The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 492 Actually, I also want to know who Xiaoran is


(That is, a spouse or object is forcibly taken away by others. In general works, it also refers to the object being snatched away by others).

Three big letters appeared in the adventurer's mind.

Although he didn't want to admit it, when he heard the name "Yu Liang" from the mouth of Gengen Kaitan, the adventurer did think of this word at the first moment.

The three simple letters "NTR" are so full of meaning at this moment.

Yu Liang, Xiao Ran, desktop favorite.

Yu Liang, Xiaoran, Xu Cixi.

Yu Liang, Desktop Chong, Xu Cixi.

This is already a three-dimensional super NTR, not to mention that every character in it is a heavyweight.

Xiaoran, the yandere is a childhood sweetheart; Xu Cixi, the royal sister is descended from the sky; the desktop darling, the super popular source of ghost stories, looks like she is both a royal and a beautiful girl.

From a spectator's perspective, even adventurers who have watched the series a lot have a hard time telling who is strong and who is weak, and who is not sure who will have the last laugh.

Before that, the adventurer had a vague idea of ​​participating in it. After all, gaining a source ghost story is a dream that every player will have. This is the help that can truly make a player make a qualitative leap.

The source of strange stories like Desktop Pet is simply a love story in a dream.

Special abilities that can be stored in some electronic devices, giving them absolute dominance in the corresponding fields.

And judging from the feeling, the character of this Root Monster is quite good. It is not a cold-blooded and cruel type. It can even be regarded as a kind of love and justice type. It can be regarded as an alternative character in the Root Monster.

This may be because she hasn't experienced a long time, so she is not as ruthless as other root monsters, but this is definitely a great thing for players.

Just like a scumbag who hangs out in a bar, if he has the purpose of defrauding money and sex, he will definitely give priority to the kind of innocent young girl who is new to the world, rather than the gold-fishing girl who also comes for money.

Now, it's obvious that this desktop pet's source is an "innocent girl", and since she's not bloodthirsty, she's simply the best target.

The original adventurer had some thoughts about her, such as helping her fulfill her long-cherished wish, then successfully increasing her favorability, reaching a cooperation contract, etc...

Directly NTR the original owner of this computer and step on the original owner's head to become a top player.

However, now that he heard Yu Liang's name, the adventurer could only sigh.

It was beyond his expectation that this could also be related to Yu Liang, but when he thought that it was Yu Liang, he suddenly felt that it was quite reasonable.

In short, it is naturally impossible for him to have any impulse towards the ghost stories about the origins of good brothers, so he can only give up.

But then again, is Yu Liang the person we are looking for to find the source of the ghost story?

The adventurer instinctively felt that something was wrong, because if he wanted to find Yu Liang, wouldn't Yu Liang have already appeared in Flatland?

Could it be that the desktop pet cannot find Yu Liang?


This is a strange story. Can Yu Liang be able to hide it in her one-third of an acre of land?


It's hard to say.

In this way, the adventurer immediately stopped planning to report the situation to his desktop pet, because he felt that it might harm his good brother.

Since Yu Liang hid in front of the desktop pet, it means that Yu Liang may also know about this matter, so the reason for his hiding is naturally not because of the quarrel with the source monster.

If you report the situation casually, Yu Liang may be caught and killed directly by the source of ghost talk. After all, the adventurer is still not sure what the desktop pet wants to do with Yu Liang.

Now it can only be seen that the desktop pet has deep feelings for Yu Liang, but whether it is revenge or gratitude, this is something that can only be done with an emotional basis. If it fails, it will lead to life and death.

"Great God, can you guide me in the direction? I want to return to the Flatland continent, where I can think about strategies better." The adventurer decided to find Yu Liang first. Regardless of whether he can find it or not, all this will matter. All still need to be considered in the long term.

After he finished saying this, a celestial path covered with white light immediately appeared in front of him. Looking along the celestial path, the Flat Country was among them.

To be precise, the only thing that appeared in front of the adventurer was the concept of "Flatland", but when he looked at the concept, a bird's-eye view of Flatland immediately appeared in his mind.

It has been almost a month since he came to this two-dimensional copy. The adventurer finally saw some three-dimensional pictures. The long-lost three-dimensional pictures made him feel like he was in another world.

This is the circular city, this is the hexagonal city, and this is the rhombus city.

This is the West Coast, this is the Far North, this is the mining country.

