The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 441: The first phase of unblocking, just lie down


Color actually exists in this world?

Yu Liangliang, who was standing in a corner of the village watching the situation, was full of surprise, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was reasonable.

A week has passed without any special events being triggered, and he will have almost successfully completed the first phase of the main mission.

Once the alienated profession is unlocked, his situation will quickly improve.

But now, the appearance of color undoubtedly symbolizes the happening of big events.


Yu Liang frowned slightly. He had never paid attention to such small details before.

Yes, the graphics in the two-dimensional world are all black or gray. Over time, he subconsciously felt that the entire two-dimensional world was composed of black, white and gray, but now it seems that this is not the case.

From what this dyed triangle said, this dyeing seems to be a very useful thing. Not only can it help figures distinguish the front and back, but it can also quickly learn the shape and angle.

This is not difficult to understand. For a triangle, if it is straightened (that is, placed as symmetrically as possible), the forward angle is the main angle, which is the front face of the triangle.

For example, if an equilateral triangle is composed of red, yellow, and blue line segments, other shapes can determine whether the other party is the front or the back from its color.

Viewed from the front, the line segments of the equilateral triangle should be half red and half blue. The two colors are evenly and symmetrically distributed, with the endpoints of the acute angles as the boundary, and the lines are clearly defined. The back side is composed of a complete yellow line segment.

So clear!

When any figure stands in front of the dyed triangle, he can detect the direction of the other figure through visual intuition. If he is more professional, he can even guess the figure and angle of the other figure.

You know, there are quite a few accidental deaths every year due to orientation problems. If you don't find out in time that there is an acute-angled triangle facing you in front of you, or you don't give way to the acute-angled triangle in time and cause a collision, no matter what kind of shape it is, it will cause a collision. It is easy to be injured in such an impact, or even die on the spot.

When you are sleepy, graphics often cannot tell the distance between the surrounding line segments and endpoints and themselves, because they are all black, with only slight differences in brightness.

But it's different now. When red and blue lines suddenly appear in front of the figure, no matter how stupid the figure is, they can realize that there is a figure standing in front of them, and it is very likely that it is pointing at themselves with sharp corners.

After having color, such an abrupt and clear color can minimize the occurrence of such incidents.

Just as Yu Liang expected, the dyed triangle at the entrance of the village was surrounded by other villagers, shining like a star, enjoying the appreciation of the villagers.

"Oh my gosh, Li San went to the city, and he is indeed completely different from us."

"Can dyeing be done in the Hexagonal Castle? How many tung seeds are needed to dye it?"

"Li San, please tell me again, what color is this bright one? I like this color so much."

The last question obviously caught Li San's heart, so he turned around in the group of graphics like a peacock with its tail spread, and then explained to everyone: "Look, I am facing you now, the one on the left It's bright blue, the one on the right is red, and the one behind me is bright yellow, how about it, this combination looks good, right?"

In the light that fell from nowhere, Li San showed off the color of his body. In these triangular eyes, he was as elegant and beautiful as a god.

As for Li San, he is not even an isosceles triangle. Without any symmetry, he achieves extreme beauty just by relying on color.

"Yellow?" The triangle that asked about the color before said excitedly, "It turns out that what I like is yellow! I also want to go to the Hexagonal City to see the world and become a yellow figure."

"I prefer blue."

"I like red."

"Are there no other colors?"

Li San had never enjoyed such treatment in the graphics group, so he responded to the villagers' questions very proudly: "Of course there are other colors, there are...more than ten kinds, just in Hexagonal City, you guys You only need to spend two tung seeds to dye one edge of your own. For me, I only spent six tung seeds to complete the dyeing."

"Two tung seeds have one edge? So, it only takes one day's work to dye one edge? Isn't that very cheap?" The surrounding villagers were talking about it.

Yu Liang, who was eavesdropping on the side, was a little helpless. After walking around Flatland for a week, he already had a certain understanding of the country's currency.

Generally speaking, a painter's monthly income is about seventy kongzi, while a figure's normal living expenses require fifty kongzi.

And this is just the expense of a painter. Generally speaking, a family must have two adult figures and one juvenile figure, right?

