The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 429 The male and female double swords of the Li family return to the top of the combat power

Looking at the two-faced man in front of him, Yu Liang was speechless for a moment.

This feeling of suddenly turning around and discovering that the dog has done something big again is so fascinating!

That's right, there is not one now, there are two now. This situation is very normal.

When Yu Liang looked at the two dogs that merged into one, the first emotion that emerged was not anger or regret, but a kind of relief.

Oh, the time was almost up. It was time for Gouzi to commit a crime. He was still a little worried if he didn't commit a crime. Now the big stone hanging in his heart has finally fallen to the ground.

He looked at Li Huachao from head to toe and immediately noticed some differences in details.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with it, but if you look closely, you will find that the left side of Li Huachao's face seems to be more masculine, while the right side of his face is more feminine.

His body was still the same as before, but his coordination was completely different, making him look a little clumsy. Li Huachao tried to take two steps, but his steps stumbled a bit.

"So you just shot at the same time, and then activated your abilities, so you hit each other and became one?" Yu Liang was amazed. This scene is very weird no matter how you look at it. It is worthy of taking pictures. It is completely in the rhythm of making news headlines.

"Shock! A man and woman collided together at high speed and merged into each other. The scene was chaotic and they could not be separated."

"You just said that you are the yin side, and Li Huachao is the yang side, so they merged together when their abilities were in conflict?" Yu Liang felt something was wrong. He thought of the tiger charm in the cartoon "The Adventures of Jackie Chan" that he had seen. , a person can be divided into two parts, Yin and Yang.

Logically speaking, wouldn't there be harmony after the fusion of yin and yang?

How could it be like this?

At this time, the "Zhi" in the shadow also popped up, looking at "Li Huachao" in front of him, with some rare surprise on his face.

The time of her birth is much shorter than the normal source ghost stories, so I have never seen this kind of thing before. Not only do I find it interesting, I even feel eager to try it.

During the "It" period in the zoo, things like exploring human nature and playing with the soul were not rarely done, and now he has a different kind of interest.

It's just a pity that "the" is now "she" and will no longer do such experiments that do not belong to the category of "human beings".

As a source of weird stories that have been observed for a long time in human nature, "Zhi" got a more accurate answer after admiring the masterpieces of Li Huachao and Hua Niang for a while. At least in "Zhi"'s opinion, this is a high probability.

"The original Li Huachao was composed of about 20% yin side and 80% yang side. The toad-shaped god used him as a template to create the inverted Hua Niang, so Hua Niang has 80% yin side and 80% yang side. Twenty percent of the creations of the yang side." Zhi said as concisely as possible, "Because they are complete inversions, there will be a faint attraction between them. When hunters attack each other, the speed The continuous superposition caused them to collide together, producing some unknown effect. In short, they were combined together like this."

Yu Liang understood "Zhi"'s explanation, and then continued to ask: "Is there any solution?"

"I don't know yet, but if you try more, this combination is not too stable and you can still break free." Zhi went on to say that she really had no good way to deal with such emergencies.

If you try to tear them apart yourself, what will be separated may not be the souls of Li Huachao and Hua Niang, but the bodies will be torn apart directly.

"Okay, so what you're saying is... Li Huachao now has 100% positive side and 100% negative side?" Yu Liang thought of another meaning, "Does that mean... he now has twice the power? "

"Hmm..." He thought seriously for a moment, "Theoretically, this is true. From my perspective, his soul strength is much thicker than before. Moreover, the two of them are originally creations, and their body values ​​have also changed accordingly. There was a change.”

"Is this like this?" Yu Liang pointed to the yard and said to Li Huachao, "You two go out and try?"

"Okay." A male voice and a female voice came from the same throat at the same time, and they overlapped each other. It sounded weird, but now the two of them were focused on "Double Li Hua Chao".

After the strength, speed and other qualities are doubled, it is not as simple as "1+1". A punch requires mobilizing muscles all over the body, and the punching power that explodes is far greater than twice the original.

Li Huachao staggered to the yard and punched the bricks piled in the corner with excitement on his face.

"Bang -" The bricks made a dull sound, and several bricks were smashed to pieces like tofu. The force even spread to the stone floor, causing ripple-like cracks.

"Eh? Don't tell me, it's really fierce." Li Huachao raised his left fist excitedly and said cheerfully.

Anyway, he has become stronger now, right?

If you become stronger, your hidden status in the universe will increase, right?

Now you don’t have to worry about leaving the environment!

The right hand controlled by Hua Niang was also curious about the current power, so she slapped it again and completely shattered the pile of bricks.

This kind of power is definitely much stronger than a T2 level physical warrior, and she knows that this is not the limit of this body.

Since two souls were now controlling the same body, her and Li Huachao's movements were clumsy and they looked like stupid people who couldn't control their bodies well.

