The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 475 Thunder God and Lightning Mother, listen to my orders!

In this copy, who wants Yu Liang to die the most?

The answer is very obvious, it must be Yu Liang’s shadow.

There is no doubt that Shadow wants to replace his original body.

As long as you can become a "player", you can take the opportunity to leave the Flatland copy and truly transform from a "two-dimensional shadow" into a "person". This is something that no shadow can refuse.

But it's not easy.

The stronger the original body, the stronger the shadow will be after taking over the body, and the life will be nourishing, but the problem is...

Strong players are not easily killed by shadows.

In other words, most of the current shadows are weak, otherwise they would not become shadows.

There are almost no strange creatures in this copy of Flatland, so the threats to players are not too great.

As for the wanted order in Flatland...

It has an impact, but as long as you are not extremely stupid, it is actually very difficult to catch.

Maybe some players died inexplicably at the hands of something before they unlocked the ability, but the probability is not high.

Because not long after the shadow appeared, the news had already spread to the other two cities. They followed the same example and announced the answers to the first stage, and then unlocked the first stage abilities together.

Of course, this comes at a price.

Originally there were those player specimens from Lingcheng, and the Shadow side was supposed to be unparalleled in strength. However, those player specimens were accidentally captured by Yu Liang. Instead of turning into shadows to increase the strength of the Shadow Legion, they actually strengthened Yu Liang. Strength.

In short, the shadow side can now fight back and forth with the player side, mainly relying on the strength of completely unblocking, but it is limited by its original strength and cannot complete the ultimate kill against the player side.

But now...

Here comes the “point” of the decisive blow.

Yu Liang.

I'm afraid those players still don't know how terrifying this guy is, but the Shadow Army definitely knows it, because there is "Shadow Yuliang" in the second layer.

A guy who is not Yu Liang has Yu Liang's thinking. Only he understands how terrifying the power of "Yu Liang" is, and only he understands how oppressive a Yu Liang who has unlocked all his power has on the current players.

It is probably not an exaggeration to say that it is a dimensionality reduction blow.

After all, these players have only unlocked the alienated profession, and what they will face will be a man with whistle beast troops and grass infant mechas, a man with heavy firepower tanks.

The resources in Yu Liang's hands are enough to make him a demon king level figure, which will be a nightmare for players.

Only a very small number of players in the T1 gradient can stop the fully unlocked Yu Liang, but by that time, "Shadow Yu Liang" may have slaughtered the players until only these few players are left.

It was precisely because he knew how powerful "Yu Liang" was that "Shadow Yu Liang" did not hesitate to use the trick and set up this trap.

And this is the only thing that Li Geng and others did not expect. This is the key to the shadows breaking through——

Round City Players.

After all, the Shadows had not successfully united with the players in the Round City. Who would have thought that the players in the Round City would cooperate with the Shadows?

We were obviously fighting for life and death before today, why did we unite together as soon as I came here?

Based on these shadows, it was very easy for Li Huachao to run away under this extremely oppressive light. Those 18 T2 whistle beasts were worthless. They were completely death squads and could easily break through the siege of shadows.

Anyway, cultivating such a whistle beast only consumes some energy of the whistle beast's mother body. If some shadows can be replaced, it will be a big profit.

As a result, the players in the circular city didn't know why they were crazy, and they actually betrayed their identity as "players". Isn't this helping the evil?

Do you really think that the Shadow Army will get any benefits if it becomes bigger?

Short-sighted, can you play? !

For a moment, Li Geng scolded these players in his heart, but he knew that there was no need to argue with those players now. Only by relying on his fists to speak and fight out of them could he gain hope.

The only good thing is that the shadows don't know that "Yu Liang" still hides such a killer move. The light of the paper people has significantly weakened them, so that they do not have an absolute advantage.

The team composed of more than twenty shadow people, more than ten elite players, and two gangs of people turned out to be just to encircle and suppress a T2 grade writer, and he was also a writer whose ontological consciousness was dormant and whose abilities were partially unlocked.

It has to be said that Shadow has shown absolute importance to Yu Liang.


Writers have always been the only ones to gang up on other players, so in what round will these players gang up on writers?

Big melees and stuff like that, the writer likes them best!

So when Li Geng switched the perspective back to himself, the Scrooge immediately took action.



I saw several golden rays of light flying out of the jar in the hands of the money geek, and then flying into the bodies of several shadow paper figures present, while several groups of silver rays of light also flew out of their bodies, and then entered Scrooge's jar.