The adventurer identified the pattern marks on it one by one, and looked at the surging pictures in the graphic city and the beautiful scene of busy traffic, and couldn't help but feel a little yearning in his heart.

Not to mention, he hasn't seen a normal living creature for more than a week, and now he still misses the feeling of fireworks in the world.

He is an adventurer and has the courage and will to cross the desert alone, but this does not mean that he can endure loneliness forever.

Now, it's time to go back.

The adventurer looked at the T1 mark on his personal page and the sign that he had completed the second stage of the main mission, and his whole aura changed.

I have completed the second stage of the main mission, been promoted to T1, and also shouldered the task of root ghost story. These past few days have definitely been full of rewards.

After some searching, the adventurer also noticed some particularly obvious details on the real-time aerial view of Flat Country.

For example, at Lingcheng's location, he saw a circle standing in front of a large number of dyed triangles, seemingly giving a speech.

Judging from the five-pointed stars and thorn-horned rhombuses surrounding the triangles, it seems that something big is going to happen here.


Mobilization before war?

This word came to the mind of the adventurer, but he had been away from Flatland for too long, so it was not clear what happened on the land of Flatland.

However, the current adventurer does not think this will be a big deal, because his exploration has obviously reached a dimension higher than Flatland.

While these players were still fighting and killing in the Flat Country area, he had already seen the source of the ghost stories and learned the truth about the entire dungeon area.

There is quite a sense of detachment that "when everyone is drunk, I am alone awake, and when the whole world is turbid, I am alone clear".

I know there is already a sadly thick wall between us.

The adventurer shook his head pretending to be profound, then moved his eyes away from these mobilized triangular soldiers and looked at another area.

Hexagon City.

On the road between the Hexagonal City and the Round City, he saw a unique building, which was a movable building.

On the edge of this building, he also saw some strange shapes following them. They were neither regular figures nor paper figures, but irregular figures.

However, this was different from his perception. Normally, irregular shapes were different from each other. It was difficult to find two identical irregular shapes in Flatland.

Now this movable building is surrounded by eighteen identical irregular shapes, and this shape...

Like some kind of monster.

The adventurer has a guess in his mind.

Is this a weird creature?

There are no strange creatures on the Flatland continent, so the answer is ready to come out.

Writer Yu Liang.

Looking at the situation in the building, the adventurer found that there were two paper people and an octagon inside, as well as a smaller, weird creature similar to the paper people.

So it's a writer and a hypnotist inside?

The adventurer recognized the two of them. Judging from the direction of movement of the building, they wanted to rush to Hexagonal City.

In that case, I'll go here too.

He determined the place of arrival in his mind, and then walked into the exclusive passage opened for him by the source ghost story.

"Eh? Why can I only choose fixed coordinates to teleport? No, the mouse should be moved. I want to go there!"

The adventurer's voice emerged from a white light, but no one heard his request, so there would be no response.

Contrary to what he thought, he did not appear in the selected building or directly in front of Yu Liang. Instead, he was teleported to the nearby suburbs of Hexagonal City.

Forget it, just wait here for a while, it looks like it's almost here.

Following the direction in his memory, the adventurer looked at where Yu Liang was about to arrive, feeling a little hopeful in his heart.

He believed that his experience would definitely give Yu Liang a big surprise. Likewise, he also became very curious about Yu Liang's past experience.

What has this guy experienced before?

How did he go from being a potential prisoner to being such a polite loser now...



In fact, the appearance of the adventurer did bring a surprise to Yu Liang.

In Flatland, there are a large number of villages near the city, guarding the central city like satellites, and between the two cities, there is basically a large wilderness. Blank and dilapidated buildings are the main theme of the wilderness.

According to the history told by the octagon, the "animals" on the Flatland continent have basically become extinct and have been driven into the ocean. Therefore, meeting an "animal" in the wilderness is basically a symbol of auspiciousness and means that you can enter the city. The benefits of exchanging large amounts of wealth with nobles.

But now, Yu Liang was blocked by the monster in front of him, and he couldn't hold back for a while.

"The big cigarette stick is stuffed in my mouth, I only smoke the fifth generation~"

When I first heard it, I thought it was electronic music.

If you look closely, you will see that it is a naked (Lo) Li with a confused face.

Then there are all kinds of messy mental pollution, either special pictures that cannot be posted, or short video collections that need to be supplemented before they can be seen.

