The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 406 Oops, there’s not enough people here again

Seeing that Yu Liang easily solved their predicament in a few words, Li Huachao and the other three felt a little dazed at the same time.

I really didn't think of such a simple method at the time. I was just thinking about how to use the existing resources and tactics to defeat the three Azes, and I didn't think outside the box at all...

No, it's not that they don't have a sense of innovation. They obviously abide by the law and have agreed to a fair 3v3 duel, so they must strictly abide by it. How can they bring in reinforcements to 4v3?

The actor's identity didn't even appear, but the writer's identity did. Isn't this mocking the incompetence of these created characters in the universe?

A real man would rather be chased by his enemies in a fair duel than break the rules at will!

Li Huachao made good excuses for his defeat in the duel just now, and then saw the reactions of Lu Baoshen and An Buchen. The former had a look of regret on his face, while the latter had a face full of regret, with no intention of a fair duel.

Unlike Li Huachao, the Dwarf Alliance would never have such an idea. The first thing they regret is "why they didn't think of it at that time", and the second regret is "why they believed in Li Huachao and took the initiative to find Aze." their troubles”.

"So we start to capture Aze now?" Li Huachao looked like he hated the two dwarves, so he turned his eyes to Yu Liang for help, "We have... one, two, three, four... …If there are seven people and even one Aze comes over, there is no way he can beat us, not even the T1 physical warrior."

"Wait a moment, let's talk about the details of the battle at that time. Did you see the professions of the three of them?" Yu Liang just had an idea. The cooldown time of the goblin hook gun is two hours, and it takes two hours to tie an Ah. When Ze comes over, it will take a lot of time to kill him. During the cooldown time of the goblin hook gun, the Azes may gather together and come for us, and they may still be unable to defeat them.

The three looked at each other and chose An Buchen to explain. The fighting situation at that time was that Lu Baoshen was running around, and Li Huachao was being thrown around by [Qian Shu] to protect the field. On the contrary, An Buchen had a better view of the overall situation and could see the situation. Be more careful.

"A T1 physical warrior, the main attacker. His profession should be to use a sword. I don't know the specifics, but he has a cutting ability that can cut off most 'things'. Even the character of Lu Baoshen can easily cut off." An Buchen said, and then analyzed, "Logically speaking, Lu Baoshen's [Qian Shu] is very capable of restraining physical warriors, but he is different. He can effectively counterattack characters. Li Huachao can achieve shot speed from the front." Advantage, but it is of no use, because the physical warrior swordsman is very smart and chooses to exchange injuries for injuries every time, and he trades minor injuries for Li Huachao's serious injuries, so Li Huachao can only abandon his moves and retreat."

An Buchen continued: "There is also a chess player who can give characteristics to friendly units' chess pieces, but not to himself. At the same time, he can give and replace chess pieces multiple times."

"The currently known abilities of the chess pieces include: the 'Rook' chess piece can collide at high speed, but can be blocked by obstacles; the 'Cannon' chess piece can climb over obstacles, but it must have a hostile target, and it needs to attack the hostile target after climbing over. It also has a setting to increase damage; the 'soldier''s charging distance is very short, but it is unstoppable. If you stand in front of it, you will be knocked away."

When he mentioned the word "hit and fly", An Buchen glanced at Li Huachao, obviously expressing his dissatisfaction with some stupid move that Li Huachao had made.

Li Huachao touched his nose angrily and remained silent for the rare moment. It seemed that his actions at that time were indeed so stupid that he didn't even want to defend himself now.

"Then what? There should be a lot of chess pieces, right?" Yu Liang asked again. There were only three chess pieces, and almost all of them were offensive types. The defensive "swordsmen" and "bishops" did not appear, and there were also offensive ones. The "horse" never appeared, let alone the most critical "general".

"No, they only showed three kinds of chess pieces, and we were beaten until we could only escape. Maybe there is no need to change anymore, or maybe there are restrictions on changing the chess pieces." An Buchen continued to think, "As for the last person, I didn't pay much attention. He seems to have used professional abilities, but the effect is unknown."

At this point, she said with some hesitation: "His ability should not be a debuff or a gain, but some other effect."

"It's not a debuff or a gain? At the same time, it's not obviously offensive." Yu Liang frowned silently after hearing this. The third Aze was obviously a auxiliary profession, but it didn't seem to be the auxiliary profession he imagined. Likewise, this kind of assistance is not aimed at simple physical changes, nor is it a curse type.

