me for transactions on the website of a regional 'Players Alliance'."

Everyone present looked at Yu Liang and remembered these words in their hearts.

Several people had already heard the information about Cao Ying in the sewers, and also guessed that Yu Liang's mecha was controlled by Cao Ying.

They were already very curious about this weird creature, so they naturally showed no resistance when they heard Yu Liang's words.

There are grass babies in the grocery store, and there seem to be grass babies for sale in reality, and everything requires finding this mysterious-looking animal trainer.

Yu Liang nodded silently and let out a sigh of relief.

Indeed, from the perspective of personal assets, he now has a gap with normal players, so there is no need to do everything.

Just as capital gathers wealth faster and faster, Jack Ma earns tens of millions of times more than workers. This does not mean that he can move bricks tens of millions of times faster than workers. Wealth has a natural tendency to gather wealth. .

To use the favorite words of the money geek, this is money begetting money, and it has almost nothing to do with people.

The same is true now. The improvement of strength that can be achieved with wealth is nothing at all. Once he has stronger strength, he can occupy more monster creatures, with Cao Ying as the pioneer, completely monopolize the entire monster world. market.

The premise of everything is strength. If it dies, it becomes nothing.

Yu Liang made a plan in his mind. When he goes back this time, he may prepare some stamp collection books to trade the stamps in the hands of other players, and use the wealth he earns to fully equip himself.

Every alienated profession in the universe must develop a set of the most suitable seal books. The next step is not to be a "fusion monster with limited taste" like Li Huachao.

Regardless of Yu Liang's ambitions, Li Huachao on the other side encountered bad things again.

First, they were chased all over the village by a group of raven people. These raven people seemed to have the backing of Guanyuan, so they were able to appear in the village openly. After discovering Li Huachao who was spying on them, they swarmed up and chased Li Huachao. It took several minutes of farting before I finally got rid of it.

While running, looking back, Li Huachao breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the raven people had not caught up.

There was nothing unusual around him. If he was heading in the right direction, he should have found the rumored safe area of ​​the village. There would be no strange creatures here and it was very safe.

Tsk, that’s it?

A bunch of T2 trash, can’t stand the stench?

Perhaps because he was focusing on his back, Li Huachao tripped over a monument stuck in the ground while running.

"Hey!" Li Huachao fell to the ground. When he turned around, he saw the wordless monument. Without thinking, he stood up and kicked it. "Where's the broken monument? Get out of here!"

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