"Come on, take two steps." Li Huachao was eager to adapt to this body with Hua Niang, so he took her around the yard, punching the air twice or doing tricks with her hands from time to time. Knife in .

The two guys themselves are almost copies of each other. Now that their souls are in the same body, they are connected with each other. After getting used to it for a period of time, they become more normal, and their actions become more natural, just fighting. It is still a bit sluggish when playing, and it is difficult to exert its full combat effectiveness.

"Forget it, we'll practice again later. Let me try to separate the two of you first." Yu Liang looked at Li Huachao and had some estimate of his fighting power.

Now he is definitely much stronger than the T2 physical warrior, but his flexibility is not as good as the original single body Li Huachao. This may be improved through continuous training. After all, these two guys are almost the same person. Their thinking, judgment ability, The reactions and so on were almost unanimous.

The most important thing is that Li Huachao relied on three axes.

First, the advantage in shot speed; second, Alpha Strike; third, Blade Storm.

These three combat modes do not require much physical flexibility. Anyway, they all rely on the ability of rules to forcibly suppress the opponent. In this case, the bonus to strength will be much stronger by increasing speed and strength.

"Do you want to separate?" Li Huachao said subconsciously, with a hint of reluctance in her heart, "I am very satisfied with this body, it is much stronger than the original one."

"Yes, we will take us to the veterinary hospital later. It would be better if we could remove them all." Hua Niang suggested matter-of-factly.

"What the hell!" Li Huachao raised his face angrily, and slapped his right hand with his left hand. The pain was also felt separately. If he slapped his right hand, it would hurt Hua Niang more. Naturally, Hua Niang was not to be outdone, so she slapped her right hand with her left hand. They began to fight each other in front of Yu Liang, and the fight was very lively.

Yu Liang looked at Li Huachao in front of him with some helplessness, and chose to take him into the universe, trying to separate the two by restoring the universe to its factory settings.

Logically speaking, the character card positions of the two of them are not in the same place. If they take back the universe, they will naturally be separated successfully, right?

He opened the page and first saw that the Hua Niang character card in the Kaitan creature column was locked, and then he saw Li Huachao's brand new character card.


Name: Li Huachao (Hua Niang)

Occupation: Hunter (alienated)


Abilities: Weapons Mastery, Hunting Instinct, Traps.

Personality: Unable to rate

(In special status...)

"It doesn't seem to work. It's useless to enter the universe. They are still inseparable." Yu Liang frowned and came to the adventurer again, and the adventurer pulled Li Huachao out of the universe.

A minute later, Li Huachao looked at his body, and now he really started to panic: "No, I can't change back, can I?"

There is no way to separate even after returning to the universe. This is like discovering that after a computer crashes, it cannot be restored by unplugging the power and restarting it. This is a situation that can make computer novices feel nervous.

"No, I don't want to stay with this guy for the rest of my life." Hua Niang also became nervous. She is really powerful in this state, but if she wants to stay like this for the rest of her life, then she will definitely not be willing to do it.

"I don't know. Why don't you guys try other methods?" Yu Liang had some guesses in his mind, but he didn't want to talk about it for the time being. It would be good to just watch the two "Li Huachao" collapse.

The two Li Huachaos suddenly howled in the same body. Howling, they looked at each other disgustedly and started to hammer each other again.


Suddenly, Li Huachao and Hua Niang said in unison, and the light of wisdom burst out from their left and right eyes.

"I understand. We just used our abilities directly on each other and then collided with each other at super high speed to cause this bug. So..." Li Huachao explained excitedly.

"Yes, just use this ability in reverse!" Hua Niang also thought of this, and the other half of her face was filled with excitement.

Li Huachao picked up the table knife with both hands at the same time, then activated the "Blade Storm" directly in the yard and began to accelerate step by step.

In the blink of an eye, Li Huachao's speed reached a terrifying value. Under the action of centrifugal force, Li Huachao's body in the blade storm began to slowly separate. Finally, they separated with a "pop" and turned back into two people.

"Successful!" Li Huachao's eyes were filled with joy.

"Yes, it worked." Hua Niang was equally surprised. Then she picked up the knife in her hand and looked at Li Huachao. She happened to see Li Huachao also holding the knife in his hand and looking at her.

As soon as their eyes collided, they understood each other's meaning, so they activated their abilities again, collided with each other at super high speed, and became the same person.

In the Blade Storm again, Li Huachao was separated into two people again. They looked at their bodies at the same time, and couldn't help but sigh at the magic of the strange world that allowed them to continuously merge and separate. Even they themselves couldn't figure out why. .

Is it possible that there is a bug in the rule that prioritizes shot speed?

That's right. This kind of rule-based ability is prone to bugs, so it's not surprising at all.

