The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 433 Am I a paper person?

These two voices seemed to come from outside. The amount of information in their words was extremely huge, but now Yu Liang had no intention of analyzing this information.

He only knows one thing.

The so-called "mother" wants to stab him to death with a sharp horn so that he will no longer be "alive" and let him "upgrade"!

Must hide.

After Yu Liang reacted, he quickly ran towards the nearby houses, hoping to rely on these triangular houses as obstacles.

However, after he hid, the sense of crisis in his heart did not diminish at all, and those triangular corpses inexplicably appeared in his mind.

The triangle is easily pierced by some sharp "angle", and the piercing locations are all on the "side length" of the triangle.

Are they all poked on the sides?

Rather than the "angles" of a triangle?

Because the "horns" are harder to pierce?

So simply hiding behind a triangular house is useless. You must hide at the foot of such a triangular house, so that the sharp corners of the house are facing the incoming sharp corners. Only then can you block the incoming sharp corners!

It must be pointed at the tip of the needle.

Yu Liang ran out from behind the house just now, stood on the side of the village, quickly found the sharp point on the opposite side through visual inspection, and then looked back at the scattered triangular houses in the village.

Damn it!

Looking around, there were only various line segments of varying degrees of light and darkness in front of him. If he stood in a three-dimensional bird's eye view, he could of course quickly find the triangular house opposite the sharp-angled needle tip, but now...

Yu Liang turned his head frantically and searched quickly among these line segments. Every time he saw a line segment, he constructed the direction and orientation of the triangle in his mind to match the incoming sharp angle.

The question is not difficult to calculate. As long as the positions of the three points on the line segment are summarized, a suitable triangular house can be found. But the key is that there is too little time left for him, so Yu Liang is still a little panicked.

At this moment, I felt as if I was back in the college entrance examination room. The bell rang with "Fifteen minutes left until the end of the exam", but I still had three blank questions.

Urgent, urgent, urgent!

In the flash of lightning, Yu Liang suddenly heard the voice from Li Geng: "At two o'clock, go over in sequence, the second room!"

As if it was the sound of nature, he obeyed Li Geng's instructions without hesitation, swooped over, and quickly hid in the foothold of the room.

Fortunately, the alienation profession is banned in the pioneer version, but he can still communicate with the created characters in the universe. As an architect, Li Geng has a terrifying intuition about the relationship between points, lines, planes, and three-dimensional relationships.


The acute angle followed Yu Liang's steps. When it touched the 60-degree sharp angle of the triangular house, the acute angle paused for a moment, and then slowly continued to advance with an unstoppable momentum.

What? !

Yu Liang's ears heard the "crunching" sound of metal twisting into a ball. From this sound, it sounded like the sharp angle was breaking through the triangular house!

Can't hide?

Are you going to die at the hands of an inexplicable creature just at the beginning?

"Huh?" Suddenly, the thunderous voice sounded again. She smacked her lips and made a confused sound, "Huh——"

The heart-wrenching metal crunching sound stopped at this moment. Yu Liang ran away quickly and looked back at the sharp angle. Looking from the side, the sharp angle had almost pierced the triangular room where he had just been hiding, just a few inches away from his position. Just a short length.

With the impact of this huge sharp angle, it can completely tear him apart the moment it comes into contact with him.

"Regil, come and have a look." Mom's voice continued, "There seems to be a very smart guy in these triangles of yours. I can't figure it out. Come and have a look."

"What?" Rachel's voice sounded from far away, and soon she was near Yu Liang.

Of course, as long as Yu Liang felt that she was nearby, he couldn't see this "Regil" at all.

Is this some kind of high-dimensional creature?

Just entered Flatland and met high-dimensional creatures?

This is a high-dimensional creature with intelligence. Should I say it is lucky or unfortunate?

"What's wrong, mom?" Rachel asked. She was not here just now, so she didn't know what happened.

"I wanted to use 'thorn' to help this little guy advance, but he seemed to know the direction of my poke and hid behind a house, which made me spend some effort." Mom replied, and her tone became relaxed. He stood up and seemed to be showing off his cleverness to his daughter, "I felt something was wrong, so I stopped and did not upgrade this guy. It would be bad if the rare graphics you happened to raise were destroyed."