In this chaotic square with figures escaping in all directions, the movement of the light group is precise, as if it is forcibly creating a kind of order in the chaos.

As the Lucky Ghost's ability was activated, the battle was about to begin. There was no verbal exchange between the two sides, and the killer move came out.

The physical warrior is always the vanguard of the player's battle, so in just a few seconds, he has arrived not far in front of Li Geng. He raised the spike in his hand and was about to poke a hole in Li Geng.

Without any hesitation, Li Geng reached out and took out the portable prison on his body. With a simple pull, a large number of strange creatures jumped out.

The mother whistle beast followed the eighteen roaring whistle beasts and rushed towards the incoming body warrior players. As she ran, she realized her identity as the mistress, so she fell behind again and concentrated on controlling the body. 18 whistle beasts.

The skills of the mother body have been upgraded. She can build a [group] to pull 18 whistle beasts into her consciousness, and act as the mastermind to control the group of whistle beasts to fight.

The entire herd of whistle beasts is like a whole, as easy to operate as her hands and feet, and every move and every style is in perfect coordination.

It is a pity that other weird creatures cannot be incorporated into [group] consciousness like this. On the one hand, because the process of incorporating into [group] consciousness is irreversible, other weird creatures naturally do not want their consciousness to be erased; on the other hand, Because the mother body cannot understand the operation of Kaitan's biological abilities.

For example, if the paper man joins the [Group] organization, the parent body can only use the power of the paper man's paper body and cannot use the skills on the panel.

"Reject—" As the whistle beasts charged, the sound of ear whistles came from this sharp team, shocking the oncoming physical warriors.

As a T2 grade monster creature, the Whistle Beast does not have many special abilities. The Ear Whistle is definitely one of them. It can temporarily control other creatures, and will aggravate their inner fear and make them unable to concentrate.

However, these players were all extraordinary players. They reacted after being briefly stunned, and immediately the Eight Immortals crossed the sea and showed their magical powers.

Some people slide to avoid the charge of the whistle beasts, some people set up an energy shield out of thin air, and use the shield to resist the impact while escaping sideways. Some people virtualize themselves and let the whistle beast group pass directly through them. through the body.

"Damn it, what are those shadows doing?" "Muay Thai Fighter", the leader of these five martial artists, was extremely dissatisfied with the shadow party's betrayal.

It was obviously the group of shadows who came to seek cooperation, but why were the shadows with the upper hand in the fight now unable to move?

Even if you want to take this opportunity to consume the player's power, there is no need to act like this, right?

Showing this to them when he came up made him want to defect before the battle.

He knew that these shadows had bad intentions, but the players in the circular city were not in charge of him, so he could only listen to the orders of the T1 gradient players above.

Damn it, why don’t there happen to be T1 level physical warriors in the circular city?

The physical warriors who are supposed to be the backbone are treated like cannon fodder!

While the Muay Thai fighter was harboring resentment, the shadows took action.

The "Thunder" character flashing with blue-purple light was shot out from the shadow's hand, aiming directly at the physical warrior players on the front line. The other shadows were also about the same, using their most powerful attacks at the same time, either characters or Stab, in short, hit the nearby group of players without hesitation.

Under the micro-control of Money Skull, the shadows chose the players around them as targets and launched a fierce attack on them.

"Quick, avoid, they are attacking us!" A sharp female voice came from among the players, warning these players in advance.

"Damn it, what are you doing?!" The players who were selected as targets were frightened and hurriedly moved away.

Probably because it was not the shadow's original wish to launch an attack, the attacks of these shadows moved forward for a long time, giving the players enough time to dodge, and thus no casualties were caused.

Of course, the shadow with the "Thunder" character is different. It has a longer casting distance, and the "Thunder" character cannot hurt itself, but the huge explosion range is beyond the shadow's control.

The "Thunder" character exploded in the player group. Even if the players learned about the attack early and avoided it in advance, they still did not have time to completely escape the explosion range. They were immediately affected by the explosion and were blown up one after another.


A small "thunder" character caused the player community to scream and become filled with resentment.

They and the shadow party were not dealing with each other. Now the shadow is using the "Thunder" character to attack them. The player who was just injured by the "Thunder" character will attack the shadow with his backhand.


At this time, a male voice in the player group stopped the players from counterattacking, and the calm voice helped the players present to regain their senses, "That's just the special ability of the enemy's strange creatures. Don't worry, it can only be used once on each target." , and then hit him with one gulp!"

