The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 502 Magician, magician

"This shouldn't be the T1 form of the hypnotist." After Xu Cixi saw the ability of the hypnotist, her brows did not relax.

In the end, she gave a relatively positive answer, her confidence revealed in her voice.

"Ah? Why?" Yu Liang felt a little unbelievable about Xu Cixi's judgment.

The Hypnotist is actually not the T1 variant of the Hypnotist?

What else could it be?

"Yeah." Xu Cixi stopped worrying after making the decision. She explained, "The T1 profession will only be an advancement of this type of profession, which means a further improvement in ability. This is equivalent to... You plant a sapling and watch it grow bigger and bigger. What you have to do is to make the sapling grow stronger and have more branches, instead of planting another tree."

She continued: "For example, as a hypnotist, I have the ability to forcibly lower mental defenses, but a hypnotist does not have such an ability. This is not scientific, because the hypnotist needs such an ability very much, so he does not need to give it to him. But it’s impossible to cancel the abilities you already have, right?”

"The Sleep Master's [Sleep] automatically selects a creature with the lowest mental value as the 'Sleeper'. This is not something he can choose, so he really needs an ability that can lower the target's mental defense."

"Could it be that if such an ability is inherited from a sleeper, the dreamer will become too perverted?" Li Geng raised a possibility, "First give yourself a 'sleeper' state, and then reduce the enemy's mental defense by a large amount. In the end, they all become sleepers."

"Probably not. I personally prefer that he is not a variant of a hypnotist, because his abilities are obviously different from those of a hypnotist." Xu Cixi shook her head, "It should be something similar to a hypnotist. The career evolved.”

"Similar professions...psychology professor? Psychological counselor? None of these are similar." Yu Liang shook his head, feeling that these professions had nothing to do with hypnotists.

"Perhaps it evolved from an illusionist." At this time, An Buchen said something, providing a few people with new ideas.

Maybe a magician with a little hypnosis becomes a hypnotist?

It sounds reasonable, but the question is, is there such an inexplicable career in real life?

"Illusionist? How can there be such a profession?" Lu Baoshen was like a compliment, picking up Xu Cixi's words at the right time.

"Illusion... hypnosis?" Li Geng frowned slightly, searching for related words in the memory in his mind.

He is originally a person who likes novel things. In his spare time, he often goes to see some stage shows or competitions. Some shows are full of colors, and some have very cool visual shocks. These things It can inspire an architect.

To a certain extent, human beings have a clear understanding of beauty.

Among these, there was a stage show that impressed the architect.

That is……

Large illusion.

By the way, this is it.

Dreams and reality are intertwined, and the illusion is an intuitive experience. For this reason, the original person also searched for relevant information and learned about this kind of performance.

It is classified as "magic" and is a very expensive magic, but the visual effect it presents is also the most shocking among magic.

For example, the famous magician David Copperfield performed many large-scale illusions, such as crossing the Great Wall, flying, making the Statue of Liberty disappear, etc.

On the other hand, in the movie "Now You See Me", because there is a hypnotic magician in the protagonist group, this magical technique is also closely related to magic.

If this profession was a magician in T2, then it would be very reasonable for him to become a "hypnotist" due to his outstanding achievements in "large-scale illusion" and "hypnosis" after promotion.

Li Geng deduced it in his mind and it was quite logical, so he immediately told Yu Liang this guess.

"Magician? Large-scale illusion and hypnotism?" Yu Liang also accepted this statement. This is definitely the most logical guess at the moment.

"Indeed, some magicians do know a lot of psychic skills." Xu Cixi accepted this statement. She had studied a lot of information in order to become a hypnotist. "Not every hypnotic magic will actually use hypnosis. Magicians can use other ingenious designs to achieve similar effects, but again, magicians are not incapable of hypnosis."

"Another point is that the confessor is the profession obtained by Aze's 'stealing' from the priest, so the dream sleeper is the profession obtained by 'stealing' the magician. This is very reasonable." Yu Liang added.