Although the wife can also do some work to earn extra money and eat less, the life of the family of three is always tight.

On this basis, any additional expenses can easily overwhelm a young family. Sickness, schooling, etc. all require certain expenses.

From the looks of it, dyeing one side of two tung trees is not cheap. After dyeing three sides, it is basically equivalent to starving the figure for at least a day.

But this does not seem to be important. Every figure present is crazy for the color. Yu Liang estimates that even if twenty Tongzi dye one side, they will not hesitate.

After all, you don’t have to eat for just a few days, as long as you endure it, but after dyeing, you can look cool for a long time. It is a business that is sure to make money without losing money.

Thinking of this, Yu Liang couldn't help but take another look at the figure called Li San.

Perhaps because he has been in the two-dimensional world for too long, his vision has long been occupied by various lines in black, white and gray tones, so now when Yu Liang sees such colored line segments, he actually feels a sense of joy in his heart. Feel.

Suddenly there is light in the black and white world, like listening to fairy music and your ears are temporarily bright.

The eyes can't help but look at those colors, greedily capturing colors other than black and white.

There is a dyeing place in Rokkaku.

Yu Liang could vaguely feel that this color would bring about earth-shaking changes to the entire Flat Country, and it would also bring some opportunities to him.

Not to mention, at least he can dye it and change his image through dyeing.

Strictly speaking, paper figures like him are also single line segments in the eyes of other graphics, so they only need to be dyed to simulate the appearance of a pentagon.

He only needs to paint himself evenly with five bright colors. If you don't look carefully, it is easy to mistake him for a pentagon.

This beautiful color itself can blur the endpoints of these regular shapes. As long as the endpoints are blocked, it is difficult to visually judge the shape of other shapes. Coupled with the function of the portable bell, Yu Liang feels that he should be able to Cope with most situations.

The only problem that is more of a headache is how to enter the Hexagonal City.

Because the Paper Man is wanted in Flatland, the entrances and exits of the three cities are guarded by graphics, and graphics entering and exiting the cities will be subject to touch checks, which is almost inevitable.

With Yu Liang's current appearance, once he is touched, the identity of the paper man will definitely be recognized.

A bit of a headache.

"Hey, hey, hey, Li San'er, what are you doing?" At this time, a figure walked quickly from the west of the village. He shouted to the gathered triangles in a thick voice, "And you guys , instead of doing work one by one, what are you doing here watching Li Saner?"

Yu Liang wandered around the village and could recognize the shape after hearing the sound.

This is a quadrilateral, but it is not very symmetrical and is still far from a standard rectangle. This is enough for him to become the most knowledgeable person in the village.

He is the teacher in the village school, the teacher responsible for helping the new little triangles in the village increase their degree (wisdom).

However, from simple observation, Yu Liang knew that this guy was more like an old scholar, with very old-fashioned ideas, and he relied on his quadrilateral status. He frequently beat and scolded the students in the school, and he had a bad look all day long.

Perhaps because he was used to being bossy and domineering in school, the quadrilateral teacher in real life also disciplined other triangles in the village.

In real life, Yu Liang has also seen such teachers, especially professors in some schools. It is probably because the temperature around them always remains at 23 degrees Celsius, so when they walk out of school, they just and confidently ask the people around them to Staying at a comfortable 23 degrees Celsius, even online.

It is a pity that when you walk out of school, you will not face students who are like stupid geese, so these teachers will always feel frustrated, and even some inappropriate remarks will be recorded and posted online.

Absolutely not here.

The natural compensatory mechanism makes most of the triangles at the bottom have a kind of fanatical worship of "wisdom". Under the psychological effect of loving the house and the bird, they will always feel the inappropriate discipline of the old quadrilateral scholar...


Yes, that's right, I'm flattered.

It was obviously a simple instruction, but it was as if they had received a hundred aphorisms that could affect their lives. They rushed to express themselves, as if if they satisfied the quadrilateral, they could actually increase their own wisdom and thus increase their own angles.

Anyway, Yu Liang couldn't understand it, and he could only vaguely understand it if he put it into reality.