"Is this like this? Is it a coincidence? Maybe he was so frightened when he saw the 'thorn' that he just found a house to hide?" Regiel still didn't believe that the homework she had to deal with so casually could actually happen by chance. Breeding intelligent irregular shapes?

The probability of this happening is as small as if she just kept walking in any direction and finally found the great light source and solved the "puzzle of light", right?

"No, no, no, Regiel, you know, your mother has good hearing, so at the dance that year, she was able to pick out your father who was the most hexagonal among the pentagons." Mom denied, "I You can hear him moving from house to house until he finally chooses the right one."

"Really?" Regiel's voice revealed some excitement, "Quickly, let him out of the prison. I want to see him."

"Okay Regiel." Mom no longer paid attention to the sharp angle that pierced the triangular village, but broke the circle at the edge of the area, leaving an obvious gap.

For Yu Liang, who was in this circle, this move was undoubtedly a miracle. He saw an opening on the distant horizon, accompanied by a violent roar, and endless skylight pouring into his world from that direction. .

Under the guidance of this light, Yu Liang felt a magical force slowly pushing him, making him take two steps at a time, and couldn't help but walk towards the gap in the line segment.

The words "Mom" and "Ragel" just said echoed in his mind.

Regiel said, releasing him from the prison.

The two creatures became curious about his intelligence and wanted to let him out for a closer look.

On the other hand, Yu Liang noticed something keenly.

The mother said she heard him moving around the house.

"Hear", not "see".

What does this mean?

They are not high-dimensional creatures. "Mom" did not "see" his hiding process from a three-dimensional perspective. She could hear it.

If they were three-dimensional creatures, it would be easy to see Yu Liang's movement when looking down from "above", unless they were also blind and couldn't see anything, but this was unlikely.



Yu Liang shook his head, putting aside the strange thoughts that suddenly broke into his head.

In short, these two creatures seem to be in the same two-dimensional state, but they have stronger power and have the power of life and death over other low-end two-dimensional creatures.

After walking for a period of time, Yu Liang finally reached the end. The "wall" was close at hand. It was such a thing that surrounded his entire world, and now, there was a gap in his world.

"Come out, little one." Rachel's voice sounded from the horizon, like the voice of heaven.

Yu Liang did not hesitate and walked towards the exit of the wall glowing with white light.

A strange pulling feeling appeared next to him, but he did not resist. His body naturally left here and appeared in another environment.

What appeared in front of Yu Liang was still two-dimensional, but it was different from the scene just now. It was not a visual difference, but a auditory and tactile difference.

Beautiful music echoed in his ears. The sound was very soft, as if coming from a very far away place, but it could reach Yu Liang's ears very accurately.

It was like a combination of sacred Sanskrit music and some kind of light musical instrument. Listening to this music, a corresponding picture immediately appeared in Yu Liang's mind, as if he was leaning halfway up the mountain at this moment, with insects chirping and katydids jumping around him, looking around. , in front of you is a peaceful small city, and the tallest building in the center is the church.


Yu Liang opened his eyes, feeling a little surprised. He seemed to have really seen such a scene just now.

This is not just his personal imagination, but more like the picture brought by the music itself.


This word popped into his mind. Synaesthesia can vividly describe this feeling. The music of two-dimensional creatures seems to have a magical power that can maximize "synesthesia".

Because of their visual flaws, is the artistic scope of these two-dimensional creatures focused on music?

Yu Liang made a judgment in his heart. A civilization with excellent artistic attainments should not be too barbaric in its behavior, at least on the surface. He would probably be safe in a short period of time.

The premise is that you can't talk nonsense or anger these guys.

"Hello, strange irregular shapes." Rachel stood in front of Yu Liang and said in a kinder voice, "Don't be afraid, you have been released from the drawing prison. Now you are subject to the laws of Flatland. Protected people.”

"Yes, that's right." Mom agreed.

Yu Liang looked at the two line segments in front of him. They were different, but the proportions were a little different from Yu Liang's imagination.

