The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 401 Some people are making money, some are being beaten, and some are pushing tasks

The players who can enter this dungeon basically have a certain level of strength. Yu Liang doesn’t know what methods they used. In short, there are not a few players who break through the monster defense line and come to the "Meet" grocery store, and there are even more players among them. I’ve heard the story of the Grass Infant Blind Box.

This is a special item that only a few lucky players will come across, is available in limited quantities for a limited time, and is only available to players with a limited number of copies.

It is said that this is a special product that appeared after the appearance of the monster column. It is a compensation measure for players in the Kaitan World to have difficulty in conquering Kaitan creatures.

It is precisely for this reason that this kind of salable "grass baby blind box" has many advantages such as high cost performance, strong growability, and easy raising. It is a strange creature that is most suitable for novices to breed and cultivate.

The special update to the monster column in the new version has made most players "novices", at least in terms of taming monster creatures. Only a few professions such as pet breeders and animal managers have tamed monsters. The ability of living things.

Most players' choices when encountering Kaitan creatures are to fight or avoid them, and will not think of domesticating them. After all, 90% of Kaitan creatures have a ghost look, and almost none of them are cute...

According to some well-informed players, there is a "player agent" regarding the Cao Ying blind box business. The agent lives in a city near the sea, referred to as Haicheng, so players in Haicheng can purchase this kind of product online. The Cao Ying Blind Box is indeed the envy of many players. Some well-connected players even came from other cities and asked their gamer friends in Haicheng to help order the Cao Ying Blind Box.

To a certain extent, this admiration for Cao Ying blind boxes has also created the current situation where Cao Ying blind boxes are priceless but not marketable.

What is even more commendable is that even under this market background, the price of Caoying blind boxes has not increased, and it is a real good product that benefits the people.

The players present now are a little excited. As the saying goes, those who survive a catastrophe must be blessed later, and they really are blessed. That is, the players in the grocery store today enjoy almost unlimited blind boxes of Cao Ying.

Yu Liang delivered 600 grass babies to the masked man, leaving 300 to supply players with other copies. There were dozens of players present, and these 300 grass babies were already enough for the blind box.

Due to the need to protect the privacy of the players present, Mask Boy specially issued a special "fuzzy mask" to the players. These masks can completely hide a person's "characteristics". After wearing the mask, you will faintly become The "public" appearance has lost almost all memory points.

Unless they are people who are already acquainted with each other, they will soon forget each other.

To a certain extent, this is a kind of protection for weak players, because they are likely to be coveted by other players after opening a powerful grass baby.

Of course, put on a mask before entering the Cao Ying Market and return the masks when you leave the grocery store. The masked man does not engage in loss-making business.

Yu Liang chose one of these masks. It was a white sad mask. The mask looked like the face of a dummy in the mall, but it was in a crying state.

"This mask is quite good, buy one." Yu Liang said to the masked man, and then looked at the warehouse behind the masked man, "You seem to have quite a few here, why don't you give me one? I can live longer to get more. Good to be your partner, isn't it?"

"No need to discuss it." The masked man raised his palms to express his refusal. Then he thought about it and said, "Forget it, you'd better pay with characters."

After saying this, he casually issued a bill. The amount of characters displayed on the bill was not small, and could even be said to be a huge amount of money.

But that's only for normal players, and for Yu Liang now, it's just a sprinkle of water.

"Okay." Yu Liang put on his mask, then waved his hand to the money-grubber beside him, "Go and check out."

A complete big boss look.

Unexpectedly, the Scrooge glanced at the bill, then blinked and looked at Yu Liang up and down, and then asked: "Who are you?"

Yu Liang: "..."

No, you don’t recognize me as soon as you put on the mask?

Then he turned to look at the masked man, a little shocked and confused, and asked: "Your mask is so awesome? Why don't you recognize the mask?"

The masked man thought for a while, then glanced at the money-grubber on the side, and said in an amused tone: "Maybe it thinks it's too expensive and doesn't want to pay. This mask won't make anyone disown their relatives." , only money will make people disown their relatives.”

"...Pay the money." Yu Liang lightly kicked the money-guru on the back. This little guy was also very naughty and worthy of being a member of the Dwarf Alliance.

