The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 54 You should be the director, Yu Liang

"The power outage happened after the director set out, which means that his target from the beginning was us, not because of the power outage." Xu Cixi continued, pointing to the bookshelf with the dolls, "There is an empty seat there. , and there is no bear among these dolls, the bear should be the most common doll, if you want to put a whole set of dolls, it is impossible not to have a bear.”

"Yes." Yu Liang nodded. He was already a little sure in his heart. The director must not be as simple as he seems. This guy still has many secrets that he has not revealed, and he may not be a kind person.

He turned his head and looked into the inner room of the office. From here, he could not see the principal's figure, and had no way of knowing what the principal was doing.

"Leave now?" Xu Cixi pulled Yu Liang's sleeve.

"Wait a moment." Yu Liang shook his head. His eyes fell on the dolls and he shook his head helplessly.

If the director really meant harm, and if those dolls could transform into the kind of monsters they had encountered before, then there wouldn't be much difference if they escaped earlier or later.

There are so many doll monsters that cannot be resisted by humans.

"Here we come." The director walked out of the office with a tray on which were three cups of steaming strong tea. He placed the tray on the table in front of Yu Liang and Xu Cixi and continued, "I After thinking about it for a while, there are so many things about 'it' that I don't even know where to start. You should ask questions, and I will tell you everything I know."

"When did you discover it?" Yu Liang glanced at the cup of strong tea and did not reach out to take it. He was worried that the director had drugged it.

The director smiled and said: "You should know that it will take the initiative to make you aware of its existence. But to really know its existence for sure, I still know it from the previous director."

The previous director? !

Just this first sentence made Yu Liang's movements freeze on the spot. His mind instantly flashed to the introduction about "Director Lin Youfeng" in the exhibition hall of the performance hall. There was no mention of the director's change at all. Extraordinary.

No, not only was it not mentioned, but it was clearly recorded that the director, Lin Youfeng, built the Changhong Zoo alone and continues to this day.

"The previous director... didn't Changhong Zoo have only one director?" Yu Liang asked directly.

"No." The director shook his head, "The previous directors are all dead. No one except me still remembers them. Soon I will be like this, and you will no longer remember me."

Already forgotten by others?

It's not impossible.

Yu's conscience darkened, and the disappeared employees would be forgotten by everyone. He knew this, Lao Jiang once told him.

Does this category of employees also include principals?

"It will also make you disappear?" Yu Liang followed the director's words and asked.

"Do you know how each generation of principals is selected?" Principal Lin did not directly answer Yu Liang's question, but asked rhetorically.

"Sense of responsibility? IQ? View of the overall situation? Determination to contend with it?" Yu Liang guessed several answers in a row, but the director just kept shaking his head. Obviously, these were not correct answers.

"It's its interest in you." The director smiled and continued, "There is only one of it, and its time is limited. As long as it maintains enough interest in you, others, whether tourists or employees, will become Safety."

The director's tone was flat. This reason seemed silly, but there was a deep helplessness behind it, and this helplessness had been with him for many years.

"So..." Yu Liang suddenly understood. He seemed to understand why the director had led him to this place, and he looked at the director with some respect in his eyes.

The director has no bad intentions.

That’s right, what reason do people have to stand on the same side as “it”?

If the director really wanted to do this, the whole city would have been in chaos.

"Well, I noticed it a few days ago. It became interested in you. I thought that like other employees, you would soon be defeated by its torture, but you didn't. It became interested in you." On the contrary, your interest is constantly deepening." The director spoke eloquently, and he admitted generously, "I admit that what you experienced in Sweetheart Square has something to do with me. I originally thought that you would eagerly seek me after being frightened. help. I apologize to you, you are braver than I thought, and I need your help."

As if he felt that his tone was not firm and sincere enough, the director added again: "It is very necessary."

"What do you need me to do?" Yu Liang had already guessed what the director was going to say, but he still felt it was outrageous.

It is interested in him simply because he is not from this world. He is just here to do a task. Why does it feel like things are developing in a complicated place now?