Being able to allow these three Azes to act together shows that the skills of the third party should have strong linkage with them.

The chess player controls the physical warrior. This is the strongest sword in the team, and it is a sword with high mobility. Could it be that the third party's ability is a defensive skill?

"Have you ever injured the opponent? How did they respond when they were injured?" Yu Liang asked, which was a great inspiration for figuring out the third party's abilities.

"Injured? The physical warrior was injured, but he didn't react much. Originally, we had a chance to trap him and deal with his teammates first, but at this time the chess player changed his chess piece and turned him into another The color 'cannon' hit back." Li Huachao was deeply impressed by this. This was their only possible comeback point, but unfortunately it was easily resolved.

"By the way, the third Aze has used his ability at this time." An Buchen reminded him something, and then she vaguely guessed the third party's professional ability, so she looked up at Yu Liang, and saw Yu Liang There was also a clear color in Liang's eyes.

"The third Aze's ability may be to clear the cooldown of skills." Yu Liang had a vague guess from this information, "Chess players should not be able to change the types of chess pieces at will. This is not in line with the rules of chess, at least. This is the case in 'this game of chess', and the third person's ability is to break this restriction, clear or even reset skills, so that the chess pieces can be converted."

From the relatively accurate ability descriptions of several people, Yu Liang roughly guessed the types of abilities of the three Azes. Only this is the most reasonable explanation for the three Azes' combat teams.

Fuqi, swordsman, clear cooldown...

The strength that the combination of these three abilities can unleash far exceeds their explicit gradient levels. In comparison, the Li Huachao, An Buchen and Lu Baoshen they sent out are more like a random wild team, with each other's Abilities actually don’t have much linkage effect.

Sure enough, actor Aze's background is much stronger than him.

"The actor's abilities are somewhat similar to mine, except that he creates clones, and I create character cards for switching. From a practical point of view, he is obviously better." Yu Liang was a little helpless. The abilities of the two of them Similar, but obviously better actors.

If he hadn't discovered the adventurer's unboxing effect, the actor's main focus would be a group fight, where various professions could interact with each other. As a writer, he could only use the abilities of one character at a time, so he obviously suffered a lot.

But looking at it this way, it should be far more difficult for an actor to obtain a clone than for him. At this level, Yu Liang can say that every copy must be able to create a new character, and even be carefully selected, but the actor may not, otherwise the actor's The number of clones should be much higher than what is shown now.

As a veteran T1 player, Aze has experienced at least dozens of dungeons. If he can create clones in each dungeon, he should be able to pull up a team of thirty or forty people now. Li Huachao said that this is absolutely impossible. Aze The number of clones is definitely not that large, otherwise the people who come to explore the Jiuyin field will not be a simple three-person team, but a team of five to seven people.

The three-person team is well equipped for combat, but it still lacks excellent scouts and absolute team brains. If there are enough clones, this will not be a problem.

"If the skills are reset..." Yu Liang's mind suddenly became a little heated, "Does it mean that one dungeon can create multiple characters?"

In this case, his development speed is much faster than that of Aze. In ten copies, he can create sixty characters. If he is good at literature and martial arts, it may not be a problem for one person to defeat ten clones, not to mention that he can still find adventures. Let’s open another box at home...

With one blow, more than sixty cubs exploded, which is interesting when you think about it.

"Catch that guy first." Yu Liang made a decision in his heart. Even if he couldn't force this Aze to help him reset his skills, he could just ask what his profession was. If he could ask, it meant that he also had Opportunity to create this character.

Although you cannot use skills on writers when you switch to this profession, and it is not that easy to trigger a reset, what if you can meet an adventurer again?

Opening a box and releasing the created character can reset the author's identity, and a copy can maximize profits.

Just do it, Yu Liang immediately asked Lu Baoshen to take out the goblin hook gun, and then activated the highest luck value, preparing to grab an Aze and try the water.

Yu Liang also told the architect about this plan, and he immediately got the architect's approval. He said that he could build a prison to trap them together after catching Aze, and he would never let Aze go.

It sounds like the architect is also extremely excited to capture the legendary birth actor himself.

Needless to say, as a T2 player, he has done a lot of big things now. He has bombed a shopping mall with roots of monsters, witnessed the destruction of villages with countless roots hidden, and now he can even participate in the plan to capture a born actor.

