The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 500 The writer’s universe does not support idlers!

Unlike the gambler Lu Baoshen and the architect Li Geng, the prophet Yan Hu's ability changes are not so fancy, but simply change his combat thinking.

The transformation from an alienated profession with powerful auxiliary abilities to a combat profession was introduced in a realistic way.

Unyielding will, forced three minutes of real man time, immune to all damage, this explanation does seem like the ability that a powerful warrior should have...

No, I remember that the [Blessing] ability is not randomly teleporting to a safe place?

Now that the teleportation is gone, won’t the three minutes of damage immunity be useless?

By the time you come back, the day lilies will be cold.

"But doesn't the description in your skill say that when you suffer fatal damage, you will be randomly teleported to a safe place?" Yu Liang was still puzzled.

"Fate has given me a revelation. The meaning of my birth is to fight. As a prophet, the most dangerous thing is to go against fate, so for me, the battlefield where I need to go is the safest place." Yan Hu explained himself The idea, "Moreover, fate is constant. A person will suffer a fixed number of hardships, and escape has no effect. If you don't fight in the face of danger, the so-called 'safety' will only drift away."

His voice also became passionate in an instant: "It is precisely because of this that the [Blessing] skill of the prophet actually exists to protect my partners. When they are in danger, I only need to stab them with the dagger." If I enter my chest, I can appear on the battlefield where I am needed in the blink of an eye.”

Yu Liang: "..."

If you can really do this, it's not impossible...


But the most critical problem is still not solved!

No, you're a prophet, and you don't even have a physical bonus. How can you fight other physical warriors?

Although this body of muscles and big body does look intimidating, but it has to be substituted into the dungeon's ghost story worldview, right?

Don't look at Li Huachao, who looks like a thin dog compared to you. If you really have to fight, seven or eight of you can't defeat him!

"But, your physical fitness is not too high." Yu Liang said the most critical part of the problem.

"Indeed, I am far better than ordinary people, but I am still much inferior to serious physical warriors. This may only be enhanced through other means." Mentioning this, Yan Hu also felt helpless, "This may be the T2 level The shackles of the combat profession, if I had top-level physical bonuses, I would be too much like a supermodel, and I can understand this in the world of Kaitan."

He seemed to be able to sense that Yu Liang was slightly disappointed. After all, Yan Hu knew that his panel data was indeed unsatisfactory, so he tried his best to promote himself: "But my natural physical fitness is already very strong. Well, with its special injury-free characteristics, it should be able to deal with some T2 grade physical warriors."

"Oh?" Yu Liang looked at this guy in surprise. Did the character created by Guaitan World this time have such a high physical value?

He ordered Li Huachao to step forward: "Go and try to see what his physical fitness is."

Soon, Li Huachao calculated Yan Hu's physical fitness through his own feelings. The result still surprised him.

"The strength is about the same as when I was in T2, the speed is about +2, and the rest is at +3 level... Calculating it this way, the prophet is actually born with a physical strength of about +3 for all constitutions. This weird world is really unfair. Ah." Li Huachao looked a little depressed.

You know, he only gained +5 in overall constitution at the T2 gradient, while the prophet was born with +3...

It can be called the third holy body.

Could it be that the prototype is Ke Jie?

Li Huachao began to have random thoughts in his heart, but his so-called envy must be just talk, because he did not want to become a big man like Yan Hu.

Zhong Chen is already strong enough, but in front of him, he feels like a little bird clinging to someone.

Well, no, I still like my current figure, which looks slim and muscular when dressed and stripped off. Coupled with this handsome face, it is simply a foul-level personality.

"All physical qualities +3, plus damage reduction, plus some character buffs and other buffs..." Yu Liang muttered to himself, and he was already somewhat convinced.

Indeed, such Yan Hu definitely has the strength of a T2 physical warrior. With his life-threatening fighting style, he can even cause a lot of trouble to T1 level non-physical warrior players.

He was willing to be killed and dared to pull the emperor off his horse.

That's right, this prophet is not a complete lone ranger. After joining the Writer's Universe, he will certainly be able to enjoy many bonuses.

Writer's Universe helps every dream.

Let the dog have fun, let the king show off, let the fairy cower, let the bodyguard shake his pussy, let the prophet be a fighting maniac...

Uh, why do you suddenly feel like you don’t have any good stuff?

What a writer universe, Florida huh?

The writer's universe does not breed idlers!