For a moment, Yu Liang and Xu Cixi felt like they were facing a formidable enemy, but to their surprise, the degree of mental pollution was not that strong.

If I had to say it, it was that the other party didn't seem to have any intention of harming them, it was more like...

A kind of sharing.


It’s the kind of sharing among group friends.

The hostility has temporarily disappeared, but the sense of weirdness cannot be dissipated. After all, the color pictures of faces are being criticized every moment...

It's really too outrageous.

"This..." Xu Cixi was a little overwhelmed by the continuous bombardment of color pictures. These pictures were all pictures of naked girls, and most of them were of the white and thin type, which was different from her. It's the complete opposite...

However, this still makes people blush involuntarily. It would be better to say that the appearance of such pictures brings with them mental inducement and pollution.

"You saw it too." Yu Liang realized that Xu Cixi beside him also saw those pictures, and subconsciously thought of a question in his mind.

What he saw was a picture of a white-haired lolita, so what Xu Cixi saw was a white-haired shot?

Will this mental pollution be tailored to an individual's orientation?

No, but I don’t like this kind of white-haired lolita either. It doesn’t look like it was customized for me, right?

"You, don't look at me." Xu Cixi turned around quickly, with a panic that was usually inaudible in her voice.

If it were the real world, you would definitely be able to see that Xu Cixi's face was red at this moment and she was in a red-hot state.

Of course, Yu Liang was not much better. This direct impact on his soul caused some reactions in his body.

Judging from the rules of the two-dimensional world, this may be a good thing, because he has an extra hard thorn horn, which can be regarded as strengthening his attack power.

"If I'm not looking at you, then what are I looking at?" Yu Liang asked subconsciously.

"Look... forget it." Xu Cixi also subconsciously replied, wanting to let Yu Liang see the source of mental pollution in front of her, but when she thought about what the kind of pictures in the pollution source were, she suddenly didn't want to let Yu Liang go. Saw it.

However, the pollution of this pornographic picture became more and more intense, which made the two people in room 225 blush. Just when they were looking for something to relieve their embarrassment, the source of this pollution was suddenly stopped. .

This source of mental pollution came directly to the front of room 225, and then laughed loudly and wantonly.

"Hahahaha Yu Liang, you didn't expect it, it was me!" The adventurer walked around room 225 twice. This time he turned off the data stream of the pornographic pictures on his body and turned to increase the audio output.

It feels like...

It's like an all-star collection of ghosts and beasts with 3D surround sound accompanying you.

Yu Liang and Xu Cixi: "..."

Although I knew that the adventurer must have made great achievements, it was still difficult to resist the urge to hit him.

After a friendly exchange, Yu Liang got a lot of needed information from the adventurer.

Now he has solved the shadows in the circular city, plundered and killed all the nearby shadows, so this hexagonal city is the last stop, and he should come and harvest them all.

The appearance of the adventurer made him even more delighted.

The information about the source of ghost stories was clearly told to Yu Liang, and at the same time, other news about desktop pets was also brought.

For example, she is looking for Yu Liang.

For example, this computer is disconnected from the Internet.

For example, their current main mission is to help the root ghost story solve its difficulties. In that case, they will have the opportunity to skip the pioneer mission and directly complete the root ghost story.

The normal process of pioneering is for pioneering players to conduct preliminary exploration and analysis of the dungeon, and then drag the dungeon to their own server, where a new batch of players will conduct in-depth exploration of the dungeon, and then find opportunities to complete the source of the ghost story and completely achieve the goal.

Now that they already know the mission of the Root Ghost Story, it doesn't seem that far away to skip the pioneering book and directly complete the Root Ghost Story.

This is definitely exciting news!

"Xiao Ran? Who is Xiao Ran? Is he your former classmate?" Xu Cixi asked Yu Liang, but she didn't mean to question him, she just felt a little curious.

"Xiao Ran, uh, Xiao Ran." Yu Liang instantly thought of the yandere girl, the girl he had killed. "Your focus is quite... tricky."

Indeed, in the adventurer's rather wise explanation, Xiao Ran had almost no sense of existence, and was just a passerby used to verify his guess.

Unexpectedly, Xu Cixi noticed it.

Then you can't blame me, buddy, I have already helped you, now...

I also want to know who Xiaoran is! (End of chapter)

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