The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 504: Exchange chess, the situation is undecided

Are there any professions on the other side whose abilities are related to "mathematics"?

Come out and I will kill you.

Yu Liang, who was deeply troubled by high school math problems at the moment, wanted to curse. After all, even Li Geng, who had such a good temper, couldn't help but curse. Of course, he couldn't help it long ago.

Forced to do the questions, or the most disgusting math questions, how could he have such stupid abilities?

According to the original standard of the questions asked by the opposite party, it actually didn't have much impact on Yu Liang, because he could no longer do the function question just now, but the bad thing was that the difficulty of the question was reduced.

The major math questions turned into multiple-choice math questions, or the so-called "send-point questions" in the first and second questions, the kind that even Yu Liang knew how to do.

"Suppose i is an imaginary unit, then in which quadrant is the point corresponding to the complex number 1 + 2/i i located in the complex plane?"

"Third... No, first."

Therefore, Yu Liang's brain will automatically start working on the question when it collects the question information, and will increase the priority of this matter and delay thinking about other things.

This kind of thinking is somewhat mandatory, because the priority of "thinking about math problems" is very high, but it is not absolutely higher than everything else, and it is not necessary to get an answer to stop thinking.


Listen to the question, think spontaneously, come up with ideas to solve the problem, get the answer, and that's it.

If he can't think of a solution to the problem or the process of getting the answer is too troublesome, Yu Liang can also just throw the problem out of his mind, which is not an absolutely mandatory control skill.

However, this feeling of being interrupted and forced to think about math problems is still disgusting, really disgusting, especially for someone like Yu Liang who resists mathematics wholeheartedly.

Yu Liang searched for the abilities of Aze's twelve clones in his mind, trying to find the alienated professions related to "mathematics", but he couldn't figure it out. In the end, he could only think that it was the ability of the "Metaverse Designer" .

It seems that this profession is the only one that can barely be related. This should be regarded as a programmer. It is normal for programmers to know mathematics, right?

"It looks like the academic qualifications of the opponent are not very good." The rapper quickly used a self-composed song "Check Your Educational Qualifications" to complete the test of the enemy's academic qualifications. The results of the test did not make him very satisfied.

Why are there no responses to so many questions?

He has even reached the elementary school math part, but the two archery guys are still deaf to the world, and they only know what is going on.

I'm not saying that this level of education is too low, right?

You know, even if he is the original rapper himself, he is still a junior high school dropout. He is not like these two people, who has no mathematical skills at all, right?

People who heard elementary school math problems coming out of his mouth without even hesitating...

This is really the first time I’ve seen a rapper.

No, can anyone be so bad at mathematics?

Do we have to test your multiplication tables?

What’s even more outrageous is that there are actually two such people!

Where did the writer find these two sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks?

The rapper felt very puzzled. He did not expect that the suppression of academic qualifications that he was always good at had little effect on people like writers.

It always feels like a punch on cotton.

However, the rapper did not give up his harassment actions, but he did change his mind. Now he doesn't want to worry about those illiterate people at all, and concentrates on giving some highly educated people on the opposite team...

No, just a guy with an academic degree can cause trouble.

Don't underestimate his ability. A rapper's ability is useless when used in a one-on-one battle, but when used in team battles, it seems useless. After the game, the team's contribution is ranked among the top... …

Top ten super harassers.

Well, that's right.

And he not only has harassment ability, as a T2 alienation profession, he also has some offensive methods.

[Sound Wave]: Your rap will release special sonic abilities, which will change according to your emotions, rhythm, etc.

It can release unique sonic attacks, which are colorless and invisible, making it impossible to defend against.

However, the effective range of this attack is relatively short, and the damage is not enough, so it is purely used for harassment.

Used in conjunction with [Rap], there is also the [Emotional Infection] ability. Through his original song "Five Years and Three Years of College Entrance Examination Simulation", it is enough to inspire the irritability of anyone who has experienced the college entrance examination.

[Emotional infection]: According to the content of the rap, the listener's emotions will be infected and accumulate continuously. When a rap ends, the complete listener will definitely do an irrational behavior due to the emotion.

As for why it is irritability rather than fear, it is very simple. It is equivalent to you having clearly completed the college entrance examination and thinking that you will never experience math problems again in this life, and then a rapper appears in front of you and forces you to do the questions.

You are forced to use your rusty brain to recall mathematical principles and problem-solving skills. Just say it is annoying or not.

Yu Liang was so annoyed right now. With that rapper around, he couldn't think about the battle situation wholeheartedly.

Fortunately, Aze also discovered this situation, so he decided to make the situation more interesting. .

"Let the swordsman sink to the bottom." Aze stood behind the illusion master and said to the chess player.

"Now? Wait until the buffs on the swordsman are fully loaded?" The chess player instinctively felt a little surprised. From the actual effect, it is not a rational choice for the swordsman to rush over alone now.

"Won't you let me put him in better shape?" The Chinese medicine doctor was on the side and wanted to use his ability immediately.

According to the normal situation, you basically wait for the chess player to open up the field, and then set the swordsman and soldier as "rook" chess pieces. When the buffs are full, you can push them flat.