After each player received the mask, Yu Liang took out a few grass babies from the universe that had been poured with demon blood before and had relatively excellent characteristics for the opening auction, and would conduct similar auctions every half hour thereafter. The auctions continued to enhance the atmosphere of the scene to the Gao Dynasty.

Opening a blind box is a very interesting thing, and it is also very interesting to watch others open a blind box. Whenever someone opens a blind box with powerful characteristics, it will arouse the exclamation and envy of the onlookers, and this kind of The atmosphere intensified the "gambling psychology" of the players present. After all, who doesn't want a strange creature that can provide buffs or cast special magic as a pet?

Not to mention that there are rumors that someone has already bred two T2-level grass babies. Not only are their abilities highly evolved, but their appearance has even become more in line with human aesthetics.

It's a pity that Lu Baoshen is not here now, so the explosion rate here is completely real. Yu Liang has no way to control it. He only needs to sit on the masked man's boss' chair and watch the flow of customers leisurely. Just move.

On the contrary, the real owner of this store is a little busy, because some players will use stamps to exchange products to obtain Cao Ying coins, so the boss is not relaxed.

Under the hint of the Scrooge, the products exchanged by players are basically goblin bombs, stamp collection books, and stamp upgrade coupons of various levels. These items are what Yu Liang has always needed, and they are not expensive. Compared to masks, Other products in the men's store are relatively close to the people.

The bombs of the Goblin series are sold for two stamps, and the stamp collection book is sold for two stamps. The low-level stamp upgrade coupon is one stamp, the intermediate level is five stamps, and the high-level stamp is ten stamps.

Generally speaking, no player will choose to spend more than three stamps on the Cao Ying Blind Box. After all, the Cao Ying Blind Box can be purchased with characters, and the value of the stamps is definitely far greater than the characters.

Even so, Yu Liang still received three goblin chain bombs, two stamp collection books, and three low-level stamp upgrade coupons.

Naturally, there is nothing to say about the goblin chain bomb. The masked man doesn't care anymore. Anyway, every time he purchases the bomb, it will go into Yu Liang's pocket. It's like having too much debt to worry about. The number of bombs hidden in Yu Liang's body is already far away. It exceeded the limit of the rules, so the masked man had long been too lazy to care.

As for the stamp collection book, Yu Liang has been interested in this kind of thing since he wanted to obtain the two-dimensional visual stamps on female athletes, because this thing can get rid of the restriction that players cannot trade stamps, but the cost is a bit high. .

Of course, the high cost is only for ordinary players, and Yu Liang naturally has no trouble in this regard.

Even if it costs five stamps to exchange for the two-dimensional vision of a female athlete, it is still profitable. With two-dimensional vision, he can become a two-dimensional person.

Although I don't know what state this so-called two-dimensional person is in, it is worth it even if it satisfies Yu Liang's curiosity and increases his knowledge of the two-dimensional world.

You never know when you will enter a copy of the two-dimensional world. If you experience the two-dimensional world earlier, you will be one step ahead.

At this time, he also remembered that it seemed that there was a copy of the two-dimensional world called "Flatland" in the pioneer book on the page, right?

You can try it.

Maybe you can get a two-dimensional vision stamp there too.

Next, Yu Liang looked through all his stamps. He wanted to upgrade the stamps in his hand, but after looking around, he found that the stamps he wanted to upgrade could not be upgraded using low-level stamp enhancement coupons.

For example, the commonly used [Cleaning] stamp is already a high-level stamp and needs to be strengthened with high-level coupons, while the [Defender] with five-element resistance is an intermediate stamp, [The Man Who Deceived Time] is a high-level stamp, and [Conspirator] is a high-level stamp. It is a seal related to the root ghost story and cannot be strengthened.

Forget it, leave these coupons to Li Huachao and Lu Baoshen, they should need them more.

Yu Liang thought for a while and put away the three coupons.

Many of Li Huachao's seals are related to physical fitness, and they are all low-level seals. Upgrading is very useful. Lu Baoshen has a seal that improves the speed of nerve reaction. After upgrading, it can increase his limit and make him easier. Mastering the Four Talisman Realm and even the Five Talisman Realm that Lu Mingzhe has not mastered.

Anyway, strengthening these characters also strengthens the writer himself. Yu Liang has many resources, but that doesn’t mean he will waste them.