"I can't hold it anymore, so I must choose the next director of this zoo." Director Lin said, "This is the power I still have, and it is also my obligation. I must hand over a suitable person to the zoo." In hand."

Yu Liang shook his head, neither refusing nor agreeing: "Sorry, this issue is still too far away for me. I need some time to think about it."

Although he said this, Yu Liang was thinking about something else at this time.

If he becomes the director, does that mean he can bring the entire zoo under his [universe]?

You can pretend to be a ghost story creature, but it doesn’t matter if you pretend to be the place where the ghost story takes place, right?

And since it’s a weird creature, it should also be a location, right?

Otherwise, where could the story take place?

Yu Liang felt that his bold idea was very meaningful to implement.

"Yes, but don't waste too much time. Once you miss it, it will not give you another chance." The principal said something a bit mysterious, but Yu Liang kept it in mind, and he also had some bad premonitions.

Looking back at Xu Cixi, she had big eyes, as if she still hadn't figured out what was going on here.

"Are you going to be the director?" Xu Cixi asked in a low voice, with an inexplicable expectation in her eyes.

"Not necessarily." Yu Liang looked at her helplessly. He couldn't figure out what was going on in this guy's head.

Doesn't she not know that they are all outside the game, and the most important issue now is being the director?

It’s business to find the hamster and leave here as soon as possible!

Yu Liang looked at the shadow at her feet, thoughtfully.

The "cleaning hamster" mentioned in his mission did not indicate which one it was. It could be the hamster Xu Cixi transformed into, or it could be the "first hamster" brought into the zoo by someone unknown.

Of course, Yu Liang prefers the latter, which is more in line with the concept of the "scavenger" task, because hamsters are animals that should not appear in the zoo.

There is one important thing to do before that, which is to reverse Xu Cixi's "hamsterization" process. Although he doesn't like doing meaningless things, this is definitely not meaningless.

If it were Lao Du, Lao Du would have sat back and watched Xu Cixi transform into a hamster, or even silently urged her to transform into a hamster, then ended the matter with a knife, and left the role-playing game after receiving the reward.

Yu Liang can't do this kind of thing, he still has the most basic human nature.

"Huh?" Xu Cixi tilted her head. For some reason, she felt that Yu Liang's eyes were a little rude just now, as if he was looking at a little lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Yu Liang turned away from Xu Cixi.

"Anyway, I hope you can seriously consider this matter." Director Lin continued, "It would be great if you could make preparations before I completely disappear."

He laughed: "I've always judged people very accurately, and so does he. I believe you can do it and inherit the name 'Lin Youfeng'."

"What do you mean?" Yu Liang was stunned. He didn't understand what the director said in the last sentence.

"My name is not Lin Youfeng. Only the first principal had this name, and the name has been used since he disappeared." The principal continued, "So in the eyes of these employees, the three principals There is no difference from Yi Ren.”

"What's your real name?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. You just need to know that I am Lin Youfeng and the director of the park now. That's enough." Director Lin shook his head and smiled. He didn't care about this.

He stood up and walked to the bookcase, then took out a leather-bound notebook from the inner layer of the bookcase.

"This is the diary of the first director. Some special positions in the zoo require writing a diary every day. This is also a rule inherited from the first director." The director said, and he touched his nose in embarrassment. "Although it is a bad habit to peek at other people's diaries, I had to do it in order to observe the mental state of these employees."

Yu Liang took the diary and felt the heavy weight in it. He casually opened a few pages and read quickly.

The first director's handwriting was dignified and majestic. If it is true that his words are true to his person, then he was obviously an elegant, easy-going and handsome old man.


July 24

The zoo's revenue is very good. My decision was right. This city needs a large zoo. I have fulfilled a half-life dream, which is great.

I will get a batch of funds next month, and I decided to introduce some new rare animals and create a comfortable home for them.

It’s just that this time I didn’t get any instructions from my superiors. When will the animal performances stop?

I really hate this model of making money.


July 30

This batch of animals arrived, but it was strange that they felt lifeless.