To put it another way, Yu Liang feels that this quality is more like "servility".

Judging from the history of Flatland, there have indeed been fewer and fewer triangle rebellions in recent decades. Probably because these triangles with sharp angles have also learned to compromise, and their minds that always take one step at a time have begun. think.

It would be more appropriate to say that they have begun to accept and integrate into the system created by polygons.

The picture that appeared next surprised Yu Liang, who had a critical mentality. The villagers moved out of the way, revealing Li San in the middle of the group of graphics, revealing Li San with dazzling brilliance.

"They are watching the colors I brought from the big city." Li San walked up to the Quad. He thought he would be so nervous that he couldn't speak, just like when he was scolded by the Quad teacher when he was a child, but he didn't. .

"Color? Are these messy things on your body?" Teacher Quadrilateral coughed twice, with obvious dissatisfaction in his voice. "Can applying these things on yourself make you wiser? Will your degree increase even a little bit? ? This thing should cost a lot of tung seeds, right? Instead of wasting money on this flashy appearance, it is better to save up and go to a big city for plastic surgery to transform yourself into a beautiful isosceles triangle. Instead of being like now, dangling half-baked and ridiculous!"

Yu Liang also found these words a bit funny. The color is a flashy appearance, and the angle change of plastic surgery is a flashy and substantial appearance.

The difference between reality and non-reality seems to lie in the angle, which is related to "wisdom", but this kind of thinking feels a bit strange.

Can the whole face make people smarter?

And this can actually become the truth in the hearts of the graphics at the bottom of Flatland. They save money all their lives, and they have an almost extravagant wish in their hearts, that is, they save enough money for plastic surgery to become an isosceles triangle or even an equilateral triangle.

However, what is the meaning of the entire shape?

"What's the point of making that shape?" At this time, Li San happened to express Yu Liang's inner thoughts, "If I really want to make that thing, my whole life will be tied to it. It's not as good as what I am doing now, changing it in a day." Of a color, which isosceles triangle looks better?"

"You! Do you know what you are talking about?!" These rebellious words made Teacher Quanjiang very angry. "How can graphics live for the sake of beauty? What's the point of living like this? You have to live for wisdom. If you have to work hard for wisdom, wouldn't society be in chaos if people like you are like this?"

"Teacher, I think you really don't understand." Li San hummed, "You can go to Hexagonal City and have a look. This dyeing is the most popular art at the moment. It is also a symbol of wisdom. It can help We can easily distinguish the front, back, left, and right, and quickly calculate the angle and number of sides, which is much faster than the touch method you taught. Of course, I am not saying that what you taught is useless, but now there seems to be a more accurate method. …”

"Nonsense! You can tell the angle and shape of this messy painting?" Quadrilateral puffed his beard and glared.

"Of course, not long after round dyeing came out, the great elders updated a law, 'Number of sides and color constant rate'. The number of sides is different, and the types of colors should be equally different. Triangles like mine can only have three types at most. Color, a quadrilateral like you..." Li San explained that he just felt that he did not need to be humble, but it did not mean that he could be quiet in front of the quadrilateral.

"Is that so? Well, it sounds like you can give it a try." Quadrilateral snorted coldly. He didn't know what he was thinking of. His voice became much gentler, and he didn't seem to be so repelled by this stain.

On the other side, Yu Liang in the corner looked at the page in surprise.

[Player-Jiang completed the first stage of the main mission and unlocked professional abilities. 】

[Player-Xu completed the first stage of the main mission and unlocked professional abilities. 】

[You have completed the first stage of the main mission, please choose an ability to unblock]

The three prompts appeared almost one after another, and the amount of information in them was a bit large.

"Jiang" is probably Aze. Yu Liang knew that his surname was Jiang, and then "Xu".

Since he, who is on the same team, followed De Dao to the sky like a chicken or a dog, it means that "Xu" must be Xu Cixi, which means that Xu Cixi has completed the first stage and is following Aze.


Are they two together?

What have you done?

Yu Liang narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression inexplicably alert and solemn.

The first stage of lying down is over, but why are some not happy?

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