So far, Yu Liang is quite satisfied with this prophet, because what he values ​​​​is originally the prophet's auxiliary ability, but now that the prophet has additional combat capabilities, it is an unexpected surprise.

"The buff effect of characters is not the key." Just when Yu Liang and others were discussing how to quickly arm Yan Hu, An Buchen in the corner suddenly said something.

Everyone looked around, wanting to hear what the little fairy had to say.

An Buchen seemed a little unnatural in the crowd's attention. She shrank and then continued: "Nowadays, hunters no longer need the '50-50' ring. Li Chaoniang's physical fitness is not weak, and she can't afford it." It can weaken the enemy's role and give it to the prophet."

"That's right." Li Geng suddenly woke up and had such a move.

He arrived late and had heard about Li Huachao's things, but he was not that familiar with them. He really didn't expect Lu Jie's wonderful use for a while.

"Yes, this thing is very suitable." Yu Liang was also inspired. Just as An Buchen said, the current Li Hua Dynasty does not need Lu Jie very much, and Yan Hu is the best successor.

If you want to play the role of the Five-Five Kai Ring, you must hand it over to a guy who is good at close combat. In the world of Kaidan, those who are good at close combat are often physical warriors who are born with high physical fitness. This leads to a growth rate and It doesn't weaken the enemy enough.

The prophet solved this problem perfectly.

Looking at this body structure, the combat skills and fighting instincts are not too bad, plus a three-minute injury-free buff...

These three minutes are simply a killer!

Even if the swordsman comes, he will have a headache when facing such a rogue prophet, right?

The physical fitness is evenly divided, and then he is entangled by a mad dog-type character who is desperate to deal damage...

Not to mention that this mad dog character may also trigger the "strong mid" effect.

Simply disgusting.

"The Ring of Five and Five Openings? What is that?" Yan Hu asked curiously after hearing what they said.

"It is a prop that allows you to share the physical fitness of a creature with a gradient of T1 and below." Yu Liang briefly introduced, "The duration is five minutes and the cooling time is 24 hours."

"Do you want to leave such a precious prop to me?" Yan Hu was shocked. Such a thing sounded like a killer, and the most terrifying thing is that it can not only target players, but also target strange creatures. …

The physical fitness of some strange creatures can be far stronger than that of T1 gradient players, so wouldn't he be able to compete with such creatures?

"If you join my universe and fight for me, of course there is no problem." Yu Liang replied with a smile, without any hesitation, showing his affinity very appropriately.

"This...I'm afraid this won't work. It's too valuable. If you leave it here, if I have any evil intentions..." Although Yan Hu was very eager for such a god-level item, he still restrained himself. He knew that it would be useless. Accepting salary, besides, he and Yu Liang have not yet established a relationship.

"It's okay. Such a prop is tailor-made for you. It's like destiny. You came to my camp on the eve of the war and you were able to perfectly display your strength and do what you wanted to do. "Yu Liang patted Yan Hu's strong body and said, "For me, it's a strong general; for you, it's the fulfillment of your wish."

"..." Yan Hu was silent for a long time, and finally only four words came out, "You are so kind."

Although Yu Liang couldn't see Yan Hu's expression, judging from this appearance, Yan Hu was already crying with gratitude, which had a sense of "if you never give up, I will...".

"No, no one cares about my feelings?" Li Huachao complained softly. This was his favorite ring, and it was just given away by Yu Liang.

It's like a beloved puppy toy being snatched away by a new kid.

"You are already at T1 level. This thing is of no use. From now on, go to the masked man and buy a ring that can share the origin of the ghost story." Yu Liang said, "You guys came at the right time," and reassured Li Huachao.

At this time, Yu Liang thought of the behemoth "princess".

If Yan Hu faced the princess...

It will feel very interesting.

When the monster princess attacked the city, among the ruins, Lu Baoshen collapsed on the ground and cried. At the critical moment, Yan Hu activated his ability and ring.

That scene might be a combination of Ultraman's transformation and Attack on Titan's transformation——

"Give your heart to the writer!" Yan Hu inserted the dagger into his heart, and the surging power of light emerged from the ring, wrapping his body at the same time and teleporting him to the victim Lu Baoshen.

By the time Yan Hu showed his form again, he had turned into a giant of light that was tens of meters tall and towering over the sky.

Damn it, why is he really looking forward to the prophet's battle?