There are magicians and priests among the founding members of Haicheng. As a player who has been hanging out in Haicheng all year round, Aze can steal the profession of a priest, and it is also possible to steal the profession of a magician.

This makes more sense.

But is the founder of Haicheng so unworthy?

Where did Aze go to purchase goods?

Yu Liang said he didn't understand.

"If it simulates the ability of a 'magician', then it would be much more normal for the dream sleeper profession to be so weird." Xu Cixi sighed leisurely, "The guy he imitated is even more incomprehensible."

Yu Liang glanced at Xu Cixi. It sounds like the original magician's ability is even more powerful?


He recalled the rare times he saw the magician. The guy who casually opened the dimensional door was indeed a bug-level player.

What a magician? He is obviously a magician!

"Okay, everyone, come over. We need to discuss how to deal with this phantom sleeper, otherwise we will suffer a big loss." Yu Liang called everyone over to make the next plan and deployment.


"A sneeze."

A sneeze.

"Did anyone miss me?"

A somewhat feminine voice came out.

"Maybe the magician missed me."

There was another nymphomaniac flavor in her voice.

"You should be normal, don't act like a nymphomaniac to a man in front of my face!" The actor Aze just kicked him over and kicked him far away.

When it comes to such a role, Aze is also very helpless.

Sleep Master.

It is the personality clone he created when the magician was promoted to the T2 gradient.

Aze admitted that copying magicians at that time was a gamble, and he almost worked for nothing, but fortunately the results were satisfactory.

He has an extra magician personality.

Out of admiration for the magician, Aze gave priority to cultivating this personality clone, promoted it to T1, and became the Sleep Master.

Judging from the details of the Sleep Master's ability, this wave of training must be a profit. This guy's ability is much stronger than imagined, but in daily life...

Not good.

Let me state in advance that although Aze himself is very good-looking and can be said to be indistinguishable between male and female after makeup, and has a sense of beauty that all humans can feel, as a man, his sexual orientation is absolutely normal.

The bad thing is that this hypnotist is different.

It's not that the hypnotist is gay, but because the magician...

Extremely narcissistic.

Aze felt it when he played the other party, the deep narcissism hidden under the lazy appearance.

The magician is obsessed with himself to a certain extent, but he cleverly keeps it from being discovered by too many people.

Of course, Aze is one of the players who discovered that his opponent is narcissistic.

When this kind of narcissism appears in the personality avatar, it becomes a kind of torture for Aze.

What the hell, this sleeper is totally the magician's fangirl. She is a nymphomaniac every day, and makes all kinds of unnatural abstract remarks one after another, and she can't stop her.

The sexual orientation of the hypnotist is neither male nor female, but a very dedicated "magician", which is very confusing.

There are a lot of troubles caused, the most obvious point is...

Of all Aze's personality clones, the one with the highest possibility of defecting may not be the Blacksmith, but the Illusionist.

There is every reason to believe that the Dreamer will run to the opposite camp the moment he sees the Magician.

"Alas." Aze sighed deeply in his heart.

It would be fine if the hypnotist was weak, but that guy is so powerful that he really can't let him go casually.

For Aze's combat system, the Phantom Sleeper is the most suitable guy to take charge of the chess player's chessboard.

With the Sleep Master around, they always have a big advantage. If this guy runs away...

It’s really hard to handle.

"Can you blame me? Who makes the magician handsome and powerful, much more powerful than you." The illusionist immediately rolled his eyes at Aze.

Aze: "..."

Sometimes I really want to destroy this world.

This sentence gave him the illusion that his current girlfriend was talking about how strong his ex-boyfriend was in front of him, and he instinctively felt angry, and then he drew his sword and looked around in confusion.

They are all men, how can they feel this way?

Everything is the fault of the magician. Why can he be so narcissistic?

Enough is enough.