After resting on the boss's chair for a while, Yu Liang felt that the grocery store seemed to be a little quieter, probably because the players' spare money had basically been emptied by Cao Ying's blind box.

Each player only has two monster columns and does not need too many grass babies. The market here is not big and can easily become saturated.

Ordinary grass babies are not popular anywhere, but excellent grass babies are popular everywhere.

Yu Liang looked at the Scrooge. The Scrooge was counting the number of characters in the character jars, and then keeping accounts honestly.

This is his own finance minister.

Look at the masked man over there. The masked man is explaining the characteristics of these products near the product shelves. He does not need to sell to customers, but necessary explanations are still needed.

This is a partner, but in the future it may be a hostile company that needs to be annexed.

He stood up, taking advantage of the players' free time, and prepared to find out some information.

Regarding the situation of these players in this Cyber ​​City, I also want to ask if they have seen a guy wearing black tights.

Li Huachao has been missing since the village was bombed. Leaving aside the things this guy did, Yu Liang is quite worried about Li Huachao's mental state.

Now that the entire Jiuyin market is harboring so many strange rumors about the origins, he is a little worried that Li Huachao will make another big move for him.

From the mouths of these players, Yu Liang combined their opinions and clues and learned a pretty good news.

Among the current source ghost stories in the Jiu vagina field, not all of them are those who despise and ignore human beings. There is also a root ghost story that expresses obvious kindness to humans.

It was a human-shaped white mist, which felt like a child covered in white gauze. The voice was immature, so it was impossible to tell or hear whether it was a boy or a girl.

Several teams of players present came here with the help of the humanoid white mist. They all expressed their affirmation of this source of ghost stories and believed that he was indeed willing to help mankind.

Without this source of ghost talk, the number of players who could successfully hide here would be reduced by at least half, and more people would die at the hands of the ghost talk creature.

However, this Source Kaitan seems to have limited abilities. He cannot take action against other Kaitan creatures. It seems that it will attract some of the originally neutral Source Kaitan to participate in the encirclement and suppression of humans, which is not conducive to the survival of mankind.

According to the reports of the last group of players who arrived here, there is also a Source Kaidan level existence behind the Jiuyin Cult. Some of the Kaitan creatures that attacked the Jiuyin Cult were directly killed by this Source Kaitan.

Those raging monsters didn't understand who was the human being protected by the source, so they gradually left this underground area and went to the wider above-ground world to create greater turmoil.

Hearing this, Yu Liang could only remain silent. This had become a war between the strange creatures and the people of Cyber ​​City. In the face of this torrent, he didn't know what he could do.

There is no news about Li Huachao from the players. Now Yu Liang can only wait here until it is a little safer outside before making plans.

If the turmoil in Jiuyin's field subsides, he should be able to receive the end of the camp mission, and then it will be time to leave the grocery store.


Deep in the underground dojo.

Aze, dressed in white, sat on a stone. This stone space was extremely empty, so quiet that he could hear the echo of his own breathing.

If there are players here who are familiar enough with the actor, they will probably be surprised to recognize that this Aze is not any personality incarnation.

He is the essence.

The actor's body also came to the Jiuyin scene.

Opposite Aze, a white gauze covers the white humanoid creature. It seems that his true appearance can be seen through the hazy veil. However, when Aze wants to take a closer look, he will feel dizzy. The white gauze on the humanoid creature will rotate and form a vortex, and then it will suddenly disappear and reappear somewhere outside Aze's field of vision.

"If this continues, it will be like many, many years ago." Aze said. The Gengen Kaitan in front of him seemed to be in a bad mood, and he nonchalantly pointed out the facts that would make the Gengen Kaitan feel even worse. "Disasters will come again, and this time, simply putting Him to sleep will not prevent them, because they will no longer want to enter the village."

The white humanoid didn't respond, but squatted down and drew circles with his head down beside the stone.

"There is no way. The stone tablet you made has become a new god. This is something no one expected. If he wants to destroy the village, no one can stop him. Moreover, many of the roots among you have changed. He We no longer have a crisis that threatens our 'existence', so of course we don't want to go back to the village." Aze said softly, highlighting the current predicament in an understatement.

The white humanoid figure was still drawing circles, cursing someone unknown.

"But, I can save humans." Aze's voice became calm, giving people a sense of conviction.

The white human figure slowly raised its head, and there was nothing under the gauze.

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