There are very few player groups that can sustain the back-and-forth piercing of these two fully buffed vehicles, so almost no one knows about the abilities of the Sleep Master.

"Keep the big tonic pills, just take the Five Elements Medicine." Aze's choice seemed a bit conservative, which also caused the Chinese medicine doctors nearby to secretly speculate on Aze's meaning.

However, in the end, he followed Aze's instructions and only consumed a "metal" texture to make a nutritional supplement for the swordsman.

[Supplement]: By consuming the five textures of "gold", "wood", "water", "fire" and "earth", you can synthesize the corresponding nutrients respectively. Players with similar attributes will condition their bodies after using the nutrients. Players with different attributes will use it. After taking the nutrient supplement, the body will be damaged for 10 seconds. It must be used immediately after synthesis and will be destroyed automatically after 30 seconds. Only one nutrient can be effective at the same time.

Gold, speed +1; wood, restore 5% of health per second; water, clear 50% of mental damage; fire, strength +1; earth, defense +1.

The effect of each nutritional supplement is not very strong on its own, but it is extremely cost-effective and can basically be used continuously.

After distributing it to the swordsmen, the Chinese medicine doctor quickly prepared nutritional supplements with corresponding attributes for each Aze.

For a time, buff effects continued to emerge from the Azes.

Aze chose to unlock the stamp slot, so none of the character buffs were added. Now he can only rely on Chinese medicine to use the buffs first.

"Be prepared for three rounds. There is no need to use the big tonic pill now. If it is stolen, the condition will be bad." Aze spoke slowly, but his explanation was redundant because the swordsman didn't know how to use it. Care so much.

It has been the sharpest knife in Aze's hand since his birth. Of course, the "knife" does not need to have its own thoughts.

"Sink the rook on the bottom." The chess player did not hesitate and pushed the "rook" piece alone to the bottom of the chessboard, deep into the writer's camp.

"No, I seem to be entangled by something. That thing wants to marry me?!" The system designer of the Yuan Universe yelled, and then cursed angrily, "Damn, she cheated me of the bride price, she gave me the thing and took it away What the hell is this?"

All the Azes were surprised, what kind of method was used to defraud the bride price?

At this moment, Yu Liang's choice is surprisingly similar to Aze's.

"Tag two 'Thunder' characters on Razer and then launch it!"

After completing two rounds of bombardment with earth cannons and stone cannons, Yu Liang knew that the other side was mentally prepared for such a bombardment.

If you rush towards the enemy's base camp Razer now, you will definitely be able to catch them by surprise.

Razer's lightning strike can be regarded as the most terrifying range of damage currently. It is absolutely appropriate to start the game in this way.

And this is just the beginning, because the ghost brides have already completed defrauding several targets into marriages, and three of them, Aze, who have relatively weak willpower, have been tricked.

Blacksmith, metaverse architect, and folklorist.

What makes Yu Liang a little strange is that according to the feedback from the wedding company, they cannot choose the hypnotist as their target.

The ghost bride can't choose, and the ghost groom can't choose either. This means that the guy's sexual orientation is neither a woman nor a man...

What the hell?


Or is it because of the special ability of the hypnotist?

However, Yu Liang didn't think so much, because he was about to show Aze his wave of combos.

The paper man drove the "Thunder" character into the Razer's body to charge and strengthen it, and then used the biological cannon to drive the Razer into the enemy camp for bombardment.

A moment of explosion is enough to frighten any player, and this is just the beginning.

The Ghost Bride team has completed three marriage frauds. The results have exceeded Yu Liang's expectations, which means that the Scrooge can use [Li Yu] three more times.

According to the self-exploding infantry tactics developed by Li Huachao, three times of [Li Yu] is equivalent to three more explosions of the "Thunder" character within the enemy group.

In addition, [Qiang Yi] and [Li Yu] will also explode with the "Thunder" character, and the thunder energy of the explosion can charge the Thunder Snake to continue the thunder bombing.

After three waves of bombings, Yu Liang really didn't believe that the opponent could not be damaged at all.

This is the reason why he has waited until now, waiting for the wedding company to carry out the first wave of control, so that the Thunderbolt Plan can be further developed.

After a wave of attrition, he could be considered to have a slight advantage. After all, there were too many clones that Aze could use.

Then a rather strange scene appeared on the checkerboard-shaped battlefield:

The sinking car swordsman rushed towards Yu Liang's camp, while the Razer was blasted out by the biological cannon and rushed towards Aze's camp.

The swordsman and Razer passed by each other, and time seemed to be suspended, but they did not choose each other as their targets, but nodded slightly to each other's actions.

After checking their eyes, they were the ones with the same mission.

Afterwards, they each went about their own business and went to their own C position, turning a deaf ear to each other's threats.

The swordsman rushed into Yu Liang's camp at lightning speed, but he did not choose the core figure Yu Liang as his target, but rushed directly towards the more fragile Lu Baoshen and Li Geng.

"I'll hold him back." Li Huachao and Hua Niang merged in an instant, put away the heavy crossbow, picked up the dagger, and rushed towards the swordsman. However, because his natural physical fitness bonus was not as high as that of the swordsman, he did not pursue him for a while. Swordsman.