Aze whipped the magician to death a hundred times in his heart, but when he thought of the guy in a black suit and top hat, he also felt powerless in his heart.

Among the five founding members, the one they least want to meet is the coach, and the most difficult one must be such a magician.

"If you think about it carefully, I don't blame you." The Dream Sleep Master suddenly sighed, "After all, even I have only imitated some of his features."

Aze still didn't speak, because he knew that what the hypnotist said was the truth.

As a professional magician at the T1 level, Illusionist is not a perfect promotion. He only shows two types of magic at the highest level.

Large-scale illusions and psychic magic.

Therefore, he only obtained these two aspects of alienated professional abilities.

For example, the most common card magic in close-up magic, large-scale transformation of living people in stage magic, large-scale escape techniques, etc., he did not cover these types.

In other words, the so-called T1 hypnotist is just a T1.5 magician.

The magician in Haicheng was promoted perfectly, so he demonstrated all types of magic at a high level before completing the gradient promotion.

He is the strongest person in the profession of magician, unprecedented and unprecedented.

Judging from the types of abilities involved, T1's magician is much better than his fake hypnotist.

When the Illusionist was promoted to T1, he displayed the large-scale illusion "Reversal Land" and thus obtained the corresponding professional abilities. If he remembered correctly...

The large-scale illusion performed by the magician is "space jump", which is reflected in the alienation professional ability, which involves the rules of space.

And this is only part of the magician's ability.

"But do you really want to change it?" Seeing Aze's long silence, the illusionist felt a little embarrassed, so he became more serious and asked Aze some more important questions.

"Look at the writer's abilities. I have a hunch that he might be more suitable than a magician." Seeing that the hypnotist changed the topic and stopped boasting about magicians, Aze's mood improved involuntarily.

"Really? But I don't think magicians can be compared so easily." The illusionist said, "This is the first time you mention "magician"". "You haven't forgotten what the magician has done, have you? Come on, Recite his great achievements again."

Aze: "..."

Ahhhhhhh, I really want to kill someone.

However, one of the most shocking things about the magician still appeared in his mind involuntarily. It was the magician's debut work, but not many Haicheng players know about it now.

The magician once killed a player who had just been promoted to T1 as an ordinary person, and was then selected into the world of ghost stories.

Even if that player's method of promotion to T1 is rather tricky, even if that player's strength is at the bottom of T1 and cannot even beat some T2 players (such as writers), it is impossible for normal people to compete, right?

The magician did it.

Because the magician has completed many stage performances, a player who is not very smart mistakenly thought that the magician was also a player and that he was a player with a treasure, so he decided to violate the rules and attack him after a simple plan.

Relying on the limit of human power and magic skills, the magician completed the counterattack and then entered the world of ghost stories, just like the chosen son.

That T1 player is also known as the most embarrassing T1 player this season and was nailed to the pillar of shame. However, because it involves T1 level players, this matter is not widely spread. Basically only some T1 players know about it.

"Let's see the result this time. After all, I only have one chance to make a choice, so I need to think about it carefully." Aze smiled and no longer struggled with this matter.

Sometimes I really love and hate the profession of acting. What I love is the terrifying strength after it is fully developed, but what I hate is the fate of actors.

He has something he must do, and this is a task given to him by the strongest actor last season.

As the strongest actor this season, he has no escape or avoidance.

After all, that is something written in the actor's alienation professional ability, so how can it not be triggered once?

Ha ha.

But after doing this, he will disappear behind the scenes forever, just like the actors of the previous generation, and now he is the only one who remembers that guy.

People always remember the name of the character on the screen, not the guy who played the character, right?

"Okay, let's go, let the war begin, let the writer who is a little wandering..." Aze smiled and set off to the front line of the battlefield.

"See how powerful we are."

As Aze walked out of the makeshift military camp, twelve personality clones followed him, with different expressions and states.

Of course, now they all look the same lines.

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