Forget it, it's probably because of the long journey and the acclimatization. Let's take good care of it first and then ask some veterinarians to come and take a look.


August 1


Why are all the animals I met today smiling at me?

What happened to them?

Or is there something wrong with my brain?

Also, there are some things that I dare not tell anyone. Why does the number of certain animals change every once in a while?

Today is flamingo, there is one more flamingo.

I'd better record the changes in their numbers.


August 9

I found it.


August 11

It appears everywhere, it moves in and out of shadows.

It can transform into any animal, except humans.

It wants to get out, but it can't get out.

I won't let it out. No animal can leave this zoo.


August 15

The first employee disappeared.

No one remembers him except me.

It was demonstrating to me.

I can't give in.


August 17

I found the missing employee, but I was the only one who found him. He turned into a goat. I knew that the goat was him. He was bitten to death by a rabbit in the lion park.


August 19

It was killing the staff and the visitors, I had to do something, I had to do something.

I want it to focus its attention and interest on me.

I founded the zoo, and I caused you to become like this.

Feel sorry.

Yu Liang continued to scroll down. Although these contents supplemented the background of "it", it did not help him in terms of expanding information. He already knew many things.

Xu Cixi also stretched her head over, and pressed the notebook in Yu Liang's hand with her hand. She was not tall enough, and Yu Liang held it so high that she could not see what was written.


September 21

Oh, I finally know what it is doing. It is studying human nature. This beast really wants to be a human.

I will never allow this to happen.

It can never leave this zoo.

"Want to be a human?" Xu Cixi murmured.

"Well, maybe this is the only way it can leave here." The director nodded, "It has the ability to transform into humans, but it seems that it doesn't understand humans well enough, so it always turns into some weird humanoid creatures. .”

He said helplessly: "When it appears in front of you in this form, don't believe anything it says. Once you identify with 'it is a human', the normal person in your eyes will become a monster in the future." , but monsters are normal people in your eyes, and you will eventually go crazy. Some employees have experienced these things and are now being treated in mental hospitals."

"Understood." Yu Liang nodded and took notes, but "it" had never appeared in front of him in a "human" state. To be precise, he had never really seen it.

"I'll leave this diary to you first. It doesn't have much use to me anymore." The principal said. He lowered his head and glanced at the time. "It's almost two o'clock now. If you want to go back to the dormitory to rest, please As soon as possible, try not to walk around after two o'clock, this is the time when it is most active and energetic."

He added: "If you plan to sleep here, that's fine. There is a small room to the left when you go out, but it only has one bed."

"No, we can go back to the dormitory now." Yu Liang shook his head in refusal. After saying this, he glanced at Xu Cixi beside him. Xu Cixi nodded quickly and agreed, "Just go back to the dormitory. "

"Okay." The principal said goodbye to the two of them, "Be careful on the road. As for Mr. Yu Liang, I hope you can think about this issue carefully."

"I will." Yu Liang nodded, and then led Xu Cixi towards the door.

The two of them entered the completely dark corridor again. Yu Liang probably remembered the location of the elevator. He stretched out his hand backwards, leaving a sleeve for Xu Cixi to grab, while thinking about the hamster's question and asked: "Do you have any ideas? How to find the hamster, complete the task and leave the game so you may not become a hamster."

This time, Xu Cixi naturally grabbed a few of his fingers and didn't flinch again.

Just as Yu Liang was about to withdraw his hand, he heard Xu Cixi whisper in the darkness.

"I don't want to go back to that zoo. It's worse there than here."


Sure enough, it was this kind of comfortable thinking that alienated her. Her experience in the game during this period made her change a lot. This is why Yu Liang felt like she was possessed by something.

But there has never been such a thing as possession. Xu Cixi is the hamster, and the hamster is also Xu Cixi.

All the hamsters stayed in cages, and she made a cage for herself.

Thanks to Wu Yiqi, Bin Xue Xiao Xuesheng, ulingreen, Yexiu Lingsha, and Isatis root deep in the mountains for their rewards. Thank you for your support!

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