It was obvious that five minutes ago I thought this kind of thing was impractical, and three minutes ago I thought it was barely feasible. How come it has become "only Yan Hu" now?

Is it really that strong to play as support as C?

Yu Liang had a lot to say but he didn't like it, but he held it back because he wanted to watch Aze complain like crazy.

This newly added prophet must be able to give Azze a big surprise, right?

Let's imagine--

Without even a moment mourning for Lu Baoshen who took away the swordsman, the person who rushed to the battlefield in an instant was the prophet Yan Hu!

A kind smile appeared on Yu Liang's face.

"Here, help me check actor Aze's abilities. I want to know all his panel information." Yu Liang immediately said to Yan Hu.

"Okay." Yan Hu turned on the ability on the page, found Aze's panel through search, and then copied it completely.

"Actor Aze, gradient T1, his abilities are [this is my script] [acting on occasion] [actor's self-cultivation] [personality incarnation] and [life is like a play]." Yan Hu told Yu Liang all the results of his prediction.

The actor's ability can definitely be regarded as a short essay. It took Yu Liang five minutes to fully obtain the details of the actor's ability.

As he guessed, Aze could get a one-hour script.

[Playing on occasion] means that you can temporarily play a character who has obtained the script, and randomly obtain 1~2 abilities of the character.

[Self-cultivation] is used to improve acting skills. During the performance, the proficiency of the character's profession will be automatically obtained, so that Aze will not fall into gangs due to professional characteristics.

For example, as a scientific researcher, you repeatedly make mistakes in the laboratory, or as a firefighter, you subconsciously perform illegal operations.

Of course actors need to be more dedicated.

The most terrifying ones are of course "Life is like a play" and "Personality clone", which are the core of an actor's ability, and their status is equivalent to Yu Liang's "universe" and "creation".

Yu Liang wrote down the abilities one by one, and then examined Aze's character column, item column and stamp column.

As expected, the characters in the character column were basically the ones Yu Liang had seen before.

Only a golden "?" character was beyond Yu Liang's awareness.

"Golden character? Is it the same as 'Zhi'?" Yu Liang murmured in a low voice, and then continued to ask, "Is that character outside the scope of the character column? Is it a separate box?"

"No, it is in the same column as other characters." Yan Hu replied.

"Okay, it's still different from 'Zhi'. It should just be a super rare character." Yu Liang nodded.

Looking at actor Aze's inventory and stamp inventory again, he really knew what King Gou was.

The items in the inventory, without exception, are all life-saving items, various props.

Shield cognition, clear mental pollution, "mist change" talismans, etc.

However, most of these props are one-time use and will not be used in this battle.

Just like Yu Liang didn't want to waste cannonballs and goblin bombs on Aze, even though this one-time life-saving item was precious, Aze wouldn't use it.

Looking at the stamp bar again, Aze's stamp bar is not as complicated as imagined. It can be summed up in two words.

"Save your life".

It seems that there is a reason why the real person A Ze is so promiscuous. He has done a good job in protecting himself. No wonder Hui Hui dares to tease the root ghost talk, and Hui Hui is able to escape unscathed.

As for the extra stamps, they were probably exchanged for items.

For Aze, the body does not need to have any combat ability.

"Okay, what about the others?" Yu Liang mainly wanted to know the professional abilities of several other characters.

"Who else? The panel ends here." Yan Hu said in a daze.

"Huh? It's over? Doesn't he have more than a dozen personality clones?" Yu Liang was a little surprised, "Those clones..."

"No, my ability has not been shown, but through searching, there are indeed other players named Aze, such as 'Metaverse Designer' Aze, and 'Illusion Sleep Master' Aze, etc." Yan Hu He recounted it honestly and said helplessly, "But I can only use my ability once a day. If I want to see other people, I'm afraid I have to wait until tomorrow."

Yu Liang: "..."

When you read a writer together, you read it from beginning to end. When you read Aze, you can only read one person, right?

Okay, okay, target me like this!

Yu Liang was speechless, but he also knew why.

The created characters all stay in the universe, so you can see everything when you explore, but Aze's personality clone exists at the same time, which is of course different.

This is the truth, but it still feels so bad. Just based on this state, the chance of winning is really not great.

The battle will probably officially start tomorrow. At most, he can only know one more Aze's abilities...

How about asking the masked man to buy some supplies?

Anyway, wealth is worth more now.

Yu Liang thought of a way to quickly become stronger in a short period of time.

Simple, krypton gold!

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