[Knife]: Overall constitution +12, unparalleled skill with cold weapons such as knives.

In comparison, Li Huachao's overall constitution was only +9. Because he was worried about the effect of the Land of Reversal, he didn't dare to let the paper man buff him at first.

The paper people carrying the "Trapped" characters all hit the swordsman with characters. Their casting distance was very short, but the swordsman was not interested in them and just passed them.

Facing the characters that were shot at them, the swordsman took a deep breath, turned his sword, and cut off all the characters.

[Breaking]: When chopping, you can cut off everything except cold weapons, but your knife will bear karma. When it exceeds the endurance limit, the chopping will be ineffective.

In his eyes, the only two targets left were Lu Baoshen and Li Geng, and he waved the blade in his hand without any hesitation.

The swordsman's speed exceeded everyone's expectations. Only the temporarily summoned Money Guard reached into the jar and threw out a handful of wealth.

The upgraded [Prone Punishment] controls the swordsman's body and moves it slightly in the direction of wealth flow.

This control effect is related to the willpower of the recipient. The greed in the swordsman's heart is not strong, but it is still affected to a certain extent.

It just so happened that Lu Baoshen was still enjoying a high fortune, so the wealth was thrown into a position that was more favorable to Li Geng...

The swordsman originally came for Lu Baoshen and Li Geng, and Li Geng happened to be his target, so he did not hesitate to use brute force to break free from the shackles of the punishment and swing it down with the back of the sword.

[Living]: You can see the "death" point on the target. When your slash hits the "death" point, the target has a probability of dying (the triggering of this probability is only related to the target's gradient level, current status, etc.).

With this distance and this situation, Li Geng had no ability to resist and was beaten out of the game by the back of a knife on the spot.

At this moment, Yu Liangfang lost one man in an instant, but the swordsman was also surrounded. Li Chaoniang attacked from behind and had a brief confrontation with the swordsman.

Due to the control effect of the punishment, the swordsman was knocked back three or two times and was slightly injured.

Without any interval, eighteen whistle beasts rushed over, making the swordsman vulnerable from both sides.

On the other side of the battlefield, the appearance of the Thunder Snake Eater made all Azze eat a full pot.

The "Thunder" character bursts out with a 1.5 times bonus. Due to An Buchen's previous operation, the Azes present did not have injury-proof shields. They could only ask for blessings and use all their stamp methods to resist the continuous "Thunder" Character attack.

The combination of [Strong Yi] and double [Li Yu] turned several Aze into uncontrollable self-destructing infantry, forcing the chess player to move them to the corners of the chessboard so that the impact would be smaller.

As for why not move these chess pieces to the opposite side...

On the one hand, the number of movement steps of the chess pieces is different. The chariot and cannon are the strongest, but the rest are very average. Moreover, the knight and the bishop do not have the ability to "cross the river".

Thunder Snake was charged at this time and used [Thunder Chong] on the board one after another.

With 100% electric energy accumulated, both its strength and speed make Azez, who are not physical warriors, feel desperate. The continuous paralysis effect coupled with the two-dimensional perspective means that they can only be beaten passively.

After the Thunder Snake had vented its anger on the situation, it very cunningly took advantage of the chaos to break away from the enemy camp, dragging its half-healthy and 20% charged body to hide near the Chu River and Han boundary, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

After all the fuss, Aze's camp inevitably suffered losses. Even though Chinese medicine doctors tried their best to rescue him, they still couldn't stop his rapid decline.

The blacksmith and folklorist were directly eliminated, and like Li Geng, they became the only ones in this battle.

[Green Bag]: You can discard a character in the character column, and then cause a character to immediately recover physical strength and restore 20% of its health.

"I only have five cells left, and I can only regain 100% of my blood volume." The Chinese medicine doctor reported the status of his skills.

"It doesn't work. Those two guys are just chess pieces for exchange. There is no need to waste two characters." The chess player's helpless words came over, but he knew that this was also limited by the two-dimensional perspective.

Under normal circumstances, Chinese medicine would definitely give up on those two things, but from this perspective...

Who dares to really ignore it? What if the chess pieces that are destroyed are useful chess pieces?

He can't tell the difference!

"Forget it, it's normal to change stones, and the situation is much clearer now." The chess player didn't care. The blacksmith and folklorist were not of much use.

This setback did put them in a bad state, but they managed to hold on in the end.

The most critical thing at the moment is the Dream Sleep Master.

The time has come and the number of sleepers has reached 2.

(The abilities of the folklorist are in the writer’s words. The abilities of the twelve Azes will be announced one after another in the next few days)

Chapter 500: Sprinkle flowers!


Gradient: T2

[Insight]: You can sense the possible strange events around you. The higher the danger of the strange events, the better your mental state will be.

[Analysis]: You can analyze a ghost story event and obtain more ghost story information. You can store the collected information in the event book and view it at any time.

[Entanglement]: The deeper your understanding of the ghost story incident, the more deeply you are affected by the ghost story incident, and you will receive additional rewards after completing the ghost story incident.

["Good friends\

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