The commotion among the players barely subsided, but it was obvious that they would no longer focus all their attention on the enemies in the square.

The shadow naturally knew that the players were on guard, so perhaps in order to alleviate the embarrassment just now, more than a dozen shadow warriors approached Li Geng in the center from all directions, and they could break through the whistle beast's defense in just a moment.

After all, whistle beasts are just T2-level monsters. In a one-on-one situation, T2 shadow warriors can basically stabilize them.

Although the whistle beasts fought under the unified control of the mother body and cooperated tacitly, the shadows also had a command center and cooperated with the same tacit understanding, so they defeated the group of whistle beasts after only fighting for a while.

However, this is a two-dimensional world, and simple puncture wounds are fatal, so the 18 whistle beasts still killed four shadows at the cost of half casualties.

Seeing the shadow defender attacking without fear of death, the complaints of the players in the circular city also subsided a little, and they reluctantly accepted the task of cooperating with the shadow to kill this player in Ling City.

"Old liar, it's almost over. The body warrior is about to break through the defense line of the strange creature. You can [share the loss] with that 'writer'." The prophet Coco said to an old man next to him.

"Okay." The man known as the old liar was not unhappy at all. He just stepped forward and selected the skill of the alienated profession to the man in the center of the square.

[Shared Benefit]: Only once a day, select a target within sight and a simple task that both parties can complete. When the trigger conditions are met within five minutes, you will definitely perform the task.

Just like his nickname "Old Liar", he is an electronic fraudster from Eastern Europe. This ability comes from the alienated profession.

Simply put, after selecting a task, he and the target will try their best to complete it without any control.

If "Attack" is simply selected, they will attack surrounding creatures indiscriminately within five minutes.

If "Attack Enemy" is selected, they will attack the enemy until exhausted.

This state will last for five minutes unless the user of the skill dies.

After the research of the old liar, this [common benefit] has undergone profound changes, and just like the prophet said, it has become [common loss].

It's very simple. The simple task chosen by the old liar is "not to dodge when faced with attacks."

Therefore, neither the old trickster nor the chosen target can dodge when faced with any attack for the next five minutes.

A professional skill with extremely incredible control effects.

In this way, this becomes a powerful control skill, especially when bullying the smaller ones with more, it is simply a magical skill.

It is precisely because of the existence of such a skill that the players in Round City are so confident.

Five minutes, no dodge.

As long as you can break through the defense line of the writer's monsters, you can easily kill the writer.

It's that simple.

"Wait..." On the other side, Li Geng also felt something was wrong with his body. He opened his personal page, and the prompt content above happened to verify this guess.

[Shared Benefit]: (Special status) Unable to dodge when faced with attacks, remaining time is 4 minutes and 50 seconds.

"Can't dodge?" Li Geng felt even worse and quickly switched roles, but it was the same as Li Huacholai, because this was a status skill applied to the body and would not change due to role switching.

"These players are really killing people." Li Hua was furious and immediately decided not to hold back (actually he didn't expect it just now).

"Scrounge, continue the [Force Exchange]. This time we use the character 'Thunder' in exchange for something with them! I will make all of you self-destruct infantry!" Li Huachao looked ferocious and roared towards the players and shadows in the distance, Then, he turned to look at the Snake-Eating Snake, "Go, take that little Snake-Eating Snake and eat their character casting distance!"

[Forced trade] is a forced transaction. The money-grubber can take something from the opposite side and then pass over something of his own.

Now, what it hands over is the "Thunder" character.

Followed by [Li Yu], the target has harvested the "wealth" from the money-keeping ghost, so it will attack the target chosen by the money-keeping ghost with all its strength.

Full attack refers to the move with the strongest attack power.

As we all know, the "Thunder" character has extremely terrifying destructive power. Most players can't cause as much damage as a single "Thunder" character, so there is a high probability that "Thunder" will be selected for this "full attack" character.

The characteristic of the "Thunder" character is that the damage range is extremely large, even greater than the initial character's casting range. So driven by [Liyu], the release of the "Thunder" character will most likely affect oneself and affect others.

In addition, the little biting snake will eat up the casting distance of the character, and the "Thunder" character will explode closer to itself.

Every shadow, every player——

They are all lightning versions of self-destructing infantry!

You forced me to do this. I didn’t want to make people angry, but now——

Thunder God and Lightning Mother, listen to my orders!

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