Judging from the situation just now, these two two-dimensional creatures can draw a "prison" in such a large space, so they should be extremely large, but it doesn't look like this now.

Moreover, her voice just now was like a loud voice, but now she was whispering like a woman in a boudoir. This change made Yu Liang a little strange.

Could it be that it wasn't that they were too big, but that I was too small just now?

Do two-dimensional creatures possess some kind of technology that allows them to zoom in and out at will?

Is that the so-called "painting prison"?

What made Yu Liang a little wary was that the meaning of what Regiel just said was very clear. He was the one who came out of the painting prison and was protected by the laws of Flatland.

If he had not been released, he would have been just a "creature" that his mother could kill with just a stab, and he would have no human rights at all.

Observing these two line segments carefully, Yu Liang noticed that there were four symmetrical points on Rachel's body, while there were only three points on her mother's body.

Based on his previous judgment of touching triangles, he knew that the Regiel in front of him should be one of hexagon, pentagon, and trapezoid, while his mother should be a triangle or pentagon.

No, my mother said before that she has a very high vision and is attracted to dad who has hexagonal features. This means that the more sides in this country, the higher the status, and they have the power to kill triangles at will.

Based on this judgment, Rachel should be a hexagon, and Mom should be a pentagon. This is reasonable.

Secondly, the children of this family need to go to school, and there is elegant music and banquets in the family, so they should belong to the middle class or the minor aristocracy.

At this moment, Yu Liang made a guess about the social structure of Flatland and this family.

In the early days of the pioneer book, he couldn't use any of his abilities, so the only thing he could rely on was his own mind.

If he wants to survive in this flat country, he must analyze all the information that appears in front of him, at least ensure safety, and then explore this copy.

"Hello, do you have a name? If not, I can give you a name." Rachel asked politely.

"No." Yu Liang just shook his head, indicating that he had no name. There was some pain in his tone, "I seemed to have lost some memories before, can you help me?"

Most of the time, names are the easiest way to get information. The origin can often be seen from the name. The name of this family seems to be in a Western style. He is a little worried that there is a Chinese-style flat country here, and he is even more worried about the Chinese-style flat country. The country is hostile to this place.

So if he didn't know what the consequences would be if his name was exposed, he simply pretended to have amnesia.

A simple amnesia can avoid most problems, and at the same time, you can take this opportunity to ask this Regiel about Flatland.

"Amnesia? Well, maybe this will happen." Regiel thought thoughtfully. She still remembered the teacher saying in class that for these simple creatures with separate bodies, no matter what happens, It is possible.


The guy in front of me is an advanced figure "replaced" by those triangles?

That's really good stuff.

"Okay, let me call you Kirito for the time being. That is the name of an ancient hero, and it is my favorite epic story." She took a step forward and stood at a distance that made Yu Liang a little nervous. , "Then please allow me to touch you, Mr. Kirito."

After finishing speaking, Regiel added: "In our country, touching is an important way to get to know each other, and it is also the etiquette of first meeting. So as you can see, I want to touch you to confirm." Your appearance."

"Okay." Yu Liang did not refuse. The other party's proposal sounded fine. As two-dimensional creatures, it is inaccurate and unscientific to recognize each other only by sight, so touch is obviously a better way.

Human beings may not like excessive physical contact, but for these graphics, they will not feel this way.

So Yu Liang watched Regiel approaching him. He couldn't see clearly what happened, but there was indeed a soft touch on his body, like a gentle hand slowly stroking his body.

Unexpectedly, he didn't hate this touch. This touch gave him the illusion of communicating with a close friend, which was very comfortable and comfortable.

"Yes, it's just as I thought." Rachel finished touching Yu Liang and said with a smile, "You are indeed an irregular figure with a soft texture. It feels a bit like the one in the far north. Graphics.”

"The far north? Oh my God!" Mom exclaimed, "That's so far away."

"Yes, we have made a lot of money, and he might be a 'Paper Man'!" Regiel's voice was full of joy, "He even got to know my favorite Asuna!"

"The blond paper man?"

"That's right!"

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