It can be called a model of achievement party among players.

The group of people surrounded Lu Baoshen, and then watched Lu Baoshen hugging the goblin hook, bending down and turning in circles with his eyes closed. At the same time, he turned on the high luck value, and kept chanting "Suit Aze suit Aze suit Aze suit." "Ze", until he was dizzy and completely confused about the direction, then he shot the goblin hook.

The architect on the side looked at it for a while, and the scene in front of him was obviously a bit unbelievable. This group of people surrounded Lu Baoshen, and Lu Baoshen in the middle was like a witch in some kind of cult ritual, whispering a mantra and shaking his head. Finally, he shot the goblin hook in an unknown direction.

Everyone watched the hook shot into the void, with different thoughts in their hearts.

The architect was naturally just watching the excitement; Lu Baoshen was thinking "I'm so awesome, this writer's universe can run so perfectly only because of me"; An Buchen thought it would be best not to cause any more trouble, At the same time, he recited the mind-purifying mantra; Zhong Chen didn't have any extra thoughts, and just silently confirmed whether the [Guard] mark on Yu Liang's body had disappeared.

Hua Niang was eager to give it a try, and at the same time mocked Li Huachao: "It's just these Aze that will beat you up, right? You'll see what I do later."

Li Huachao retorted: "How much better can you be than me?"

At the same time, he secretly made up his mind that he must be in the lead later. If I can't beat the swordsman, why can't I beat the support?

Only Yu Liang was thinking about further plans. Of course, he was not trying to teach Aze a lesson, nor was he trying to help Li Hua vent his anger on them. He just wanted to know what Aze's plan was.

If it was to save Wangcheng, it would be a heroic act. Naturally, he would not hold back and would definitely help with all his strength. If it was just to seize the source, then he might have to wait for an opportunity.

No matter what, Yu Liang has to figure out how things are going and get himself involved, because he still has a trump card.

[People who cheat time].

Perhaps, changing the order of things, everything will be very different.


"Shen Guer, come out, Sawako asked us to have a meeting, it's almost done." Aze, wearing a hippie outfit, walked to the bathroom door, kicked the bathroom door twice with his foot.

He glanced at the suit thrown outside the door. The magician has always been fond of suits of different styles and cherished them. But now he was throwing them outside so casually without even taking them into the bathroom to put them away. This made him feel uncomfortable. He was a little curious.

So the hippie squatted down, picked up his suit and tried to find out the reason. However, the strong stench immediately turned him beyond recognition. He immediately took a few steps back and shouted into the bathroom: "What the hell are you in a cesspit? That's it!" Smelly?"

After saying this, he suddenly realized something and replied to himself: "It seems so. Going to the sewer doesn't seem to make any difference."

"Go away." came the response from the magic stick inside, and he couldn't help but curse, "I met a stinky bug in the sewer. It's really outrageous. Any bad luck can happen to me. I'm Have you been abandoned by God?”

"You have been abandoned since you transferred to T1. Look at your original body. You are a serious priest. Look at you again. How can you look like a priest?" the hippie laughed, and then looked at the information on his watch. , said the next sentence and left, "You still have three minutes, don't be late. You know, Ozawa doesn't like people being late when doing business."

In the conference room, the dozen or so people surrounding the round table, without exception, all have Aze's face that can be called "beautiful". However, due to different clothing and temperament, each Aze is completely different.

In the midst of this, the guy who was just called the "Magic Stick" came out wearing a yukata. Because of time constraints, he didn't have time to change into formal clothes.

Correspondingly, the actor Aze on stage is wearing an extremely formal suit. He has a sense of ceremony when every plan is officially executed, which represents his respect.

"Very good, everyone is here." He glanced at the dozen or so Azes below, with a smile in his eyes, "The chaos in Cyber ​​City is good news for us, because it means Stories about ghosts and ghosts can spread faster, and the light belonging to the 'God of Knowledge and Truth' will spread throughout the entire Cyber ​​City in the shortest possible time."

As he was talking, suddenly the glass of the window was shattered, and a hook crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, and caught the actor Aze who was wearing a suit on the stage in the shocked eyes of all Aze, and said "咻" again Take it away.

Hippie Aze took a breath of air, as if to lighten the atmosphere: "Oh, the crowd is not there again."

It's a pity that it's not funny, because no one in the room can laugh.

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