"And I feel like our union seems to be a little looser." Hua Niang recalled the second collision, and then confirmed her guess, "Indeed, it seems to be easier to enter."

"That's for sure. Once it's raw, it'll be ripe later." Li Huachao agreed, "It's tight at the beginning, but it will become loose later."

"Maybe." Hua Niang didn't care about Li Huachao's dirty jokes. To her, this level was completely negligible.

Seeing these two people gradually mastering this skill, Yu Liangliang felt relieved. It was definitely a good thing to obtain additional combo skills. Next, it would be up to see how these two guys develop it.

However, these two people's intuition and inspiration in combat are extremely terrifying. Not long after they gained their abilities, they had already thought of many ways to use them in their minds.

"I think you think the same as me." Li Huachao looked at Hua Niang and felt the fighting spirit in her body, so the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Of course." Hua Niang's expression was almost exactly the same as his.

Two minutes later, several people appeared in the open space at the back of the mountain. This time the battle was between Li Huachao and Hua Niang against Zhong Chen and the snake, a simple 2v2.

In the past, Zhong Chen plus T1 human snake would definitely be stronger than the two Li Huachao combined forces, but now that Yu Liang saw how confident those two guys were, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

This new skill seems to give them a lot of confidence?

Li Huachao and Hua Niang started at the same time, and unanimously chose a large figure as their target. They temporarily left Zhong Chen aside and approached the man-snake left and right.

The black-armored warrior at the head of the human snake raised his body high, his golden eyes flashed, and the deformed man at the tail quickly decomposed, attacking Li Huachao and Hua Niang from left to right.

He can now easily control the two-dimensional expansion ability of Golden Eyes, and his combat effectiveness is far beyond that of the man-snake who just entered the T1 gradient.

"Come together." Li Huachao and Hua Niang shouted at the same time, choosing each other as the target of casting spells, so the two people on the left and the right instantly merged and easily avoided the attack of the man and the snake.

The soaring speed brought Li Huachao close to the human snake's abdomen in an instant. The two knives in his hands flew up and down, constantly destroying the human snake's body.

The reaction speed of the human snake was also very fast. He disintegrated the struck abdomen to avoid the vital point. At the same time, a section of bone spread out and pulled Zhong Chen not far away in front of him to resist.

"Drink!" Zhong Chen took a deep breath and raised his fists to have a head-on collision with the combined Li Huachao.

Li Huachao naturally knew that there was something strange about Zhong Chen. As a T2 warrior, Zhong Chen had terrifying explosive power, especially when his emotions were high, so he turned around and activated Blade Storm.

The sword storm lasted almost only a moment and ended with Li Huachao's disintegration. Li Huachao and Hua Niang jumped out of it and cleverly avoided Zhong Chen's iron fist left and right. At the same time, they lowered their bodies and came to Zhong Chen's back, one by one. He kicked his feet up, causing Zhong Chen to stumble forward.

At the same time, a new round of attacks from humans and snakes came quietly. Blood vessels and bone spurs came into action, attacking the two people who had just kicked Zhong Chen away, as if they were going to poke them into hedgehogs.

The two people faced the attack and did not panic. Li Huachao's left hand held Hua Niang's right hand, and Ling held a table knife in one hand and started a two-person version of the sword storm.

In this state, the range of the sword storm doubled. While swinging away the bone spurs to attack, it also slashed Zhong Chen's back. Then Li Huachao took advantage of the situation and collided with Hua Niang. They merged again and became a slightly smaller body. The top was a spinning top, but the impact and speed were even more terrifying. It instantly shattered the bone spurs that dared to stab it, and involved the blood vessels, almost tearing them to pieces.

In just two rounds, Li Huachao and the two showed their suppression power to the fullest, and they didn't even use characters and stamps to cooperate in the battle.

"You!" Zhong Chen turned around and came back, furious. He took a deep breath, worked his body with all his strength, and stepped forward, trying to break up this little top with brute force.

"Stop, it's almost over." Yu Liang outside the field controlled the fighting situation. If he continued to fight, he might be injured. He now almost knew the fighting level of the combined Li Huachao, so he had an idea.

"Is this the end? You haven't tried the elemental version of Blade Storm yet." Li Huachao was still unfinished.

"There is also the Soul Scream version of Blade Storm, and the advanced version of Alpha Strike. I have thought of some interesting uses." Hua Niang's face was equally excited. She has the same memory as Li Huachao, so she naturally knows about the version changes. Hunters are in decline, and I feel the same way about this.


Starting today, the Li family's male and female double swords regain the top spot in the universe's combat power rankings!

As for whether he is considered one person or two people...


Is King Hippo one Pokémon or two?

Does the three-in-one Magnemite count as one or three?

Isn’t it all about getting a Poké Ball?

So if they both enter the universe and stay on the same character card, how can they not be considered one character? (End of chapter)

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